Le thread des vrais Canadiens… Anglos qui ne parlent pas français s'abstenir.
Canada Holla Forums
canada pol? so exposing the maple syrup and hockey puck industry?
Ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas fait pas un thread…mais bon c'est mon 5e ban sur half chan…on va faire un peu changement…
Rappel pour les blokes…le Québec est le sol des intellectuels du Canada et les Maritimes et les toilettes…
1871 - New Brunswick: The Common School Act imposes double taxation measures against French Catholic schools.
1877 - Prince-Edward-Island: The Public School Act puts an end to the teaching of French in schools.
1890 - Ontario: The Liberal government of Oliver Mowat adopted a law stating that English must be the language of education except when children cannot understand it.
1890 - Manitoba: Official Language Act banning French, formerly an official language in the province. Premier Greenway diminishes the rights to French school, abolishes its use in the Parliament and in the Courts of the province.
1891 - Ontario: The minister of education, George W. Ross, bans all French school books in Ontario.
1905 - Alberta: The School Act of that year imposed English as the only language of instruction, while allowing some use of French in primary classes.
1909 - Saskatchewan: The School Act makes English the only language of instruction but allowed limited use of French in primary classes. In 1929, a different Saskatchewan law abolished French in public education.
1916 - Manitoba: The Thornton Act, by abolishing bilingual schools, completely ends the teaching of French in the province.
1912 - Ontario: Circular of Instructions Regulation No. 17 and No. 18 Forbids the teaching of French above the first two grades of elementary school.
Only in the 1960's and 1970's, in the wake of the rise of the Parti Quebecois and Quebec Nationalist movements, were these restrictions on French teaching lifted. After two consecutive generations of people were denied schooling in French.
Lisez les saloperies de commentaires et dites-moi que c'est possible de vivre ensemble après…
Rappel quotidien que les Francos de l'extérieur du Québec ont subi un génocide…
Grand duel d'anglos…
En français, Bubba le slaver…
no one here speaks your cuck language le faggot
Oh oui, parce que vous etes tous des gros Bubba's sans éducation…j'avais oublié…
yeah sorry i didn't want to learn a language supported by and perpetuated by cucks
Je vois que les kikes t'ont bien éduqué…continue a penser que un des peuples les plus importants de l'histoire Européenne sont des cocus sans importance, bon goy…
I don't give a shit about their past importance, now all they give a shit about is not offending their sandnigger friends
Wow, et c'est exactement pour ca que tu devrais apprendre d'autres langues(l'allemand si tu es un try hard) et ouvrir ton cerveau sur le vrai monde Européen…
Ps:Ostie que les rednecks semi attardé sgache ce site…
How's american refugees are doing?
You sir are completely retarded. Insulting people in French doesn't help your cause also. Go somewhere else if you want to speak your native language.
Recently, there was an opinion piece in the Gazette by Deepak Awasti and Murray Levine which called for a "more inclusive" Bill 101. It's hard to believe that it took two people to write this gibberish but nonetheless the article does contain some of the fallacies that are routinely repeated by the opponents of the Charter of the French language, so it is worth addressing. The authors attempt to frame this issue in the context of an oppressive francophone "majority" and a beleaguered anglophone "minority." Quebec, however, does not exist in a vacuum. It exists in a part of the world where English is the dominant, majority language and speakers of this language enjoy all of the benefits of this majority status even when they are a numerical minority, like in Quebec. This fact cannot be simply ignored. It's a rather important detail. Anglophones are a minority in Quebec like white people are a minority in Detroit. It's not really something that marginalizes them in any way. In fact, when a group of anglophones went before the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations in the 1980s claiming that they were victims of violations of article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Committee observed that "provisions of article 27 refers to minorities in States", which English-speaking people in Canada are not. It stated that the "authors therefore have no claim under article 27 of the Covenant."
Anglos BTFO…
Dans une;Frogs containment zone? Fuck non, je parle ma langue ou je veux incluant ce site, James Smith…
The government of Quebec can decide to unilaterally secede from Canada because it holds a right to pursue secession under Canadian constitutional law, and a unilateral declaration of independence would not be illegal under international law. This is based on constitutional and international law, as determined by the Supreme Court of Canada and the International Court of Justice.
With regard to Canadian constitutional law, the Supreme Court of Canada in its August 20, 1998 Reference re Secession of Quebec unanimously affirmed that: “The rights of other provinces and the federal government cannot deny the right of the government of Quebec to pursue secession, should a clear majority of the people of Quebec choose that goal, so long as in doing so, Quebec respects the rights of others.”
Any arguement you make in French is automatically discounted. Also reported for slide thread.
Continue a juste parler en Anglais, Bubba…la langue des kikes et de la NWO…superbe goy…
You're one retarded Canadian.
En francais faggot frog?
This dual language is what makes canada a globalist cesspit. Run by, you guessed it, multilingual multicultural globalists.
Te dire la vérité en face n'est pas une insulte, Bubba from WV…
Ciboire de cabochon…les plus gros multiculturalistes au Canada sont en Ontario et parle juste Anglais…le Québec essaie constament de défendre sa langue et sa culture contre les chiens anglos-kikes qui essaient de nous niquer…
You lack any and all self-reflection, I think you might have autism.
Bubba from WV est une insulte pour toi?
Newfags, Newfags everywhere. Pour une fois Westmount, le sel que t'as réussi à produire en vaut la peine.
J'apprécie les compliments, Kevin…
Confirmed retard.
Mais oui Bubba…
Great job, really.
J'en ai des dizaines comme ca…
the french are the cancer of the latinics the same way that the anglos are the cancer of the germanics