The most current of currently current years has, in fact, come, and so have I.
The most current of currently current years has, in fact, come, and so have I.
Other urls found in this thread:
Christ I thought you might be joking, it's actually true.
Here's an archive:
At this point Trump could take Ron Paul and David Duke, media kikes are going next Hitler anyway.
i feel like these guys are stretching freedom of press to its breaking point. at what point can these assholes actually be accused of inciting violence? aren't there laws against destabilizing the country or some shit?
Is this shit ever going to die? The membership of the KKK is like between 5,000 and 8,000. Half of them are alphabet agents and the rest sit around drinking beer.
They need their funding taken away.
Huffing Paint once again proving why the media needs to hang.
That's what is so amusing. I've been reading right-leaning news for the better part of my life, and I've never seen anyone unironically support the modern KKK.
Make Niggers Scared Again
I don't know much about him other than he's associated with Breitbart. Is he really a "white nationalist" or are they just libeling people now?
He's a standard good goy conservative
The KKK is just a bunch of legit retarded rednecks and Democrats false-flagging.
Anyone involved in the so-called alt-right is an anti semite to the media. Here's one example I just found from media matters. They label Bannon as such, but do not substantiate the claim.
The article isn't worth reading
It's like they don't even care about getting sued anymore. Not even a little. They must be really oy veyying.
I just hope people are smart enough to stop reading them. Having them go batshit insane is useful for recruiting.
These comments are gold.
Holla Forums certainly wishes he was. guy basically took over the republican party that didn't even want him, and got the presidency on his own terms, instead of kissing corporate and banker ass on his way up. naturally this doesn't sit well with the elite, and this is the result.
meant for
90 percent of republicans voted for trump unlike with Romney.
All the liberals are doing is shifting the over ton window into maximum overdrive.
The republican voters need to put their foot on trump's throat when it comes to his pledges.
they only have 2 months to spread their lies
He said he didn't want his kids going to school with jews but also runs kikebart. Bit unclear.
Found this cuck mentioned in that article. I think we need to create a database of these traitors, there's so many of them it is too easy to let time erase their past transgressions.
Holy shit. Someone better warn these liberals they're messing with chaos magic. They're literally meming "literally" Hitler into existence for fucks sake.
These fools still think "muh racism" and "muh anti-semitism" matter. They've cried wolf so many times, Trump could appoint Jared Taylor to revamp the welfare system and they could do nothing to stop it.
Did you see the NYTimes send out that letter to subscribers, begging them not to cancel? Their supporters are mad as hell that they were lied to all year that a Trump Presidency had an infinitesimal probability.
They'll have spent all their powder screaming white supremacist at cucks when actual fascists come along we'll get under the radar.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
It's fun watching them devour their own, (although we do need to purge the GOP of cucks). During the young turks delicious melt down, they bitched about HuffPo, Clinton, and the DNC.
The comments are beautiful. Not a single positive one. Even Hillary supporters are bitching at them for going too hard on her.
Do they realize by having this kind of victim complex they are pushing people further and further into Fascism?
Yes, media kikes… keep doing what you are doing.
Thank you for reminding about this pro-white individual, because guess what I went over to his website, first time in a while, and found he's doing a podcast. That's great, I'm sure it's going to be a good listen, because classy material is hard to find for pro-whites. No homo.
There's strategy to what the left is doing. They're trying to remake the GOP into the white's party. Essentially turn the GOP into a white nationalist party rather than a conservative party. It makes sense if you only look at demographics. Scare off the remaining cucks in the GOP, scare off the minorities that would vote GOP and bring in racists to take over the party.
Too bad for them, though, it's the last mistake they'll ever make. That leads to total racial polarisation in American politics and the whole democratic process will break down.
Funny thing is he might be,
but they ruined the word.
Hell he doesn't even have to be a white nationalist for me, as long as he names the jew
Does anyone have that HuffPo cover from election night going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"?
It was hilarious.
Yeah, most are mad about being lied to about Hillary, and some are mad that they didn't lie hard enough. The NYT had a nice election map though, I'll give them credit for that. Too bad the stats they fed into their initial model predicted an 82% chance for a Clinton win.
Seconding this
I keep forgetting Huffpo even exists. Had I remembered I would have logged on during the election
Roughly 9:26 is the nexus point of the bearenstain universe.
