Is she going to teach America's youth to shitpost?
Is she going to teach America's youth to shitpost?
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Her policies will likely address degeneracy and will likely work to end the cancer of 4chan and Holla Forums from infecting Holla Forums.
I see some potential.
She's talking about teenage girls who bully each other on kikebook, not about shitposters on Holla Forums. She's going to crack down on the rampant youth SJW crisis, not on us.
It's so easy to get rid of cyber bullying. It's called never give personal information on the internet and close your computer if you're such a thin-skinned faggot that you can't handle user insulting you.
Hopefully so. We've done too much good for the Trumps for them to try doing anything bad against us.
Minors should be barred from having any account on the internet. Social media should be for adults only. If you prevent the kids from adopting a social media habit when they are young, they might never start. See: declining tobacco sales.
I hope snapchat degeneracy is controlled.
I'd ban access to the internet to everybody under 21, personally. Use intranet at libraries and schools if you need to find information to write your shitty paper. Parents who don't comply get fined out the ass for the first offense, jail time for repeat offenders.
Yes goyim, your children should visit Holocaust museums and watch Schindler's List to get the true story about World War 2. The internet is a dangerous zone of lies.
too wishful?
naaaah, you already need thick skin to get into a chan
I honestly don't know what to expect.
She should focus instead on bullying in schools. That's what fucks a kid up and prevents him from learning. Plus with all the foreigners in schools now the white kids get it even worse. Cyber bullying is a myth. tylertweet.png
she doesn't give a shit, it's very obvious she didn't want Trump to run and did the very minimum to help him at it. at most she will say that people should be good online and that's it.
Kids need to be banned from having smartphones too. Maybe let them have candybar nokias. tbqh I'm on the edge on that one.
1. isn't real
2. wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the "everyone gets a ribbon" bullshit
3. wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the kindergarten "if you can't say anything nice" bullshit
To be fair, adults could still go online and download redpills to show their kids under user's "21 and over" policy.
The reason she wasn't all over Trump's campaign is because she barely speaks english.
She's got a son who's what, 9 or 10 years old? She probably does care about the toxic modern youth environment.
The thing I really want to be controlled on Snapshart is the permanent "Explore" tab, which features channels like CNN, Cuckfeed and MTV. So much cancer it hurts.
The internet is not made for kids, everywhere I see them they ruin communities. That is not to mention them having cellphones and doing all kinds of shit with them. Not to mention
Doing so should be a duty of responsible parents. Just don't let the twerp access the internet.
This is retarded. Why does cyber bullying exist just like close your eyes get off the computer lol
Seriously, if this is some pretense to censor thr internet or get rid of internet anonymity then fuck her. Get some other token FLOTUS cause like decorating the wall.
I agree with you but I don't know how feasible restricting the internet is at this point. Unless the state steps in, kids are going to get online at some point and see degeneracy.
The primary objective should be banning porn in my opinion.
Teach them about conservative motherhood plox
dude did you see how uninterested she has act through the entire campaign? she does not care and i can't blame her for it, imagine having a great life in a golden palace, able to travel wherever you want, media loves you and you can do anything, Now it all fade away because your husband wants to be president, so now you can't travel without SS, media hates you, everybody judge your every move and you have no peace of mind.
FLOTUS really does not have the power to censor the internet or anything like that. FLOTUS doesn't have any power at all, except to have the POTUS's ear.
We've already got laws about kids on the internet, so it would be nothing fundamentally new. COPPA for instance. The only problem is the laws need to be rewritten to actually work as intended. (and 13 is WAY too young)
True. I'm also trying to think of a way where it would be possible to curbstomp the abuse of video games. While I don't mind people playing them in reasonable amounts of time, kids being hooked up on them 8 hours a school day and 14 during vacation days, like I was, is certainly not good. The only good thing it did to me was good hand eye coordination and learning English as a second language.
According to Trump, she told him to run. Which makes sense, since she undoubtedly married him for his money and fame. That sort of woman does not prefer relative obscurity to being married to the POTUS.
You barely saw her for the same reason you barely saw Jeb's wife. Neither of them can speak english properly.
According to Trump, she told him that IF he runs he wins, not TO run.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Video games is a hard one to fix since parents actually want their kids to play them (to keep them distracted so they don't have to act like parents to them.) In the region I live, it is considered weird for parents to not buy their toddlers ipads to keep them distracted.
