Tonight was a good night in portland.
See a rerun at
Trump Protests #9 Henry Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
idk which thread to post in?
I'm in this thread.
Canby sucks
Fuck it, I'll repost just in case
Sunday was a bust until Henry began The Happening
A couple kikes tried to ruin the fun
And then Henry got nigged
Henry, you did good fam. Are there any other places near you that you might could go shitpost at irl?
AMA status:
Low Energy Protest
Only stream i could find rn. Cops watching
Dorm sweet dorm.
Probably gonna lay low for a day or two. (((They))) are still out for blood.
AMA in 30 seconds
Not if he's going through Canby.
Nice Apple II in your dorm there. Is it yours?
Someone should go in heavily armed and just gun down Breivik-tier numbers of leftists and then bug-out again afterwards and if they are able to even figure out who did it and come to you just turn yourself in and sit in jail a hero. You'll just be released later anyways, since you will have started the American Civil War.
faggot, it's a classic 8bit computer from the late 70's. You know, back when you actually had to be intelligent to use a computer.
Thanks for answering my question.
nice side taskbar on the laptop, faget :^)
You wanna see a Super Pet faggot?
2d or 3d girls?
James Pollack how do get the Racial Holy War going?
These leftist cucks are too low-energy.
If everything just goes according to plan, only the illegals will get deported.
We need to Make America White Again.
…and that requires ethnic cleansing.
Install Gentoo you noob.
Why haven't you killed your furfag pony porn drawing degenerate of a roommate already? Throw his faggot corpse to the lefties as a warning
STFU and do it yourself, bitch. Reported for shill or coward
Maybe after Bergoglio dies
I'm stuck in Canada with no guns otherwise I'd be doing it myself fgt.
Also Henry, I'm typing on a laggy old piece of shit right now, and it's sometimes freezing and whatever keys I press while it's frozen don't register, resulting in missing words. You think I don't know how to write "how to you get the racial holy war going"?
Every single fucking thread I get called FBI.
I'm actually RCMP.
Did the Jews rig your coffee maker?
Realistically, could you get away with baiting mudshits and libtards into attacking you, and then pulling zimmermans on them over and over until you have a huge bodycount or would you get interrupted constantly by being taken to court for that shit?
Did you see the Vsauce guy?
was that a gallon of water or a piss jug?
Is it wrong to be a Potato-Nigger?
you know redpilled hobos?
d&c kike
Water is equally jewed though.
I'm also Swedish, if that makes you feel any better.
Iron Heavy Well Water Here
oh fug
missed against :DDDDDDDD
Not being behind 7 Dump Trucks Full of Sand
In regards to the counter protesters, a solid 17 people I encounter throughout my work day are close to actually going full /k/
Stream Broke again
Is the groid who punched you in here yet?
I know a lot of Hillary supporters I go to a university and even they are calling the protestors retarded and passing around memes like pic related. My Trump supporting friends don't understand why the governors don't just call in the National Guard, since that obviously worked for the BLM riots.
out of battery.
we'll have to continue the AMA here
Are You studying to Make America Great Again?
Are you still drinking water?
What did you think of the security at the vigil?
I am studying electrical engineering, hence why i have a wireless Tesla Coil.
That's the only thing i ever drink aside from the rare beer.
Jeb Bush Tier.
Good thing you're not studying English language or literature…
Nigger, do you have a question?
How do you deal with the pozz at school?
Do you have ass burgers?
Did you have any professors cancel class because they were too triggered by Trump winning?
Don't be a nigger
How much poz on campus?
See image
They did have safe spaces open for the trigglets. Pozz? Not too bad, but Olivia is a bit of a sperg. she knows my true identity too.
How much purple did you spot at the protest, nigger?
How's your tranny friend Aaron doing?
I've been in the workforce for 9 years, Is it too late for me?
there were very few purples, but the ones that were there seemed to be louder than the others. They had megaphones.
He suffers from inoperable stage 4 faggotry.
The salt online is amazing, they're already putting out videos about 'the ebil Trump supporters with AR's coming to get us'.
Gods work, it has been done.
Don't forget he got a nigger arrested.
I am not a tranny god damn it i just like to wear ribbins in my hair and kiss all the boys
Not even Ubuntu Mate? user pls. Also, give Antergos a try.
Heres one, can't be fucked finding the periscopes again.
