New show on canadian TV

(((Montreal anglos))) at it again.

In Canada, on average, Quebec

Some bonuses:

Is it a T.V. show where everybody rapes and kills each other and we will have to pretend it's deep and philosophical ?

Of course. They couldn't have it any other way.

When is this going to end ?

All of this is true

When anglo canadians stop believing what (((anglo))) canadians tell them about Quebec.

All of this is false

Sage for shit thread.
Anyone who watches TV needs to be immolated.

Your stats are conflated by the fact Ontario is full of minorities.

also forgot to mention Quebec has the cheapest stippers/hookers in Canada so I suppose you do win in almost all statistics

I am super sexy warrior poo in the loo woman, respect me or else.

you forgot

can confirm, we have the best women too

Stop it please.


canadians are cuckolds, whether you be an anglo or a frog

That title actually goes to Manitoba. Quebec isn't even in the top 5.

Hitler trips confirm eskimo uprising.

All these years later and I'm still laughing.

Yeah, and did you know those cucks couldn't come up with their own national anthem, so they took the canadian one and translated it?

the french were shit at colonisation, creating mongrels wherever they went, without the bongs quebec would be filled with half french half injun bastards

Cuckoldry, feminism/marxism have a strong footing in Quebec but the québécois identity exists. Its carefree and conflict-avoiding attitudes are at least partially responsible for the rise of (((tolerance))) in the newer generations. Curbing immigration and seperating from Canada should be prioritized and we'll be fine.

Quebec is a communist shithole.

One man here (Pierre Mailloux - not gonna find any content in english) is a based motherfucker, psychiatrist of 40 years who basically shits on single mothers, fag pussy men, calls shitskins dubhumans and dindus retards all day… Most hated motherfucker in quebec and old boomer fags get super shitter-shattered if you even bring up his name.

-Women lose their virginity by age 12-13 and by age 20 have between 15-30 sexual partners. Pic related, some whore blowing a dude on the bus at 9pm, everyone around acted like nothing was happening.

-Incest and pedo shit is an epidemic, especially outside of the two (and there are only two) big cities.

-About having the best women, laughable. In addition to being used up cum dumpsters, they are a mongrel race of all european ethnic groups. This means that the truly attractive and desirable women are few, most have a strange and off-putting combination of features that often includes hints of metis.

-Families are all dysfunctional. STRONK INDEPENDENT QUEBEC WOMYN will pop out a kid and dump it in daycare by age 1 (sometimes earlier) so they can go right back to work. This is a disaster and is often talked about by Pierre Mailloux - something about constantly changing authority figures mindfucking the kids for life) and of course this makes dyke cunt feminists rage.

-No real family cohesion. For example instead of family vacations, parents will dump the kids with relatives so they can go to cuba and fuck for two weeks. They will often go into debt to do this and then when the kid needs something they don't have the money to pay for it.

-Brain drain happens every 15 years. People are fed up with communist-tier taxation, shit-tier public services and overall cuckery and will fucking LEAVE. Who do you think stay behind?

-unions are ruining every fucking field - costs are spiraling out of control because the unions decide that a sweeper on a construction site deserves 30 dollars an hour plus overtime.

-Quebec people are totally shitter-shattered that english exists. Will jerk off to the french language but can barely speak or write it well enough. Parents often REFUSE to let their kids learn english, the result being that the smarter kids end up hating their parents later in life because they can't move or work anywhere else. They CHOOSE to be uncompetitive

- Speaking of french, they are now going to put a french language descriptor under store logos because a large percentage of the french population is too fucking stupid to figure out what is sold inside. They have government dicks going around and measuring signage font sized because the english characters must be 70% of the size of the french characters or smaller. Fraction of a point size too big and they start dumping fines. A restaurant had the word "pasta" somewhere in their french language menu and they tried to levy huge fines until someone put it on the internet and the rest of canada started trolling and laughing their collective asses off

-quebec imports haitians and shitskins all day every day without any real vetting… why? because they speak french.

-if you try to start a business that has over x employees (and by x we mean very low double digits -the size of a small mom and pop outfit) you need to have all your internal documens in french, all your software, OS, keyboards in french etc etc etc. If you operate elsewhere you have to pay translators to work full time to be compliant. If you import an espresso machine from italy for your employees, you need to out french labels over the italian text on the machine itself. Solution to this is just drive two hours to ontario border and incorporate there, which is what most businesses end up doing.

tl;dr, quebec is a shithole and quebecfags are in fucking denial about it. the only thing more pathetic than everything i've outlined above is how far up their own ass quebecers are.

I'm not saying the rest of canada is any better, but quebec is in its own class of faggotry.

Frontier! I saw the first episode earlier this week. Ehhh, it's no Westworld.

muh diq

Doesn't that honor go to Newfoundland? And after that Nova Scotia? Wasn't Quebec like 4th or something?

newfag here, dunno if tinfoil conspiracy about childish entertainment is OK here,

but I do wonder if NHL is rigging the Canadiens' season to the Stanley Cup to distract the frogs from the redpill bombs that this election have provided (I was a Bernie supporter 11 months ago, now here I am).

I'd like to think that Columbus trouncing them 10-0 was some kind of rebel psy-op message or signal to kill the illusion.

I see no issue with this.

Good post, thanks for the insight.


Man, my mother was born before Newfoundland joined Canada.
Newfies are a proud and funny people, but they joined fairly late, m8.

Reminder that we have a Holla Forums board

>>>Holla Forums

But its still in Canada.

My condolences.

Wew. What's metis?

Half Injun descendants of indians that got fucked by french fur traders.

North Shore anglo, can confirm

2 of my buddies I grew up with and one of their step fathers were molested as children

Did a Quebecker stole your oil Albertanigger?