EVERYBODY knows TV/OLD media is phasing out. You think the Elites dont?

1)They didn't want Trump in & now they are scared
2)They controlled both sides
3)They wanted Trump in
4)They didn't want Trump in but they hijacked him already
5)They are in conflict with themselves(different sides/groups/families) so we can't think of it as what a unipolar source directs us to?
6)They control Trump be he going rogue
7)ADD as many as you fucking want/can

Totally plausible "Assange is a shill" theory:

"(((Who))) controls Trump?":

"(((Paul J. Watson))) exposed. Says no jewish influence around"
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=ktX4viox8zY

How can Trump be anti system while deep into connections with the most prominent riggers of the system?
The alt-right sadly reeks of shilling with people like Alex Jones and Paul j.w.
Assange has a pretty questionable backround.
We know they wouldn't just let us seize control.

But it DOES seem that they are(or at least trying to show that they are) fighting Trump back through all the protests and pre election bullshit.
h ttps://streamable.com/d7si - Who doesn't think this is TOO obvious? Reverse psychology anyone?

All of the positive/optimist theories sadly don't cut it for me. I tend to gravitate towards something along the lines of "They control both sides, the alt-right/internet/meme one is an experimental one as the internet although dirty already as it is - is still a fairly fresh medium which they still are working out. They didn't really know who would win and perhaps the Trump phenomenon was quite stronger than they thought but it does not matter at all. All part of the plan."

After all anons, don't we all know that they are not stupid enough to think that for the years to come the CNN/TV newspaper are going to be their vessel of choice which they travel their worldview to us goy? EVERYONE knows the TV/old media is phasing out rapidly. You think the world elite doesn't know?

Our best chance is that they don't grasp it good enough already - and that juice is already running low.

Yeah, Trump did 10 rallies in the last 2 days of his campaign just to give plausible deniability when some fucking idiot exposes that everybody who lambasted him for 15 months really knew he was going to win and wanted him to win all along.
This is flat-Earth-tier garbage if not outright D&C.

Oh look, the third anti-trump thread today that provides jack shit evidence and look like it's been copy pasted off plebbit.
Do you brainless fucks do focus group shilling?

I never said they wanted him to win, I listed some possible scenarios. What I DID SAY that I think happened is that they didn't expect him to win but it doesn't matter anyway.

Look at you and all of this CHAN. Don't you see you fucking moron? This place has become a PRO TRUMP chan instead of just being Holla Forums.

YES I made 1 more critical thread in the past and yes this is exactly where I am going. YOU have become what you despised. Where is your free speech now? You are becoming more of the same shit just of a different color than those that you fought to escape from.

You think I don't want to believe Trump is the deal? You think I'd rather bend over and get jew cock up my ass for another 10 decades?
NO faggot. I DON'T.

But that doesn't mean you should all become self confirming faggots and turning a blind eye to the massive amount of red flags just because you really want it to not be true.

LIKE I SAID. LOOK at this fucking place. Why delete posts from me that are not even anti trump?(which you shouldn't delete anyway).
I am merely not making a PRO trump post.

Witness your transformation from POL to a pro trump imageboard. It is vital to look back from the future where you get a reality check

What is this, some sort of double or triple reverse psych? Posting brown girls with that argument?

Try writing your posts in English prose instead of disjointed bulletpoints next time then, you fucking dope.

It seems so obvious AFTER the fact.

Watson and Jonestein were originally anti-Trump, they only backed him because it helped their media/Penis Juice empire.

yeah, attack my writting style instead of my arguments.
you are like a fucking liberal lesbian nowadays.

Nobody's going to waste their time deciphering your arguments because you write like a nigger.
You can avoid this problem by not writing like a nigger but you're out of luck in that regard you fucking nigger.

Guns equalized men, Memes equalized media. Let them try to take power of if again.

you can read my post allright.
but yeah, you don't really want to do it and you don't really want to answer properly so I can't make you.

good luck going the faggotry way

oh yeah? how long before this place starts censoring shit? oh wait it already does.

tell me what backup plan do you have if the chans get swept under our feet?

I'm all for keeping Holla Forums healthy and be sure we're on the right track, but why the negresses?

Free speech allows you to write but it doesn't guarantee you successful threads with your shit OP that starts no discussion and hammers your way of thinking down our throats.
Like every shill thread like this since last year.
Now fuck off to plebbit. Your leftist writing reeks of it.

she is just tanned, she is white. just look at the tanlines.

i didn't say i am entitled to a successful thread. but that is different than getting deleted my friend.
and how did i hammer you way of thinking down your throat?

If anything I want someone to bring down all my points so I get more optimistic about this shit

1. Holla Forums never promised free speech. Defeatism and subversion will be shamed
2. Your thread provides little evidence to substantiate your theory. It is just spreading is discord. If you're going to attack dear leader, you better have some well articulated arguments to back it up, otherwise, well intentioned or not, you're doing the work of D&C shills and will not be tolerated

Calm down faggots, OP just wants to look into some hypothetical what ifs. I see no problem with brainstorming on the methods they may use/may have used to turn this around.

I think they have long been aware that the internet is the new platform for a long time. Most of the internet publications were taking Hillary's side this entire election because they already have their fingers in it. But they cant control every publication because unlike television, almost anyone can host their own server or purchase one abroad. I would figure that they wanted to push bills like the TTP so that they could clamp down on the freedom of the internet likely as a bid to rid themselves of alternative media.