Didn't get to see it streamed though, he lost 10 points for that.
My god you weren't lying. This is amazing
I think right at 2:47:50 you can hear someone say "Trump supporters" behind the camera
He probably filmed Henry earlier, but I'm not looking
That's still 78 points, not too shabbos.
Holy shit, i actually stopped a vigil.
Next time stop it permanently.
lol, they cleared out in less than a minute
I always laugh at people who think that these fucktards will actually get anywhere with their "revolution". They always flee at the first sign of danger.
It wasn't even a threat either, it was golden disinfo.
We could actually go out there with our open carry and keep streets safe.
I'm in. Only takes me an hour to get to Portland.
Nicely done Henry.
RWDS will be the new KKK.
For meritorious service in the name of Kek we humbly award you the honorary CUNT award, You are now welcome to shitpost without impunity as generations of ausfags have done before.
Pauline Hansen is organising your license as we speak.
I am honored user. Truly.
Someone should blow up the FBI.
[user shot himself in the back of the head for this post]
I've got work tomorrow.
Goodnight, You Magnificent Bastards
It's been a wonderful night 3-d shitposting with you all.
It was an honor and a (white) privilege to be with you tonight, and i honestly hope leftypol is suffering right now after i namedropped them.
I missed this part. What was the context?
Riot Chan?
Some sketchy guy was asking him about where he's from and where his broadcast is, so he linked the protester to Holla Forums and told everyone here to gorespam.
Great work tonight faggot
Bring more condems next time
lol that's funny as fuck.
I'm shitposting on LP now. hope i trigger these turbo autists.
Here's an idea to rile them up.
Protests usually go along pre-determined routes, right?
Find out where the "protesters" are heading and plaster the streets with smug Trump and Trump Pepe images.
Plaster them with triggering material.
100% will do undercover after work tomorrow.
Looks like we cracked the code, then, and Zerohedge had it right. The majority of the protestors will be clueless libshits, but the ones in purple all seem to be the organisers, the movers and shakers.
I noticed watching the California Periscope that one of the speakers before the protest started moving was wearing a purple shirt. The college campus cuck running the show promptly lost control to people with megaphones, I could hear him pleading for them to stay on the allocated route and not block the roads, but every time he was cut off by a megaphone with one of those bullshit slogans.
If more P.O.L reporters on American soil get involved in this, start talking to them, fuck with them, disrupt their operations.
Pictures of dicks.
only if it's white and big otherwise they will start masturbating to them.
Mate even black ones trigger them nowadays.
They simply hate men for being men.
Where did all the videos go on here? All I can see are the ones from Saturday. Did they get shoahed?
Henry keep doing gods work but for your sake and for the sake of the good fight from now take precautions.
These animals (libtards and the kikes) will without remorse or second thought have you beaten up and/or jailed.
Exactly. If you defend yourself, look forward to a few years of incarseration without trial.
I'm so very proud of you and I don't want you to get hurt or your epic trolling to stop. Disguise yourself and don't let yourself get cornered by spooks.
He showed his face by accident, and decided to be safe and delete them.
Fuck. I wanted to watch them - couldn't watch live tonight. Better safe than sorry though, I agree. Thanks for the info user.
Henry sounds like a real qt pa2t
If any of you make even vaguely homosexual comments when we're deployed during the race war, I am going to cave your head in with a rock as you sleep that night. One and done. You are warned.
If you want to be executed, sure. Hope you'll be tortured first though, cuck.
Projecting your narcissism and then attempting to naively manipulate me, as a sick mind is only capable of doing. I would happily be lined up against a wall as long as you're right beside me, degenerate.
It's only gay if the prostates touch.
That's some autism there mate.
Same goes for you. At least we can agree on something.
Want to suck my dick?
It's tasty.
There is no place more homo-erotic than the military
Just think if you had planned that and had a friend or two a couple of blocks away with a bunch of firecrackers to just let off after you tell them about armed Trump supporters coming their way.
Same goes for degenerate lolifapping trash, if i even see one of you with that shit I'll strangle you in your sleep
biker counter protests when?
Fug, that "it's a total holocaust" and "don't reproduce" guy needs his own show. Leftard comedy is so shit and looking at the cringefest that is Portland leftist gommies is only made bearable by guys like him if you don't want your eyes to fall out.
This needs to be updated with Trump at 306.
