Reed College Targeted by Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semitic Graffiti
"Anyone seeking to cause fear or harm to members of the Reed community should expect a vigorous response," Reed administrators say.
Reed College Targeted by Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semitic Graffiti
"Anyone seeking to cause fear or harm to members of the Reed community should expect a vigorous response," Reed administrators say.
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No one here did that. It was probably a spic
Meh, I've seen better 6/10
I see multiple handwritings
You have several natsocs in your area, if this isn't shlomo falseflagging
Probably at least one of them is legit
i didnt bother looking for the original
I'm sorry. Couldn't contain myself.
I'm convinced that all of this and similar is just leftists throwing tantrums.
At least they got good at drawing the Swastika.
They got the swastika right, so that lends some slight credibility to it not being leftists. They're retarded at circles though.
False flags. As always.
Looks like false flagging. For all I know, this could have been you, Chaim!
Nazi symbol next to a pentagram. This wasn't anyone from here. Think before you post OP. You raging faggot.
Has there ever been a case of racist/anti-Semitic graffiti that wasn't a false flag? Even one?
Obvious falseflag is obviously.
I bet the ol rabbi is up to old tricks.
.. depends which way the pentagram is pointing.
It would save them so much time if they would simply collapse all their power words into "evil".
obvious false flag what ugly writing.
that is girl handwriting.
the satanic star gives it away
which juden femme did it?
Dubs of truth. Kek has spoken.
Shit, fucked up
confirmed for edgy faggot false flag
I think there is a need for more swastika graffiti
I doubt it was jews this time but basically the same idea.
There's no way to prove this isn't some false-flag operation.
read what was being crossed over, a bunch of anti-white rhetoric.
wasn't jews, swastika is proper.
eh, could be a metalhead
lots of metalhead natsocs
pretty low energy
lolwut who the fuck scrawls a pentagram on a wall alongside WN stuff?
upside down pentagram = not one of us
Was so confused
(((Mike Enoch))) of TDS was pushing for school stuff like this, and claimed they had se stuff in the works.
Doesn't seem like one of us. Seems like some anti-fa fag who's obsessed with internet extremists.
the first thing that came to my mind was one of those shiieeeet comics but the nigger gets turned into a pie
Upside down Pentagram…
You must be some kinda fucking stupid OP.
Another case of Hey Rabbi, watcha doin'?
You're making me hungry, first pie, now chicken.
I don't know, it looks pretty legit.
Not sure about the star though.
What, don't you know that all Nazis are Satanists?
This, that doesn't even make any sense.
Remember to meme responsibly kiddos.
Which moonman video did name there?
Also, real satanists know how to draw a star
clearly a styx shout out
also requesting this
Styx is neither of that.
He used to be both in the past, although not simultaneously, I think.
You know how much of an edgelord he can be…
Wasn't us. Likely a false flag. Actual natsocs wouldn't graffiti either.
WTF m8? Someone actually got the swastika right?
They bring these low IQ niggers and mentally ill faggots to places like this, with Jew professors telling them about the evil White man..only problem, they can't actually find le evil White man, so they have to make one up.
I had a dyke do this to herself at a small liberal arts uni years ago for attention.
It was probably one of them that did this.
Looks like Trump let old Benny out of prison again.
It was probably a jew.
Reed College?
Reed College is more liberal than fucking Berkley. If there's a racist there, he hides his power level better than if he were a KGB agent in Langley.
All that and no Pepe, obvious false flag
This was probably someone from TRS. They have been telling people to put up fliers and posters for a few weeks now. Some autist was probably to lazy to print some out, and did this instead.
It's okay brother, your spaghetti is pretty beautiful.
the cartoon has got the odal (pagan symbol) symbol on his forehead, so that means it is portraying a "real nazi" having done the swasika.
Just like all of the hysteria post election. They're screaming that the theater is on fire when it's not, isn't that illegal?
Looks like the job of a VERY frustrated Jew from the ADL
low energy
3/10 shitposting in real life
((("Everybody's devastated," Anna Kampfe, a 19-year-old sophomore from Atlanta told the News. "We figured at a progressive school nothing like this would ever happen. That's so hateful.")))
Yeah the image is some normalfag shit (likely Holla Forums) trying to make it look like they aren't the retards who fail to swastika.
no need too.
a rats a rat.
yeah, if it hasn't been done yet, some user could just adapt the character and draw it as a leftard or something.
too late here for me to do it
Checked for at least they managed a decent swastika.
No fag it looks like someone who probably spent a week hatesurfing halfchan/pol/ then decided to hoax a hate crime. Why would anyone ever say "google moonman" as a message to spread to non whites? To alert them to our memes and scare them into acting out emotionally.
My reply to the article.
Is this moonman, guys?
Most likely a group of people.
Probably false flag. No one here would recommend google. Lingo is all wrong. Smells fishy, but funny to see people so afraid of words while people are rioting and physically hurting others and damaging property.
that's some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while
I guarantee this is (((someone))) other than a shitlord
A shitlord would just post racial statistics to trigger these people.
Gee, I wonder who drew that pentagram
i kek'd meaning i smiled a little bit
We need more of this
This, it's probably just some edgelords who think hitler and satan are cool just because they're pictured as evil and destructive.
I wrote
"Join ICE
deport Mexicans"
On the wall of a bathroom today.
in pencil
False flag…
Just want you to know I really love you guys who do this. If anyone else is inspired to do this in a way that intimidates others without giving our opposition ideological ammo, please do it.
Reed College is where this man went (he dropped out in order to travel India though)
Yes I did read his biography, and yes it was a good book tbh.
I'm impressed that the liberal who did this actually drew the swastika correctly. Equating it with Satanism gives it away as being edgy attention whoring.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? This is a slide thread. Report and sage.
Probably took that cunt a year of preparation because otherwise they'd be literally shaking and fuck up the swastika.
Who writes this shit?
This is some "the permanent marker is mightier than the AR" shit