71 People Arrested at Saturday Night Protest in Downtown Portland (Photo)
The Face of the Enemy
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my fav are the cry eyes :3 fuk heads emotional about eveything. no forethought
I think we now have the pictures and names of 71 Rose City antifa
start digging
What a waste of good genes on these untermenschen.
Every single one of them looks like the kind of beta faggot who'd browse Reddit. I see a few Jews in there, too. Whenever I take a look at these people, I know they fucked up in life.
best thing is how the Multnomah County Sheriff badge makes it almost look like they're branded by the stars of david
Everyone of these people look like they lost the genetic lottery in a big way.
I seriously doubt that a single one of them has an IQ above 90.
What's the probability that we'll see the emergence of another Weather Underground type group during the next four years?
I'm just glad that the police are finally being allowed to do something other than stand there and watch. Trump's done more for us by getting elected than Obongo managed to in nearly a decade of presidency.
This is why we bother with redpills, so that the normalfags who still have functioning brains (i.e. not these fucks) find their way here. Don't worry we'll have enough for MAGA, DotR, and the Final Deal as they happen.
Nice! I'm surprised Sean Kalifer and Olivia Pace weren't arrested too.
Just look at that diverse and multicultural group who took a stand against Trump's horrible racism.
Ok, enough bullshit. Can any of you tell any of them apart?
Shit they're already trying. I mean it's going to fail because of the climate and how pussified the left is.
Jesus. These aren't people, these are memes. And not the good kind.
What is it about being a Leftcuck that makes you look like an orc from Lord of the Rings?
If dubs we post pepes at these untermensch irl
Why not do it anyway?
Someone run that into an average face program thing so we can see the ultimate cuck .
It was just a meme, they said.
8ch is full and the memes walk the Earth.
rip in nikes, Martin.
Gotta admit; most of 'em look like they'd do it for free. The pay was just icing on the cake. I'm sure their legal fees will be covered.
Those noses
Freaks, degenerates, kikes, and subhumans.
Not one of them looks healthy or right in the head.
As uncle Yuri said - "useful idiots"
Goddamn moron brainwashed broken white traitors
Dubs confirm
the second guy in the first pic looks like a fucking neanderthal
Can you feel the Happenings?
Lots of empty eyes.
Only one out of this batch for the rape gangs. Damn it, liberals!
it's one thing to fuck up in life and another entirely to use your fuckups and narcissism to drag everyone else down to your level.
i mean just fucking look at him
i screencapped this guy the other night. the dude was zonked out on something
Checked for now we need to start naming them.
Their actual names, as well as derisive nicknames.
Row 1:
hahahaha it's martin
hahahahaha i thought the logo were flowers
"look at the fucking hippies"
I wonder if they use some sort of specific lighting to make the niggers and cucks nearly the same color, or if it's post-processing.
That's setting off my Jewdar tbh fam.
(So is #1)
Damn, you beat me
It's like I'm walking down Commercial street in Vancouver Canada.
there were quite a few people from vancouver who were there
Looks like he got bailed.
At least one of them looks smug and happy.
The Portland PD has given us a gift, let's not waste it with Plebbit tier jokes and stale memes. DOX THEM
1. names to the faces for the infographic
2. home addresses and phone numbers
3. social media accounts
4. work information, addresses, phone numbers
5. FAMILY then friends and associates.
We hit them with everything we have and we either turn them, make them quit or radicalize them further.
Print out pepes and send them snail mail.
USPS boxes
Create accounts online with their pictures and names, multiples, get creative .
Write letters to Hispanic prisoners using their names and real return address and TALK SHIT!!!
Make fake nudes of them and send them to their employers and family.
It's war fams.
You can tell she's both a coalburning mudshark and a dope head. Wasted potential, her soul forever corrupted in the eternity of existence.
If this is what I'm going to have to work with when I'm Commandant of a forced labor camp it will be a real struggle. Going to need plenty of whips.
Someone call Stephan Merchant and tell him to come bail out his friend.
Is he one of the arrested? Which one?