He's a good father and just wants to make shekels to support his family.
While watching the results at exactly 9:30 I noticed that Trump was winning heavily. At 9:30 pretty much every swing state and lean blue state was red. It's too bad that didn't hold up and he later ended up losing Virginia and NH. At 9:30 in both of those states Trump had a solid lead.
The funny part is, many people like us told them that the polls were wrong. We laid it out, showed them how some pollsters even announced the changes to their methodology and how it would benefit Hillary but present a false impression and were either ignored or laughed off. They have no one to blame but themselves.
The media didn't report it so it can't be true.
Funny how the head Turk later went on to say how he predicted a Trump win and how he warned everyone
You can actually see the moment where his heart rips in half
This video is really good, if you want 26 mins of pure salt.
(cannot embed, posted elsewhere)
I wish I was watching TYT stream on election night. I know some people were watching it they had the right idea.
Thanks, but it doesn't seem to be there. I think it was only up for a little while.
Pretty much this. They know at some point he's definitely going to get around to wrecking their shit for their behavior during his campaign, so we're pretty much starting to see the final death throes of the current mainstream media.
After it was a sure thing that Trump had won, I flipped over to their stream.
They all looked like someone had literally kicked the shit out of them.
Saw that one earlier, well worth it. Gourmet salt.
salty kikes, best vintage!
Same. They all had their heads in their hands. The mexican bitch was either in tears or sweating so profusely that it looked like tears.
Apparently this jackass was also crushed live on election night on cable.
Oh yes. Look at his demeanour at the start, and then at the end. Absolutely rekt.
Kek so true. And we showed how the media was compromise, especially with the wikileaks and they still refused to listen. The other funny part is, they will blame wikileaks for Hillary losing, ignoring that the content of the leaks. The left are going to lose hard a few more times because they still won't listen.
Yep. Couldn't tell any jokes and was near tears. I'm surprised he didn't cry.
Yup. They keep doubling down on the shit that caused them to lose. With how deep they are in denial, and considering the most brainwashed SJW millennials will be deeply entrenched in their party for the next 30+ years at least, and with millions of their voter base deported, I really wouldn't be surprised if they don't get elected again for decades.
Donald Trump confirms new Secretary of Defense & Secretary of the Interior
Meme Ben Garrison into being the artist chosen to paint Trump's official portrait.
These god damn snowflakes.
That was good.
But, was magnificent.
Plus you're going to have the results of the Trump presidency to explain away. There was a good image showing the liberal news headlines for the next 8 years but I don't have it.
He's a kike lover.
Also magnificent.
shhhhhhhhhh don't tell them a thing.
They're going to be normalizing white nationalism if the Trump presidency ends up being spectacular. I'm still afraid this is all some sort elaborate Machiavellian honeypot for bad goyim, but it's likely just them being stupid.
Here anons; enjoy smugness for nearly half an hour.
God damn this is hilarious. These dumb fucks hahahahaha
Maybe I'm blind and/or just really tired, but I just read the entire article and I saw nothing in it about him being a WN (except for the title claiming that he is).
Can someone at least point out where it even says that in the ARTICLE? I repeat: I do see where the title of it says that, but not in the body.
You're right, it's not in the article. The (((person))) who makes the titles on The Huffing Paint is always very liberal in her choice of words.
If you want some god-tier comedy, go to Funny Or Die's Youtube page and look up their song encouraging you to go vote (for anyone who isn't Trump). I forget its name, but it has a bunch of celebrities, including Elizabeth Banks, singing and being smug. It's a beautiful sight. I believe it came out four days before the election.
Why do I have this? I don't know, but I do. I had the opportunity to use it against my mother in law the other day.
There is none. They're using the fact that Britbart is associated with the Alt-Right (keep in mind Britbart is very pro Isreal, having a whole section for Israeli news) to claim he is a white nationalist.
Really this should be grounds for a law suit.
Kek never forgets, never forgives.
Bannon reminds me of pic related
That's just what he'll look like after the race war.
Wait, did MN go red? I thought it barely went blue
I almost can't tell who's more retarded huffpost for reporting this or Holla Forums for acting like it's not all smoke and mirrors.
That was great.
