Speaker Paul Ryan: "We are not planning on erecting a deportation force"

And asked if he'd accept a fence instead of a wall, Trump said: "For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I'm very good at this, it's called construction." Trump added that "there could be some fencing." He did not, though, repeat his campaign promise to deport all undocumented immigrants. He pledged to focus first on deporting those who have committed crimes within the United States – "gang members, drug dealers … probably two million, it could even be three million" – and worry about others later. "After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about who are terrific people," Trump said.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ryan isn't in Trump's team, right?

We're reactivating ICE

We already have a deportation force, it's called ICE. Trumps just going to untie their hands and let them do their jobs.


also strengthen their numbers
and give them new uniforms
and arm them a little differently
and maybe some extra unshackling, maybe a little pre-emptive self defense

Civil war either way, shlomo.
And we'll have a standing president on our side!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Paul Ryan anti-Trump throughout the campaign? Shuffle this guy off and get somebody in sympathy with the new policies to interface with the lugenpresse.

He's facing removal as it is.
He should keep his mouth shit but kikes gonna kike.

Trump absolutely cannot allow this faggot to remain in power.

These fuckers just don't get it do they.Its not business as usual anymore.

Keep licking Ryan's boots, lad.

Ryan needs to be gone. He will betray the God Emperor at the first opportunity (again).

Yeah he was mostly anti-Trump because he was trying to be a fence sitter. If the media said Trump did something bad, he would not back him up and in fact would throw him under the buss.
He was just saving face.
Ryan needs to be removed, he cant be trusted, Mitch McConnell too

I think this interview was the first opportunity, wasn't it?

I'm saying the people along with the president will burn the god damn house and senate down you fucking word twisting jew. Go oven yourself.

someone shoot this fucking cucked faggot already

Maybe if the cocksucker was trying to form it, he wouldn't be on his way out.

We're not going back to sleep, kike.
It's happening.
The people are not going away.
We are going to watch everything Trump tries to do.
And everything you fucks try to stop.
We will have it by peace or over your burning corpses.
One way or another, we'll have our country back for the interests of our own people.

This better be a fucking joke.

Merely deporting illegal immigrants already in prison is absolutely nothing. THat is like super entry level, the fact it isn't done automatically already is a sign this country has cancer. If Trump only deports those 3 million he will have demographically lost the country and his re-election.

They pay you less when you out yourself, Chaim.

Our God Emperor isn't going to elect this cuckold as dog catcher.

This asshole has been counter-signaling Trump every chance he got from the very beginning.

Who does he think he is trying to tell our Emperor what he can't do when he was working day and night to hand the election over to his opponent?

Too late, the deportation force is already rock hard.

translated in your retarded brain to
I know you're scared, but don't go full retard now.

Don't worry. With all the protests and riots going on right now, anything Trump would say about immigration right now, would only fuel the flames. ,He hasn't even been swore in yet, much less assumed office, so it really is better for him to just lay low – at least for now. ,

Ryan from my understanding is going to be fired by Trump.

Ryan's the definition of a shabbat goy


Everything in Ryans world is him building toward a run for the white housein 2020/24. All of the signalling will continue to that end.

He doesn't mean Trump and us, he means he and his crony faggots

oh yeah

No one would vote for Paul Ryan. He's a limp-wristed pussy who has no clue how to talk.

No; he has been fawning since Trump won, recognizing that Trump won his home state and a crushing victory.

Trump needs to lead the coup against Ryan, time to cut out the poison blood.

You better be.

Everyones going to get tired of these people destroying everything.

We learned this this election that nobody likes a cuck. Presidents have been historically alpha as fuck for a reason. The people want strong leadership, not a spineless betamale.

Exactly, it's outrageous how there's immediate riots after he's president-elect.

Now I hope the congress and senate works with Trump, or else I hope the people will lynch those backstabbing fuckers. I'm more concerned about the congress and senate being cucked and against Trump like Obama.

I thought Ryan was going to keep his head down and just support Trump, looks like that didn't even last two days

Paul Ryan is a rat who needs to be replaced. I trust nothing coming out of that rat's mouth.

