Shit is kicking off and Trump supporters have had enough.
Happened on Hollywood Blvd, the Walk of Fame, where tourist from middle America meet the LA junkie trash.
Spicy habanero tears para tu placer
Shit is kicking off and Trump supporters have had enough.
Happened on Hollywood Blvd, the Walk of Fame, where tourist from middle America meet the LA junkie trash.
Spicy habanero tears para tu placer
Every time
polite sage for no webm
so much for nofap
I've seen 90lb women take mace to the face better than that, what a pansy.
Top kek
Smug soundtrack provided by the Harlem Globetrotter.
Picture this.
hehehe but after you spray the animal, that's when you go in to finish him off.
My sides are on life-support.
This same Jewtuber has some good videos, he also filmed this disgusting Marxist kike.
Reminds me of MARK MARK MARK!
Pussies aren't so big when they get BTFO. Begging for help and calling for the police. Hope the cops mace him again, they were standing right there.
Red-headed old cunt who maces him walks directly to the police after doing so - the police who do not move to assist the man.
kek'd and check'd
LAPD follows its own rules. He is probably on orders just to observe and not take sides or cause a cluster fuck for the department. He will jsut pretend he didn't see anything.
Dude, it's only mace and the use of mace defused the situation. Cops don't have to do anything
Good morning, Eurocuck.
what's the context? that nog looks like he's just dancing or some shit before getting tapped on the shoulder. did he grab the sign before they started filming?
also, why don't people carry mace more often when they can't wield guns? it's retarded to hear about trump supporters getting beat up when the slightest self defense sends leftists scurrying.
Man that cop is just chilling. Bet he got a nice laugh out of this.
Only whites come to help him.
An Asian guy gives him some water but doesn't even look at him. Just walks by as fast as possible, just like n China.
Did somebody say
Pro-tip: Do not pour water onto your face like that after being sprayed. The spray just runs down to your balls.
Libtards are absolute retards that can't actually handle shit like this.
That idiot is probably going to end up with eye damage. And it's entirely his fault.
Owned. That old lady is braver than all the Holla Forums PR fags combined.
From these images I thought he was pissing on a star.
These animals have shit on a picture of Trump in a crowded street before so the assumption wasn't too far fetched.
that gif.
You're a fucking idiot.
How fuck that .gif is based. Sauce?
You should kill yourself.
Can we take a second to appreciate how unconcerned the chink who gave him water was? He walked by and held out his water without even looking at them
Pretty sure as a tourist I won't give a shit to every single beggars on the street. He might be thinking he is just on of those scam artist beggars. I know I won't I'm Asian. Plus he seemed like he was picking a fight so he deserved it and more.
I saw an old comic from MAD Magazine to that effect once.
What a qt
webm related is my favourite.
I need to know the magic words of triggering
Actually disappointed. Thought it would be spicier. Kek.
did that nigger with the dog just stole the beaners phone?
(checked and keked)
And these pussies want to start a Civil War?
DO you remember the retard that tried to remove Trump's Hollywood Star and almost blew his feet?
naw, look at the chink's face, there was some concern there. It's probably just a cultural thing, where you try to let the person save face by not outwardly recognizing their embarassing/shameful situation, while still helping them.
Maybe this isnt as far fetched as I thought
White women are stepping up, lads. Are you doing your part?
People really need to call these people out as kikes in public.
I hope someone's on the cuckstep remix version.
I hope this is a thing. Trump supporters just macing every liberal they see that fucks with their property. It's like spraying a dog with a spray bottle of water.
Nofap is the most powerful force in the cosmos and activates the metagene. Much more powerful than Trump or anime, it's true.
what kind of gun is that
I'm assuming some kind of rubber bullet gun
They are.
Puts all the mgtow d&c into perspective
That man needs help, not a knee in the back.
Every time I see this I lose my sides.
God dammit, this year.
What do you mean he grabs a sign. He didnt even touch anything. From this part it looks like he was about to fight some guy, turns around and gets sprayed by the woman.
Am I missing something crucial? He didnt "grab a sign" at all from this clip. What am I mising exactly?
If you look closely, you can see that she sprayed the letter T on his face.
it stands for Top KEK.
welcome to Brazil, leftist are occupying schools now and some are getting beating up by the population while the cops just watch and laugh when they are not helping beating them up. Brazil is a complete shithole but at least they have no patience for leftist protests unlike the USA with this passive BS.
He's literally turning into a sheep.
Many people do. But most people who would carry mace wouldn't go anywhere near a place where libshits like this hang out. I live in fucking LA and know to avoid shit like this. I left my guns with my family members when I moved out here and stocked up on tazers and mace. I've got mace in my car (bear size) to clear out protestors blocking roads, next to my bed I keep one, also next to the front door and my wife has a can attached to her purse. No this is not the all white community I grew up in where you could leave your doors unlocked.
clarinetist trumpette … nnnngh
Was the mace barbed or blunt?
saved. this pic is better than the guy making the circle thing with his hand
Nice. But it would have been more funny if someone else came along and then maced him again, followed by him getting arrested.
what a fucking pussy, it sucks but getting oc in the eyes isnt THAT bad. i love seeing people with low pain tolerance freaking the fuck out
He was playing the victim card
In America you can defend yourself without going to jail yuropoor. Take note.
This is more than likely the answer. If the chinamen are tourists then they would try to avoid contact. Think about it, if you are in such a shitty, shameful situation do you want to look the guy offering you free handouts knowing that in the current situation you are in you can do nothing but thank him? They are just saving the guy from an extra layer of embarrassment. The orientals were the original autists.
Reminds me of "Evan Evan Evan"
I could see my grandma doing this tbh. Old ladies don't give a fuck anymore.
Obviously the post is BS but it'll be fun to see them alienate white women and drive them to conservatism.
Grandma's will be the first to sign up for the RWDS.
Checked and kek'd
Hollywood blvd is always like that. Like every day it's fucking nuts. This is a shit thread
That's LA County Sheriff.