My bad. Got giddy and didn't read the thread…
Holy shit. 3rd batch, guy on top left looks like Adam "Sandy Hook" Lanza.
the cuck magnon has awoken
effortshitposting here we go
Looks like we have a white extremism problem.
If this is what we're fighting, we have our work cut out for us.
Look at these limp wristed faggots. This isn't even fair.
Their ugliness is overwhelming. There must be a white cuck gene enabling both the behaviour and the outward appearance of a complete faggot.
This is why I beg you fucks to melt this shithole on your march up from commiefornia.
He's clearly a fucking nutcase
here's part of their amazing protest.
wtf has higher upload size limits than Holla Forums? ok. webm only. if you want to produce a twitter-uploadable .gif, this works:
ffmpeg -i treefire.webm -vf scale=512:288 treefire.gif
file is a little over 15MB, but twitter still accepts it.
37-year-old David Pugh – Interfering with a Peace Officer
23-year-old Margaret Alice Shiple – Interfering with a Peace Officer and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
20-year-old Ryley Sue Simmons – Interfering with a Peace Officer and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
19-year-old Siaosi Vana Tuitayuki – Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
15-year-old Hailey Mary Jones – Interfering with a Peace Officer and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree (Released to parent)
19-year-old Eric Peregrina – Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
19-year-old Mikaylah Marie Walper – Interfering with a Peace Officer and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
18-year-old Vincenzo Damon Milione – Interfering with a Peace Officer and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
18-year-old Jeffrey Duane Kamper – Interfering with a Peace Officer
21-year-old Daniel Gomez – Interfering with a Peace Officer
23-year-old Jacob Hence – Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Riot
A 16-year-old male was detained and released.
22-year-old Paul Joseph Conley Jr. – Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree, Attempted Assault on a Public Safety Officer and Recklessly Endangering Another Person
19-year-old Joren Tolleson — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree (given criminal citation and released)
27-year-old Benjamin Parinello — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Interfering with a Peace Officer (given criminal citation and released)
29-year-old Zola Johari Neal — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Interfering with a Peace Officer
39-year-old Kerry Connor — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
24-year-old Joshua Angel Valdez — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
18-year-old Cyrus Giottlies — Attempted Assault of a Public Safety Officer, Recklessly Endangering Another Person and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
48-year-old Michael Earl Withey — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree (given criminal citation and released)
29-year-old Robert Alan Leitch — Interfering with a Peace Officer
22-year-old Ren Sato — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
24-year-old Jacob Pelaez Cordero — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
22-year-old Dominique Rogelio Gonzales — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree (given criminal citation and released)
27-year-old Aaron Robert Giua — Disorderly Conduct in the First Degree
27-year-old Kunneeshta Bulloch — Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Interfering with a Peace Officer (given criminal citation and released)
fucking berry-pickers man
One hundred percent. These people think they're about to be living under Hitler, so of course they're going to start a brave "resistance" like they saw in movies and TV. This is the world they inhabit now.
Setting fire to a fucking tree. smdh. I thought these goons were supposed to be sensitive to environmental issues?
Was that portland?
yeah, it's from youtu.be
their for whatever the opposition is against or doesn't currently have priority. contrarian to the core.
Already a whore.
Looks like they only want to destroy public property. That would make them AnCap or Libertarian I guess, due to their protest of collective ownership?
National Socialists are the real environmentalists. Gommies only pretend to care about nature.
What kind of monster sets fire to a fucking tree? IT DINDU NUFFIN
Do they think the tree was racist or something
David Pugh, 37
Names to the pictures anons.
Please help
previous arrests. (look at the ears)
Nice Craigslist outreach
I can't believe there's this much pure, genetic waste all together in one place. This is only 71 people, Portland as a whole may have hundreds of thousands of evolutionary dead ends.
Let's not nuke the place, the PNW needs to be reclaimed. Going to door-to-door with flamethrowers and grenade launchers could employ thousands of people.
quite the collage of cucks and cunts. When can we put them into camps?
I think this guy
Found her
63-00 GET
Oh look a collection of fags
Why the fuck aren't their real names on that too?
This type of 4cuck shit does not identify them and spread info
excellent work lad.
wow, it's Faces of Untermenschen
we could make a textbook out of phenotype analysis of these scuffed fuckos
This is a rebel cuck.
To be honest, I actually think the orcs from LotR are more pleasing on the eyes than these "people".
18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
They should all be here.
no faggot, identify and name a protester first, then roll and be a cuckchan 14 year old faggot
Margaret Alice Shiple
damn, was just watchin this fella on a live stream last night too
NAMES TO FACES. The pigs and media PURPOSELY put this shit out here out of order and without the names to faces.
We need to rectify that.
Ryley Sue Simmons 20
Yeah they're this stupid.
You can just click "Search" with empty fields and it will show you everyone
Winchester, Jake Bartlett
It hurts anons
Villanueva, Mario
Thats the spirit, now put a NAME on his FACE
put the name on the face
You could shop the JUST haircut into every single one of these and none would look out of place
I could not resist.
also I lost
redpill them you lazy fuck
u wot m8
only anglos have weird hatred for irish, we germans don't give a fuck and see you as equals
Hurley, Anthony Alexander
user… I
Jewish I think
Hochman, Noah
>reddit spacing
git taste
Gee, I wonder if ((((((((((((((((((((NOAH HOCHMAN))))))))))))))))))))) is a kike. Every Noah and Hochman I have ever met has been a heeb
Sato, Ren
I understand that, but most of mine are commirfornia transplants, IE there "safe haven". If you guys are to melt commiefornia, then this place has to go else the plague will still spread.
Those in the S are mostly gimmiedat trash and those needing of deportation am I correct? They are not the "white guilt, self hating race traitors" such as what I deal with.
Why don't you do it then faggot!!
Don't worry user, when things kick off nation wide, I'll be in the pits getting my self some as well. Starting shit solo will not do any good right now.
We have some obvious shilling going on here to prevent us from naming the protesters.
I looked at the bookings for that night, and whoever made that collage did not included everyone. Something fucky is going on.
We have some weaponized shitposting happening.
user, could you include the AGE too please. MAGA, SHADILAY.
these people all look like theyve been indoctrinated in some Soros MKULTRA program
not dangerous looking at all
4th pic, bottom right shouldn't have been there. He looks like he can be quite redpilled with some work.
you're all doing God's work.
the more intelligence you gather about these people the better. obviously they're all paid protesters, which means they're likely linked to groups such as ANTIFA. the more you know about them the better. catalog everyone.
Remember, the greatest asset we have is getting their work info off their facebook page. Then you post to their works' facebook "so and so got arrested, is this representative of your companies values?"
I have been getting attacked a lot for saying this but I will say it again.
The white race is basically like two races, for simplicity we can say "white liberals" and "white conservatives" are the two white "races". And I think that this CULTURE WAR in The West between liberals and conservatives is actually a race war between these two white races.
In short: white liberals are as much of a racial enemy as any other person who hates the white race.
I have been accused of trying to divide the white race or trying to distract people from the jew by saying this. But we have to face the fact: in general white liberals are biologically different than white conservatives and their ideological differences are a reflection of biological differences.
I am not minimizing the importance of other racial enemies but I will say this again: the white liberal is the biggest enemy of the white race. In other words the white race is its own worst enemy… because it is actually two races!
The pictures OP shared prove that.
do you WANT the cops to come after you?
Dude, it's Portland. It's 100% representative of their company's values.
You better be fucking cute you faggot.
It's probably true that our biggest enemies are white liberals. The Jews don't have much power over us but what we give to them. The Jews are lame without their useless white idiots.
22-year-old Ahmed Mohemed Salah
Hey, weeb. Don't you know that a strong Japanese culture is an affront to White supremacy? We should be focusing on genociding the Japs before we kill the Jews since they obviously pose the greater threat. We need to colonize Japan, and wipe out their culture.
yeah, no
Trashman, is that you?
It's okay. I have "feminine" features too but am very conservative. It is probably the chemicals in the water or the marijuana I smoked in middle school.
I am very heterosexual too. I dono't think "facial features" or whatever are indicative of political ideology or level of faggotry.
Man or woman?
Oddly enough, looking at these people reduces my want to shoot them.
Make sure they don't work to serve normal people, these sick fucks would poison the food of any Trump voter. DOX THEM, make them lose their normal job
the prison will take care of them
Look at all this public info to fish from
Topkek. 'Avin a go.
Yeah, those anime shows that teach the importance of masculinity? Obviously they're anti-White propaganda, thus proving that the Japs need to be exterminated before the Jews. We just can't have a world where White children learn from those shitskin Japs, especially not that anime stuff.
it's scared
I'd say we should deport this guy back to Japan, but I don't think they'd take him.
Actually I'm ridiculing some other guy on here who uses those talking points unironically
this is like a cuck lineup tbh
still haven't found this guy. I've noticed some are missing from mcso.us
Make 3 "Negasonic Teenage Warhead"
They all look so gross, pinnacle untermensch.
no one wants to fuck Sydney?
Your biggest insecurity or any
Through a lot of middle school people would say I was fat so my weight is a huge insecurity of mine along with others.
Would you ever use sex toys or do anal
No to anal and idk maybe to sex toys I don't really know
Have you orgasmed more from touching yourself or getting touched
Do you smoke a lot? Do you drink a lot? Which one do you like better?
I smoke a pretty fair amount, I don't drink very often. I like smoking more because you're less likely to make completely terrible decisions and you're more in control, plus there's no hangover and way less risk. But don't get me wrong drinking is fun too.
When was the first time you kissed, bopped, fucked, drank, snuck out, and smoked?
Kissed - 8th grade
Bopped - 9th grade
Drank - 9th grade
Snuck out - 9th grade unless you count walking around forest heights at one in the morning in 7th grade
Smoked - summer between 8th and 9th grade
Doesn't getting eatin out feel heavenly? Who from?
I've been eaten out by 3 guys, 2 of which I've had a thing with and been committed with, not saying names.
fucking jews
I think Holla Forumsyneux is correct when he says that r-selected genes and K-selected genes are locked in a death struggle. The r's will cause chaos because then they reproduce more, while K's reproduce less under those conditions. It seems possible that purging the r genes from our gene pool will be the most important purge in the long run. Shitskins are obvious outsiders, so that's easy to fix. But right now we have a chance to remove cucks because they have unmasked themselves. So we purge the cucks, freeing up eggs for Aryans to inseminate. We might not get another chance to cleanse our race's gene pool for a long time, so it would be foolish to let this golden opportunity pass us by.
the missing link
18yo, prime breeding material, just needs some pic related
I can't believe John Romero got arrested.
Please stop>>8235121
please give me a qt…. err I mean 2/10!!
Those are niggers, user. Remember that the majority of groids still live in the land of cotton.
Its basically a heatmap of the nigger population
I'm actually (as a son of Alabama) surprised birmingham wasnt more blue than it was actually. Theres a fuck ton of niggers and liberals in that area. But I guess everyone was right, niggers werent going to show up in droves to vote for some old white bitch felon.
Proud of my home "area" (used to live outside birmingham) telling those liberal faggots they werent taking their shit sitting down
"PTSD Pete" is jewish FYI
Orcs have no free will much like our lovely communist pictured above.
Maybe we could find out if they have ties to Soros, the DNC and/or if they are paid agitators.
Well, put some names to faces. I just unearthed a shitload of info the a qt3.14 18 year old possible virgin and am going to dig on that since people don't want to even do basic paint shop work
Damn, this bitch really let herself go.
Thanks antifa!
Time for you to experience the same sort of lives we've all experienced for the last 8 years - unable to speak your mind and living in fear that someone will beat you up for having a different opinion.
And you know what?
We're going to make sure that unlike your 8 year rule, it never ever ends.
You made your fucking beds, now lie in them.
I don't think your from around here.
Consider my point retracted.
OK - well do SOMETHING. Put a name on a face, just one. Don't be an ideas guy only faggot
Do we have names to go along with it? Would be fun to have a website with their names and these images linking them to violence. Any future employer will think twice about hiring them.
At least one of those guys was someone who just got arrested for attention whoring on Periscope. And no Martin, we ain't payin' your bail on GoFundMe.
What day was he arrested?
He's happy because that's the first time someone else touched him in 30 years instead of him having to fondle some kid in order to have human contact.
Exactly. Portland is the epicenter for these anti-Trump protests, which is the whitest major city in the USA. Hispanics seem pissed off and are protesting enmass in LA, but are for the most part taking it in strides. Nigs are just using this as an excuse to beat up white people, but that's just "niggers gonna nig" right there.
Call me a race trader, but I'd rather live in a city filled with decent Mexicans or working class Asians than these shitlibs, even though they're usually most behaved people on the planet.
Meant "race traitor" though that is an interesting Freudian slip.
Did that skank really get a le magical current year leaf tattoo?
That's what heavy drug use and leftism does to a person.
there was a better edit of that, it said grabbing by pussy instead of dicking
Fucking hell man, it looks like someone selected 63's face in photoshop then nudged it to left twice then down one.
I thought we got rid of all those cancerous cuckchan rollfags through the last 2 years.
To anyone visiting any of these degenerates Tumblr pages, Tumblr lets you send anonymous questions to the owner.
I offer my humble attempt.
Re-read Mein Kampf, you,ll understand why those libcucks can be reformed. They have only been brainwashed by the Jewish system and there is a way of deprogramming them. Yes, they'll need to be quarantined for a long time but there is a way of doing so. Not so much can be said about kikes.
Molyjew is a half kike, he and his descendents are all getting sterilized on the DOTR. They're not getting the oven simply because he has been useful as an entry-level redpill.
naked women are icky
Someone where on the county sheriff' website the info is there
The second series, another jab at naming the degenerates.
The names are in op's article, and using
You can use the names to match to faces
Btw "This is going on my blog" on my blog is Mario Villanueva, he's still in county because he had a bench warrant and now a $1500 bail
Five dollar diy cut is carlene houk, out on recognizance
Stop bullying me
Rebel rob is james mattox
The blue counties basically follow the gnat line.
Full kevin is patrick bolen
You can't trust the fishes.
checked and kekd
Punished cuck is tyler joseph boyes
Cool ranch is biance ferreria
Tweedle phile is even james bond
Peaking in highschool pete is tyson lee williams
what did you think LOTR was about?
I'm not going to attack you for your opinion, but I am going to correct you. We're not like two separate races, liberals and conservatives, but rather people with two different breeding strategies, r and K.
Tonight: A very special episode of the Beta Bunch
Seems legit.
On behalf of someone living in Portland,
Please do it.
rolling for what? Lol fucking newfags
Find arrest reports and put names to these faces Nao!!!
Oh man, I'd love someone to dump these faggots right in the middle of Detroit, so they can go preach to the local nigs about how "educated" and "not-racist" they are.
without even scrolling down
cuck dyke cuck
cuck cuck cuck
cuck dyke dyke
dyke cuck dyke
….yeah about what I figured.
lol the middle top one in second pic looks like Leigh Alexander.
You know what looks to be missing from here?
I only see one asian and no dark skinned latinos
It truly is just the fucking mexicans that go blue.
And I bet the asian is a south korean like Kappa Cappa Cho from VTech.
fug, someone already got there! Huh, asian was a jap. Must be a techie import at some shitty "localisation" company where he's the only one that knows moon runes
far upper left who invited Natalie Portman?
Yep, you saw it too!
freakingnews has the best and most cartoony shops for being a goddamn AOL-era grandparents-only normie site. I guess even gramps gotta get his dank on.
reminds me of Mark Hamill strangely.
Probably the professor that organised it, lmfao
I don't know how true or not, but oi, potatoniggers!
f'reals that's a hebe. One of those snooty feminist types I bet that entrapped one (or more of the literal) cuck(s) or another on these images.
crack ho user called it. Probably got her first bf at 13 but didn't get a chance to fug him because he was arrested the next day.
probably full of the wacky confederate ones that long for the days of slavery
Remember when they hewed a whole forest in germany because hitler planted swastika trees?