Most importantly, get as much personally identifiable information as possible about them. It's possible Soros recycles "assets" with experience for his revolution by destabilization projects.
So it would be invaluable if it's proven one or more of these "purple shirts" were involved in previous foreign "color revolutions".
Anyone have a highlight reel? Periscope is having a bitch of a time on playback for me.
Did you save the videos you pulled off periscope for editing and re-release?
The highlight of the night wasn't even recorded.
**Henry got a libtard arrested*
Didn't see anyone getting booked who might have been the perp, unless it was this guy
I've got last nights action, but I'm not sure what parts Henry didn't want around. Was it just his face in the beginning, on the train?
Think it was just the face shots but I'm sure he will pop back on at some point and specify. Best hold onto it for they time being at of respect of him.
Sorry for the shit quality
Also, the shooting on the bridge a few days ago was groid-related, in case that wasn't obvious
You'll be necked with the rest of them.
Kill yourself faggot
The Marine Corps was the single gayest place I've ever seen that didn't involve any actual faggotry. The only incident was a 3rd hand rumor about a faggot, who already had a reputation as a nassive shitbag, waking up in bed next to a guy at some house party out in town. His squad leader/team leaders beat the fuck out of him and not even boots had to respect him after that. He was lower than nothing.
Most people are too dumb to find it without google hopefully
The military is extremely homoerotic, but doesn't actually like gays, like said
So, chimpout tonight?
I'll be going into PDX again tomorrow.
Any streams
Gays don't matter, fags are annoying. When I was in the navy, there were a few clearly gay guys around, but they were never rude to us, and we pitied them… hillariously. Like good old Willingcocks (willcox was his name, looked and sounded like a young robin williams.) we'd constantly fuck with him, laughing at him hen wed point out shit like "So, whats it like being around he hottest, most well cut, toughest mancakes in the free world… and no fap and no sex for you, hahahaa!" and then rip my shirt off, buttons flying everywhere, as he pouted into oblivion…
Though more stormfront approved, there was also a lil nigger mdgit (must had been absolute min height to get in) who was creepy as fuck and stared at all of us in the showers… Obviously, he was removed. Severely removed.
Didn't 8ch get removed off of Google searches or was that lifted?
There is a hippie gathering at laurelhurst park on mondays this time of day.
Are they in Houston? I'll go check it out if so.
He gave them the URL, he told them to go to Holla Forums, but let's be honest, they'll easily find their way here. Especially with those jealous faggot cucks over there.
I'd check it out but I'm busy moving my roommate out.
He went full /mlp/ and you never go full /mlp/.
Thanks nigga
It's not happening tonight.
Make sure you keep your gas mask on at all times, you might breath in cuck farts
Whoops I meant that for Henry
Go to your dorm's pinboard and shitpost on it
I'm gonna do another stream to get new bantz as well as "interview" questions
ETA 1 hour.
You are a real human being, and a real hero.
estimating more protesting? It's been dying down. What are you gonna do lad?
we /establishment/ now, fam.
dont tell the stream what youre wearing tonight you fucking retard. antifa leftypol cucks will be lurking.
if you get attacked and gun down some degenerates, you will be a martyr.
Someone tell her about the jews
c h
e c
k e
d !
Keep in mind this was 10 years ago in an infantry unit. I have no idea what it is like now. We had all kinds of mandatory powerpoints on all kinds of shit, but nobody cared. The gooks called spics niggers. Barracks sluts were jeered at and had bottles/cans thrown at them, if the true drunks were still up, during morning walks of shame. If the wife of an officer came around to be a cunt you told her to shut up, she didn't wear her husband's rank. Sure there be a collective punishment and you'd get lectured by everyone their husband's grade and below about it, but nobody really gave a shit.
During post a post deployment "briefing" one time, a bald fuck whose name I can't remember called it Don't Beat Your Wife Class and chaps got real fucking pissed. Telling whoever gave the suicide prevention brief that the powerpoint made you want to kill yourself was a matter of formality. It would be rude not to. It was our Gun Club. Nothing a woman or faggot said was going to take it away from us. Things started changing as I left though. Higher command didn't like how salt dogs acted. We weren't proper. The new Commandant, and I'm giving respect to the rank not the man, talked about the need for a New Marine Corps. I'm sure it's gone to hell.
Have any of you seen Arthur Chu's twitter going fucking bonkers
he's a literal man child, his wife is divorcing him because she's just been his second mom essentially
he's a colony of vermin
I might need a ride to Seattle tomorrow.