I'm sort of worried that Paul Ryan might be the Brutus of Trump's Julius Caesar.

Seems to be a recurring pattern with him. He gives Trump lukewarm endorsements and then goes right back to making statements contrary to the Emperor's agenda. He's done this repeatedly over the past year.

>This is are land
Makes me laugh every time.

No, O.P., he is not a "cuck". He is a Vatican-Roman "Catholic", same as the Mexicans are, advocating for more of his kind to come in to take over the U.S.. In your analogy, he would be the "bull" and is trying to make white Americans the "cucks".

Brutus betrayed an unaware Caesar. This time, Caesar tosses Brutus asstons of twitter abuse proving he's well attuned to his bullshit. There's a lot of grumbling in the Trump camp to remove Ryan.

He's a White gentile who's helping the kikes destroy the White race - he's a cuck.

Good, hopefully every GOP congress will bend the knee.
I do believe and hope that Trump is smart enough to realize that he's in a viper's nest and that he has a plan of dumping their asses.

Yeah but now Ryan is on the cusp of being removed as speaker. He really can't contain himself.

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

Honestly none of the christcuck variants are desirable my dude

You're trying too hard, Moshe.

Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Mr Kobach, a Christian man, was picked to oversee upcoming immigration policies. That's the sort of differentation that could make a difference, friend.

Sheriff Joe for ICE. That will put fear in the illegals. His name alone will make them self deport. Evil Soros spent millions to get rid of Joe, but it will only make him stronger.

He could be based because he's white, not because he likes christcuckery.

You realize the cuck-servatives next big plan is to let Trump in for President but then bide their time while they look for any grounds to impeach Trump on.

They'll try to impeach Trump so they can have cuckservative Israel-First posterboy Mike Pence as president and it'll be back to the good old (((neo-con))) days.

This hydra ain't dead yet lads!


He's the same tribe as Spkr Ryan and the Mexicans.

Vatcan-Romans aren't white, they're white ethnic.

They all look so cute with their pink socks.

Zzz… Yawn.

Go take a walk around Rome as I did post-2014 and tell me if the Vatican acts as an effective buffer against non-whites.

I'm assuming we have to wait for Congress to go back into session on January 3rd before anything happens though. Meanwhile the dope is going to keep running his big mouth. Perhaps that will make it easier to ax him when the time comes.

Lad, I filtered you after I took a closer look at the words you were writing. Try and be more respectful next time.

I think that Trump knows, I remember omarosa did say that Trump is very vengeful and he does keep a list, I think he's aware of this happening.

In addition, I have heard that Trump was unhappy with Pence (the establishment forced Pence unto him apparently) and Pence didn't like Trump's liberal viewpoints, so I do believe it will be a hard fight for Trump, but at least he is aware of the coup.

A religion isn't his people, his people are Europeans.

Trump better not back down from deporting ALL illegals. Every single one of them are bad people.

Even if he wasn't a "Catholic", all Catholics are still "Christians".

Is this snow nigger fucking insane or what? Is he oblivious to just what happened last week? This is really surreal. It's like some Manchurian Candidate type shit. The guy is fucking GONE. Trump has no use for his bitch ass. He not only didn't support him, the weasel acted against him.

And some of them are good people, I presume.

Dang my dude, I'm sad now.


Fuck that prick. His idea of justice is turning white criminals into trannies for the spics.

How about we put a real mn in chargwe of ths, who doesn't degrade white jnmates?

I would ban all non white immigration but maybe that'll be for later

Oy vey.

The hope is that you can get a lot of them to leave voluntarily once you start rounding up their gang leaders and alphas.



This faggot is on the way out. The god emperor will bully him into submission until he is finally replaced.

Anons with proper experience here should work on getting into politics. We are going to need replacements for these cucks.


I don't know man I hate to say it but I feel Trump doesn't have the willpower to deport them. Almost all if not all the non-criminal illegals (contradiction of terms there) will probably not be deported, let alone the anchor babies. I think we on Holla Forums began projecting more and more of our beliefs onto a man who is essentially just your average 80s republican which is considered super dooper radical in the current year but he is far from a race realist redpilled aryan god-emperor. Gonna call it that the illegals will never be deported, he will just make their lives hard and hope most self deport but when Mexico turns to hell on earth they won't leave here.

