All right Holla Forums, I'm not sure if this bullshit or legit, but the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. What can we do to confirm whether or not this is legitimate and what can we do to stop this? I have been having nightmares of the results of our election being thrown out in favor of Clinton and would like to have some peace of mind, what do we do? Can we use this as an opportunity to red pill normalfags on who Soros is?
Soros planning on over throwing the election?
We do have threads about this already bro. Use the catalog.
Can anyone post some reliable source for trump winning the popular vote? We would need it to combat this.
I don't believe it will happen, mostly because the ire monkey year is the transition of power from the old corrupt to the fresh and righteous and the year of the fire rooster doesn't have a civil war in it's description.
I also doubt the nimble navigator would be as silly as not to have something to combat this
Why? The popular vote does not matter.
Hillary already conceded. Trump is running unopposed.
Bring it Soros, i won't remain quiet.
People are about 1% as angry as they'd need to be for revolution. Unless the pope calls for the mexicans to revolt I doubt anything will happen.
The extra salt would be fun, though.
Soros, the dark one, will still try as if it were any other day, regardless of current year. For you see, the Jew does not believe in cycles. The jew always falls to the cycles of reality. The blood moons foretold the fall of the Jew. Let's make this time the last, so next cycle, we get to take africa.
The people who would decide to throw out the electoral results and appoint hillary as president anyway would be the dumbest people would have such a huge death wish that doing this would be the same as committing suicide.
Sixty million people voted for trump, and trump made sure that every single one of them knows that hillary, everyone she works for and works for her is a corrupt piece of shit, is a war monger, and is a traitor to the country that would sell it out in a heartbeat, and already has done such things.
Now, they think they can just turn over the results, announce to the USA "uhh no, sorry. your vote doesn't matter. welcome president clinton!"?
The person to announce this would be shot before he got off the stage and there would be a revolution tomorrow.
Based Soros. He makes goyim being afraid again. You all are too cheerful with your new neocon president. Maybe they already put guns on Trump's children, and he's a hostage in white house. This is why Trump said that "clintons are good people".
Remember to bless your enemies. Good luck Soros.
Spoiler that shit, user.
I am #SorosArmy now
And the dollar plummets and Soros makes money
He just has to obfuscate this fact from the puppets who would suffer from this
This is how he was thinking in 1998
60 minutes expose, would never happen today.
Possible, OP. Someone just posted this in halfchan's Holla Forums. Take with a grain of salt.
Don't ask questions; just listen.
The 15-minute meeting went on for an hour and a half because Donald Trump was baffled immediately.
Barack Obama simply told him–if you expose the true corruption in Washington that stems from the Clinton Foundation and far beyond, the United States of America is done.
Yes, this pertains to George Soros; but also many other shadowy figures in the elite that literally run this world. If I gave out anymore information (in terms of names), I would be found immediately and potentially murdered. So, yes. I have to pretend that I'm role-playing when I'm actually not. And, it's fine–you don't have to believe me and can mock this post as much as you want. Take screenshots and share them when the time is right. I digress.
Trump was baffled from what he heard from Obama. Question after question about what would happen, why we can't escape from literal entrapment and control from foreign entities, and why it is a bad idea to go sniffing around for answers.
Obama kept it plain and simple: all of those promises you made to your supporters about imprisoning Hillary Clinton–pretend that they may happen, but keep your message that the country is first.
For those that watched 60 Minutes tonight, maybe you will understand the immediate change in character that we have seen since his meeting with Obama.
My last message to everyone–the 9th justice of the Supreme Court. That was also discussed. Scalia (obviously) was assassinated. Anyone can Google that he had ties to Free Masonry and see the vague, out of context, Wikileaks e-mail that demonstrates an assassination acknowledged by the Clinton campaign.
Scalia, as several others, was going to expose the hidden secrets I have vaguely described above. While it was brought up and theorized that he was assassinated solely to push Hillary Clinton's agenda–that is speculation.
Do note: the interview with 60 Minutes was the day after Donald Trump met with Barack Obama. When he was asked questions about the Supreme Court, it is blatantly obvious that he was shook up and scrambled answers about hiring a pro-life justice. He honestly doesn't know what to do after hearing what Obama told him.
The good news: a lot of the moderate views he is portraying are mostly false and/or will be rejected by the Senate. He knows this. He is just expressing these views publicly with an attempt to bring America together. He genuinely cares about this country. No one is out to assassinate him, internally. So, for the most part, everything he has preached to his supporters will come true. Steve Bannon is his strategist; the proof is obvious.
The bad news: once again–blatantly obvious, he wished to imprison Hillary Clinton. Now, he's saying that she and Bill are "nice people" and he "doesn't know what he will do." He is already being controlled by the elite and there is nothing any of us can do about it. America will be gone within hours if Donald Trump came out with the truth. The clock is ticking, anyway. There is no imminent danger; but a dark future lies ahead. Stay safe. Not just in America, but throughout the world. Cheers.