One of the best parts is the 'Ok, we're going to stop being polite.' I mean, they and the MSM spent the better part of a year insulting Trump on an hourly basis, and not just low level bentz; really mean shit like 'Racist, sexist, xenophobe, etc'. Could you imagine how pissed they'd be if others were doing that to Clinton?
So yeah, they're going to stop being 'nice'.
I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to them sperging out like crazy when Trump's approval rating soars as he gets going on the MAGA work.
I really need a shop of that Principal Skinner 'Is it possible I'm out of touch? It's the children who are wrong!' but with Cenk's head or something.
Harry Reid needs to be tarred and feathered. Is that against the law? We need to bring it back.
If that's true we never had a chance to begin with and we might as well enjoy being shitlords until they haul us away or we die of pollution.
Trump will hold them to account
Notice how Cuck Uygur's forehead gets more glossy as the video progresses? That means he's sweating buckets, which makes his salt all the more satisfying.
As salt is dispensed from Cenk, his water retention is diminished.
Breitbart is full of muh greatest ally articles
They will all claim they were hacked when the Good Goys at Breitbart sue them for libel.
Yes, murder is against the law.
But on Holla Forums it is!
It's duck fat, or bacon grease.
TYT got Armenian Genocided.
Damn, that's really blatant.
Is this the narrative now? Do these niggers sincerely believe this?
Looks like we are the sane and reasonable ones, and we're currently investigating an elite cult of pedophilic Moloch worshipers.
for the record (didn't archive the front page headline, just the article, my bad) it was this first and changed to "white nationalist" a few hours later.
You mean (((American))).
Fuuuuck. We dun goofed. Why aren't we all on trumpchan instead of this shithole?
Never corect your enemies when (((they))) are making a mistake
THAT FEEL ' trying not to eat candy anymore 😢 ~~ i wanna. a kekers with almonds
Kek said Trump would be President.
Kek also said there'd be a civil war.
I hope Kek meant that Trump would be inaugurated and then the Civil War starts - instead of before he's inaugurated.
its funny how within 48 hours of Trumps election the banned word "liberty" suddenly shows up in the Liberals word selection
I think you are mixed up.
It did barely go blue, but that doesn't stop us from having a kek at Chiraq
Are they organized or just taught like that and now work fully automated?
Huffpo has become a bizarro world polar opposite of Drudge with their front-page headline announcements.
Be careful of Jared Taylor. He pedals the holocaust lie and claims Jews are "h'whyte" too.
You mean The Trumpington Post?
These jews will NEVER leave us be. They've ratcheted up their disinfo campaign across all venues. I don't know about you fags, but I'm doubling my efforts to make the internet a scary place for kikes with a ceaseless spread of anti-jew memery.
Reminder that the Huffington Post was co-founded by Andrew Kikebart.
I now understand the liberal mind, guys. The reason we have failed to redpill them is because they prefer to believe in things WITHOUT evidence. We need to stop showing them evidence of jewish financial supremacy and just make bold claims without backing them up.
Underrated post. Im also checking those digits
Personally, I'm just getting on with business and ignoring these lefty morons having tantrums in public. Nobody cares what they think at this point. They lost. It's over. This is just the left crying as it dies. They want to spend the next 8 years kvetching in their impotence? Fine. I'm going to get a coffee and muffin and remain victorious. If they get in my face outside the coffee shop, they'll get tased.
They have no religion anymore so they have faith in whatever makes them feel good.
Of course they are organized we have been aware of that for years now. The problem for them is the normies know that they are organized now. MSM is quickly becoming an insular hugbox that only liberals listen to. Kek they are making the exact same mistake games journolist made during Gamergate.
Honestly we should be pressing them a lot harder on this bullshit then we are especially when White people still make up over half the country and minorities don't watch the news.
And fuck me for responding to my own post these idiots really are insane they see something not only fail but backfire so much it creates a counter movement so they decide to try it again on a larger scale.
I drove a huffpo contributor in my uber a while back around the time of the Dallas blm sniper. I may have insinuated that the coverage her and her friends in the media may or may not be construed as race baiting, and in turn I got stuck in the car with a screeching banshee for twenty minutes. Trust me these kikes are disgusting people, pol was so right on this. They will reee like stuck pigs at the slightest mention that it is they who are biased.
I actually thought of applying to contribute to breitbart but now that bad gentile o'bannon is gone I see it as a sinking ship, nothing but jews and their influence basically.
