Nigger animal Wanda Sykes gets her shit pushed in by Boston
I can't for these people to find out he's also a german proud of his heritage and a member of the rotary club.
That was beautiful.
Here's a WebM.
wew lads, which universe did we end up in?
Wow, get fuckin' destroyed.
That was fucking glorious
very nice satan
OP was not a faggot this day.
Is language something that you need at least an 80 IQ to understand or something?
Considering the negro had no prevalent written word that wasn't shit smeared on a hippo's arse: yeah I guess.
Wanda Kikes btfo
Checked & Thanks for the webm.
wanda sykes made tracy morgan suck dick after he did that kill his son if he was gay joke
Why do they always get so violent? It went from 0 to 60 in about 5 seconds. She goes actual apeshit on them, instead of just walking off stage.
Also, even "educated" niggers are fucking retarded.
If you listen closely, you can pinpoint the exact moment her career takes a nosedive. Doesn't she know comedians' job is to be funny, not lambast the audience?
my favorite is the "for all yall" part, "fuck you motha fukas for all yall." I guess that's a nigger mode of emphasis.
alas, "comedy" isn't about comedy, it is Status Anxiety Therapy for the ruling class.
fuck off
I was laughing the entire time she went apeshit. The way they talk is so primitive, it just confirms we're dealing with children. Look at (((Noam Chomsky))), eve though he is a kike, and compare his linguistic philosophy with this animal.
I hate kikes, but he's the best example
Respect is earned, not owed.
That's silly. They're silly.
What a faggot
fuck off
Don't make me post boypussy angle.
"All the Presidents [except Obama] is RAYCIS SEXIS AN' HOMOPHOBIC AN' SHEEIT"
"Fuck all y'all!"
"How can you say he's not RAYCIS
I'm actually quite happy that the friendly mask the Jews put on their pets for half a century is coming off. I think they've always felt like this about us. They've always hated us. Always. Even after abolition, ending segregation, affirmative action, imposing on the ability of private businesses to refuse to hire or serve people that are openly hostile… none of it ever made one iota of a fucking difference.
You're racist. That's racist. Y'all's racist. If you don't vote for Democrats you're a racist. The Old Masters' paintings are racist. Your baby is racist.
I'm sure I'm not the only one here who, at this point, is perfectly happy to reply, "Yep. I am."
That fucking cuck recording on his cell phone is probably the only person in that arena who didn't want to see this literal Jew-dyke-nigger bitch swinging from a fucking rope, up in the rafters next to Larry Bird's retired jersey.
Keep provoking us. Eventually one of you Hollywood fuckers is gonna get caught in a place where your Jew masters can't protect you, and you'll deserve any bad thing that happens to you.
All those boos really are a thing of beauty.
The hipster cunt who filmed this unwittingly did us a great service.
kill yourself
is the camera man agreeing with her?
Yeah, he is. He's condemning the audience for opposing it.
Yes, though "man" is a bit generous.
She wasn't even trying to be funny with that weak punchline. It's obvious that she wrote her "comedy act" with the sole purpose of pushing her political opinions.
End yourself.
I can't remember a time this bitch was funny. All her material has been this shity in one form or another. The tone is always the same; something happens and she comes out to tell you how wrong you are and how you should be ashamed and apologize. All of this based on the fact she is black. I wish America was more racist, then she would think twice before getting up and insulting people.
I wish I could hang her
I am not have be understanding your Englishing. If needing be, please to fling poop at your screen and smear it in patterns that have be help you to explain.
Does she deserve the leslie treatment?
Yeah, the performers are supposed to be working against cancer not inflicting it upon the audience.
her punishment must be more severe
She chimped out at a cancer benefit regurgitating the slander of a press which holds the lowest trust in U.S. history.
conditioning = broken
From the video description
From your post
So which was it? Is the media trying to downplay it as usual?
no, the "some of thousands" is in there. The Herland is local news and you'll notice an anti-Sykes slant if you read closely.
i lost
Those are great, and the smug trump face in the bottom of the last image is just too perfect.
They were actually really fucking salty at infowars and mentioned when Alex Jones was brought the bantz on them during the RNC.
I love how they were kissing Hillary's ass so hard, and then when it happened, they started kvetching about how Hillary is horrible and the Democratic party itself is horrible and "elitist" and that it needs to be even more diversity-pandering, more anti-white male, but with some Bernie gibs, ironically because it was precisely the diversity groups that refused to vote for Bernie during the primaries!
