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‘Suck it up, buttercup!’: Iowa rep wants to punish ‘cry baby’ school reactions to Trump win
what the hell is going on
An anti-SJW jew? Who lives in… Iowa?
There are non-Jews with that name.
none that I've ever seen
This is him, can't tell if jew
He's friends with Chuck Grassley, though, who is a major piece of shit pro-refugee israel-cocksucking neocon.
It's republican time my dude, so they are standing up for the people at power now and signaling the beliefs of said system. That's how they work.
Yeah, I don't trust this guy
I bet he's a rat
weird, my ID has no numbers in it
didn't know that was possible
Cuckservatism is dying.
He's apparently not Jewish, according to Kikipedia.
His article isn't in any of the Jew-related categories.
I haven't heard that phrase in years. It feels good.
Looks English.
Why not just ban humanities? Like Japan did?
You shouldn't trust any of them. And by them I mean Republicans. They're no better than the Dems. Help them when it's in our interest to do so, but don't trust them.
this guy… is winning.
Confirmed for based:
>"The saddest part of all of this is he's a journalism professor for crying out loud!" added Rep. Jeff Kaufmann, a Republican. "This is a condescending piece that I'm ashamed to say was funded by my constituents' tax dollars."
God, why is Holla Forums turning so dumb lately?
I enjoyed that one.
It's literally storeclerk, storeowner … come on maaaang cut we'z sum slaxx
That one does actually mean merchant though.
Bro do you hexadecimal?
We should ban womyn's and african studies.
No federal funds for any college with these courses.
Oh, well that's good.
Oh yes, more please.
Do you have a poor grasp on the English language? He's saying he'd multiply the total funding dollar count by three, and use that value as a number to cut from the budgets.
Ah right.
Either way user, defunding worthless safe space incubators tickles me right where I itch; whether it's normal funding or an increased penalty amount.
He looks like Karl Kaufmann on the left except fat.
The Whole educational system needs to be reformed though, universities shouldn't be marxist indoctrination camps with crap like gender studies and safe spaces.
We can't let (((them))) brainwash the youth anymore.
is that kevin james' long lost brother?
Awesome guy.
People are beginning to uncuck themselves
this is good, defund the snowflake zones, drain the sewer
Fucking do it, faggot!
Never been to Germany much?
Kaufmann means merchant.
Great idea, but needs to be pushed nationally.
So make a slogan & meme it across social media? #DefundCryZones
Remove the libshits where they breed
Shadow realm banishment for all
We've been pretty inspired by Trump from the getgo. Think of how willing to be inspired all the normies who subtly bordered on nationalist ideology can be now that Trump won.
Didn't Japan recently cut all liberal classes or something? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Hitting them where it really hurts,in the shekels.
Semi-related development from academia. They're starting to reign in the Red Guards somewhat because of the election result.
NYU awards promotion and full time gig to ‘deplorable’ professor
Libtards are problematically expensive.
Fucking crybabies.
Its about time.
Top kek