Please don't pay to use a pay toilet.
Well, Holla Forums, are you putting your poo outside the loo for software freedom?
Please don't pay to use a pay toilet.
Well, Holla Forums, are you putting your poo outside the loo for software freedom?
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I simply don't pay when there is a nigger with a coin tray. And I snuck into waiting trains to avoid using the coin-slot toilets in train stations.
Maybe Stallman should get a real job
There are a lot of these in the UK. The idea was to keep out druggies and undesirables, but those people obviously just jump the barrier. Stallman would probably be better served complaining about toll roads, which the States have an abundance of.
piss on the door, shit at the sill. destroy the lock. direct action or nothing
don't take a poo to the loo - t. Rajesh M. Stallman
Enjoy getting charged for vandalism.
That is because the UK elite love to punish people for simply being poor. The UK elite, like the American, seem to revel in not understanding that not everyone can be rich. Someone has to clean the toilets.
i wonder what the thought process on that was. in los angeles or new york or san fracisco especially, where there's a ton of homeless and few toilets, there's shit and piss all over the street. in los angeles they have to send teams in hazmat suits with chemicals and power washers twice a month to clean the human waste off the streets.
The thought process is libertarian-ism in action.
Stallman's glossary is pretty whacked.
Does he actually write software on that shitpost-machine of his?
No, not that I'm aware of. He spends most of his time on advocacy.
firmly detached from the realities of todays world, stallman wants what he believes to be the best for the people, but in the process he just comes off as some sort of free software zealot.
i like to listen to him, but it's hard to take everything he says at face value.
you know, i really wonder what the state and public reception of the fsf would be, if they would have a completely different leadership and PR figure some time ago. what projects and endeavours would they spend most of their resources on?
He doesn't code at all anymore. I read that years ago, but can't find wherever it is I read that. Here's a recent article that says the same thing, though. The part about not programming anymore is an aside way down at the bottom. The article is worth reading, though. There's some top-shelf autism in there.
Common all over europe.
Americans visiting toilets in Europe should tip at least $20 US.
If there isn't someone visibly on duty, leave the $20 on top of the tampon machine in the women's toilets.
Diversity programs, women in tech and maybe a little bit of privacy software here and there.
Stallman isn't really the leader anymore, that's John Sullivan. Stallman is like Lenin under Stalin: a mere figure.
I've never seen a "pay toilet" in my entire life. How would it work, would you have to pay a penny to be able to flush it? It just sounds like a good way to get clogged toilets to me.
Stallman is firmly attached to the realities of today's world, Stallman wants what he believes to be the best for the people, but in the process he just comes off completely misunderstood by people who have problems in critical thinking i.e. the majority of the world.
t. 80 IQ
You pay to get in the toilet in the first place, of course they won't let you shit in there without paying.
he's usually really plain about what he thinks is right, so i don't think he's some kind of tragically misunderstood figure
That's pretty fine terrorism from you to take poo in "loo" at the stations as at least here it's directly land on the rails. I only take piss before the start, but that's fine for me.
Are you 12? Literally has a lock on the door that requires you to put a quarter in it.
these don't exist in the united states in public places, because they would only be used in areas with high levels of non-whites, which is major cities, which are all controlled by democrats, who pander to non-whites.
The token lock is far more common in fast food restaurants, mcdonalds, jack in the box, etc, in racially diverse areas, where you have to show a receipt to get a token.
mainly because homeless will walk into those bathrooms and literally jerk off or shower/shave for 45 minutes at a time, to the point where there's a line of homeless waiting to do the same thing.
can't really blame the homeless, it's the only place to do it, but it's obviously bad for business. most will then buy coffee or some other cheap item, so atleast they extract some money. this is the same reasoning for removing power outlets in fast food / coffee shops, and water spickets outside of the business. if they exist, the homeless will use them. while the typical leftist is all about helping the homeless, they prefer that the homeless exist away from where they exist.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on?
Found the American. What you dumb faggots call "libertarianism" (in reality liberalism) is what San Francisco is.
I agree with your sentiment, I think Stallman's philosophy is plain to understand. However, people commonly show that they don't understand what is his message. It's one thing to disagree with his morals based on an accurate understanding of the message. It's another thing to argue strawman arguments and faulty suppositions as is extremely common in daily conversation.
A common false accusation for Stallman is that Stallman is a communist and that he wants society to stop making money. A common supposition is that Stallman condones the open source community. The reason why I say he's commonly misunderstood and perceived as some kind of extremist is because these kinds of false sentiments are expressed to this very day.
