Halfchan is hushing this whole thing, so it's up to us to keep the fire burning.
Libreoffice Mascot voting 4: Punished Tyson
Other urls found in this thread:
Tyson is actually directly asking questions about the contest:
Anyone got a bigger version of that fist octo merchant?
Halfchan being Halfchan as usual.
Honestly, I can't believe the threads stayed up for as long as they did. They even banned the guy who was making some of the best OC. It wasn't even explicit, and a lot of other people posting furry stuff didn't get banned. Seriously, what's wrong with them? How can you hate creativity, fun, and board culture that much?
Oh shit, this is going to be some drama.
this whole mess makes me want to start a new free software and get tyson tan to do the mascot after a few stable releases
This could be an even bigger bomb shell than the initial happening. Tyson has a LOT of fans, and if he is asking direct questions, so will they.
You mean this one?
Dats a nice kippah.
Alright, who was it?
Yep, that's the one. Unforgivable!
Petty cute. I just wish at least one of them was more finished.
I thought they got banned for making a big deal out of an ugly edit.
It's almost beautiful in how stupid it is.
Alright, someone tl:dr the situation. Where are we with LO, Tyson and anything else I might be forgetting.
He said in the other thread he got banned for posting furry.
user, said it perfectly in the first thread:
What is it with 4gag and furry stuff? They seem to hate it even more than trap lewds.
It goes back to ancient times when moot pulled a cheeky little switcheroo and permabanned every furry on the site.
Of course, the irony of it all was that he eventually added /mlp/.
Tyson's fans seem to be getting more and more whipped up about this...
Looks like Tyson smells the stink in Denmark.
I feel kinda bad about the actual LO devs. They're going to take some of this hit and they probably had next to nothing to do with the contest.
for the*
i thought the newest one was the more detailed octo. why would the current submission get even shittier?
Will do, have some re-purposed polished up tysontan oc.
Because janitors are power-tripping retards with a furshit and trap fetish. The entire site has been that way for years. Popularity has ruined it.
That's another one to show to Tyson.
Are you the same fag that got banned from twitter?
No, but I am. And I didn't get banned. It got lifted an hour later. Still thinking of shutting the account down though.
Well, I do like traps quite a bit...
Should consider at least leaving the post up for a few weeks before you kill it.
You mean the one for Tyson? I said I'd keep if up for a while. Maybe until the end of the month.
So is this exclusive? it has to be both furshit and traps or they ban it? i thought it was traps only.
i like it but with her mouth open it makes her look drunk or something
I think it's either.
I like it. Libbie looks good with blue eyes too.
Going to open a new Libbie thread soon. Will try to keep the goat posts to a minimum til then.
So what should we be doing? Things have died down, but if Tyson is going to start picking at this in public, it's an opportunity to get the ball rolling again.
Well okay if you want to summon the autist but both threads were slow enough after TDF locked everything.
the vols in cuckchan are a bunch of normalfags that dont understand ANYTHING about the place.
You make a good point. I guess we can merge them back together unless it becomes a problem again.
You really think that Libbie would lie like that?
The two things to be looking forward to now is the final decision by the LO Design team AND Tyson if he keeps poking at the octojew.
user, it might be a quirk of evolution, but it's the truth.
was just tryin to expand her expressions bit by bit beyond closed smile or smile-wink. but im fine with what you did.
for the hell of it i went and tried full ayran blond and blue eyed but didnt like it nearly as much as her green scheme
But traps ARE gay.
It turned out very well. Do you have it in higher res though?
Paradoxically, only real homos don't like them.
Going to be a long haul.
sorry, just made her look weird to me
Trapfags are real homos though. Barafags are homos that wouldn't like traps, but that doesn't mean liking traps is straight.
penis + penis = gay
benis in bagina = not gay
Honestly, I'm a tad worried Tyson is taking this too personally. Guy has had a rough few months already.
i do, it was just small because it's just a small chunk of a opera wallpaper I made.
no big deal user, it was literally 1 layer of a trapezoid. took 2 seconds to make, im not goin to get pissy over it
Which one of you wrote this article? nonfree.news
All hetro and bisexual men get aroused when they see a cute girl with a dick. It's like there is a wire crossed in our brains. True fags are usually immune.
U wot m8?
We should be ready to give FOSS blogs and news sites evidence that there were problems with the whole thing. For example,
In this post
they say
The entire point of that stage was to offer feedback to the best designs from the best artists and allow for minor changes, however many of the favorite designs such as Libbie and the cockatoo were never given the chance to iterate on their design to better fit the criteria, even though the artists showed the ability to do so, pic related, and even though people clearly wanted them to give these designs a chance.
Once the final decision comes out we should be ready to meme it into the ground.
Not sure how much we should tell Tyson. Yes, he deserves to know and he will spread the information, but he's already taking it pretty hard and I don't want to make it worse.
Speaking of garbage mascots / logos. I remember when this logo won the logo contest for GameMaker 8. IIRC the winner even got $100 for this design. Pretty much everyone on a forum that I was on at the time dedicated to the program were enraged how such an ugly logo won and would become the official icon for the program.
Does anyone actually think this looked good? (for context this is from 2009)
A true hetero man will recognize a feminine penis and get aroused by it.