Well, although I see where you're coming from, I would argue that Trump exists amongst the elites as a black sheep. There is no way you can exist in high level business without these connections and its likely he built many of the connections when he was young before he came to the conclusion that he didn't like what they were doing.

No fan of Infowars myself, but have you considered that they may be something of an anti-shill? Someone to push regular people away from the right?

No, they wouldn't. They've certainly worked very hard this past year and a half to cause division and push people away from trump. I think a more fair question would be "how do they plan to take back control" until Trump actually starts to go back on what he promised.

Holy shit they're going all out.

Of course the elites jews know that, thats why twitter, facebook and all comment sections are so heavily censored.

But other than that, they cant do anything. They tried flooding the web with clickbait sites, which is nothing more than old print media digitized, but that failed miserably.

Leftists cant influence the distributed information flow of the internet, because they dont have anything interesting to offer.
Memes only work if theyre based on truth, because truth is self replicating.
Jews can only influence public opinion trough a top-down censorship approach, where they have a monopoly on information.
If there is a better offer, someone telling the truth, people will flock to him if they have easy access and thats the part of the internet.

I mean, are the mods just asleep right now? Because the catalog is getting slid really fucking hard.

Honestly, I don't think they can do anything other than double down with the whole leftist rhetoric, their figure head Soros is getting alot of hate and almost everything he does goes to his fault eventually.
None of them want to take this type of assblasting and they can't put in place some nobody or funneling money anonymously, it would lead directly to their kike asses soon.

You've got to be joking. Hotpockets and BO are pleased as pigs in shit that the board is in chaos. They want it to happen.

Those shitty books. Disgusting.

Fair enough. It really makes sense. But to add more on that, where does Putin lie for example? Why hasn't he named the jew all of these years while being isolated by the west? He seems like an eager ally of Trump which raises the possibility of them being similar. If so, why hasn't Putin tried to message the world of this whole shadow government shit so far?
Yeah totally. This is what I meant when I said shill. Or whatever, they just seem really constructed.

Are you optimistic? Do you think Trump will deliver?

and what happens when they infiltrate the internet too? (See politics sub on reddit).
When they make it seem like the masses support X worldview?
They were shitty this time, they are not gonna keep being shitty…

What happens when they up their game? Which I assume they continually are doing.

You mentioned that truth is self replicating? How so?

Keep making new ones. You know how many chans there are? It's not like 4chan came into existence and everyone hung out there until 8ch came along, lol. Not everyone from 8ch even came from that chan.

Streisand Effect. Memetics. Samizdat. We can't lose the war of ideas, don't be ridiculous.

Is that desperation I smell?

What does this chan think of end chan? Why does end chan not like you?

My point? Divide and conquer. I read up on your history and it is full of exodus. Why do you have to leave? Isn't this loss after loss?

I don't think things are so easy. But maybe I lack spirit

OP, take a knee. No, you aren't going to have to suck my dick. It's a break from all that for you.

If you can't name ANY of the people, you sure as fuck don't know what they want.

We all saw these fuckers go balls to the wall supporting Hildog and it almost worked. You're looking at 6 companies controlling 95% of what normies get. Online, not much different. Sites like Fusion, owned by Time Warner. All these news fuckers that popped up the past 2,3 years and have NO SOURCE OF REVENUE… who do you think is financing that? The same old fucks.

For ten fucking YEARS? I knew the guy a bit BEFORE Wiki. He was a good hacker. He released some code. He broke into a lot of sites and did so with other people. He was the guy to go on and do Wikileaks. Now Snowden, no one knew that bitch from a hole in the wall.

The rest of your shit is so simple. YOU MUST BE BLACK.

Go smash your head against the wall about 10x

Did you read the article?

This is a new level of pathetic I didn't know was possible.

That point has been known for years. Kikes used social media in 2008 to pass off king nigger as a junglegrassroots candidate. They learned at that time that such avenue is much more effective than old media. Most of the rest of OP's post is pure trash though.

Sometimes I feel we give them more credit then they really deserve. They honestly have not changed their method of control.

Also Obama won in 2008 because it was ran as a classic election where one candidate happened to use Facebook and Twitter and the other was an old neocohen. in 2012 basically the same only Romney was worse then MCCain and it was the beginning of the peak years of SJW control over the internet. Which essentially lasted until Gamergate and the massive redpilling that brought with on top of learning how to fight them.

It must be truly terrifying seeing an angry genocidal shapeless blob seemingly come out of nowhere and wreck hundreds of years of work.

Imagine how ego shattering getting constantly punched in the balls by an army of angry midgets in clownsuits while being unable to catch more than very few of them must be to a giant who ruled the lands with infamy for centuries.

>maybe the kikes wanted Brexit to happen
>maybe the kikes wanted Trump to get elected
>maybe the kikes wanted nationalist parties rising all over Europe


The jewish globalist anti-white conspiracy is very real, but we've been wading trough it for so long that some of us believe the jews control everything. They do not control everything. They control a lot, but they do not control everything. They are not all powerful and all seeing. They would like you to believe they are, but they aren't.

They are not all powerful.
They can be defeated.

OMG OP you're like literally right about this! If only Hillary won the election we wouldn't have to deal with the corrupt system anymore! You totes figured it out! OP for president 2020!

Did you read the wikileaks e-mails? The elites are too busy raping and eating babies to stay up to date with current events. Their cluelessness is only matched by their evil. Every last one of them will be wiped off the face of the earth.