Speaking of which, a lot of kids don't even play video games anymore. Instead watch other people play video games on youtube. That disturbs me even more.
If that was meant to discourage Trump, then she's a moron.
It'll be as effective as
FLOTUS never accomplishes jack shit.
From my understanding he's just a resident autist/spammer.
you forgot barb. i can't remember what she tried to do either.
pic is her favorite son
I just wish he'd use his autism in a more productive way, spreading that message to people who aren't already on board with it. I guess his autism makes him too cowardly to say it anywhere else though. Sad!
You mean niggers beating Trump supporters and then posting online the video?
That's probably not what she's talking about, but I trust Trump to empower our police so they can start cracking nigger skulls again. Trump has never wavered on being pro-police.
Since when are unelected First Ladies supposed to make policy again? Who started this trend? Nancy Reagan?
this feels too god.
Is it normal for the first lady to concern herself with shit that doesn't matter/exist, Holla Forums?
Did you post this ironically.
FDR's wife I thought.
she's going to make America's Bantz Great Again!
Came into this thread to post pretty much this exact same thing word for word.
Shadilay user.
yes, it's normal for them to pick something that doesn't matter, and then not really do anything about it
their most important duties are to look elegant and decorate the white house well, melania will do fine at those
Why does every first lady always try to do some bullshit project that never accomplishes anything and absolutely nobody cares about whatsoever?
because she isn't elected
Makes sense.
Whatever she has planned, you can rest assured knowing that nothing will actually get done.
Because muh stronk 3D womyn.
It's all they do. They take up some retarded cause and nothing they do has any effect.
Mrs. Trump looks pretty fine in terms of looks, I guess. Can't break the tradition of talking about pointless crap now, can we?
What did Obama's wife even do? Try to get fat kids to stop being fat, or something?
At least video games can have some beneficial side effects. Some games like the original Deus Ex helped redpill people. Like said, parents too often fall into the trap of distracting their kids instead of actually parenting them.
this, it's nothing to worry about
first lady has no power, they just set up a nice-looking charity and give some speeches to make concerned mothers feel good
Oh shit, I almost forgot the icing on the cake:
Hillary Clinton and healthcare. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
she tried to ruin school lunches for schoolkids. should be easy to revert that, parents have been in open revolt against the negress' campaign on that
Promoting tranny acceptance by being the first first ladyboy of the US.
She succeeded in ruining a LOT of school lunches dude.
How did she try to ruin school lunches exactly? How do you ruin pig slop and sugary soda?
Is school lunch really that bad these days? I went to school not long ago, but in a small town. We always had food cooked by the lunch ladies, homemade.
Granted, we had vending machines in high school and a line just to buy snacks, but real food was available.
A few years ago there was a "viral" video of some kid recording her pathetic measly lunch.
Force that pig slop to be halal and that sugary soda to be sugar free.
Looks like dog puke, not even kidding.
What the fuck is that? They don't even serve pre-chewed shit like that in prisons.
Do kids actually eat that? Jesus Christ talk about ruinning the best part of a child's day.
I just skipped lunch every day when I was in school
As a cook this crap disgusts and insults me to no end. How the fuck can this trash be considered food?
it's not, and I doubt a single kid actually consumed that
it all ended up in the trash
That's certainly one way to prevent obesity.
so her plan actually worked
Starve the Children™
Dude what the fuck. In the semi-3rd world shithole my country is, school food is 15x better than that crap.
Does this make Michael a 3d chest master then?
It looks like it came straight from a used biohazard bag taken from an hospital. It's this bad. I guess starvation is a way to prevent obesity? Other than it leading to metabolism going into overdrive and your body stocking more fat the next time calories are consumed Or was the goal to show typical African culture? How this is not considered institutional child abuse is beyond me.
I remember some russian user posting russian school lunches on here a while ago, and eurofags were making fun of how shitty they were. It was like some brown bread with some soup and salad. All I could think was how I would've loved to have lunches like those in school.
2d checkers flunker
If people ever start digging on the US educational system, they're going to dig up a lot. My high school had a pedo ring operating out of it. Not sure if it was ever busted, I barely got out of there with my skin attached. The lunches are just the surface of it, really.
