This idea needs to get spread. If trump opened the door to white south africans as a group needing asylum.
They could be spread across a couple purple states and they wouldn't vote for the pozz party.
Grant white south africans asylum in swing states
Other urls found in this thread:
it'll just be used to import more niggers
no refugees, from anywhere
Also take in all the Poles the UK wants to get rid of and keep pumping them into Chicago.
Don't be a cuck, now is the time to consolidate victory.
They'd import niggers regardless if they ever get power again. All that can be done is rig things against that.
You forget Trump is in charge now. how do these shills still have jobs?
not sure trump could limit the opened door to just white south africans.
Declare them and opressed minority or something, That combined by them all speaking at least passible english and having high skills.
yes let it be. god let it be. kek let it be.
it shall be done. let the white man live over and against his destruction.
Nigger he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.
How about we just kill all the Bantu so they can have their own country back as their forefathers had?
bump for white south africans
and bump for rhodesians because they will never die
Most of the shills disappeared on November 8th after it became clear we were going to win.
The ones that remain are the ones who do it for free or do it for a second-hand reheated hot pocket.
It's Holla Forums, not CTR.
White south africans would rather stay in their country you know.
They could have all left for New Zealand by now, but every day they delay rules get stricter - now they need to buy a NZ visa first.
Did you bother to think before making this post?
If he allowed only white South Africans it would be an open admission to being a KKK Hitler racist, forever ruining his legacy regardless of whatever good he did.
Literally would never happen.
Just look at them, basking in their white privilege.
The media were screaming waycist for 18 months and he still won.
Who cares. Just consolidate victory and set things so the democrats never get power for a generation at least.
they were screaming "waycist" and enough people recognized it was disingenuous, and it cost the media a lot of cred with the public. you're saying "hey let's reaffirm those accusations and vindicate the media".
Trump's in charge of our immigration policy now, not King Nigger and his kike donors.
While we cannot be certain to what degree Trump is truly white nationalist (obviously he had to conceal his powerlevel to actually get elected), we know at the very least he believes in differences among human populations by the race horse theory he brought up in rallies, and often spoke of bringing the "best and the brightest" to America which by no stretch of the definition could apply to African niggers.
This is a good idea. Keep out the shitskins and import based whites.
You disgust me
The future of America relies on us being "racist". We're in a very fortunate position that Trump is President and we control both the House and the Senate. This perfect storm may not last beyond four years. We need to use this opportunity to enact the most stringent immigration reform – one specifically designed to revive the white majority of the US and mass-deport shitskins.
You are not a very realistic person when it comes to thinking huh?
The US is currently 62% white. If you have any brilliant suggestions about how we can return to being 90+% white I'll gladly listen to your wisdom. Nonetheless, America has no future if we abandon our European identity and allow niggers to occupy our land. America must be a country for whites or not a country at all.
make more babies? i'm willing to bet whites have the lowest birthrates out of all the demographics.
It's a fools errand to think we can outbreed niggers and spics when they comprise 40% of our country's population. We're not animals.
Besides, modern automation renders a perpetually increasing population not longer necessary. What's the problem with maintaining a stable population? Instead of pumping out a bunch of white babies like rabbits, let's simply remove the shitskin problem.
Get a petition going.
Piggyback / network with these guys! Get them to share your petition as well.
50k+ votes
you can do better than that kike.
Whit South Africans are welcome here and there are many coming here to the South of New Zealand.
Not a kike, just saying a fact we are build a Reich. It would be stupid not to join our cause.
Besides, we must absolutely have your beautiful European women. WE NEED THEM! BRING THEM HERE!
White South African here. I'm going to have a green card in two years time.
How do I get a qt Southern gf?
Ending racial conflict in South Africa is a good reason.
Cucks flee their nation when the going gets rough. Stay and fight.
You're wrong.
Can Eastern Europeans come too?
Southerner here.
that should get you any southern qt you want
This is actually a great idea considering Chicago's strong polish roots. Hell the midwest as a whole would take WHITE Polish, WHITE German, and WHITE Scandinavian refugees. Don't need to confuse any kikes watching.
If you have a Britishish accent they'll fucking love you you'll be swarming in white pussy. Also everyone will feel bad for you because they all hate niggers.
What about white Europeans? We dont want to live in islamic gommunism.
