Why is there a Leftists OC thread link? Are Jim shilling for Holla Forums now? Those fags are shit at making memes.
WTF is this shit?
yeah saw it,now Holla Forums is getting funded by soros and they are putting ads
It was never going to turn out well.
Holla Forums got its own banner asking for people to serve Trump, then Holla Forums complained and now it's there turn.
It's a free for all.
I suggest you keep an eye on >>>/sudo/ where people can (sometimes) actually communicate with the Administration.
>>>/sudo/9142 is the thread where people have been suggesting announcements.
>>>/sudo/9150 was Holla Forums's suggestion
>>>/sudo/9188 was Holla Forums's suggestion
well at least they're using global announcements for something other than being salty about hiroyuki.
If you weren't a r/the_donald cuck, you'd know exactly why you got banned.
Their memes are so fucking bad holy shit, literally below facebook tier
It's there because it's hilarious how bad their OC is.
You are supposed to look at the thread and laugh at them.
Because it's fair, right? Sort of like banning pics of underage girls in swimsuits right before putting up paid ads to sites you own featuring underage girls in swim suits. Hey we took Trump money so now to be FAIR here's a link proving fullchan is just as good as reddit.
pretty sure you are supposed to look at it and laugh
Cool it with the autism, faggot.
Leftypol can get fucked. They are merely tolerated on this site, they can fuck off to bunkerchan for all I care.
I will fap to whatewer I want.
Why did this user get banned? that ban was a mistake. Most of those adults that watch cartoons are probably pedophiles anyway.
Anime is gook trash, kill yourself degnerate.
Pretty BS he was perma banned for hating weebs. I am not really into anime myself but D&C over shit like that is retarded.
Even your Hitler dubs can't save you
>I suggest you keep an eye on >>>/sudo/ where people can (sometimes) actually communicate with the Administration.
This very much so. That said, the Trump announcement didn't last long. This one should not last long, though knowing Holla Forums, they will cry and complain and lie out their ass to try and keep it up. Holla Forums should die already since they a just sjws being dishonest with themselves.
It's so everyone can laugh at their normalfag tier memes. Check the salt in the replies to this post:
Apparently I fucked that up, or the post was deleted
>>>Holla Forums1052521
We are having a big, beautiful, powerful board. And Holla Forums pays for it.
Seriously, it's there solely so anyone can click it and make fun of those faggots
You didn't know that, degnerate? What are you, a degnerate? Fucking degnerate. :^)
The leftyniggers are getting raided hard now, haha faggots their safe space is gone lol
I need some water after all that salt
What's the purpose of that thread? Anyone asking why the fuck we should care about leftists fb tier maymays are banned, it's a circlejerk for Holla Forums to feel superior to everyone else
It doesnt help them gain new users since anyone who disagrees is insta banned
At this point it seems to be a banning ground for anyone that isn't a commie sjw faggot. They think they might get peace for two weeks. they're probably too fucking retarded to understand how to switch dynamic IPs
this is good. they are making their lies, falsehood, ignorance, etc, more blatant. they are creating more content for us to take fun from
No wonder those douche bags come over here, you've been trolling the shit out of them. Was very nice work btw.