Trump on 60 Minutes
Shittiest thread on Holla Forums today.
inb4 called a kike for not liking a shit thread
If that's so, I can ask for it to be deleted.
Doesn't work that way, faggot. Enjoy your ban.
So what's shit about this thread and info? Implore me.
A link or a video would be good. Not all of us have a TV. Trump has been very quiet lately imo, so him going on 60 minutes suddenly would surprise me. When was this interview done?
threads from before the election.
You don't even have a link or a jewtube vid that you didn't archive/webm or break the hyperlink of. It's fucking fail.
4 lines with no source
This. As a Europoor I can't see that shit. Source? Video?
Mainly this two reasons, back to cuckchan OP
I don't have an English link nor video, it's just news on our biggest news site (which is in co-operation with CNN, though).
If you really want to read then go ahead.
You can't inb4 yourself, mate.
You newfags need to lurk more and learn how to make a thread
Yes but it is in Finn meme speak OP, and there's no evidence that trump said that today
It's not even out yet.
Some people saging this really are kikes.
Ah, apparently he will be going on 60 minutes later today. Your news article seems to be recapping his previous statements, but the interview hasn't happened yet.
Yep pretty much.
Here's the article that OP's article references about 60 minutes:
Piss off, faggot Jew.
I just did. Either way only a faggot or shill would bump a thread which consists of 4 lines of greentext with two line breaks between each.
And this shit of including a link only several posts in is cuckchan cancer and should be banned.
Hasn't aired, but they've sent a summary to news outlets it seems.
I don't know why the cuntiness in this thread, I thought people here appreciate timeliness.
You autists need to be deported as well.
Supposed to be a preview at this link but embedded vid isn't loading for me.
Unfortunately I'm not sure how "immediately" illegals are actually going to be deported. It's not like they're just going to sit around waiting to be ICE'd, and they have two months head start.
On the other hand, at least some will certainly leave on their own before then.
Point being, don't get discouraged if the media tries to say "Trump renegades on campaign promises!" if he's been in office an entire week and hasn't hit that 3 million mark yet, which I'm sure they will do.
To be fair, a day or so ago this whole place was filled with completely bad threads with fake news articles or clips from 3 months ago pretending they were recent. Some more context in the OP post would make this kind of reaction not happen. Even though we've added content with subsequent posts, the catalog only shows the text that's in the OP's post, so anyone else looking around the catalog will see the poor quality OP and probably not bother, and thus never find out that there's going to be a 60 minutes interview later today.
Stop being so butthurt over anonymous insults in a tibetan-pictures forum
And leave this place
I've had many successful threads with same shit as basis, language in spurdoan so won't even bother to link. Maybe it's this after-election hubbub and topic being Trump that ruffled feathers.
In either case, in future threads I'll include a source and additional info if it is so impassable to some.
I appreciate the heads up.
people just don't want this place to become a trump board it seems, I recommend a few related images if someone is worried the thread isn't enough
3 million is absolutely nothing.
He isn't even going after the normal illegals, let alone the anchor babies. Thats it folks, rip white america.
Shaddup faggot.
I am not even from the US and this is already in the news. Fuck off shills.
3 million is huge.
Millions more won't come, or will leave.
The key is to go after employers who employ illegals. Once the jobs start drying up, they will leave.
About 300,000 illegals slip into the US every year, so just 3 million out would be erasing (not counting babby) 10 years of illegals out of the box.
I read that translated, and the article laughably says that Mr Trump was critical of Hispanics throughout his campaign, and didn't mention the despicable Big Beautiful Door, that TRUMP plans to put in the wall…
Every time Mr Trump spoke of building the wall, at least in the middle part of his campaigning, he made sure to say that there would be a Big Door in the wall. "We want people to come in."
They already tried that, but it was stopped by the crony capitalists. Where have you been, user.?
Truly the savior of the hwhite race
Are you just doing this for free?
CTR concerntrolling I'm sure. I mean they spent the best half of a year on here and elsewhere to learn all the dismissive info and how to actually sage, probably trying their hardest now.