Rather have poles than South Africans.
At least they are attractive, religious and racist.
That's an excellent idea!
There is cheap houses in norther sweden.
People will help them if they get in here.
Yes. In entry test I can lie that I don't hate jews at all. Will bring kiełbasa, love for funs, hatred for communism, niggers and islam.
Kurwa mać.
Warsaw is the most American city in Europe
Boers would feel right at home in Michigan to be honest.
Does it snow in South Africa?
Not USA. From frying pan to fire.
Very very rarely. Not everywhere, only in very specific places.
I have never even seen snow.
Anything near Lesotho doesn't count you ass
kek they deny them saying "nah we like our ability to defend ourselves, thanks"
Well it does that every year in North America. South not as much but they still get a little every year. Kek it shuts down their whole state when a little ice ends up on the road try 1 foot of snow and ice.
People in South Africa, especially woman complain about the cold a lot, people from the Freestate not so much.
Here is a list of plagiarism in the first FOUR MINUTES.
Between Heaven and Hell - The True Story of Whites in South Africa
Plagiarism, distortion and outright dishonesty by Sinead Mccarthy.
02:37 - 02:42 The sailors immediately withdrew to their ships, and the expedition sailed on eastward [1]
02:48 - 02:55 The commander-in-chief, Vasco da Gama embarked on the Sao Gabriel accompanied by his pilot, Pedro de Alenquer. [2]
02:56 - 03:10 For almost four months they sailed across the Atlantic without sight of land until, on *4 November 1497, they reached a bay (current day St Helena). Vasco da Gama named the bay Bahai da Santa Elena (St Helena Bay) [2]
03:11 - 03:26 Close to, or near the mouth of the Berg River, the explorers set in to make repairs, look for water, and check their position. It was here that they had their first encounter with the Khoikhoi. A misunderstanding arose between them, and fearing attack, the Khoikhoi threw spears, wounding Da Gama in the thigh.[3][a]
03:43 - 03:49 By 1510, the Portuguese had control of all of the former Arab sultanates on the east African coast.[4][b]
04:34 -
[a] Source: "A misunderstanding arose between them, and fearing attack, the Khoikhoi threw spears."
Mccarthy - "The KhoiKhoi showed their murderous mentality with most of the encounters."
In fact, the source that Mccarthy is plagiarising makes no such claim. Mccarthy cherry-picks her uncredited source to give the viewer a distorted impression of the KhoiKhoi; the literature makes clear that violence erupted as a result of misunderstanding and bad behavior on the part of the European invaders: Source: "However, they offended the Khoikhoi when they took fresh water without asking the chief's permission, and the Khoikhoi began to assemble in an armed mass. The sailors hurriedly took to their boats while a couple of cannon blasts dispersed the Khoikhoi."
[b] Europeans so impressed with native friendliness, they name an area "land of the good people": Source [3]: The east coast
By Christmas, the squadron was off the hazardous coast of Pondoland, which they named Natal. Three days later, they were enjoying good fishing off a point they called Ponta de Pescaria (Durban bluff). Head winds blew them out to sea and when they managed to reach the coast again, they anchored off Inharrime on the coast of Mozambique. They replenished their water barrels and, finding the iron-working ancestors of the Tsonga friendly and generous, they named the area Terra da Boa Gente ('land of the good people').
I am South African
Careful lads.
The Saffa is a wiley bastard and will set up profitable businesses and employ white people everywhere. It's disgusting, they don't seem to have the capacity for failure. (except, you know, that one time… kek)
Source: have worked for so many white South Africans in Aus. 99% based.
Unrelated anecdote time:
I had a white south african math tutor in highschool because I'm a dumb shit, she used to get distracted telling me stories about the old country. Like one time, back when she worked at a school, one of the teachers was late. He'd been driving to work and saw some black kids throwing lumps of concrete off an overpass onto the highway below, risking hundreds of lives with their stupidity.
He did the reasonable thing, pulled his car to the side of the road, got out and shot the three of them to death. He wouldn't have been late to class, except he decided to drive to the nearest police station to let them know what had happened.
After getting there and explaining the situation, they thanked him for his civic minded action and sent him on his way.
Excellent, that's how it's done.
Yeah but how do I even into long division?
I didn't learn shit with all her cool story bro tales of the white man's burden. kek