OP, here. This information hasn't been released yet (except for a "possible choices" list). Jeff Sessions will be Homeland Security Secretary. That is all of the proof that I can provide you to verify that I am an "insider" of sorts; the news will come shortly (and several others know; safe information to give out). Your responses were obviously predictable–and I understand that. I do not have time to chat. Just remember my words. Cheers.
98431965 98432038 98435052
If true, shit's fucked deeper than even we possibly thought.
People need to mail those fucking electors and "let them know" that changing their vote is "not all right."
It's a larp.
I'm pretty sure he's just LARPing. "Cheers" is a distinctly un-American phrase. We don't use that here at all. He's obviously British or Australian. If he really was an "insider" with access to that much information, he wouldn't use words that would narrow down the search for him so dramatically.
roger that Alpha-Niner. Maintaining radio silence until the Eagle has Landed.
Cuckchan is 60% shills and larpers (high level shills) so you have to be careful. If you stick around long enough you start to notice a pattern in their typing styles and in how they lay out their claims. It's always something that sounds like it could come from a movie (probably failed screenwriters), with no evidence, but that could ALMOST make sense.
Also you might notice over time that as soon as one larp thread dies, another one pops up, or as soon as one fake event ends (BSE, DAK, etc) another one begins.
Just ignore all of the bullshit you see on cuckchan unless it has been proven to be true or useful already.
Total LARP. The Trump/Obama meeting was private, no one but those two know what was discussed. Unless of course Trump went on 4/pol/ hah.
Get that shit outta here
That just reads like D&C/demoralization propaganda to me. At best, its LARPing.
We've all seen Obama's mask drop before, in the weeks leading up to the election. We know he is scared of Trump. Does anyone really think ol' Stuttering Barry has been masterfully hiding the balls it takes to be that confrontational?
I think the reason that meeting took so long was because Trump was Art of the Deal-ing Obama. TPP got dropped in exchange for preserving parts of Obongo's legacy.
Why are you fucking stupid cunts still bothering with this shit? Why are cuckchan retards still buying into it?
I hate you faggots so much.
That's as far as I got. Anybody do better?
Link please.
An unarmed revolution by a bunch of low energy SJWs and minorities who eschew gun ownership?
In the US?
Yeah, that will gain traction.
If the protests continue, every second they make someone's commute five minutes longer, delay someone's bus, shut down someone's favorite coffee shop because people are chimping near it and so on, they annoy more and more people. If people are annoyed, they'll ask Trump to fix it; and fix it he will.
My biggest hope is that Soros steps on the wrong toes and Trump takes him out. Could you anons imagine a Wikileaks bombshell showing Soros breaking federal laws or something? It'd be delicious.
No, you just haven't been here long enough. Remember that we lost the last time, and if you're not a newfag then you know how bad it was even back then. Honestly I'm surprised we're even getting this much of a chance to try again (meme magic wasn't something they expected us to be able to handle so quickly it seems). Anyhow, unless the Clintons have some sort of direct link to the top of our enemy's chain of command then this isn't really that big of a deal (and I seriously doubt they do since they're just useful goyim, likely pawns at best). In regards to 60 minutes my theory is that Trump wanted to talk about actual policies and was trying to shove away the rumours and conspiracies without being as belligerent as he was during the debates (i.e. "being presidential"). In all likelihood this is fake. Our enemy does not stick its neck out to save its minor players and it's highly unlikely they'd have any reason to protect the Clintons if they were willing to have them be in the public eye for so long.
I would shoot every one of these fucks and watch the ignorance escape from their bodies until death clasped them in it's grip. commies are subhuman trash.
lel. It's a shitty demoralization LARPer.
Says nothing but achieves the scare effect.
Can someone explain to me how people can follow him?
I'm being serious. I can not for the life of me understand why anyone would do this. I want to understand my enemy.
Useful idiots, I suspect.
It doesn't fit with other more verified information, it's pure LARP
Fuck off, there are 5 threads about this in catalog, retard. Stop shitting up the board.
Can someone explain to me how people can follow him?
I'm being serious. I can not for the life of me understand why anyone would do this. I want to understand my enemy.
Come from high trust societies, have no natural predators, and aren't particularly intelligent.
Because they see him as the biggest Anti-Racist alive. They don't know that's he's a jew who jewed other jews out of their shit by ratting on them to the Nazis. They just know that he's helping millions of niggers move to white countries.
Beware International Jewry
You get connections, money, power, and all the kids to fuck
It's pretty simple: Are you a psycopath or a sociopath? Are you willing to sacrifice your principles and be a hypocrite in order to win? Do you follow the value-less morality, where the only thing that matters is yourself and winning? Would you cheat in multiplayer videogames? Congrats, you're a shoe-in to be one of Soros' pawns.
Australian here. I know a shitposter when I see one, and this is a shitposter.
Two Major points:
And I can't imagine that those pictured will ever see any of those things.
Even if their motivations are entirely self centered are they unable to see that they're nothing but worthless pawns? Or do they think that they're not like those other pawns, they'll advance across the board and become a queen?
I don't think it's that. I think they're just plain old useful idiots. Blind morons who are completely oblivious to the ulterior motive at play.
