Americans in general are fucking disgusting and this election has demonstrated that fact irrefutably. I have been forced to closely observe you cretins in your natural environment out of an interest in this election and I have never seen a species of such hypocritical, sensationalist, duplicitous, petty, spiteful, childish and ignorant creatures in my whole life. Often we find it difficult to understand the psychology of genocidal tyrants, but it is clear that the North American continent is in desperate need of its own Pol Pot. There is no hope for the American people who have been so inoculated to reality over sixty years of propaganda warfare they have ceased to resemble human beings. Basic decency is not only in deficit in the United States, it is positively despised by the public at large. The American public is easily swayed by the most transparent posturing, and like Plato's cave dwellers will assault viciously anybody who respects them enough to tell them the truth. The American might be deserving of mercy were it not for the fact that he is dragging the rest of the species down into the pit with him. For this reason, the population of the world must divest themselves of pity, as it serves only to dampen our resolve. Mercy toward the American is cruelty to future generations. The head of the snake must be sliced off without remorse.
Americans in general are fucking disgusting and this election has demonstrated that fact irrefutably...
Replace all that with jew and I will agree. Also, look to western europe for some real cucking fagboy, particularly germany.
You lost.
Underrated post
They are the perfect goyim.
Lines and lines of ad hominem and tripe with no formatting.
Cuckolds fear charisma because it has been branded onto him by the venomous tongue of the Jew.
stay salty
we won
you lost
Jesus Christ you suck
jesus christ you guys are fucking retarded aren't you
it's obvious pasta you dense shits
jesus christ this board is so unimaginably easy to bait
Why do you hate freedom?
It's awesome not having to go anywhere for commie salt anymore.
Anyone that bumped this should get banned.
butthurt shills
Watch out guys edgy communist coming through!
If you aren't in control of yourself, who is? That seems like it would be rather important thing for you to figure out. Far more important than observing a foreign nations election of which you have no stake.
How would you know? You don't live here and it's a very large country.
You're really failing at this shitpost…
Resolve for what? 40% of the world doesn't even have electricity you stupid faggot.
Next time you attempt to sound intelligent, think before you own your dick sucking mouth.
Bernie will be to old to run in 2020.
Go to bed Kristin.
Also, Tits or GTFO.
Terrible/10 blogpost
How did you do this?
I needed that laugh. God I love laughing at dumb faggots like OP
He posted his own IP lookup.
I'm a hard working American who works for his community alone and not a corporation (my job is a public service).
Also learn to format your walls of text, disgusting.
Hey we won the war.
Stay mad cuck.
Shadilay by P.E.P.E. produced by ASS Art
I'm not a city nigger who is protected by a union so he can be lazy.
Fuck off jew.
You've perfectly described Bernie voters
well go there then bernd
In Soviet Russia, you must stand all day in line for salt.
In Trump's America, salt comes to you!
Yes OP, that's nice.