A faggot will see that the penis really belongs to a girl so he won't be aroused.
It's really simple, user.
Yes, I think this logo is ugly. I was one of the people angry at this logo.
Really man, it's okay to just admit you are gay. It's 2017. I won't judge.
That and RPGMaker are two engines I have NO idea why people still use in current year.
Bi actually. But there is science behind this.
poes law in action
If it's the octopus, we might be able to get Holla Forums to help with that a bit.
Could you post the higher res version here?
Yeah, you are attracted to penises because you think men are sexually attractive. It's not rocket science.
They are both easy to use and support multiple platforms (including Linux). Some decent games have even been made in GameMaker such as Risk of Rain.
You should at least tell him about the other designs that were allowed to be changed during iteration like the libbie ripoff and the infamous penguin.
But there ARE better engines available for free now. Last I checked, RPGMaker MV costs $80 burger credits. Who the fuck is paying that?
Getting the thread back on track, has anyone compiled as much of the OC as possible for Tyson?
do you want the full wallpaper version or just big libbie crop?
If you have a before and after of all the designs that were changed during the iterations process that would be good to have, though I'm not saying the fact they were iterating on designs during the iteration process is in and of itself a problem, more that they didn't allow capable artists to fix their designs during the iteration process.
The penguin was removed so it's not the best example of that particular problem, but the fact it made it in after they claimed they had checked the submissions carefully for copyright violations is a better example of the problems with the PR team, especially because they said they were already cautious about accepting penguins because they may be too tux-like,
Also this is for blogs and FOSS news sights in general, not just Tyson.
I think it should be known who was given the privilege of changing their design during the iterative phase and who wasn't.
First off the penguin this is the first submission, TDF clearly allowed the artist to take off the LO logo.
For the libbie ripoff you can see here that the version we just this but the logo patched over in paint.
I consider it very interesting that these are the "artists" TDF decide should be contacted to change their design to fit within the rules.
There might be others but I haven't found them yet.
yes. the post chosen for that was the 80's like portrait.
I made like 13 of them. I'll try finish at least one.
ere you go now im off to sleep
if youre the one who asked what you should draw for more in the other thread, I havent seen any pics of libbie interacting with anons yet so theres my suggestion.
Just looked that up and it sounds promising. Is it any good?
Sage for ot
nope. but I'll think on that tomorrow
Now hold up there cowboy, lets examine that situation properly. Let's do some thought experiment here :
Imagine you're having the sexs with a female right? (I know pretty unbelievable) And she's enjoying it. Now HOLD UP. You're having sex with someone who enjoys a male dick inside them which is quite gay. So you're having sex with someone being extremely gay.
thus, ergo concludo
benis in bagina = very gay unless it's raping a lesbian
dont mind me, just need an excuse to post this somewhere since /g/ doesnt have a thread up currently probably due to janitor meddling
One just got deleted at ~100 posts
Was there any doubt?
Gud stuff, m8. Saved.
I think you're the moralfag type who'll bang buck angel.
If i'm not mistaken, i've seen it on webarchive, give me a second
it's not on web archive, but we might have luck with google webcache. anyone has the URL?
Every time they do this we see an uptick in the cancer. For instance is probably mad his desktop/phone/low effort template thread got shafted. OR it's the same autist that confused politics for technology a month or so ago.
well well well
That shitty copy/paste job of the document logo on top makes this even more shittier than before.
That pajeet really just lazily took some clipart of a known mascot animal, made a shitty color job that he took from the LO guys survey , put the document logo on top of it, and thought this was good enough as a submission.
Well, apparently it was ...
So adorable
RPG maker is a great tool for artists to make games without trying to learn complex coding, I was making shit in pirated RPG maker 2000 when I was 12 so any adult can learn to use it in mere days. If you just wanna make an oldschool RPG or a talk-to-everyone exploring game there's no reason to learn programming from scratch.
it's very hard to make object oriented game without experience.
RPG maker just works even with low-end PC and is the way to go.
So, I don't know what to think of this...
I lookup up that pajeets email address that he posted in the picture, and this is what came up.
Some kind of psychedelic drawing of a goat(Libbie?) surrounded by .. deranged symbols and the fuck else?
Don't know what to think of this.
Did this guy somehow prophesy this whole clusterfuck contest in his drawing?
Has meme magic gone to far?
Holy fuck he's retarded.
just a normie that created some shitty art, and then submitted some other shitty art that he has stolen. nothing to worry about IMO.
also, why have you compared Libbie to a goat? ;_;
I installed OnlyOffice on my server because of this whole thing and I have to say thank you, LO-devs. I've finally found a good free/libre office suite.
You have no idea. I work with a few Pajeets doing software. Not even the most retarded first year of college intern is as bad as they are. You can teach the interns, but the Pajeets are another level of denseness. You know the feeling you get when you tell something to someone who doesn't understand your language at all, and you know they don't understand your language, but they just kind of nod and smile and act like they got it? That's what working with Pajeets is like.
It's not the language barrier literally, but deeper. Like I just tried to communicate some abstract concept to them that wasn't a literal step-by-step set of copy-paste commands they need to do, like "clear your cache", and instead of using their own brains and going
They just look at you vacantly and say "Yes". Then you walk away and come back and they still haven't gotten it done, infact they've just ignored everything you tried to tell them and started doing random shit that's made the problem worse. You see the mistake was walking away after they told you "Yes". That word doesn't mean anything. They just say it like a parrot does because they know it's the kind of word that doesn't make people upset.
Can confirm this user's statements
Some exec got it into his head a year and a half ago to 'do the cloud' (LOL) for the sales team.
Then of course, hired the cheapest Pajeet workforce money could buy.
6 months now since it's gone live and we have to call support every week because we ended up with a flaming pile of poo outside the loo.
We're literally going to hire in-house to fix this shit, just because one of the owners decided to be a retard to try and save dev money.
Will suits ever understand that hiring devs is like hiring a combination mathematician/craftsman/autist and someone having a dev title doesn't make them a good one?
Huh that looks pretty fucking neat. Time for a weekend project.
pajeets are the worst.
what's the license?
Not that the others are any better, but Libbie looks like furry cancer.
Wew... I wonder what Hakui is going to think about this.
Interface is nice, but it's not the full package suite the way LO is. It does seem to be better for online collaboration though.
halfcuck is really trying to keep a lid on this. I wonder why.
You try MS formats with it yet? I do like the interface. And the license is AGPLv3, so even more about the freedom than LO.
And then there is the fact that men and women basically have all the same bits, just shaped differently.
Clitoris=Benis tip
Fucking women is pretty gay tbh.
Probably a boring reason.
Global rule 3 bans fur. Global rule 4 bans raids. It could be either of those.
I honestly have no idea why so many people still post there. The captcha bullshit alone drove me away.
You have no taste, user.
AGPLv3 no less.
AGPLv3 is currently the only GNU AGPL.
You can run it locally. You can even host your own cloud. The 'cloud' isn't evil when it's yours.
So has anyone compiled the OC yet? The end of next week seems like a good time to show it to Tyson.
Yes, the support for them is better than with LO.
They even have a working tarball for DL on their site. I'd prefer AppImage these days, but that will do.
It looks like it's on a crazed rampage and is about to eat me alive.
Maybe because most anons don't know what an oryx is?
To be fair, it still looks like a goat in the original image. I can see how people would get confused.
Oh I know. I don't just work with the retarded brown jew, I work for the retarded brown jew. I have to deal with the boss' penny wise pound foolish wife tell me how to do my job every damn day, even though I did it for years before they took over, and frankly I still can do it better. One of these days I'll buy my own hotel and outsell the fucking streetshitters every night. My hotel will be properly cleaned, proper pest control will be done, and the 'continental' breakfast will not serve moldy bread and yesterday's dried out rubbery eggs. People will be leaving glowing reviews on tripadvisor for me, while they keep getting complaints about filthy rooms, bedbug infestations, and the tiny rude brown woman at the front desk.
Best of luck user.
Oryxes just look like really buff goats to me. But apparently there really closely related to GNUs.
Only Office handles MS formats better than LO, looks better than LO, still supports ODF, already works over a network AND you can host your own instance.
Why the fuck are we not shilling this before this all happened?
LGPL>AGPL though.
Thanks user
The ears are a lot more diamond shaped than a goat as well.
AGPL makes sense for software that's hosted, doubly so when you have an enterprise/commercial version of your stuff so people can't just spruce up your offering with their secret sauce without sharing it.
Hakui and a couple other draw fags said they still had things they'd work on. So a week sounds about right.
Likely because no one knew it existed before Tyson posted the image that's in the OP.
You fucking furry retard. For once that halfchan proves to be smarter than fullchan, you complain.
Hi metafag.
This kind of makes sense.
I'm a fag and i hate "bara" men but "feminine penises" enrage me to no end and they rarely turn me on. I hate traps. Only heteros or biscum get turned on by feminine penises.
Micro Libbie
They also don't have demon spawn eyes.
The iris has a similar shape, it's just the eyes are too dark to see.
nice animation but it feels like its in ultra slomo, especially the face
The animation reminds me of the gifs you used to see back in Web 1.0. I mean that in a good way.
If any drawfags are still around, we could use more punished Libbie.
More like the gayness cancels out the quirk heteros have.
Ah, so people who like traps are asexual.
Tyson still seems to be asking questions on Twitter and Tumblr. I just hope the guy doesn't BSOD on us.
Has there even been a peep from LO?
Not since they scrubbed the entire thing, blamed it on the nasty trolls, and said they were going to select a mascot internally.
Any anons interested on making an archive of all his art? I feel he might be breaking down soon, all things considered. I wouldn't hope so...
Let me see what I can do tomorrow
I hate to agree, but yeah... Probably a good idea.
He seems to be a bit more cheery than before because of the fan art that anons have made him but that's still a good idea nonetheless
Since Dolus is in this thread anyway. Want to abuse manga.smuglo.li to host it as a gallery?
Here's the splash for the user making the LibbieOffice fork.
Speaking of which, has any work been done on that compilation?
Since this is Holla Forums, I know of tools to archive dA and FA galleries- in fact I think that one tor site with the archive of pretty much all FA galleries until now is still around, but are there similar tools for Twitter? AFAIK there's indeed some art he's posted in there that's not present in any of his galleries.
Don't forget to look for stuff under Tyson's old persona 'extvia'. He's tried to scrub it, but there is still stuff floating around.
one more alt with the blue eyes, helps separate her off the green triangle background.
That's a good point. AFAIK most of the stuff he posted as extvia was on dA, with just a little bit on FA.
Check the Boorus. Especially the one that caters to furry stuff (sorry).
But this one is pretty damn close to Libbie, makes her design less special.
still looks pretty fucking cool
just confirming this for fellow artists
Eh. We'll just consider her Libbie's little sister. Kiki feels more like a cousin anyway.
Public domain, could have done anything but I just imagined (> V O) as a corporate face she had to do in every shot for "marketing"only to get stamped with a big fat rejected note
Now we need a picture of Libbie with Dashie, because Dashie wouldnt exist without her
Tyson really was more lewd before. He started to let himself slip more lately though.
Considering Tyson's offer, I wonder how many other projects will ask him for mascots (lain).
So what exactly is DashGL?
This ALMOST feels like a happy ending. Tyson gets to make Mascots for a bunch of different projects, no matter what the LO guys do they are going to get memed into oblivion. There is just the matter of poor Libbie.
I don't see it. It's different just enough imo. It's the ears.
Any word from (((The Document Foundation))) since Wednesday?
"DashGL is basic vector and matrix manipulation library written in C. It is designed to be compatible with OpenGL and centers around the concept that everything is an array."
I mean, it's kinda neat, but getting a mascot for something that's not really that... well, end user-facing almost feels like a waste.
Wonder if I could ask for a design on GIMP's behalf, maybe that way they'd get a mascot that doesn't fucking suck
handles gay shit like coordinates in a 2d/3d space
Gimp doesnt need a new mascot, it would only encourage more people to use it. Fuck gimp
Oh, god. If we could make that happen....
GIMP is the only image manipulator we got in freedom-land. Like it or not.
inkscape is good for vector graphics
but i think you are talking about editors for raster graphics
That would be correct. I would love something better to come along, but nothing else is being worked on.
That's the worst part. Like Tyson said, she was really only suitable for LO, it wouldn't make sense to use her for any other project. Even her name is pretty clearly aimed at LO.
We can use her. Though the punished version makes more sense for this place for historical reasons. Also, that last Libbie he made didn't remind me so much of LO.
Pretty much the only low polygonal mascot k tyson did was Libbie, that's an obvious part of her design compared to the smooth or fancy mascots hes done with KDE and Krita.
Looks like an inbetween but gets the lowpoly triangle side from Libbie.
That's why she should become Holla Forums's mascot. Bittersweet, yes, but it wouldn't be a software project and it'd be substantially better than merciful oblivion.
Agreed. But it pretty much has to be the punished version.
It's kind of weird for a library? to have a mascot.
Oh, I definitely agree. I also like that other user's initiative of Libbifying LO.
I will say, at this point, I don't even want LO to (officially) use Libbie. They don't deserve her after how badly they've treated her.
Speaking of which, why the fuck havn't I seen Libbie in the banners?
Not just that, but also a library with such a... limited scope. I wouldn't call it trivial because it's still way more than I've ever done, but, say, something that would be far more deserving of a mascot is something like jQuery.
Something like a neurotic squirrel or monkey, because that's exactly how I envision it. Making work easier, but with a serious identity crisis.
You should have a look at the GNU project some time. A lot of smaller projects had mascots at some point.
It's another notch on his resume, as far as I'm concerned. Make LO feel even worse for rejecting his mascot.
I recall he was mulling over learning 3D modeling to rework the Blender mascot at one point.
user i...
Which one of you faggots put these on e621?
What the hell are you doing, Winter_Foxo?
/g/ would have a fucking meltdown.
And I mean that in a good way.
That would solve FOSS's money problems. Furries throw around cash like it's nothing.
tbh, can you name 30 non-animal/furry mascots?
This is true actually. I never thought about it before, but furries do spend a lot on their... interests.
as in, not animal nor furry
Oh. In that case the Win tans? But tans are even less common than furry mascots outside of Japan.
Wew... I think it's good for him to let it out. Which is why I was worried when he deleted:
gotta admit he came up with Dashie's design really fast compared to the months of working on Libbie.
It is clearly inspired by Libbie. Plus, we have no idea how many revisions Libbie went through during that amount of time.
Hey, you think we could get the OpenMW project to let Tyson draw a Khajeet mascot for them?
So basically this.
must be a cuckchanner, note the 1st pic is the smol pic but the highres was posted last night
I don't remember if this was the final bid, but some furfag is going to spend nearly $9000 on a shitty animation that will most likely be a few seconds long and not have sound.
Polite sage for off-topic.
Where do people get this kind of money? What kind of pure decadence bourgeois class are these degenerates raised on? Where do faggots get the fucking time to spend 10 hours a day fucking their ass in front of a webcam?
These people often have jobs and normal lives outside of their fetish/hobby. I mean, how many people spend thousands of dollars on video games and anime merch? Same deal, I imagine.
That was me. Had to archive all this before the threads get deleted.
Have mercy...
I appreciate the idea, but I think that e621 isn't the best website for this sort of thing. Secret club and all that.
So now that Tyson moved on to another project and that Libbie will inevitable fall into oblivion, who do we need to... gently... ask to adopt her as this board's official mascot?
This is a good question. I think we have the best shot with Punished Libbie though.
Libbie is basically public domain. No permission needed.
We need the BO's permission/approval though.
Sorry guys, she's already taken.
We'll take her anyway they're used to being cucked.
If you're going to crosspost from 4cuck at least post all their lewds
Have you come to preach the benifits of Onepoo Pajeet 5tā¢?
Or perhaps you've come to talk about how great the 2018 Thinkpad's remove of the Trackpoint is actually what makes it good?
jesus fuck cuckchan get out.
If you insist, user.
that was posted here in the libbie thread already newfag
Holla Forums was first to put forward the idea of making her the mascot.
I posted those here only.
I don't want to get furbanned again.
pretty impressed by how these turned out coming off the original super rough sketches. and OG libbie body proportions is perfect
You won't get banned from /trash/ and they have a libbie thread up
Evidently the artist wants to or else they wouldn't be complaining about having been banned.
I'm just pointing how to share furshit on 4cuck without getting banned.
Then someone from here is posting them there? What a faggot!
Plus they're fucking hot.
Tried to make a libbie thread on halfchan and it was marked as spam. Mods are totally trying to keep it off the board.
On /g/?
It's not furfaggotry bias the only answer they are just fucking faggots in a literal way.
Was the OP written anything like the OP of this thread?
We should send a ton of mail to the people behind this.
What's the email for the LibreOffice people?
If we're going to pitch Libbie as Holla Forums's mascot we're going to need to make her our own to some degree. I like the idea of punished libbie, but I think we should go a step further and change the color theme from green to red. For obvious reasons. Maybe keep the eye green though.
Did you make it while this thread that just got archived was still open?
wasn't me
Maybe make the robotic arm more obvious too.
also no, catalog was empty.
punished libbie is fine as a meme but i dont really like it for a mascot every time. libbie's all about freedom. same goes for colors, lots of Holla Forums mascots dont have a red scheme and id hate to take away the flexibility. i like the idea of 8 of hearts connecting her to 8ch as a more subtle than in your face nod.
You make a good point. And being able to change color is kinda her thing anyway. Still, we need to come up with some concepts for the standard Holla Forums version of Libbie.
Hmm weird.
First off your thread isn't showing up in the archives.
Secondly I also made a thread at around the same time as you but mine seems to be doing just fine.
trips confirm
Hot as Hell.
Then it'll be Furree and Open Source Software
Any drawfags wanna do some Holla Forums mascot concepts for Libbie?
An RMS sermon on Free Software every now and again is good for you. Just don't buy into the rest of his bullshit, Tyson.
You mean rms's website ?
This is the beginning of the end for Tyson
I fear he'll end up going off the deep end just like David Revoy.
You say that like it's a bad thing. You have any idea how many bugs David is almost single-handedly responsible for rooting out in everything from Inkscape to Blender?
What happened to David Revoy?
He installed gentoo
Did he install Gentoo?
He's just a notch below RMS when it comes to the freedom stuff. Really that's about it.
Pretty much. I like RMS on Software and Speech and not a whole lot else.
Why exactly is it that most artists using Linux seem to gravitate to Gnome Shell?
So what distro did he install? Newest Ubuntu?
So it's the Krita mascot but green?
I guess it's easier to use with tablets.
It makes sense for a tablet, like what he put it on. He also talked about DEs a while back and he said something about the tablet options in gnome's settings was a must have for artists.
Know what else is easy to use with tablets?
gnome is actually better on tablets than windows
Shame it's a total botnet. I mean, even more than it used to be.
i fucking hate windows touchscreen controls, and i dont even have a touchscreen... but it still thinks i do. looked at linux many times but compatibility always pulls me back.
MV is shit tier though, so it really doesn't matter that it supports multiple platforms now. I still wouldn't use it. XP, VX, and VX Ace were the best since you could completely alter the scripts. I'd rather just run one of those in a VM or dual boot Windows if I wanted to use an RPG Maker.
Or, just run them in EasyRPG or Wine.
I don't get this demonization of Reddit on imageboards. You do realize that Reddit is the 4th most popular website in the USA right? Many people who use imageboards also use Reddit. Sure, Reddit is home to some people with annoying habits, but blaming Reddit itself for those habits is a basic genetic fallacy.
Certain annoying habits are really chronic on Reddit. Indiscriminately avoiding all archetypical Reddit things gets rid of those annoying habits.
Calling out people who say "TIL" isn't to keep people who use Reddit away, it's to keep people who behave like they're on Reddit away. Because people who behave as if they're on Reddit make low-quality posts.
I'd consider "TIL" to be one of the more harmless examples to be honest, but I completely agree there. If they want to look a degree of "normal" here they had better lurk more and learn about imageboard culture properly.
I don't get this foot in the door strategy of attempting to normalize the overt presence of ledditors on imageboards. I'm not going to try to flip the rest of your post because the bait levels are off the charts past the first sentence.
If it seems like people are behaving the same on imageboards as they are on Reddit, perhaps it's because such behaviour is inherently human.
I'd say the most harmless example is the recent trend of demonizing users who space out their paragraphs with as users of "reddit spacing"
That's the point. It's not bad in itself, but it's a symptom of something horrible.
Avoiding Reddit jargon is one of the easiest ways to adjust. If someone doesn't do that then they don't do the harder, more important adjustment either. Bullying people who are visibly from Reddit is useful even if they're not being harmful in that particular post.
I honestly think imageboard culture is far more obnoxious than reddit culture. The passive aggression, teenager-like edginess, and accusing everyone who holds a minority opinion of bating has gotten oppressingly repetitive.
Huh. I get leddit and 8chin aren't that different after all! *raises spork*
I'd have to agree with this, but only on the grounds that it is more likely an issue with the text being too big and reply box being too small on the mobile website. At least I'd like to think that, but it could also be redditors. Either way, it is annoying to read. If you're on mobile, please for the love of god, when you're done with your post, remove most of the line breaks so that those of us on PC don't have to put up with one line per "paragraph."
Then gtfo my Holla Forums and go back to whence you came you redditor faggot.
This doesn't happen if you know what you're doing. If you defend Reddit jargon by saying that it's the 4th most popular website in the USA then you don't understand why people complain about Reddit jargon. Arguments that fundamentally don't get the position they're arguing against are inflammatory and easy to dismiss, just like actual bait. Anonymity means that sufficiently advanced bait is indistinguishable from a dumb, earnest attempt to express a minority opinion.
Think carefully about what bait is. Bait arguments are necessarily easy to argue against. If an argument can't be refuted in a single sentence then it isn't effective bait. If you're accused of baiting, then you're posting really weak arguments, and your post is bad even if it's not supposed to be bait.
If you know what you're doing people won't accuse you of baiting, no matter how niche your opinion. I've managed to express Tumblr-tier opinions on Holla Forums without getting accused of baiting because I have a basic understanding of what Holla Forums believes.
Most of the bad parts of imageboard culture are an inevitable consequence of anonymity. You can't really remove them, even though you can keep Reddit culture out.
Getting back on track.... Does next Thursday or Friday sound reasonable to have the OC collected for Tyson?
This one in particular kinda triggers my autism a little. I much preferred spaced out paragraphs on 4/Holla Forums even before Reddit. That said I can understand why imageboard users would get annoyed with unnecessary spacing of single-sentence paragraphs.
Fair enough I suppose. It does help to stop to slow degradation of existing culture. Of course however imageboards are bound to fail when they get the same treatment that 4chan did from Fox News and end up receiving thousands of edgy teenagers who come and shit everything up.
I bet Tietze is behind this.
I know this is bait, but I know some anons do use Reddit and it worries me.
If you accept Reddit, it poisons things. See: Oldschool Runescape, most of halfchan. Also that fatpeoplehate board from 2015 really sucked, and that was the most open Reddit migration ever.
If you tell Reddit to fuck off, it still poisons things because they're like approval-seeking cockroaches, but you keep most of them away and occasionally get funny situations like pic related
I'd say the tipping point is if you actually have an account there. Certain posts on there are useful for niche interests. I've found game mods that exist only on there.
This. If we were on Reddit right now, we'd be saying "oh, nice post history, enjoy your negative karma, I hope you get arrested IRL"
Even if you aren't a redditor, you're still a fag.
Wew, check those digits out.
Because it's the premier desktop environment in the Linux world. Do you think normal people pretend i3 is better than everything else while hiding that they only use it because they can't into dwm?
Even smaller subreddits end up turning to shit. The worst is users who will simply disregard your post because of your post history, mods who will ban you for posting on other subs they don't like, and just straight up retarded comments like pun chains.
Still no new blog posts and still all comments blockaded. When are we going to hear anything from them?
Agreed. Things we should be doing instead of talking about reddit include:
1) Reaching out to drawfags for /tech Libbie OC
2)Compiling The OC we have already for Tyson. And it would be nice if someone could take the SFW stuff and make a collage.
3) Speculate about what LO is going to end up doing.
They're either going to just drop the whole thing or pick one of the awful choices they have left and get meme'd on.
No. Fuck off reddit.
Yeah alright. My bad.
EIther they'll decide in a week when everything dies down or they'll sweep it under the rug and just hope everyone forgets long enough to not care that they didn't choose one.
I've been using wget to scrape all of the images from about 5 libbie threads here (and one on 4cucks) but they're all unorganised and full of duplicates. I could probably tar what I have and upload it somewhere.
We got it...
If we really are going to pitch Libbie-chan as our mascot, we might want to have a couple concept OCs. Something involving red anons and tech memes.
Use fdupes.
Neat, I wouldn't mind having a copy of that archive.
Cheers. I'll still have to manually go through the folder and filter all of the non-libbie related images though.
While you faggots have been playing who's the most retarded, I've been working on more Libbie OC. Dunno, maybe one using an alternate color scheme and replacing the green with red to be more Holla Forums-esque?
Thing is Libbie-chan can change her color chameleon-style.
Das some heat tuggin' shit, user.
Why not both? The image as a whole seems a bit dark though. Good work so far.
You mean like said?
Yeah... Punished goat should have more fire in her remaining eye.
I actually started on a picture of non-lewd because I'm not a furfag :^) Libbie since I felt bad for calling out the redditor and derailing the thread. I'm a little ADD though so it might take a while before it gets finished. This is the first time I've used Krita. I like it. Transform works too, which is great because for some reason GIMP freezes and I have to kill it when I use the transform tool. I don't have any idea why.
>everyone that wants to return the thread on topic is definitely a redditor/((((((((((((((((shill)))))))))))))))) who is definitely trying to hide the fact he's a redditor/shill!!! i'm so cool for being paranoid right guise????????? xDDDDDD le sage
Krita is good shit, yes.
Might make a victorious/defiant Punished Libbie version with a spark coming from her good eye. Perhaps finding a way to incorporate the Holla Forums logo in some way too, like a stylized infinity symbol over some shield.
Sounds good. No reason for our muse to be down in the dumps. I'd take Holla Forums over LO anyday.
Here's a tip to anyone who's using krita: set the eraser shortcut to something you can easily access. It'll change your brush into an eraser and back and I find it to be a massive improvement to my workflow.
wayland just werks without tearing while it provides decent touch experience in both UI and touch capability of a DE. I don't use gnome though.
Here you go anons. Someone less lazy than me will have to go through and remove all of the memes, reaction images and anything fdupes didn't catch but at least you should have plenty of Libbie images/webms.
Sorry about the massive file size though.
Just press E
You have to reach for that key though which takes your mind out of it, X is right next to Ctrl+Z.
I'll give it a try. Shouldn't be too much work, with a file manager.
I mean, if you're already undoing, then you have no need for eraser
But if you're using an eraser then your undo stack is probably exhausted already
Took everything that looked decent and put it all into a 91 MB tarball. Where do y'all want me to upload?
I'm an 8ch old "ebola" fag and you're wrong.
chans are about anonymity and free speech. Holla Forums Holla Forums 4channers moved to Holla Forums when 4chan censored stuff about SJWs and marxist shit.
Reddit became obnoxious and toxic too to the point Voat was even developed.
It's essential emotion.
that's just 4chan newfags. you obviously haven't browsed boards like /jp/ or /adv/
as I've said it's essential. 4chan died when youtube, the news, and reddit introduced "Anonymous" to the social network-tards, tumblr-tards and many more. Guess what? It's the oldfags that are now a minority there and the culture died like multicultural immigrants ala-marxist way.
If you want to fit in DON'T force the culture to change. DON'T disrupt, disturb, break the culture. You have to respect the culture itself.
Guys, this stuff can have its own thread.
Undo is for when you make a mistake and instantly recognize it, eraser is for cleaning up and adjusting things.
idk what I'm doing in this webm but that's basically how I draw. I can't even draw in other programs anymore because this is so convenient.
I ended up using a site from here: github.com
Fixed a few things. Also here's a link to the SVG in case anyone wants to play around with it: files.neutrino.zone
Also, if anyone here is experienced with Inkscape, any tips in how to avoid empty spaces when using bucket fill other than wiggling handles around until things are properly filled? Because that's incredibly time-consuming. I've used Inkscape for close to a decade but I still feel like a troglodyte with it
Not on Holla Forums. Tech is not for redditor metadiscussion.
I'm don't want to argue about workflow but you get jagged lines from such cleanup and it's also time consuming since you do every line multiple times.
A lot of people just ink on a different layer
Here's my selection of Libbie images.
Sorted into directories "lewd", "lewdesque", and "probably not lewd". Lots of duplicates. Also a directory "svgs" with two svgs in it.
Here's mine. It's not organized, but it's worth a look to see if I have any you missed.
Undoing 70 quintillion times until you get the perfect line with perfect thickness and doesn't protrude anywhere is what's time consuming.
Forgot link:
Looks pretty good. But it might be worth splitting videos from images.
Also since I just realized how dodgy the links to the ownCloud instance I use look like, here's all the SVG files of the stuff I've done so far uploaded to mixtape.moe
Add this lewd to the pile since It's not in any of the tarballs posted yet:
Um. If we DO make Libbie our official mascot (I support this) d-do we tell Tyson?
Try remembering every time you bought a video game or saw a film in a theater or went to a fancy restaurant or anytime you spent a little extra for yourself.
Now imagine that instead of spending all that money on that, you spent it on fetish porn.
You have to go back.
I agree, this should go on >>>/reddit/
Alright. Getting BACK ON TRACK. Are we still planning a collage of the SFW stuff?
Considering how much you guys say you hate reddit and halfchan, it's weird how you just can't stop talking about them all the fucking time in a thread about a goat.
Guys.... Can we just get back on track? Please?
I mean, it wouldn't be a software project (something he was leery about) so I don't see why not.
Maybe would be best if he finds out himself, that if he ever does
Nah. It would probably be best for his reputation to publicly denounce us, once it's clear he knows. Don't tell him. Give him plausible deniability.
Libbie should've had some markings on her face. At the moment she doesn't really resemble the animal she's supposedly based off of.
I'll see what I can do with my next pic. Perhaps reworking said markings as scars or warpaint.
To be fair...