Fucking link please
Oregon students did a walk out of their school and have been marching all afternoon.
Shits pretty low energy though. I checked in with it like 20 minutes ago and there were like 40 people there tops all just doing the same shit they've been doing.
Where does this faggot live so I can put up uncensored pics. I assume this was gotten off twitter or plebbit.
Das Henry Pollack Lied
I don't think I can make it all the way down to Portland on short notice, but I'll try to meet you in Seattle if you're going to do IRL shitposting
Are the riots escalating there? Haven't been keeping up with Seattle
This seattle skateboard nigger going starry eyed at bike cop
Oh wait I think I autistically misunderstood that title… is she insulting the chimps?
What's with the circle they trying to summon a negrodemon?
Man I hope Trump is poring over those job applications we all sent him, assembling his RWDS fireteam by fireteam. I can't wait to IRL shitpost at 3,300 fps with you faggots.
Common Core.
But with those trips we can meme a race war
Whoa that really opened my eyes, I'm so woke now I hate Trump
anyone have any streams? preferably news unless it is the pol autist, because periscope has shitty resolution.
Man, I just want to reenact Rorke's Drift. Really give leftist shits a reason to cry.
This picture triggers me.
Even (((Climate scientists))) have agreed that global warming isn't a thing, it's called climate change now. We are entering into another mini-iceage. Whether or not it's man made (it isn't) is the real issue.
Fucking kikes Soros employees man….
Except those were all for political desk positions and nothing on the field.
make another thread when he wants field agents and wall builders, THAT I can do.
try this
I know there is a normalfag meme about the spic maid from family guy
I'm fine with saying it's man made so long as we go back to the solution that was accepted as the only one in the 90s. Global population reduction. Surprise surprise, giving condoms to niggers so they don't destroy the planet is racist.
Back for another night of entertaining low energy protests
I'm ready for the purge.
It's things like this that make me like going to this University.
mfw bike cops casually form a swastika around chant circle while they're distracted
then go find something else because I can't find it
Soros identified
Autists are our greatest allies
Guess the Jeopardy winnings finally dried up.
Well played, Mr. Autismo.
Komo stream dead?
4 cops go after the autist. None go after the maskfag who started hitting the autist. None did anything about the fags obstructing pedestrian traffic.
Your daily reminder that cops arent on our side. They will always do what they're told, and the people telling them what to do are generally cucks.
Eh, I would have been punching him if the situations are reversed. If anything that's more of a mark of how cucked white leftists are that there's so many more of them and yet won't hit their enemies.
Though the 'wasup homie' was still extremely predictable.
Didn't have the right font, best I could do
to be fair they might not have sen him punching him and the nog ducked the fuck out as soon as he was pulled off
Cops at protests like this are the most cucked thing. They're there enturely to make sure the protest goes on without greater disruption than was planned, which is dumb as fuck. Odds are if they actually tried to arrest the guy punching Autismus Maximus as well, we'd end up with a larger chimpout on hand, given how things work. As a result, they'll just arrest our hero and no one else to keep the "peace".
Epic protest
Holy shit, that's so obviously staged. Why did they have the stairwell in the shot from the beginning? They knew his fat autistic ass would come barreling down the stairs. Love that the media is asking to use it. Everyone will see how stupid the media looks trying to use this.
My new year's resolution is to bully the fuck out of journalists and make all of their gay 8 year olds cry every day.
Can you imagine how outraged the liberals will be if he charges the people that are jumping Trump supporters with hate crimes?
Hardcore Henry is streaming
ty nig
The autist has something streaming. Pretty low energy though. Not sure if it's live.
shit keeps freezing
Is it because of 1488?
Ban all Chads
twitter's been really cracking down on people making accounts without a phone number.
My own experience has shown that you will get pretty much insta locked if you make one with on a VPN
Fucking faggots. Trump should push a law that anything that doesn't violate the legal code has to be kept up under common carrier laws. They always want the protection from prosecution, but they never care about actually following the regulations that apply to a common carrier, which should be the same as any public place. If it ain't illegal, nobody should be able to stop you.
he's married with a kid now, you know
Doesn't that apply to ISPs not websites?
Yes, but IMO it should be expanded to include things like Twitter and Facebook; they've become too much a part of the national conversation (however much we might loathe that fact) to be allowed to play politics on the backs of their users.