What did he mean by this?
I don't give a shit about nastiness and degradation as much as I care about niggers not shitting the street because they "can't afford the toilet fee"
they're effectively the same; both result in mass privatisation and fees up the ass for everything
I tried once to jump the barrier but then it dropped and I dropped to ground with it.
t. nigger
yeah, we need local terrorism
why not provide alternative for them, then? showers for homeless
Why not providing free power outlets in public everywhere? But with limited power like 5 Watts, so it's not abused? Homeless and other people could charge their phones there, but power wouldn't be enough to connect anything big.
That dirty Nigger belongs in jail for trespassing, fucking nigger. Stealing access to a room, go get your own quarter if you wanna be in my toilet!
Terrorism? Hold on calling FBI.
Showers for homeless? Nah, kill them all. No one would miss 'em. If they did, they wouldn't be homeless, see what I mean?
Free power? Oy gevalt! What is this, communism? Those electrons aren't going to move themselves kid, now get outta here. Sheeesh.
Read a book or two fam. I recommend John Locke or Adam Smith to begin with.
We do. Like restrooms, showers are also provided in homeless shelters. This isn't a tech discussion anymore, but IMO what should be done is not increase shelters but guarantee everyone a job. There's always something that needs to be built.
Because "free power" isn't free. The power has to be produced somewhere, and the outlets need to be installed and repaired often since every week someone will short them. Being able to charge your iphone anywhere isn't a basic human right.
Hobo confirmed.
I've never seen this kikery and I hope I never will. If I did, I would be tempted to do whatever I can to fuck with them, such as putting fake coins in it until nobody else can pay for toilet access. Or if it's a single, paying the fee then locking the door and chilling in there for a few hours so nobody else can use the toilet and the kike doesn't get paid.
I hope I get to see a real holocaust in my lifetime. :^)
no bully, cianiggers. I wouldn't hurt a jumping spider.
WTF. I love Stallman now. - t. Pajeet
Me too, I love holocaust. I wish to be like Hitler. He cleaned the evil.
so if windows is a pay toilet would it does haves a cam under the bowl to spie inside yo assho when you go nasty to and take a shit?
Stallman has done nothing to remove witches from public bathrooms.
Wew. Freedom as in free, unless it's government, where big monolithic governments are fucking awesome. Hillary 2016.
t. Stallfat
Homeless people are more likely to shoot up in a free street shitter as opposed to pay street shitter. I don't want to step on AIDS needles while relieving myself.
I mean, I prefer shitting in a toilet, but I'm never going to pay for it. Toilets should be a free thing, otherwise we end up like India, or worse, the UK. I mean, I've shit in the woods before and used piss bottles when making cross-country trips. I'm not a shamed of taking a shit in plain view of everyone because my previous job experiences have desensetized me to it. However, I don't think this is appropriate. This new society we're building wants to nickel and dime us for every little thing. Stallman was wrong when he wrote The Right to Read, thinking it would only be limited to information. In the future, basic human functions will cost you money.
I would say this is Chris-chan dictionary levels, but this is pretty typical of political activists from the era of Stallman.
The problem isn't lack of jobs, it's the lack of good paying jobs. Minimum wage at full time isn't enough to scrape by in most places of the US. Also being on the streets for years fucks most people up, they need lots of rehabilitation to get their life back on track. No one wants an insane rambling smelly dude serving their food or building a skyscraper, to get them to the point of being able to have a stable job will take a lot of work. The bootstraps mentality is just as bad as giving them everything for free.
I've never really encountered pay toilets in the States, but fuck, they're everywhere in Europe. What is wrong with you fucking jews? Like said, it doesn't actually do anything to keep these places clean and decent most of the time (in fact it probably results in more people pissing/shitting in the streets like a pajeet), it just ends up being a way to nickel and dime you. Nothing pisses me off more than when I have to fumble about to find some local change in my pocket to give to some prick I can't understand all the while I have to piss like a fountain. It's even worse when airports do it and I'm in a non-destination country needing to piss inbetween a flight, because then I have to find a place to break my money into the local currency for THAT country, again all while needing to piss like a maniac.
This kind of bullshit is why I haven't gone outside in 6 years,
That type of line of thought only considers those already in the middle with a somewhat decent life. There's plenty of jobs unskilled homeless persons are capable of doing, but can't do because they're turned down for not being clean or having an address.
what I've seen plenty of times with Hispanic Americans, is a lot of them will pool their income together, and live together, a bunch of them in a single house and all contribute to living expenses until they get into a position where they can become independent.
