Aggressive Militant Leftists

Aggressive militant leftists.

Here is one.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Check her out on the Jeanine Pirro show from yesterday, I was watching for salt, but this cunt is pushing for violence, while directly addressing Trump supporters as "white male christian blah blah"

We need a list of these people, really… the ones who are anti-democracy and anti-freedom, anti-white really. This cunt is obviously for white genocide.

Other urls found in this thread:

Talcum X is obviously one of them, and this co-founder of BLM Toronto who directly brags about wiping whites out by exploiting recessive genes, and saying whites are sub human (without getting charged for hate crimes, which she broke considering its Canada)

1600 followers, locked account.. could easily set up a paramilitary group and organize it through the protected twitter.

We should get someone in there with a larping account to monitor it.

Doesnt that post mean us whites are disabled and thus not privileged ?

it's like you don't even practice your mental gymnastics bro


Canadian government owned national media outlet does a special called "Being Black In Canada" where they try to push white guilt on people and revisionist history.

At the point I say to start, begins an interview with 3 BLM Toronto representatives, who assure you that Canada is a highly oppressive country, that "The underground railroad is a myth ignorant white people believe in" and that Canada owes black people reparations for supposed slavery in English colonial times, without giving any examples or historical reference, on top of that being fucking England who enslaved a lot of people.

When do the Irish and Scots get their gibs for slavery? They dont.


I dont use leftists anymore, i call them what they are:

Anti-white female supremcists.

Leftism is synonymous with marxism at this point.

Militant? What are they armed with, harsh language? Have they been to boot camp and drilled in cuckolding?


They are pushing for a violent uprising, study history.

Is there a scenario where this doesn't end up bad for them?

Yea, it resulted in communism.

There are enough militant left groups that they could train up everyone else relatively quickly. NBP, BLM, AntiFa to name a few. Don't underestimate your enemy. At best, this could lead to a massive surge in the ranks of such groups, at worst it's war and it's not going to be as easy as everyone here thinks.

Alright, so let's do some math. First we need to find out. 1. How many militant leftist groups there are including their numbers. 2. How many people might be susceptible to militant training. 3. Their armaments and ability to get some armaments. Give me a few hours and I might start a thread with our vs their numbers

Good. Just keep it realistic. This is the type of intel we need to be aware of. We laugh at SJWs and the idea of them picking up guns, but it seems we forget that there are actually dangerous militant left wing groups. They're going to be all the more dangerous right now because of their zealousness. I have a former acquaintance who joined AntiFa who has been openly recruiting on kikebook. Things could get serious very quickly.

Observed digits and advice heeded.

Yvette Felarca


Well considering everyone I know who is raging over Trumps win is opposed to guns I really don't sweat it.

Not sure if this adds anything as it should go without saying, but this dyke is a kike.

People are only opposed to a thing until they believe they have no choice but to rely upon said thing to survive. If, say, AntiFa were to be able to make these people think that taking up arms would be the best way to preserve their way of life, they would do so not because they love guns, but because using a gun is better than being destroyed. And, as I've said a few times, there are plenty of militant left groups who now have 60 million people to attempt to recruit from. Despite how easy it is to make fun of them and not imagine them capable of such, now is not the time to let your guard down.

Here is the clip of her on Pirros show recently.

I doubt there gonna give up their cushy lifestyle. All we're hearing is tasteless riots and occupy kids shitting on cars again. You're not winning if you have to shit on cars.

Respect the dubs and I don't disagree I am simply stating there is an experience and resource gap that they won't simply overcome. Those 60m you are describing are mostly women. They are mostly in large cities. So yes study and know your enemy, but don't turn them into a boogie man. Unless foreign fighters are going to be imported by the hundreds of thousands I think our odds are quite good.

Dub sevens again. Kek is probably trying to point us in the right direction. I agree, we don't need to turn them into the boogie man, but we do need to keep a closer eye on their activities. Like I said, I have one acquaintance on kikebook openly recruiting for AntiFa, another (a veteran no less) calling for armed revolution. It wouldn't take long to spin up a military force (remember, boot camp is only 2 months long) and it would be disastrous for us if it happened and we were unprepared.

Then I think it is important we figure out how to properly organize ourselves. I personally think the many small militias is the way to go.

every single area outside of cities votes red. all those areas are still full of hard men. if the left wants to start some bullshit, we'll knock out the power to the cities and watch them burn. they aren't ever bringing their "revolution" out to the trees. theyll literally be eating each other within weeks.

That's because the far left had nearly unanimous support from the army during a very unpopular war.

It's the opposite here except it's still an unpopular series of wars in this scenario too.

the worst part is if we were to start a group like that we'd have the CIA ten inches up our ass in no time. Hopefully things turn around a bit or at least are made equal. Americans should demand the FBI does something (probably wait till Trump is sworn in)

so if its so easy, why arent we doing it right now?
seriously, this is out opportunity. we have at least 4-8 years to train and prepare for race war. dont think we won just because of trump, theres still a good chance hes a sellout