Bannon is actually a white nationalist though. It's glorious. He has already been in contact with Marion Le Pen. Trump's team isn't content with just making America great again. They're going to make France Great again, Britain great again, Germany great again, and we will have a thousand year Reich and Aryan domination of the earth (and eventually the solar system and beyond). As God intended.
I've been reading outright white nationalist and nazi blogs and forums going on a decade now, and have never seen anything supportive of the modern KKK.
Liberals got too acquainted with victory and ended up boiling the frog too fast. The millennials are especially impatient and want to just jump to full Chomsky socialism right now. The old smart kikes who were driving the movement for decades are dying off and being replaced by retards getting high on their own supply, to the left's own detriment (and our gain).
perhaps huffpo can start a nationalist section on their website now? :3
Comment from the Alex Jones article
Any sauce on that second picture? It's funny that shitlibs are already accusing Trump of acting like a king after 8 years of King Nigger.
I think this is it
This, I know a jewish Democrat party official who still thinks that Trump only won because of "Uneducated white people in the South".
They are so out of touch that I don't think they'll do as well as they think in 2018 or 2020, especially after Trump's work to correct the Demographics. I'm happy with them staying on course though.
Thats crazy enough to actually work.
Meme it
this graph shows precisly why polls dont mean a goddamn thing and theyre only used as a propaganda tool by the media. its the appeal to the status quo argument on a graph.
"look at how many peole are voting for this person. since so many are you should too". theres not any kind of intellectual appeal to polls. it dosent present the candidates stance on any issue, dosent quote anything theyve said, dosent highlight any past victory or failure. it literally serves no purpose other than saying "vote fu dis goy cuz i am". and the way the pollsters frame their questions give away their inherent biases towards one candidate, shirking contrary voters from answering honestly.
theres a reason why Richard Nixon hated the Media, and in particular disregarded polls. this interview highlights his reasons for hating the media so much during his presidency
relevant info starts at minute 21
jesus, lad…
This nigga's face looks like it's resting on a cup.
It's surreal to think if the media will go on like this for the next four to eight years. The MSM pressure for Trump to concede on issues, such as taking guys like Bannon to the white house, will be constant and immense. If he does ever concede on anything substantial, his suporters will be pissed and the media will be gleeful that they got through to him. If he stands his ground without flinching, the media will try to incite civil unrest with their constant fear-mongering and there's a chance they'll actually succeed at some point.
Exciting times.
Took a while, but I see it now. Monstrous.
we killed the media
its dying
Not related to OP but the BBC actually reported accurately on Trump for once.
It is baffling that these idiots believe Trump was propelled into power by the republican party, when they tried to sabotage him and throw the race to Hillary the entire time.
I just don't take liberals seriously at all. They are not serious people. They are like children who want to eat candy all day and then throw a tantrum when adults tell them no. Middle school understanding of politics.
I don't understand why the left seems to hate White Nationalism with a burning passion. It really makes them seethe and gives them fits. Given how much they hate Whites and constantly bash them, one would think that they would be perfectly fine with Whites retreating to their own nations. If whitey is the cause of all of your problems, wouldn't you welcome him separating himself from you?
I bet the writer of OP's article doesn't know that.
I actually thought the media might reflect on the disaster that was this election.
I thought they might try to change, grow, get smarter about shilling.
But this, John Olivers' rant, Soros' trip, etc, etc, have all made it clear that they are going to become even more hysterial and insane over the next 4 years.
In short, I will be unable to stop browsing this board.
couldn't agree more
if you wanna scare (((them))) away from the internet, take the money out of it
watch Yuri Bezemov's Utube on subversion
They passed that point a long time ago, now we're just waiting for the Trump Administration to take power and act.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Unless they think white nationalists want to kill every non-white on the planet? That must be what they actually believe.
God bless this man. He was saying these things long before Holla Forums or alternative media sources where there was no chance for him to be considered in an objective, non-slanderous light.
Rohan sucks
David shilled Trump the entire election for attention. He gets no cake
Not even once. If they were logical they might ask themselves why they will only live in rich white countries if white people are so terrible.
whatever the case Trump better stand his ground
cuckservatives might not understand that caving to the (((media))) makes no difference but I expect Don to know this
*ex-wife said he said
and as we all know bitter women never make shit up
Cuckservatives and libertarians: "At least with Trump we'll have an adversarial press again".