TYT: zero self-awareness
btw, Ana Kasparian is such a masterpiece, a textbook bleeding bitch femcunt. She was by far the most delicious.
It's the nigger's answer to the millennial's 'literally'.
kinda surprising actually
If I knew in advance Trump was going to win so hard, I'd have watched this live. Amazing.
This is the biggest salt mine I've ever seen. A minute prior, he was flipping out about the HuffPo's prediction of a 98% chance Hillary wins.
Criminally underrated post.
That bit struck me, it's such a bizarre thing to say, it's the most obviously objectively wrong thing you could possibly say about trump.
Waaaaaaah, I can't cope with life, I need to be high out of my mind.
(Fucking checked)
Is that thing confirmed human??
As a Bostonian, I am pleased.
I went to the Commons yesterday to see all of the anti-Trump chalk. I saw a glimmer of hope.
Fucking retarded nigger
It's retarded, but I think I understand the logic. She truly believes that she is 100% right, and that Trump is a homophone, racist, and whatever else the Jews told her to think. If she is 100% certain that he is a "racists and homophobe", she thinks she is on the "right side of history®", so she has a right to call him out.
I'm not talking about her talking shit about Trump, I'm talking about her pointing at people and saying "fuck you and fuck you too"
Seriously, its one thing if she came up their and spouted anti-trump bs like a total good goy, its another thing completely to chimp out and start attacking people for booing.
How the fuck do you expect to get new fans if you pull that bullshit? The lack of logic would be almost astounding, but I guess I'm not surprised since its a nigger
I could salt all of my spaghetti for life off of this.
Just think, someone took the time and effort to siphon through all of that garbage to get the meaty parts just for us.
You know what, I think you're right. I was thinking more along the lines of her feeling she has a deontological duty to chastise Trump supporters, but that implies advanced logic, and she's a nigger.
OMG so funny…. What did that show cost to see? Did the bitch forget what her job is? What the people were there to hear? Someone should have crack the monkey in the head.
It's growing
People hear the "four bankruptcies" line. They never hear about the 450+ companies that didn't fail.
She made you kek after all
Found the goon
When exactly did she lez out? She used to do bits about fucking with men.
…wow. She sucks at dealing with boos.
I mean come on, she could have segged that right into ripping into every Presodent since Reagan.
9:30 in he realizes exactly who to blame. Leftists gonna get mad as fuck too.
Before her career in comedy, Sykes got, as she called it, “a good government job.” She worked for the NSA and, when prompted, confessed that “yes, she learned some things that were surprising.” She did not elaborate, maybe because it was long ago, or maybe because none of us had the proper clearance.
She later commented that NSA surveillance of US citizens is not something that bothers her. She repeated the common argument that maybe it isn't so bad to trade a little privacy so this agency can keep us safe. She did, however, express annoyance how Internet operations like Google can read your email to sell advertising to you. She cited an example of using the phrase “life coach” then seeing ads for books about life coaches, and suggested that Google “mind its own damn business!”
Wanda Sykes on Working at the NSA, Coming Out, & Shooing the FLOTUS Away
They don't get it. They are only making him more popular with all the shit they are doing. Even that didn't like him are starting to come around after seeing all this throwing a fit.
Turkroaches, not even once
opposite actually. before this nobody gave a shit about wanda sykes other than dykes and sheboons. she's only a celebrity to begin with thanks to the chris rock show typecasting her as a "sassy black woman". the msm will parade her around for awhile, might even get a role in some shitty kevin hart or tyler perry film and that's it. right back to tbs sitcoms, voice work and guest appearances on shit watched only by soccer moms too drugged up on antidepressants and cheap wine to hunt for the remote.
thought this was about the band Boston defending trump for a second
This dumb fucking nigger must not have got the memo that Massachusetts democrats aren't like California democrats and everyone here hates niggers.
lol that cuck in the back groung
Sounded like he was trying to stay quiet too. I bet he's afraid of white males.
I love this
lol at the cuck cheering her on.
celeb bullshit constantly being bumped even though it only has 90 replies
Women sure do have the qualifications to run the country. "We have to budget money we don't have." – TYT
man the yty and current year salt took the top of the cake after the election.
"-ian" names usually mean either Armenian or Persian. These days you have to really stretch your definition of "White" to include either.
We shall destroy the sheboon, for it will amuse us greatly.
Prepare the memes!
I could die happy if this happened
I have cancer btw
Does Wanda Sykes expect me to believe that the leftist mind even knows what evidence is?