Anonymity Ruins Everything And Makes Us More Susceptible To Groupthink
That middle finger is sickeningly long.
Seriously, get that fucking thing out of my sights!
Then why is Facebook full of conformist drivel
fuck off back to your own planet then E.T
what the fuck is wrong with that hand
The ayy lmaos are truly among us.
Is that an illegal alien? If so he can get into his saucer and fuck off back to his home planet.
aye yo LMAO
OP has Marfan syndrome. Basically he's an ayy lmao with a crater in his chest.
God dammit I fucking bumped this cancer.
What the fuck?
Back to the tunnels you xeno filth
tbh tho we've discovered that it's the exact opposite.
people argue here like an old married couple
Yeah, that's the opposite of reality. It's just someone arguing to prevent free, honest speech again.
Oh, and that hand is creepy.
either the principles/arguments you advance should not be affected by your personal situation/bias or they should
the left/right opposites are this. 8ch is full of people that abandon their personal stakes in what they say, so there's more objectivity.
those on the left always involve themselves in some way with their arguments, making them emotional.
it is a hive mind of pure intellect, because there's no personal stake.
basically. OP contradicted itself by saying it's "base, herd psychology" whilst also saying "theres no personal stake involved by the people in the (((herd)))"
Too bad they're idiots.
what kind of weird ass dick do u have to go along with those fingers?
And the researchers are just butblasted faggots that can't believe that people only follow the party line when they are in the spot light. Fuck you and the rest of the aliens.
I guess faceburg must be the last bastion of free speech then.
Get the fuck off this board xeno scum.
how could they tell they were niggers if it was anonymous?
Utilizing the same (((math))) that shows the goyim how popular King Nigger is and predicted how Hillary Clinton became our 45th president of these United… oh.
u wut m8?
seriously, did anyone else catch that?
holy shit it took me ten minutes bc I was so creeped out by that fucking hand wtf
Welp guess that nigger is a space nigger.
Are you some kind of spider person?
Yeah well having to register for some kike website creates a sense of alienation and disingenuity and fakeness where everyone is just expressing what they think is safe to and not what they actually think and want.
I want to lynch this fucker for trying to take anonymity away.
It's the exact opposite. What in the fuck.
I can't say what I say here on facebook because I'd get vanned by the trudeau government. Being on a public forum with my real name actively encourages me to groupthink because otherwise I'd be in jail.
Fuck this gay ass bullshit study
didn't know marfan also makes you retarded
learn something new everyday _/(シ)\_
sarjenka pls go
maybe because if we are anonymous we say what we really think.
You're not alone, OP. Don't let the racists get you down. People of Cosmos (PoC) are beautiful.
Translation: anonymous posters don't have to worry about posting their politically incorrect opinions and shitbags like this hate it..
Fuck you, what you really mean is that they disagree with you and because they're posting anonymously you can't sic your pink haired freaks on them and report them for wrongthink.
It's literally exactly the opposite of reality. People are uncivil because THAT'S HUMAN NATURE. Swear words exist for a reason; it's because sometimes you get fucking disgusted with all these faggots trying to ruin your life all the time. So being able to let off a little steam and express your true thoughts without danger of repercussions causes people to use language that they can't use at work. What a fucking surprise.
Maybe it's the other way around, anonymity doesn't make people anxious about "waht others might think" that's why faceberg is cancer.
(pic semi-related)
Also This:
OP is this you?
Ayy lmao
No surprise here.
dem dubs
mein sides
Anonymity actually makes groupthink harder to form. If you're anonymous, you can't be singled out based on comment history whether it's in a specific thread of site-wide. So people can't shame you for having a differing opinion.
Groupthink can still happen Holla Forums being the perfect example, but it's much, much harder when you don't know who the person you're talking to is. Thus you must engage them based on the merits of their conversation.
Groupthink is a fucking useless definition, because it implies just like any leftist definition, that it is automatically a bad thing.
If all agree that the sky is blue, because it's a goddamn fact, in leftist definition it's "Groupthink" now. It's a doublethink buzzword that in the future will be used to insult any of their enemies as a "Groupthinkerist" or whatever if he agrees to something that many other people may agree, or once agreed to. Just like everyone is a "racist" in ther point of view, that doesn't think about race exactly as they do, even if something else is fact. Another term to divide people, and force them to think different or that the left way is the only good way, simply by insulting and implying, even if it's total bull.
You let kikes win by using their invented terms, that's why you should also never accept any of their "-ist" crap.
Would you prefer hugbox? How about echo chamber?
Go back to what ever hole you crawled out of faggot.
No, thanks. This would be a perfect example of groupthink since you're not attempting to provide an alternative here, but are instead arguing over a word. When I ask if an alternative word would be better, instead of countering with a productive argument over whether or not a word change would be a applicable, you instead resort to namecalling.
If there's something deeply wrong with my way of thinking, you should be able to easily rebut.
Now I know you're not the same user, but the same basic principals apply here.
I wonder where the Holla Forums who would argue went. It's all become "I'm totally right, so right I don't have to justify myself :^)"
Is this what they teach you that everyone is going to hear you out and believe your assertions before being shot in the back of the head? Next you will post the pyramid of debating tactics.
Are you unable to differentiate definitions? "Groupthink", hugboxes and echo chambers are not synonyms.
The fact you use the pyramid of debate as a derogatory is pretty telling honestly. The fact you also have to pull the "shill" card with that whole "what they teach you" remark is also extremely telling.
They aren't synonymous, but they are complimentary. Regardless, groupthink causes the same problems as an echo chamber or hugbox. That is, people don't think anymore and blindly accept what is being said in the venue of choice for fear of reprisal.
oy vey you won't waste your time debating my garbage assertions so they must all be correct.
Why don't you just come out and say to look up the Dunning-Kruger effect?
The fuck is with that finger? Alien bitch.
Stopped reading there.
Group think put Jews in control of the west. I wonder who funded this "find out why the goyim are agreeing with each other" study?
"Makes US" There's your problem, assuming there is an US.
Since the thread is locked, I can't properly debate you surprised? no so all I can really say is that just because you think something is garbage doesn't mean it is. You made no real effort to analyze anything I've said. You've just thrown insults at it. That's the same as the "racism" card. So, congrats, you're a hypocrite.
Oy vey indeed.
Oh the irony!