Rather than to school ladies make lunches, why not have kids make their own meals in cooking classes, and then have them eat what they made during lunch time?
Lunch ladies around cities are either full blown niggers or senile obese white women who don't give a fuck how terrible the food they make is. Why would they? Kids can complain about the quality all they want and nobody is going to listen to them.
Well that would make too much sense, wouldn't it?
I was poor growing up so I worked as a lunch server in school, It was all Assembly line pre-cooked shit.
That's just sad man. Kids in my school had respect for the lunch ladies especially the one in the snack line. Makes me glad I never went to school in a city.
Why not get rid of soda machines and dispense flavored seltzer water from taps?
Hopefully it means just cracking down on actual cases of kids being shits to each other, not internet censorship.
most people I know prefer sparkling water to soda, not sure why soda is so ubiquitous and sparkling water is so hard to find
it's pretty easy to rig up an industrial carbonator, though. I could do it for a couple hundred dollars if you wanted it to look nice.
Video related.
I went to jail (outside the US) and meals were no joke, way better thanthis. We had for breakfast eggs, fakon, stale bread and cheap fake coffee, sometimes lucky charms and french toast with milk. At lunch we had at least pasta with marinara sauce or ham and reconstrcted mashed potatoes or sandwiches with juice and fruit salad or puree as dessert. We even had some mystery meat that actually looked like meat in sauce for fuck's sake. That was jail, not a learning environment.
Can't have the goyim develop actual useful skills, it wouldn't fit the cultural Marxist syllabus because having any skill is a symbol of white patriarchal supremacy.
Coca-cola is a big lobbyist.
US school lunches are usually provided by the same companies that provide prison food (Sodexo comes to mind).
Your dubs say sparkling water is the choice of uncle Adolf, but I still say both sparkling water and soda are disgusting.
I guess prisons aren't trying to kill you in your country.
In prisons here, the water is intentionally poisoned with toxic chemicals and all the food is soy-based. There was a lawsuit because the soylent food was killing people.
Source is weird but the lawsuit was real
What I'm saying is that you can have that fizz and some flavor without detrimental health.
I wish I took gym more serious.
Guys in High school need personal trainers to help them become big
Make America Big Guys Again
The reason why I'm posting so much about this food shit isn't to complain, it's because I believe the communists here use food as a method of warfare against the populace. I'm not entirely sure what their intent is by spamming toxic food to schoolkids though.
What the actual goddamn fuck? We have rubbery potatoes and salad with the odd maggot in there, and it's considered a fucking outrage. I wouldn't serve that shit to rapists.
Our prisons had food designed to make you fat and tired though. No soylent as far as I know and water tasted metallic. I know many who left the place weighting 50+ pounds more than when they entered, even those who tried to keep fit gained at least a bit of weight. Whether it's the lack of drugs and exercise or the food quality is still up to debate though but I distinctly remember many people getting fucking tired right after any meal.
This came to mind. Barron probably has some trouble with bullying at school.
You think the food is bad? You should see what the fuck they're "teaching" these kids in schools. At least Trump is going to end common core. There's a very legitimate reason why so many American children are homeschooled.
I was in HS when she did all that shit, we got nasty shit every day to the point where the pizza joint down the road would give out free slices and occasionally weed for stolen school lunchtrays and cutlery.
Starvation mode is myth, dumbass.
It may just be my experience but they phased out freshly cooked lunches for pre-packaged, microwavable garbage somewhere in the 90's. Most people I knew in high school either brought lunch from home or didn't eat at all, and the ones that did eat school lunches were poor kids who got them for free on waiver.
This. If you go to public school in America and you're not dirt broke, you didn't buy lunch at school.
it's not if your metabolism is already fast as fuck.
Best way to go from skellymode to ottermode is to only eat two huge ass meals a day and be hungry for most of it while working out regularly and consuming a protein supplement if you don't have access to decent meats.
That's just fucking disturbing. I wonder if I was taught similar shit.
Prove it instead of saying bullshit and hoping people will believe it. I've seen it happen a couple times. Heck it happened to me during the times I tried to restructure my life. Too broke to eat 3 meals a day, often had to eat only 1 and I became chubby even though I was starving for most of the day.