Poster doesn't say whether they work for US gov from the looks of it. Could be a Brit or Aus spook (though UKi spooks, are probably more likely to know what's going on with USi)? Or yes, LARPer.
Slavs are a hardy race that can't stop from murdering one another which is why the destabilising of Jewkraine was successful.
I'm not too sure that gangbangers and safe space millennials will make good shocktroopers.
if you remove the illegal immigrants' votes in CA I'm pretty sure it would be at least +400K for Trump
Yeah that really doesnt seem genuine at all. GTFO faggot.
The one thing they do make reasonably effective use of is mind control. Was reading up on Jonestown some time back, and the way people were sucked in brought to mind the rise of SJWs in media the last decade or so, and how so many regular people appear to have drunk the Flavor Aid.
Unfortunately for them, they're now up against nerdy Internet denizens who are outside of the social order, and who have a surprisingly good grasp on how people work.
Won't happen. You'd have to get 38 electors to switch over to Hilldog, facing heavy fines, jail, time, or at the very least an end to their political careers.
Whats more, if you start getting them to all ditch like that, you're now opening the gate to have disgruntled electors in blue states vote red to oppose them. A net flip of 38 to clinton just isn't happening
I hope winterchan comes in hard and furious, and early, preventing the apes and cuckolds from taking to the streets, nipping this shit in the bud.
Winterchan who created us, please aid us now!
But he indicated that he had direct access to information that was discussed there. I would Imagine there is only a small handful of British/Australians that work closely enough with either administration to have direct and immediate access to that high level of information. That was my point exactly, Even if he was a British or Australian national, he would't use terms that would narrow the search for him so much. It'd be suidicidal
Obama probably tried to prove it, too.
I, too, suspect that this is what transpired.
However… there are resources and depths of character and wisdom as yet untapped in America. We are far more mature than the (((consensus-molding media))) gives us credit for. Hell, Americans have been living this stuff for decades, in some cases centuries. We've developed some immunity to the two-faced evil, and some tenacity of reason that's as-yet unrecognized. Were Trump to go ahead and lift the curtain and let everyone look behind, it would not be the end of the Nation, but merely a much-needed course correction from its current self-destructive path.
American's already know much of what's being kept hidden, anyway. Evidence sites like Holla Forums. At this point, civil unrest is more likely if he plays along than if he truly backs us all into a required hero mode. My only question is who will come out on top. If the secret Satanists do, then America is completely finished, perhaps even written out of history. If we do… then we clean house.
From an absolute moral perspective, it's NOT Donald Trump's presidential mandate to make a decision to shield America from the putrid festering wounds growing in her. His mandate is to do good, clean house, be strong and inspire us to be strong thereby. This is leadership. We can only fix what's wrong by facing it directly.
The Orange revolution failed though it was the later madin revolution that succedeeded and it only became popular because they started giving guns to neo nazis
How have we not infiltrated these groups and turned them on each other or on leftist targets for maximum confusion?
They think he's Dumbledore he's actually Professor Quirrell
I believe this 100% so I dunno how a good ten or more people have replied saying this is outrageous. Denial? Of course that fucking happened, what in the hell else do you think happened? They talked about the Flint water supply?
If Trump comes out with this, the entire Federal government will collapse. That's why the Belgian and UK pedo rings had to be disregarded because it became clear that these countries could not exist/continue without the pedos functioning like they do. Remember, many of these pedos are bankers, businessmen, CEOs, politicians of course, royals, etc etc we all know it's an international kikespiracy in nature. Maybe he's going to crash DC with no survivors and is playing along til then. Otherwise, I dunno, it was immediately evident everything changed with that meeting, but that could be confirmation bias, because he was also just elected president. Still, I think the secrets behind the presidency are where the profundity truly lies, thus, it's not outrageous to believe this.
I don't know what he plans on doing, Republicans control all the federal government mechanisms and most of the states, 86% of people surveyed by Gallup see Trump's win as legitimate. All they have are some scum rioting in deep blue cities because they're being paid and the lying, dying media that people are tuning out of at an ever faster rate.
He's just given Trump the excuse to label him a supporter of domestic terror and shut him down for good. Stupid old kike.
at this point i'm pretty sure every elector knows that denying the people their President will result in them being executed in their homes in front of their families. i doubt any one of them really wants to take that road.
Don't forget current year cuck wore purple among other celebs. We pretty much know but aren't worried yet. They are making themselves look like shit and are even easy to co-opt by us.
That's the thing, user.
They don't fear anything. Not yet. If you wish to persuade them, show them some evidence in a neatly designed message sent directly to them. Tell them how much you know about them, and how much you'd like to meet them, if they were to make the wrong choice.
Soros is the final boss. We need to put our effort into taking him down once and for all.
Bullshit disinfo
Is Gyorgy Schwartz a jew?
If Yes = ''Legitimate"
If No = Not Legitimate
We don't have the actual data to back this up yet. But it is coming soon.
Implying Bobama doesn't want that.
Destroying the United States is the #1 priority of Bobama and Gyorgy Schwartz. Therefore, that guy is LARPing.