Jesus fucking christ they've managed to out-Reddit the entire website itself.
That's the bad kind of autism, user. Anyway, we can, HOPEFULLY, get back on track now.
So, I know Hakui said she's still planning something for the OC collection, so waiting until Friday to present everything to Tyson sounds good to me. Who knows, we might get some other drawfags to chip a few more things into the box.
Are we still doing a collage of the SFW stuff too?
user, you have a very real and very dangerous talent.
I'm afraid you're trying to close the stable door after the horsecock has already ejaculated, friend. Any chance of keeping this a secret club died months ago with the first wave of Kiki smut. They already know what Holla Forums is because /fur/ has threads like this one for their own mascots constantly. at least cuckchan has no power there
The what?
Oh no it's happening.
hope you enjoy restarting your computer when the wacom driver decides your tablet stops existing because you'll be doing that a lot in windows 10
I do this a lot on linux as it is.
yes, /fur/ does have threads about their own mascots, however, we're not trying to keep them off 8ch we're trying to keep them to their fucking containment boards. If a furry sees all the n8 art and think it's coming from /furry/ it's fine by me, maybe they visit Holla Forums once and get bullied for liking Undertale or something, they don't come here.
Just do pic related.
The Wacom driver is a horrible piece of software that ignores literally every guideline Microsoft has for developing drivers and is needlessly complex because the hardware uses a made up protocol.
From his old post, KDE lags behind in color management and GTK+ programs don't integrate well in KDE (but Qt programs integrate well in GNOME). Also distros like Kubuntu don't ship KDE's Wacom module.
My Wacom literally works better in Linux than it does in Windows 10. To be fair, it is an older model (Bamboo Pen) but still.
Better protip: use a separate layer per logical stroke. Insert adds a layer, delete clears it, shift-del removes it. Throw all your linework in a folder layer if you're autistic about neatness and it won't get in the way.
Unlike the regular undo stack this method makes it really fucking easy to cherrypick and redo parts of an image after most of it's done.
How big is a logical stroke?
I feel like you're suggesting having at least a hundred layers.
I think it was a joke
cuckchan already knew about Holla Forums's attachment to libbie as soon as they started making threads about it. then there's the user saying that we need to 'make libbie our own' which would just make it even more obvious where to go. theres no way to avoid attention once you start doing specific shit like that. You wont be able to prevent e6 furfags from collecting it as long as winter_foxo isnt direct linking to Holla Forums
Is it really that big of a problem though?
Doesn't matter when some images have Holla Forums written on them because someone was afraid of cuckchan taking credit or whatever. Nobody cares.
Aren't the /g/entoocuck mods deleting Libbie threads anyway?
Actual goat lady by Tyson.
They were. But they seem to have given up deleting Libbie threads veiled as LO threads.
I think only one was actually deleted.
There's one up right now. A parallel one existed too but it was autosaged after it turned into an argument about furshit.
If they were deleting them they aren't anymore.
Tell me more
I want to install Linux now but all the distros I tried recognize my wacom tablet as a joystick. I was told that that is a systems problem. I just want a distro like Debian that can be used to draw out of the box. Debian because I'm a tucking noob to install shit
You have ANY idea how much furries pay for commissions vs nearly everyone else?
Not him and not a drawfag but I would still like to hear a ballpark figure.
just saw this project in the eix-diff output and it seems like a nice vessel for Tyson Tan's characters: opensnc.sourceforge.net
-t. ideas guy
Isn't that by the same guy who did Open Sonic?
Did these guys learn nothing from Freedom Planet? Female protag is always better for these things.
Furries are an oddity in which they both vastly undersell and oversell themselves. A drawing that could be well worth $150 will be made for a quarter or less if said artist is simply not that popular, and on the other hand you have incredibly lazy/shitty character auctions/adoptables/YCHs going for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Also, a WIP of my latest Libbie drawing to make up for the sadposting. Looking more virtuous and regal in general.
That's why I immediately thought of the Libbie fiasco and posted here. I just stumbled upon this project and can't comment on their team effort but I think a mod featuring a handful of Tyson Tan designed characters, especially Libbie with her low poly look would be much better suited for a Free software spin of a Sonic game rather than some bootleg Sonic donutsteel looking characters.
Seems development is in a coma though. And Libbie doesn't strike me as a speedster given her outfit.
Damn I keep hearing about that from time to time but personally I've never encountered it because I've been using same tablet for years
There's too much stuff involved, kernel driver, udev rules and X11 driver. I can be because of missing drivers, misconfigured udev or crappy tablet firmware.
There are some hacks like udev joystick blacklist on github, but I think your best bet would be getting help on Debian's bugtracker or mailing lists.
This reminds me, Tyson mentioned something about not being able to see devices like Wacom tablets in Wayland. I hope that's not part of the 'security design'.
That's probably because wayland compositors have poor tablet support (KDE has none atm)
Should be fine when it's doneā¢, like the rest of the wayland stuff
Hope so. Wayland seems to have taken the security a step or two too far. What with basic shit like screen capture and video recording becoming such a pain in the ass.
New thread
Metafag is not goint to be happy...
Oh sod off I don't care that much.
Don't even fucking joke about that
It's closer than you know. :3