Source? I want to see what chad nigga is up to
What a time to be alive!
Normal user goes to twitter, creates account with no tweets and gets banned. Many such cases!
Rev up those fucking ovens.
I don't have the webm, but i know someone does
It happened so fucking quickly too. I didn't even have a chance to make a tweet, let alone do anything that was against the rules.
I need it. I believe his name is Anthony Pinto but I haven't heard anything from him recently
RIP Henry
The Jews got him
Just ended, some streamer with a big nose checked out the NYC protest
The protests are literally nothing at this point. Any editor anons might want to use some of this replay for a clip to expose the lugenpresse. They're just doing the same shit they did during the campaigns. He briefly interviews someone and he spills more spaghetti than you ever have in your life (3:30)
Is henry going back tonight?
Nope. He's still streaming from home planning for his next expedition.
Some fags protesting against Hillary by eating pizza in their apartment
Funds dried up.
Don't forget the part where these people are talking about how they're going to "launch a revolution" and are threatening violence against whites and police officers. Imagine how easy these fucks would be to defeat in the field. Half of them are scared of guns as is, here's hoping they provoke a civil war and we're let off the leash for full crackdown mode.
Okay Holla Forums I'm going to head out myself (not Henry) to see if there is any action in Portland. If so I'll try and stream while proudly wearing a MAGA hat and open carrying. If not, then blasting Moonman out of the car.
post stream link faget
make sure to write portland protest so we can find it
Highly relevant
Henry sounds like a genuine autist when he says no like that
Sounds just a little sloshed to me. Comfortably drunk, not too drunk but just the right amount.
Correction, we're about to become the establishment.
pro-trump fags smoking pot in their apartment.
Henry Pollak looks like the AngryVideoGameNerd
He needs a mask of some sort
well, fuck, now they know what I look like.
tell me about bane
You fucked up again?
You can't hide from us James Rolfe
hewly sheit I've been found out
I posted the Poll @internetVolk so get your twatters rolling.
So I had a thought not too long ago today… It's not directly related to the thread, but it's not unrelated either. It certainly doesn't need it's own.
I read that the Dik Dik, a species of miniature antelope, would raise shrill warning cries when it spots a predator, and that other species of animals learned to use this as a warning that danger might be near. Then I thought about the prevalence and relatively smaller population of lions and apex predators.
In the animal kingdom, nothing "likes" the major predators because they eat what they want and kill what they want. They feel threatened by them, and in a way, don't "understand them", if that makes sense. If you look at as the white race being a minority, we could, in a sense, be the apex predators as well. These protestors are signalling of our presence as danger, for example.
Does that make sense, or am I just rambling?
No, that really does make sense. Shit the niggers and spics have been memeing unbelievably hard that the white man can just bust in anywhere and take anything he wants; it's ironic that so many of us feel just the opposite, like we've been beaten down and cornered ourselves. They're signalling a predation warning while we're standing aside totally befuddled. We're living in two entirely different worlds. We see ourselves as the cornered minority, they see us as nature's perfect killing machine.
Makes sense.
One predator vs. a herd could be dangerous but a organized pack of predators could cause great panic.
Not enough Portland anons that I know of to do that though.
are you going out tonight?
I clicked onto periscope to see what was going on and now I'm watching fags just because there is nothing else on. That has some serious potential to spread message.
Nah, taking a day off. Tomorrow though, I will.
Requesting a Decent shoop of James Rolfe with MAGA hat.
Why are they shaming that poor user? I thought they were all about sex positivity and self-actualization!?
wait a fucking minute
It should be delisted from Blogger and search engines, but here's a fake website you can refer people to in future. I can embed your Periscope tweets (or, for maximum disinfo, someone else in the area's) while you're broadcasting so anyone interrogating you can find something semi-legit looking on their phone.
Yeah, yesterday was low energy. 2-3 days ago was smashing windows.
My guess, people tried really hard to get angry about something trump said, then they did a little research and realized they shouldn't be mad.
Whats the radio for?
Are you able to listen in to the anti-Trump protesters illegally using the radio?
I listen into Police scanners. They're busy in PDX right now. domain is also up for grabs. Would help it look more professional
Did you program them in or are you just using the general scan feature?
