I'm tired of gmail's fuckery. What's the non-free email service with the most space, best privacy...

I'm tired of gmail's fuckery. What's the non-free email service with the most space, best privacy, and good spam filtering?

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Having no mail helps. Only create temporary email to receive registration notifications, and never have constant email.


I need to connect from a PC

Try ProtonMail.ch


Don't use protonmail its a mossad operated.
http s://www.omarbv.com/?p=4299&lang=en

I use cock.li and it's been reliable so far. No issues really besides some questionable responses from others.

Back to reddit.

cock.li or sigiant

https:// opengem.org/projects/
These guys are good. It looks like they're making a protonmail clone. I don't think it's ready yet, though.

probably proton mail

maybe hushmail

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST EVERYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Might want to post this on >>>/poltech/

Son of a bitch.

Why, just use cock.li

I aint visiting that link bro. lol

Here is the image of the sites.

Daily reminder cock.li is run by a goon who admits he can look at your emails and admits to sending spam emails to everyone telling them to join EVE when the goonswarm started getting their shit pushed in.

Goons are better than JIDF and kikes tbh

Why not encrypt your mail if using his service?

I don't think a safe email exists at the moment. Looking forward to the Saphire team product, but, I know they have a tight budget.

i used to use hushmail, and i quit using it. since then i've had 2 seizures and i can't remember why i quit using hushmail

i just use outlook.com tbh fam.

[Desire to know more intensifies]

Couldn't that just be evidence of a MITM attack rather than jewish subversion? Not that it matters.


>>>Holla Forums

Epilepsy. I'm one of the few Holla Forumsacks that doesn't go full retard when DUDE WEED LMAO is discussed because of I don't have to imagine the other side of that argument.

Probably because they did away with the free accounts altogether, that's how they screwed me on my hush.ai account.

I use Gmx now

makes sense
a family member works with people with disability and she tells me how weed and lots of other drugs push those people with disability predisposition to have them flourish and fuck their shit up

stay safe mein negger

yeah and the said Signal shouldn't be trusted, but it turned out they had been fighting the Feds. I'm going to need more evidence than this diatribe

No, fuck outlook.

The shit won't load 90% of the time. It's seriously a nightmare to try to log in to check my mail. It can take over an hour sometimes.

Once I'm through with a business transaction that has had some unexpected delays, I'm dropping that shit.

The bullshit errors are consistent across my Linux laptop, my Windows tablet, and my Android phone. The shit happens with PaleMoon, Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, and whatever the generic Android web browser is. With and without my security add-ons, and even with completely default settings and cleared cache and cookies.

Being that it's run by Microsoft, I'm sure the jews have their hands all over it, and that security and privacy are all shit. I've used it because it's been my email since we first got high speed internet back in like 2006, and MSN had some sort of sponsorship thing where we had to create a MSN account, which has since been bundled with outlook.

I'm anxious to find a good solution in this thread, because sometime during the next month, I'm done with this shit.

im almost positive tutanota works on PC.

why anyone would use Gmail or any email service connected to google, microsoft or yahoo is beyond me.

dude, google ixquick "secure email services" and you'll get a list of 5 or 6 encrypted email services you can use. No one here is going to say "use this one" bc that is bad form. I don't want you to know what I use, and I don't want to "put my name on" something that I don't run myself. All we can do is point you in the right direction and tell you to use your best judgement.

Stop being a sissy retard and do work yourself fgt

Ebin funny picture fellwo redditor xD

You realize this chinese cartoon loli raping board is anonymous, right?


Does anyone here have experience with mailbox.org/en/ ?
It is not the list mentioned above, but looks good and scored well in a recent test.

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear goyim.

hushmail has a masterkey and has given email accounts to CSIS and Canadian feds. Not to be trusted bad track record.

that list has protonmail and cock.li and pushes around french email servers. Not great stuff.

Gonna need some proof. Wasn't protonmail on a TED talk? Are the ted talks complete bullshit too then?

More like, you are haha.

Poor kiddo doesn't understand what he read there, what's happened to proton or how it works. You're just all sorts of fucked up boy.

I might be out of the loop, what's the issue with that link?