Any lawyerfags around?
This would be amazing. Does Benny G do much classical art, though?
Surely you jest.
They're desperate for page views. Wouldn't be surprised if they posted this.
pretty sure he maced her
The audio is edited.
1st batch:
2nd batch:
unfortunately just reposting it
I love literally every headline here. How did we get duped by kikes when we're polar opposites in the first place?
and they have no luke skywalker
you say that like it's a bad thing, that is exactly what we want.
beaners are Catholics
Careful, that's some dangerous territory you're stepping on. I see no problem with lying to an enemy for personal gain, but lying to your own people can cause some real issues. What would happen if one of the whites you're lying to finds out you've made a claim that doesn't hold any weight? They might grow some resentment towards you. I know you're just memeing but it wouldn't turn out too well in the long term.
Pic related.
Dear Hopeful Burgers,
the lugenpresse are a global cabal, we must work together. I think the comments need some enlightenment.
For the record, we kinda lost that propaganda war, given how nazi is still used as an insult by normies.
Just like Joseph says. "It cannot be successful in the long run".
It's been 3/4 of a century, and probably will take the rest of the way to fully break the conditioning, unless some powerful magic is used.
Duke shills everything that is pro white, the man may be mildly autistic but he has fought for our race from before most of us were even born, he deserves props for that.
Leftists aren't our people, they are self-declared to be a hostile people whose nation happens to overlap with ours.
If you are implying that they are somehow alright because of their faith then you belong in oven with them you christcuck
We all know that he could probably talk less and have sharper arguments.
But you gotta admit, he really holds nothing back. He cuts trough everything, like a razor through flesh. It's so brutal. So straight.
Listening to him talk is like watching a Tank go straight trough a house, impossible to resist, no consideration of the consequences of what is said.
Here's an episode when Gordon ramsay visits a restaurant owned by a jew. (A jew that is about to get deported due to criminal activity)
Of course, this is the only restaurant that Gordon can't save. He has managed to save all other restaurants.
Most of them closed down shortly thereafter, but your point is well taken regardless.
You have just described a major Jewish tactic from all of recorded history, they always double down it's why they inevitable get kicked out.
The problem is that by the time white kick them out the bloodline gets so polluted that their isn't really a point anymore, just look at Spain or Greece and what Muslim occupation did to them, they will never remake the greatness that once was since it is no longer in their blood.
He's in and speaking for the ADL dude… what did you think his name was going to be.
The first article was written by a jew. It was basically a jew making fun of another jew. The other two I'm sure were written by Milo.
You know… you could just Google based the name of the author and title.
They were. This is another case of the media taking jokes literally when it suits them and ignoring facts when it's convenient. And simultaneously, they're now rolling out their new narrative about 'fake news' on social media that led to Trump's win. They will never learn.
please tell me that pic is real
I've been reading around twitter, the rages and tears this caused are amazing
How does anyone take huffpo seriously? Just look at the some of the articles they have on their. The most ridiculous clickbait in existence. There's no journalism behind anything they do. Anyone who reads that garbage should be ridiculed to death for being so stupid.
t. "America First is anti-semitic" ADL
Everyone at the ADL needs to be executed for treason.
Why the fuck are you fucking retards bumping some shit thread dedicated to some dying media outlet? How many of you faggots have been giving them page views?
there's nothing to read but the title
Guess he couldn't fix the real cause of their failure.
user, I…
It's utter bullshit. They have zero sense of remorse. This type of pandering is solely to posture themselves as an 'honest, unbiased' news organization as their defense when President Trump makes good on his threat and takes them all to court one by one.
fuck nevermind I need glasses.
That's why it's called the White House! HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO
Reminder that "white" women, evangelicals, and Pennylvania amish took the election for Trump. AltRight took a little Holla Forums, a little Wikileaks, a little frog, said Trump was "theirs," and declared themselves a political movement par excellence–one that is demonstrably led in public relations terms by self-promoting, self-important faggots and cuckolds who are not fascists, not Holla Forums, not particularly right wing in any traditional sense beneath the shallow surface of their culturally appropriated memes, and not at all racially European or even "pro-white." Now that the election is over, you've had your fun. Disband before Trump goes full neocohen and you humiliate us all.