(I'm a ham planet)
I programmed it in. The tone is 100.000 for all PDX scanners including PSU
Someone else'll have to grab that, I'm completely broke at the moment.
Consider this a stopgap, someone more tech-oriented can build a real website later.
Backdated the posts up so far, added images:
Fuck me, I accidentally Redditspaced that entire post. BRB, self-terminating…
I tried.
Thanks user.
You're doing god's work.
Works for me user. Keks blessing be with you.
Now that they know there are bands of open carry Trump supporters around, they demanded a raise. Jew refused.
This user again. Nothing going on in Portland, and I found out I can't stream and blast moonman 10 feet taller at the same time. So I chose Moonman over streaming, here is hoping there is action tomorrow.
Fam, it's probably over or canceled due to rain. We ought to go to Seattle or some shit.
Anyone have decent voter demographic data for the election?
Wikipedia and it's sources (CNN, New York Times, NBC News) are probably the best you'll get for now.
you might see a furry when you go to the seattle protests, they have a large community
hope they get gassed again
shit skins and cucks don't like cold weather and rain they will fizzle out and by next summer we will be winning so much they will forget how much of a fool they were and say I really supported Trump but muh freyands was all libtard and sht but they all in jail now and soros gave us money LMAO!!!watch em.
the seattle furry convention was off this year cause they clogged the hotel's pool with shit
have no fear gonna be a long winter for their asses and a supreme WAKE UP when its all said and done they will know they been fucking played like free picks.
Thank you to the user who made
I shall serve as your humble news reporter.
any good streams up?
I'd imagine a lot of them are too young.
Is this the only way….
Jesus Christ, really?
What fucking good is that garbage?
I feed on their salt give me MORE!!!
I wouldn't be able to do that till the weekend, and by then things will probably be over. If protests happen in Portland again I will join you. Since they recognize your mask and might know your face you can wear my gas mask if you want.
take a strategic point of fire that you cannot be located at after rapid deployment of ammunition then bug out…They are sitting ducks so stupid no nothing of warfare or the rat they wanted to vote in so only extreme case show your power level,fk them protect your house/domain and if it comes down to it KILL.
Canadacucks: There is a protest in Toronto this Saturday afternoon. How will we meet them?
Don't give a fuck about canacukda tor fag take care of your own shit and get ready for Cher and a bunch of (((others))) trying to run from GOD EMPEROR TRUMP!!
blow me
Confirmed. How does director Comey's dick taste?
Esther is trying to keep them on track but shit breaks down real fast.
you would be a better taste tester in that area than me seeing as how you throwing their seal around you rat cunt.
you couldn't be any more obvious.
(Trips of truth checked)
How about you do it you massive insufferable fagot
Or are you but hurt I gave some of your own tactics out to civis,guess maybe your paranoid or just on the wrong side of whats about to go down on your punk ass.tick tock all the ppl in your own ALPHA bet want ppl like you BTFO my guess is your just as paranoid as me and soon as I give a user tactics you automatically think I am a rat or you are a rat and trying to be yourself which is a fucking DOUCHE!!!either way fuck off!!
oh shit nigger what are you doin
Is this even English?
no its not
Give FBI user a break, he's had a hard day.
we must physically remove them
the fuck
Damn, looks like Soros got hit hard in the wallet. He's having to hire non-native speaking internet shills from the third world.
your avatar too shitty. real fbi would have high res pic handy. you are a phony, a fraud.
Did we trigger him?
Maybe he called for backup
ITT: Moron who doesn't know who Henry is and misplaces the echo meme gets blessed with many repeating digits.
You forgot the fact that I'm probably not, but maybe going to be V& for brutally shitposting a Federal Official.
i know this is a bit late but…
Well looks like the protests are all wrapped up. Didn't see anything on twitter etc.
It might pick back up near inauguration but this should be the end of comfy protest watching for a long time. Now is time to finish winning the culture war.
Bro this is Holla Forums not /mods/ we aint doing this shit for free
If I do stream again I can't use @InternetVolk
if I do I am liable to get killed/reported by Coolbeans guy. (see Pic related.)
Just lay low and they will forget you. I doubt any more protests will happen anyway.
Just keep making a new twitter handle every night.
Regardless i'm going to have more bantz.
The inauguration will be priceless.
If you live in in the are near the protests, print material that will trigger them and plaster it along their route.
God-Emperor Trump, Smug Trump, Smug Pepe, Ben Garrison cartoons, red-pills about libtard hypocrisy and bigotry.