The Molesta stuff attacks directly to the CTR founder. It woudnt be a surprise if he still keep them working, now to save his own ass.
mods please ban and delete these shit posts so that the thread doesn't suffer from cancerous slides from the first shitty post made.
He was never the savior of the white race. Just a memes to and end
And he also all but called for a pre-1965 immigration plan that returns us to previous historic norms for who is allowed in.
This is the first push, get rid of the worst of the worst spics. Its to show he is serious.
While youre doing that, cut funding to sanctuary cites, rip up Obama amnesty eo, cut all benefits and put in place penalties for hiring illegals.
Putting conservative judges on the supreme court will allow a challenge to the 14th amendment (the one anchor babies use).
You gotta step through this, you cant go from A to F over night, you go from A to B then to C.
I know it's nothing compared to the number of cocks you've sucked today, but try to keep things in perspective
O.K. found the preview.
brain damaged faggot.
Anyone got a stream for it tonight?
It starts at 7 EST.
Just the 3 million illegals alone is going to save this country billions of dollars a year. I also hope he stops this country from subsidizing illegals and puts a heavy tax on remittances. Those two things might get a lot of illegals to self-deport and sour a lot of potential illegals from trying to get into this country
you did it, you got the first post. now you can fuck right off.
It's fucking retard shills. If they don't like a thread, they can press the [-] and hide it from the front page. there is no need to bitch and cry like a little faggot.
That's about 7%, it's a start.
And that's starting off. Jolly ol' Bill Clinton's administration deported 11 million during his presidency, if I recall. Just wait until the God Emperor gets going.
One of his proposed methods of getting Mexico to literally pay for the wall is to cut off remittances entirely if they don't. So I doubt he'll touch remittances to maintain that leverage.
That's a slide, if he doesn't deport the "great people" illegal aliens, America is toast.
Right now he's got the pesky 14th amendment gumming up the works. That's going to be an issue with regards to booting these fuckers out. I've got faith he's going to do what has to be done.
Right now Trump needs to look good for the libshits so they don't rebel enough for King Nigger to call a state of emergency or sway the electoral college to vote in Hillary instead of him. I suspect he's trying to make himself appear more moderate so that he can actually get into office without letting (((them))) start Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo, and replace the US government with a Soros controlled shadow government ala Yugoslavia.
As I told one of my Trump supporting coworkers on election day, have faith.
Have faith in Donald. Have faith in Kek.
This is Politically Incorrect. Trump is the Politically Incorrect president. Of course we are going to talk about it.
REEEEE Gas (((CBS)))
What you dont understand, is how to play the game.
First its the worst of the worst, most easily justified and helps build up logitistics. But a bunch of Hispanics get buttmad anyways.
Then he begins zero tolerance policies regarding hiring of illegals, and begins deporting them en masse, further inflamong Hispanics. What this does is make it clear that the majority of the hispanic community here is illegitimate.
Then he can begin kicking the illegals out amd denying anchor baby rights.
What that means is he can really get started.
We're deporting you next.
New presidential motorcade and airforce one.
America is doomed if Trump doesn't immediately great a super deportation force and kick in doors to hunt down every last illegal. 2-3 million is a drop in the ocean.
Digits confirm this to be true.
stop being a drama queen, faggot. he's not even in office yet.
hunt down every last non-white
fixed that for you
None of this is going to matter if a couple decades from now actual full European blooded peoples only make up 20% of the population
OP is a LARPing kike, the 60 minutes interview didn't even air yet.
What are you squawking about nigger? The preview of the interview came out this morning and has been covered by the print media as well.
44 posts in and you had to provide source for OP's claim. For fuck's sake cuckchan refugees are killing this place.
OMG he litteraly isn;t Hitler wtf i h8 Trump nao
Yeah and the OP was called a faggot and told to provide sources and make an effort next time.
Get out now before the wall goes up Beanerfag>>8231108
This is some new shill bullshit huh? Trump ISNT EVEN in the WHITE HOUSE YET.
Fuck off, hold your panties, and wait for it.