Hopefully I am allowed to express my views that you might not necessarily agree with here...

Hopefully I am allowed to express my views that you might not necessarily agree with here, unlike Holla Forums which only allows me to post sieg heil, otherwise I am a shill.

How does it feel to support ideologies that made worst of the atrocities possible? All socialism and communism ever did is starve people. And every single time it happens, you say "it wasn't real communism". It isn't an argument. No one argues capitalism is good because "it wasn't real capitalist/free market".

What's the logic behind it?


hopefully after seeing this image you'll realize how stupid that rhetoric is.

kekko desu

Do you support capitalism?

If so, how much do you admire Stroessner, Pinochet or Leopold?



I hope you realize the 20 million number of Stalin and Mao isn't supported by historians. It comes from "le black book of gommunism" which the author literally admitted he overinflated so he could hit 100 million people.

This is incredibly poorly made propaganda. The number of people dead jumped up 57 million between the first and second photo.

Anyway, I don't know if you're actually a troll but the Great Leap and Holodomer were results of not being industrialized and having just gone through a civl war. The USSR was shit, but that's because after Stalin finished industrializing it was not aloud to progress due to Kruschev and Gorbachev working to subvert it. I'm not familiar with Mao's China so I'm not gonna comment on it.

Clearly you've never heard apologists for the current system.

Why does Mahkno wear a tinfoil hat?

How does it feel to support ideologies that made worst of the atrocities possible? All socialism and communism ever did is starve people. And every single time it happens, you say "it wasn't real communism". It isn't an argument. No one argues capitalism is good because "it wasn't real capitalist/free market".

Are you serious? People do this all the time. You hear all the right-wingers say, "It isn't real capitalism; it's "corporatism"" all the fucking time whenever a real current defect is brought up in dialogue.

In Allende's case it should be the CIA and Nixon instead.

It´s supposed to be a fur hat, not an tinfoil one.

I think the "socialism has never existed" part at the bottom is a bit dishonest.

We don't. Some fringe-of-the-fringe people are still Stalinists and Maoists, but the rest of the far left were some of their first and most staunch critics.

Hitler was a capitalist, FYI. He defended private property and economic privatization.

No one argues capitalism is good because "it wasn't real capitalist/free market".


First of all, the USSR and China have never claimed that they are communist.

I suppose I would say I don't share the same ideology as Stalin or Mao. And no, that's not a "socialism never happened" argument, since I see both as attempts that failed for various reasons. But there are many different ideas in socialist and communist circles, and the ideology of stalinism isn't one I support.

Your 100+ million death rates, and trying to link Hitler as even pretending to be a communist like pol pot, are laughable.

Childish. The average person was still better off under Stalin or Mao than they were before their nations were industrialised. Various famines occurred in both Russia and China before their "communist parties" came to power, and the holodomor and the great leap forward famine were the last. Both were caused by a mixture of natural and social causes. Go and look on wikipedia (who certainly do no favours for non bourgeois sources) how many famines have occurred in the world since capitalism spread the globe.

On the reality of it being communism or not: is the 'People's Democratic Republic of Korea' a democracy? If not, why would they say they are something when they are not? Surely that just proves that democracy is evil?

What are you talking about? Plenty of ancaps/lolberts do.


Literally read a book

but fam most of the deaths in this picture are imperialism's fault

under the USSR people owned guns and hunted all the fucking time, and in both china and cambodia guns were more limited but still allowed

ayy lmao