I wanna see some maximum triggering and them going apeshit over it.
plaster/glue a smaller triggering image beneath the big one (something like pic related), so when they tear it down, they are greeting with another one! /portland/index.ssf/2016/11/phantom_open-carry_protest_pro.html
Henry 'the phantom' Pollock
At the end of the article:
The police didn't even care to investigate whether it was real or not. Apparently they don't give a shit if there's an actual armed counter-protest.
Spotted a kike and some cucks
ur an urban legend now henry
don't forget Mississippi state flags.
Good to know that anarcho-communist troll was lying through their teeth.
has anyone identified him?
I'm terrible at faces, does he look like pic related?
Anything going on tonight? Have the cucks given up/run out of Soros bux?
Never mind DC ended
Why did Soros pay them to protest Well Fargo?
that's like going into a gay bar and saying that dicks are bad
they're falling on deaf ears
even worse, if they lose the casino's money the people who own them would probably just kill them
More like Alt-Reich. Choke on it, commies.
Unable to go back. I think Olivia Pace may have informed that i'm the one who made it happen. Godspeed anons, see you on inauguration day.
I downloaded all of Henry's videos, in case they went down. I added metadata to the horizonal ones that should rotate them on any decent video player. I also set the title to the original URL of the video.
Since they're trying to find Henry with them and he deleted them in the first place, It's password protected. Password hint is pic related. And Henry, if you see this,
That sucks man, she's a fucking retard anyways if it makes you feel better.
Did anyone record the PSU walk out protest today? I went there and shouted "Hey Hillary supporters, how does my cock taste you communist faggots?" and I wanna keep a video of it.
Some dude even tried to fight me haha
Shit, didn't see that. Stay safe, based Henry.
Should I?
Shit password. Not sure how I feel about that.
Any caps or spaces?
Kek has spoken.
Hold on to your confederate money fellas
There's a space. Should I delete and reupload with a better one?
Do it faggot.
If it shows my face i want that shit 256k encrypted.
Is this bullshit finally over? Did Soros run out of money?
We'll see when i get there.
I only have enough battery to go safe for an hour. Maybe…
Here is one from Georgia
Streamer banned me already for pointing out that he doesn't have the right to take away others rights. The commie actually believes it is his right to negate the vote of anyone who doesn't vote the way he does.
Then there is this one in LA
They're not calling the National Guard like they did for the BLM protests/riots because these are white millennials.
Just shows they're being racist against blacks. Shouldn't be too hard to meme the protesters/rioters demanding worse treatment to virtue signal and show their solidarity with BLM. Might even happen on its own.
Henry is live
Stream not working for anyone else? This is all I see.
Makes me rage every time.
I bet you could get these idiots to chant "No Clinton, No KKK, No Fascist USA" for a few repetitions before they caught on
Try reloading?
are these losers still protesting? Do they not have jobs?
Tried that didn't work. What really confusing me now is that some videos on the periscope front page are working, while others are having the same issue.
Just in case you wanted the full thing
no protestors on sight.
Imagine being so ass-pained over Trump that you're protesting against him in another country.
It's not HIS hands that are going to build it, morons.
Vomit. Where is this Stay Nasty shit from?
Okay Henry's stream is dead, same with the Portland protest. LA stream is up
Lowest-energy protestors in history.
I was all set to send them disinfo too.
Nothing to see. I think I saved Portland with sheer bantz and disinfo.
Never underestimate the power of one user with pockets overflowing with redpills.
Are you kidding me sign spotted in LA
Nice dubs. How should I give you the key to the videos? I've deleted the weak one for now. Going to bed now, I'll see your answer in the morning if the thread is still here.
There's one in Paris this Saturday. I'm searching for a counter manifestation to join, first because we always have shitskins and niggers inciting violent actions during protests, and second, seems like the group at the origin of the protest is ISBL (International Support for Black Lives), so a lot of commies/niggers/feminist…etc..
Finally marching in LA, who here /comfy/ for the police gassing these cucks?
Oh shit, I turned it off cause I was bored to death, thanks.
Jesus christ everything is fucking Harry Potter to these damn overgrown kids.
Democracy looks like an anti-democratic "intelligentsia" protesting against a fair and democratic election. Good one, Soros.