Besides this, its not uncommon to see homeless people living together, and helping one another. We can guess that they'd support one another as well if they'd manage to find employment. But none of that is possible if they can't get jobs to begin with.
The city of villa el salvador was born from waves of homeless who just claimed some shitty desert land, built shacks, and then worked from there.
If you're going to do the pay-to-poo thing, do it right like the Japanese. Having a racially homogenous society helps.
Jesus christ. At least things like "Agent Orange" and "Mango Mussolini" were creative in their cringe.
This Stallman guy is a real piece of work, probably drinks his own cum too.
Oh, it doesn't stop there, not by a long shot.
>have a really good time aside from that
From what I've heard, the switch from landlines to cellphones/VOIP has eliminated some of the per-minute jewry, but the prices are apparently still terrible.
Firmly agreed. I would add much stronger unemployment benefits so that abusive employers can't put you over a barrel so easily. The current establishment-endorsed solution of NIT/basic income is something unsure of, depending on the implementation.
Please let this 4-decade neocon/neolib nightmare end before we hit 3rd-world status. There shouldn't even BE homeless in a nation as rich as ours.
but Stallman is poor.
I doubt he makes a lot of cash, but even if he only charged 1k plus expenses per talk he should be making enough not to be poor.
All of his doctorates are honorary, are they not? I believe he dropped out of the only Ph.D. program he was ever enrolled in.
It's not about putting the poo outside the loo, it's about ensuring that there are loos available for poo, because if you pay the jew to put your poo in the loo, it becomes viable to demand money for a public loo, and the people who can't afford it are more likely to shit in the streets.
More pay toilets == more shit in the street. Thank fuck I don't live in India. I'd rather live in China than fucking India.
Yes, they are honorary.
Pay toilets are common in northern and western europe. All nice and clean. A local mall even has a friendly cleaning nigger at the entrance greeting you. Walk a few miles over the border to Austria and Italy, you'll find free and piss-flooded toilets. Enjoy?
jews dont care about externalization of costs
libertarianism is just property rights. the dominant branch also believe in inherent self ownership also known as natural rights
what you mean is called philosophical darwinism (a certain understanding of justice) or potentially egoism, where there simply exist no considerations outside of absolute selfishness
Think of the 0.000001% of wasted profits,goy. That would stop us from lining our pockets passing those fine 0.0001 cent savings on to you.
Spending money on the poor is like investing in a failing company.
It used to cost a lot to get him to come give talks. We tried to get a uni to pay for it around 2002 but they balked at the cost and instead went with some irrelevant FSF wank to come out and read us cliffs notes. They also refused to pay for Lessig back when he was relatively cheap which I'm still mad about since it was only a couple years later that he was getting presidential-tier speaker fees.
That's weird considering that universities get/have shitloads of money. They're always looking for ways to justify their need for more money.
They have lots of money, but they spend an ever shrinking amount of it on the students.
typical communist kike retard
wtf i hate communism now
Pay toilet is heretic in Australia so there is few pay toilets. Public toilets or communal with showers in it is usually maintained by the local government or private communities.
Toilets are like operating systems
Free community supported ones have shit all over the place, feel unsafe, and at various times, rivalling groups of weirdos will try to take over the facility. Some hostile groups may even spontaneously appear to demand separate spaces for their arbitrary genders. Nothing is hidden from you though, and everyone is welcome to clean it up. While most people just freeload, a few others make meaningless feel good improvements, such as cleaning the sink or fixing the door logos, typically to ingratiate themselves with the community. Hardly anyone wants to do the difficult nasty plumbing, and this usually only occurs when corporate sponsors need to clean up the place for their own interests.
Private pay to use toilets come with the expectation of a clean, trouble free user experience. Users can expect a lot of attention to detail in the decor to help ensure a pleasant experience. It certainly smells nice, even if there are problems beneath the surface. There are some parts users cannot access, but most users do not notice, they're just concerned that everything works smoothly. Occasionally the door locks do not work at all, exposing toilet users to the general public until the owners, and only them, get around to fixing the glitch. Thieves and muggers are more likely to lurk around "pay to use" toilets. Poorer people who cannot afford to use these toilets deride pay-users as: dumb fools with more money than sense.
Stallman is right as always.
As if Richard Stallman is the one to talk about disgustingness... The dude eats his own toe jam!