Did you have the full semester of Holocaust class every year like we did?
weird, when I only eat once a day weight drops off like a rock
you might have metabolic issues or something
I know I did. Spent at least a month every year on "muh 6 gorillion"
I ate less than 600 calories during my worst and lost over 25 lbs in one month.
I've met girls who eat less than 500 a day and have extremely low BMIs, and they still keep losing.
glad i finished school right when obongo took office. this is basically child abuse.
No, just a few hours. We didn't spend much time on ww2 because we joined the germans and did literally nothing wrong. Kikewoods' propaganda films do just fine.
Women NEVER should be in positions of power.
Both melania and especially ivanka had nothing but negative effects on the campaign except for looking good.
Every 'centipede' faggot who says ivanka should be first female president or something along those lines should just kill themselves.
if we're talking cyberbullying as in, getting swatted and doxxed and shit, most of us can agree that's good, but getting called a fucking nigger on the internet is a non issue and i think helps build thicker skin if you raise your kids the right way
I was lucky to have been taught about Hitler's policies and his vision at the same time as the holocaust back in high school. I distinctly remember not understanding why rebuilding Germany after the way it was treated with Versailles was such a bad thing. then again I saw death as part of life and wasn't phased by the supposedly systematic extermination of kikes. I was an edgy teen so I thought it was badass to rule with such an iron fist.
I have a very efficient metabolism, which is most likely the reason. Either that or they did really put something in that prison food that fucked up one's metabolism. Anything I lose, if any, I regain in a week after going back to normal dietary intake.
It was, user. It was.
If only it wasn't a hoax and he actually did it
Ivanka is a kikess, that's a double whammy.
Thinking further on this, I think it's all a profit thing. Even though it's technically cheaper to buy raw ingredients in bulk and make a big, single meal for the kids, I think there's something fishy at play. The pre-packaged food they serve must have some sort of subsidy or it's just so poor in quality that it really is cheaper than raw ingredients.
When I was young I lived in a wealthy neighborhood. The education was probably well funded and the cafeteria in my elementary school had enthusiastic lunch ladies who cooked fresh meals. Lots of kids paid for lunch; I occasionally did as well. The middle school I would've gone to instead franchised out much of the lunch area to chains like Subway. The kids could afford to eat at places like that so the school was happy to offload those costs and actually make a profit.
When I moved to a firmly middle class neighborhood, the difference was obvious. It was all garbage that was clearly frozen and reheated plus a salad bar-tier side dish. Middle and high school was the same, only with a soda machine and a student store that sold candy and snacks. In high school Queen Nigger's initiative got the soda/snack machine taken out. Ironically, it was replaced with an ice cream machine because it was not specifically prohibited by the new rule.
tl;dr: Unsurprisingly, it's a money issue complete with the perverse incentives and cronyism that state-run facilities create.
Maybe because they threatened her life on every Twitter post?
The scary thing is that books aren't pushed in US schools at all, and the only books that are either suck (Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, literal fanfiction tier garbage) or they're fucking jewish psyops (Night, Diary of Anne Frank, etc.).
I can think of many exceptions to that "NEVER" given our current leaders and the existence of women who could beat these faggot pedophiles up.
My god.
He's the one. He inherited Daddy Trump's genius. Barron will guide us to a bright future one day.
It may be the case that a certain philanthropist billionaire benevolently funded these microwave launches.
Are goons who have been doxing & harassing with impunity going to get locked up? Or is this just an initiative to get people off their computers & into nature, sports, etc.?
MFW, I'm smarter than Trump and I'm half his age…
In her speech she specifically said that she wants to focus on cyberbullying minors. When's the last time we targeted someone who's underage since Jessie slaughter?
We only harass and bully adults, the closest that we've gotten to bullying kids is Shekels Shapiro.
Also before that specifically she said that adults can handle the bants but children can't.
If Trump's campaign didn't revitalize our bantz I don't think anything can or will.
It doesn't matter because the first lady's pet project almost never takes off(the exception being something small scale like Jacqueline Kennedy's) or if it's something more ambitious it fails spectacularly(i.e. Michelle Obama's).
At any rate, Melania should know by now that shitposting is an essential part of the political process.
Men can only have 2D chests, user.