Just needs cowbell
They had a Sauron will fall sign a few days ago. Pop culture is the only culture they know
They are projecting hard here.
These faggots have never SEEN nazi white supremacy in their fucking pampered lives, but if they keep it up they're going to get it.
Trump campaign should put out versions of MAGA caps with the presidential seal on, like team championship hats.
fingers crossed
LA streamer is muting people for calling him a cuck.
You know what to do.
What the shit is this streamer leftypol or 4cuck?
They're openly admitting it lads.
@djsamforever on Twitter, let him know how you feel about commie scum.
Did they pass a donut shop?
I've noticed that too. A large number of leftists seem to be really into Harry Potter, like cosplaying Harry Potter characters and using themes from the books as allegories. Why?
There's still protests going on? I thought they ended days ago.
The author is an arch-leftist. I don't trust anyone who internalised that shite as a child, Rowling ripped everything off from Terry Pratchett anyway.
So we should trust them like we did after 9/11? When they told us we needed to invade Iraq? I hope these stupid fucks get the teargas tonight.
They will never end, it will be 4 years of continuous protests. We'll eventually grow bored with their low energy and move on to other threads.
Where were you when happenings became minstream?
The main villain in the books and movies wanted his race to remain pure. The whole series is shitlibs promoting diversity to the point the author changed the races of the main characters from white to poo in the loo, nigger ect. The series itself is not so subtle hating on white people where the mixed race people win because of muh diversity.
Current streams all in LA
When are the police going to do something about this shower of unemployables in LA?
From LA stream: "This is a satanic ritual against Donald Trump, we're hexing him"
Not sure if edgy or serious.
hopefully soon, I'm getting mighty thirsty for a tall glass of liberal tears.
yeah and make Trump at 306 the after picture for added salt.
Where is an ISIS trucker when you need one?
I was just about to post that
I gotta go through Seattle midday. Holla Forums think there's going to be any bullshit protests?
Soros has to do something to keep his goons busy while they warm up to protest the Austrian election.
Don't know. Do you drive a Subaru?
Nobody owns Trump, that's the point. He's rich enough he doesn't have to kiss up to donors. The only rich guy who owns Trump is Trump.
That depends if you have to go during school hours, there have been a few school walk outs. Those are fairly minor though and would only block a few roads at most leading to a small detour. Other than LA everything has mostly died down. Just remember in Washington if they give you any reason to fear for your life you can run them over.
Nah, gotta go through public transport cause nobody's available to drive me and a 200~something pricetag on storing my car is obscene
They've ran out of ideas so they've been doing a lot of low level "magic" in attempt to battle trump, all over tumblr you have people trying to cast spells on Trump. They're so behind on the curve that they can't keep up with the magic of the internet support plus whatever Trump has in the backroom. He definitely has a few powerful people practicing for his advantage. We all know Hilary has her own coven of sort but they're far to degenerate to actually accomplish anything without fear and manipulation. That doesn't work easily anymore
Harry Potter is a very simple universe that is very black and white as others have pointed out. The magic system is simplistic as fuck so its easy for these people to LARP and play pretend. These are the kind of people who google "how to cast a curse" then get upset when it doesn't work after 15 minutes.
It's shootin time! Rich libs don't want to touch poor filth just seem like they do.
Holy shit the delusion here.
Actual cuck in LA stream: "I am half-Latino and my daughter is black"
Maximum kek.
Aren't we the Republican party now?
This. Rowling apparently named the head of the "bad guy" house Salazar after the fascist ruler of Portugal.
I think the point is that people have been fearmongered about Republicans where the Democrats are able to serve corporate interests without even the slightest level of scrutiny
shh you'll blow it
Behold, Holla Forums. @djsamforever, the face of the man who's going to kickstart the communist uprising and send us all to the gulag.
The idiot accidentally flipped cameras on his phone for a split-second fumbling with it. 1:20:55 on the Periscope recording.
They're going to boycott fuel.
No, wait, they're going to boycott everything.
any streams still going? the 3 periscopes went down
Even gayer than I pictured.
Don't see any more protest streams but my god there's a ton of butthurt bloggers when you search trump
Well? How did it go, an0n?
Did you record the triggering? Or did you wuss out?
Sauron's agenda was globalism, miscegenation and the advancement of a Luciferian cult of Morgoth that reviled innocence, truth and beauty. They don't even know pop culture.
just sitting here masturbating
Protests over?