What should I know about this guy?
Reince priebus
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He's the chairman of the RNC, hated by the Tea Party, a cuckservative par excellence, and proof that your God Emperor is doing a great job draining that swamp, famalam
Just ask in the existing thread, faggot.
Ultra cuckservative.
Maybe Trump was just born to suck cock and be a cuck. Next thing he'll do is invite all former presidents to the White House when every single last one of them were publicly against him.
If only Trump Jr. were president. He seems like the most redpilled guy in that cucked up family.
more or less the David Spade character from PCU. He should kiss Trump's ass, tame the GOPe and stay the FUCK out of the Administration.
This is no longer (((their))) GOP
not much to know about rinsed penis other than what you have already seen in this thread
he'll be trump's asskisser, and that's how we want it
A Establishment CUCK as CoS, great idea Trump just fantastic, unless Trump knows something we don't but i still trust Trump, until he takes office and fuck up BIGLY then i may turn on him. Also, What the hell is a White House Chief Strategist?
Preince bent the knee fairly early and never backstabbed or flip-flopped; he'll do as Trump says. Holla Forums is desperate and seriously grasping at this point.
since when is breitbart establishment?
since it disagreed with us
this is fuggin' absurd. wtf? bc Priebus can hypothetically bully/tame the GOPe? It doesn't make any sense! (Bannon is the real power, not Priebus.)
Reince will get the cuckservatives on board. He's needed if Trump wants to pass anything in Congress.
when did they do that? are we not on par with the alt-right? i haven't been on Holla Forums since the last debate so i'm a bit behind in our antics.
A lot of people in this thread are saying he's a kosher cuck. That's not really getting to the meat of it though.
Ultimately, he's a limp as a noodle follower. Like a woman. Without Trump, he cucks for the establishment. But with Trump as the dominant force in his life, he follows Trump.
Bannon is Chief Strategist, exactly where he belongs. Chief of Staff needs to know how to get shit done.
Not Bannon, Reince. but i have to say, Reince was loyal to Trump and manage to avoid GOP cutting Trump funds while the Bush and Mormon mafia demand and whine about it. he did stood by Trump so Trump reward him, that said he still a humongous cuck, at least from what we know and maybe he is different in private with Trump.
He loves Israel and interned at the NAACP.
Are you new? You must be new. Breitbart has always disagreed with our GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW policy.
You understand that we're not joking about the jew stuff, right?
He was neutral, this whole thing could have blown up in our faces like it did for the Bernie people and the crooked DNC. That said, he seems like a beta pussy just judging by Trumps victory speech when he took the stage for a few seconds. I'm sure he'll be kicked straight to the curb if he doesn't perform so it'll be ok.
but bannon was purportedly saying anti-semitic shit
t. bannon's wife
i'm not new lad, i just haven't paid much attention for the last few weeks since i became a low-energy cuck and conceded that shillary was going to win
however, trump's fantastic victory has renewed me, so i'm getting back into the game, albeit slowly.
you newfags. Have you even seen TGSNT?
GTFO until you do
He's a weak willed individual. Trump is the strong horse, so naturally Reince is now behind Trump.
Bannon wanting to gas the kikes is 99% just jews kvetching about nothing, because they're jews. By the same logic, Trump is legitimately the incarnation of Uncle Adolf.
He isn't. We just wish he was.
Maybe you should just stick to reddit then.
i wouldn't know what to do there, never posted and i only go to read AMAs once in a blue moon
no thanks
At least Rince Priebus never turned his back on Trump. He always stood his ground when the media was pressuring him to fold. He has some integrity.
Where do you think you are?
Strong Horse Theory. Reince recognized Trump as a stronger horse than the establishment media.
thats literally the name of
I'm not libertarian either. and I've been here since 2011.
sageing because I dont want to derail this thread
Don't trust him but Trump seems to. On one hand he didn't turn the GOP against Trump. On the other hand portions of the GOP turned against Trump anyway and wouldn't help with the presidential race and focused on congress. They had valuable resources that could have been used on ground game for Trump to win by bigger margins.
Priebus was either incompetent or playing a balancing act with Trump and anti Trump within the GOP. Priebus could have cracked down on those people but it looks like he was hedging his bet on both sides in case Trump lost against Hillary. On the other hand during the primary Priebus could have done a lot to shut Trump down and he didn't. It could have been worse and the GOP completely exploded but who knows. Or maybe Priebus was totally with Trump and what happened was the best that could be done given the circumstances.
Go back to reddit.
I'm not doing this now, but you are retarded.
c'mon now fam
It is all satire. We don't actually want to round up all the niggers into nigger preserves and sell nigger hunting tags when the population gets too high. Glassing the middle east would be such a shame, think of all that great jewish and muhammadan culture we would loose out on.
As I see it, Priebus didn't crack down on the cucks because Priebus is too weak for that kind of job. Even when he's following Trump, he doesn't feel empowered to enforce his will on others. He doesn't have the strength or temperament to beat cucks back into line.
It's a sad state of affairs.
He knows that if the establishment gets back in power he'll be the first to get purged. He has a lot of incentive to make sure Trump is successful.
I suppose Trump was going to end up with some cuck as chief of staff. He needs strong people to sort shit out, but for a job like chief of staff, he needs to know how to run shit as it is. I'm happy enough with him picking Banon for strategy. He wasn't exactly going to find a Nazi hiding under a rock he could put in power.
Remember, Trump is not the end goal for us. Trump is merely the beginning. We need to not go along with whatever the Republican Party does, or even what Trump does, but always push things further to our own agenda. Our game only ends with the Jews, niggers, and spics gone, and America once again becoming a great country for whites to live in again.
Priebus helped Trump, and the Republicans for that matter, win. That's it. Win and Trump will have a spot for you.
Right now, Trump is on the very edge of the Overton Window. Barely acceptable in American society.
We need to shift that window such that Trump is square in the middle of it, and we are on the edge. Then we assume power, just as Trump did, and push ourselves into the center and drop Trump off the left side.
Personally, I believe we should help the Berbers/Bedouin tribes regain control over North Africa. They're good to Europe and bad to Jews and sub-Saharans. Just look at Libya before we assassinated Gaddafi.
Nice (1)
Chief of Staff is not a permanent position.
If he fails trump, he will get das boot.
Obongo has had like what? 5 Chief of Staffs.
I feel like I'm on cuckchan, can you stop with these shitty threads.
Have some faith in the Don, faggots.
Dunno, many people say he's a cuckservative. However, we thought of that with Pence and he turned out to be a good, albeit decent pick. I will put my trust in Donald, until the next primaries.
Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.