Remember, it's the worst sociopaths and bullies who hide behind the banner of cyber-bullying.
Anita Sarkessian, Zoe Quinn Brianna Wu, and company all pretend to be against cyber bullying, while bullying everyone else.
With Melania getting involved, she's going to end the monopoly that the professional victims are imposing upon everyone.
She's going to completely fracture the feminist and SJW movement and turn it into a controlled opposition.
It's to stop 14 year old white girls from killing themselves because filthy niggers and spics bullied them relentlessly out of envy.
He is the one, the shortening of the way.
Bring back the old "wild west" days of the internet, where you're taught that it's BAD to give out personally identifying information on the internet instead of encouraged to post it online through social media services. Not once was there anywhere near this amount of problems back then.
Sounds like you're going full retard.
Fuck off back to Israel.
Small town rural schools are still decent, I know a person that works in the cafeteria of one. The quality of food is degraded from when I was in school nearly a decade ago but is nowhere as bad as the nigger'd (((urban))) schools you see in images in this thread.
Because flavored water is jewish bullshit. It's always sweetened with artificial "zero calorie" chemical sweeteners, which is actually worse than sugar. Your body thinks it's sugar because it's sweet, so it shits out some insulin, which ends up only getting to the sugar already in your blood. Lo and behold, you're hungry again sooner than you otherwise would be.
For fuck's sake, there's that kike food again. Are they trying to turn prisoners into trannies?
I really do wish people would stop naming body types after animals. What are you, a fucking furfag or something?
First three weeks, holocaust. Next three weeks, black history month.
Of course. It is cheaper to imprison feminized men than aggressive masculine men.
Sheriff Joe Arpio did it too btw. Look up the meals he fed prisoners, no meat at all. For thanksgiving he gave them tofu-turkey casserole.
boo hoo faggot. stop putting your personal business on the internet. it used to be morons were told not to identify themselves. suddenly it's super-profitable so tell us everything about yourself goy!. i don't want to see this shit being defended on Holla Forums of all places.
Found the manchild. Seriously though, reread what I said. I mentioned video game abuse, not use. A child doesn't need a virtual world replacing actual real life interaction with friends and his parents. Not to mention having them go outside and spend energy is a good thing instead of sitting on their ass playing virtual SJW propaganda. Just as retarded useless parents using the TV to do their job back in the 70s, 80s and 90s, modern day parents must use vidya as a replacement for them because they can't be assed to take care and properly raise their kids.
Don't be an ass. Kids lack the life experience to know better.
deepest lore, i'd believe it
Don't you have a tumblr to update, Schlmo?
I reiterate, fuck off back to Israel.
Still not able to read nigger? Go back to Africa.
I can read, kike, and what I'm chastising your ass about is exactly what you're saying.
You don't get it. Her initiative is to TRAIN cyberbullies.
I'm fine with this.
Lisan Al-Gaib!
one way to deal with porn is to make them comply with health and safety law and make it easier for pornstars who get diseases to sue the fuck out of porn companies. It wont stop it entierly but it will be a nice kick in the nuts for Schlomo Scheklebergstien
Whoops, looks like the pharma kikes are going to get annihilated.
they serve better food in underfunded county jails
They're talking about the aggressive cruelty of the left.
in a family which isn't braindead, that is pretty much the normal condition.
which means 99% of families today are braindead, thanks to mtv and the kike media monster.
Barron is going to grow up to be some next level hyper dimensional shitposting God.
what is this, 2013?
I think we might be able to piggy back off of this. lets take advantage of this when she gets into office and use this as an opportunity to show kids that the right-wing cares about them. even if you are playing a video game and the kid is being an annoying little shit, understand that the kid probably has shitty parents and act like a kind and caring nazi.
focus more on stopping their bullies (while teaching them to stand up for themselves) and giving the credit for your compassion to the right-wing.
we will have our trumpreich gentlemen
pic related
Melania to focus on Crybullies
dob jej
When's the last time we bullied anyone under the age of 18 since Jessie slaughter? Nah man we pretty much only bully adults, unless there's some underage Jewish journalists that I haven't heard about.
Not to mention in her speech she basically said that adults can handle the bants but kids can't. She won't get in the way of us fucking with manchildren or Journalists. I'm willing to give the Empress the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, they are women. Look at Hillary.