It pains me that I look like this fucking waste of space, But I think my brow may even be more god-damned prominent.
fucking police station and squad cars must have stunk to high fucking heaven after this shit
the fuck
Well. Jews wants we all looks like that in few generations. This is like those pics of future mongrels from National Geographic, but lot worse.
Mongrels. They are all soulless mongrels. These people arent fully humans.
What I found interesting, there is no one fully blooded jew in those pictures. They are smart, work from the behind.
Last guy from 4 pic is out of the space. He is fucking sub-nordid. He should hung himself, fucking traitor…
Yeah, I could try that. On the second thought, they are too mixed up, every single one, except for the niggers is some kind of mistery meat. Fuck that.
t. taxanon
That guj is only aryan, yes. He is subnordid. Outta space and time. Well, may be some infiltrate from Don SS.
Found the jew!
Powermetal Paul.
Only. Fucked. One.
Congrats, user. I see now, You saw him first.
fuck it i have to. rollzzz
Ok, another judin found. Fucking wiener faced ashkenazi.
You have dreads? Cut that shit off
There is pure white race and there is mongrelicised "white" race.
Very few of pure white race people are liberal. Because synonimus to be liberal is, to hate pure white people.
There is no culture war in the West. It is only race war. Race is all there is.
Wouldn't squinting be Asian appropriation?
Genetic Deadends the Yearbook
The 'whites'… are all hipsters haha. Dreadlocks, mohaws, funny colours, facial piercings, no wonder they feel like niggers.
Thanks, good work.
Does anyone want some addresses or what not on these twats?
Sydney Hobbs at 5'9 170 is a big, mean bitch ready to throw down against the man for her negroid crack dealer boyfriend. Tyrone has rights!
/pol's girl TO GANG RAPE, Michelle Bach… oh she needs saving. But at 18, 5'4 105lbs, cops probably already sodomized the shit out of her.
Grow a pair. That never happens unless you're a dumb black or beaner.
hahaha was being caught destroying the Prada store part of her plan?
I bet she's a druggie. So misguided.
Did I call it, or did I call it? The 170 pounder with a cunt full of cheeeeeese, "Through a lot of middle school people would say I was fat so my weight is a huge insecurity of mine along with others."
All you pro-pot FAGGOTS take note of the fact that these MANIACS are daily smokers and out being psychos while on the stuff.
This guy looks like he's planning to Lanza up Trump.
WTF is "bopped"?
Is he cosplaying as a satyr?
Someone told him it was a white pine.
He takes the stuff out of the trash.
Because twitter is a whore.
HE LIES! The germans fucking love irish women, and they will try to have them. My grandparents taight me that by making my dad.
He looks fucken deranged.
They are so mean to trees! Let's burn them and turn their corpse into fertilizer for the trees.
Spics, dykes, cucks, niggers and trannies. What a surprise.
I see several purple shirts and hoodies in this lineup…
Look up the Symbionese Liberation Army.
I've been saying for something like two years that once the SJWs stopped getting their own way with everything you'd see them fracture into small cells of violent, radical extremists.
What pisses me off, you know these cocksuckers will never have it held against them on a job application and the Jews will even make them into heroes.
Can I tell the Jews my 2014 arrest for disorderly conduct in NYC was an early Trump protest because I "could he see his racism and hate?"
You know the test of whether we've won or lost the war? In 8 years if any of these shitbags can get a job.
there's "getting arrested" (like for you and me) and then when Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein or Bill Clinton's brother "gets arrested." One is a larp and a joke.
The other? you are fucked for life.
I'm disappointed, but not surprised
Man she must be so butthurt about each of these names
Ugg Trump is not my tribe's elder
Blonde hair is almost a thing of the past in America.
Not exactly. Read Evola, he touches on that topic but I forgot exactly where. Basically the spirit matters as well, and traitor whites who are jewified can't be considered white even if their biology is pure.
What the shit? You're right.
A lot of them look like meth addicts.