Exactly. This issue is so fucking goddamn simple. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS ALREADY ILLEGAL. All they have to do is enforce the law.

he should just enforce anti-illegal policies like fining the places MASSIVELY, like 50k per head on hiring illegals.


who gives a shit

Mr Trump is a paleo-con, he's not a racially progressive white man. He's only going to go as far as he thinks he needs to in order for the country to not completely collapse in the lifetime of him and his children. That's why he needs inspiration, and criticism as well, if you know what I mean.

No such thing as a non criminal illegal immigrant.
Trump has been very opposed to illegal immigration and anchor babies during his campaign, so what in the flying fuck are you talking about? He literally promised to deport all 11 million illegals AND their US born families. He literally said that, many times.

What do you mean by this?

This faggot needs to go now.

Shilling. They're so desperate they're willing to try and spin something that has "illegal" right in the name into meaning something that is somehow not criminal.

He did mention that, but I was referring to his claim that "Holla Forums is projecting our wishes onto Trump", when Trump has literally said dozens of times during the past year that he will deport all illegals and their anchor baby families that were born in the US. This stupid nigger has clearly not watched any of his speeches and interviews.

To be fair, Trump hasn't mentioned the anchor baby problem since August of last year IIRC.

Hey I got a job Chris Christie.

He has ties to the Mafia.

We can give the guy the Cement boots General job to him.

What the fuck is with this slimy rhino cuck. This isn't your party anymore you fucking nitwit.


He's a start, we'll get better once Barron gets unto it.

That's literally what ICE is, we just have to let them do their job.

Yep, things are so fucked up right now there's this perception the cuck pushes that we don't even have Federal organizations tasked to handle immigration.


Cuckboi should just go ahead an switch parties.

What about Ryan even makes him a conservative?

He's a conservative in the mold of William F. Buckley: lose after putting up a spirited argument.

Why should I care if Joe humiliates Democrat voters by making them wear pink underwear?

he is trying to overtake Trump and if Reince Penis is appointed CoS he may well succeed. I trust Trump know this very well and is playing ball so he does not get killed and when he takes office, he can turn the tables at everyone and even throw the fucking tables at them.

fuck that cuck.

Who has that pic/quote about "if I had only one bullet and I had an enemy and a traitor, I'd shoot the traitor"?

This faggot is going to get ousted as speaker, and then hopefully he'll hang from the gallows in front of the white house.

Trump must speak out about this and swamp drain Rya

Ooh clever.
Speaker of house is up for election next week. Ryan is kiling any chance of it being him.

Ryan's gone after this. They were talking about deposing him when he tried to sabotage Trump during the campaign. Now Trump's president, his position as Speaker is looking very precarious indeed

Missing the {{plan}} here.
Ryan is lookingto duck something, I wager we are still in the preliminary plan and not near done at all.

I don't have any pics but I know that's from Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. What a fucking based motherfucker.

"The Jews are our enemies and as such they hate, poison, and exterminate us. Romanians who cross into their camp are worse than enemies: they are traitors. If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it."

you're a retard

most illegals will self deport

Unrelated to the thread, well, semi-related I guess, but here's another quote from Codreanu.

"A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins."


It was obvious that this was what was going to happen, and while its not ideal its still better than the current situation and a hell of a fucking lot better than the open borders Clinton wanted.

Ah there's that number again…Independent studies point to about three times as much but don't tell anyone, lest you enrage the goyim.

his mom was a kike, so no.

Kek. Trump is going to have him tossed. It's only a matter of time when people start clamoring to have him removed and Trump says nothing to save him.

What about all the white men charged with "hate crimes" for defending themselves and their families? Or people getting charged with false rape accusations?

And they are already fliping their shit over 11 million, now imagine 33 million.
The levels of salt wil just keep rising.

Knowing what I think I know about him, he's spending all of this time in prep work so he can get inaugurated and BTFO of everything. Plus, he's aware that, like you said, he could only fuel the flames.

>"it was anuddah shoah, Trump got rid of all muh 33 million


The solution is simple guys: