So how did you spend downtime Holla Forumsmrades?
So how did you spend downtime Holla Forumsmrades?
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Shitposting in meguca and watching anime movies.
I watched the terrible live action Scooby-Doo movies
Jerk off to western loli porn.
May I ask, why?
Amiably chatting in the livebunker.
Maybe he wanted to spork them.
Played vidya
Got angry at adult swim for their April fools "joke'
Also visited halfchan but after seeing all this Rick n Morty shilling and baiting i closed the tab and fucked off from reddti 2.0
I dunno exactly. I'm kind of on a Scooby-Doo kick since watching Mystery Inc and my uncle usually asks if they ever have Scrappy on the newer Scooby-Doo and I heard the villain for the first movie was Scrappy turned evil, so I wanted to be sure of what I was talking about. Neither film was particularly long so I figured 'why not' and promptly regretted my decision.
What was Adult Swim, April fools joke?
I think he might be talking about showing the first episode of Rick and Morty season 3 as a joke
I mostly waited for Holla Forums to come back up.
They showed a new episode of Reddit and Memey instead of Samurai Jack
I could understand being angry if that was the case
They premiered the first episode of a new season of Rick & Morty, which they then repeated for the entirety of the night. This also included streaming it on the website. None of this was reflected on any TV guides or any other channel information. Anything else that had a new episode airing got pushed back a week, including Samurai Jack. They actually also did a joke on March 31st, which many other companies did since this April 1st was on a weekend, adding laugh tracks to all their programming, so this was both unexpected and unusual.
I did actual work.
Was salty about Jack episode not being on 1st April. Also studied for university.
Food delivery is great, but rather costly in my area.
Well, week has started, so I have to actually do things now. Of course the one time I get a long weekend, this place goes down and AS cucks me.
Enjoy your debt, goy.
Not everyone here is a amerifat
Trying to fix my computer and watching a bunch of Digimon.
Also got all the seasons of Reboot, so I'll probably watch an episode a day until I've gone through them all.
Not him, but:
Australia has 4 year Bachelor's of Law, Science and Engineering for maybe $40k, with Honours and job placements.
And you don't pay a cent until you earn over 50-somethingK a year, so your entry level position isn't going to make you live on beans and rice.
Caught up on my comic reading mostly. Untold Tales of Spider-Man is some good shit.
Actually it was only until midnight (at least on TV) and then Toonami went straight to Dragon Ball Kai
Fuck you TOM
Why not all at once :^)
I regret watching all 4 seasons of Arrow in 3 weeks.
I truly enjoyed watching all 9 seasons and 2 films of X-Files in 2 weeks, however. Didn't leave my room, just kept watching until I finished it.
My university bills are about 120 ameribucks a semester so ~240 a year. I'm in the Balkans so it's particularly cheap.
Well half chan Holla Forums was delighted at the Adult swim move
There were tens of threads making fun of SJ
Don't Yanks understand that April Fool's Day is only supposed to be until midday?
Playing nuXCOM and not watching Samurai Jack because I can't find the new episode anywhere.
Wasn't it supposed to be released on Saturday?
I want to savor it for as long as possible so I have something good to remember when the live-action reboot comes out.
I did the same thing with TNG, and that was a blast.
It was, but the pranksters at Adult Swim decided that it will be a great joke to air Rick and roll morty instead
I hope everything you love is cherished by Reddit so you have to disavow all of it, you contrarian nitwit.
I usually dont really care about reddit but R&M is a shit show with retarded jokes and retarded characters, its not even about the fact that its mainstream, its about it that its shit and forced
I had a brief peek to see if there were people from here going there to shitpost, and every single thread was hijacked by "Samurai Jackabes" (that's the term some namefag made up for SJ fans) and then hijacked again by R&M fans.
Pure cancer.
Also, I don't like the ~5 namefags we have here, but Holla Forums has fucking 50, in each thread. Don't know when namefagging became acceptable on any imageboard, tbh.
Yanks never follow this rule.
We used to get suspended from school for pulling pranks after midday.
S1 was fine, but 2 was pure trash.
You should storytime it.
Its only acceptable during OC threads like Draw, Write, Show Your Shit and etc… Or when an OP is storytiming or giving valuable information.
I went for new SJ mega link to dowload
Finished up Breath of the Wild, watched Robots (big mistake), reread The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. It's been alright.
Eh, I don't even see a need for them.
If someone's storytiming, they've obviously the user storytiming.
If it's an OC thread, it's the guy putting out the same/similar OC.
I just never see the point to it, save for letting a mod make some official/tell you to knock it off.
I actually started to manufacture propane accessories and car brake systems.
Also, watched the last ep of Youjo Senki and hoping for a S2. I rewatched Cowboy Bebop as well.
My uncle works at AS so I was watching XCV
Yeah, well my uncle works at AS too, and I already know how it ends.
Aku is Jack's future self so present Jack has to redeem himself so he doesn't descend into madness and become Aku at all.
Tickle me surprised. I was hoping you'd of gone off to Facebook to attentionwhore during the break, honestly.
Yeah but first the son he has with ashi has to give birth to a daughter who jack will go back in time with so she can marry jacks father the emperor and become jacks mother.
I watched Code Geass and Parasyte
Code Geass went veidt with its ending and parasyte starts off really interesting but meanders like crazy, varying levels of disappointment but I enjoyed them both overall.
The doujin of parasyte is my headcanon.
Playing h-games while intermittently crying/masturbating. Not really different from how I spent my time when fullchan was up, really…
Avoiding the entire April Fools day,Playing vidya and jerking off so nothing special.
Watched Wrestlemania, played Alien Crossfire,drew some stuff, worked on some comic book things, checked out some bed stores for a new bed, ate lunch with fam, and waited for h8chan to come back on.
Also can I say greatest April Fools Joke ever?
I was on cuckchan in the mean time.
How many miles of dick did you suck during that time?
I haven't watched either sadly. I'm pushing through Overlord at the moment.
Oh fuck, this is amazing. Got Persona 5 and come home to the board back up and running. Hallelujah!
Outside of being frustrated with [ass] bait and switch and Holla Forums withdrawal symptoms, it was pretty enjoyable and productive.
Laughing about Marvel turning sales disaster into a PR disaster on multiple fronts during this weekend's Wondercon was a good start. Then it was just mostly drawing, reading through Sandman, and working on my own comics.
Fuck, I love freckles.
It any good?
It's okay if you just want a simple power fantasy.
Its not my fault I had to drown myself in semen because of Holla Forums withdraw.
Pretty much this, I wonder how much longer Disney is going to let them bleed money.
I dare you to define what this means.
Whoa now, what's this?
Which doujin?
The "other" Holla Forums still insists on using the therm "waifu" wrong.
Hate the show but I'll request the sauce on the pic of the green chuck
I don't have much Hex art, but here you go.
Who is this semen demon?
Marvel said a couple things during retailer summit. They were absolute madmen.
First, Marvel said that people didn't want diversity. It triggered SJWs an twitter, tumblr, reddit, and articles on multiple entertainment sites claiming otherwise and being disgruntled with Marvel started popping up.
Then, Alonso said that creators regretted going from Marvel to Image, and these creators wished they could undo it. This triggered writers and artist working at Image and other publishers.
Other than that, they said that artists don't drive sales, they are hard to promote, and people generally don't care about them as much. This naturally pissed off artists and some writers joined them in. People also started to point to Marvel's long tradition of shitting on artists.
Next, Marvel justified their relaunches, renumbering, and price jacking, and showed no intention of stopping their . This enraged readers and retailers
Not having enough, Marvel's people claimed that miniseries are the 'death kneel' if it is anything but Star Wars, and they they would rather announce comic as ongoing and then cancel it, because it will sell more this way. This angered and baffled everyone.
To top it off, they also don't want retailers to sell cheaper Marvel collections and discount titles, so that they do not compete with more expensive Marvel books. Naturally, retailers didn't take that well.
There was more stupid stuff, with most prominent one being blaming poor sales on presidential election.
So by Sunday, everyone was angry at Marvel in some capacity. Retailers hate them even more, as did old readers. On top of that, they pissed off SJWs, SJW geekdom writers and bloggers, and possibly burned bridges with some of the old talent and prospective artists and writers. It certainly didn't make relations with other publishers any better either.
Some unnamed Power Girl cosplayer who got her boob window signed by Adam Hughes.
Yes. I want to know her name
I'm not trying to be a tease. I just don't know what her name is and was not able to find it last time I tried. She does not seem to have any social media presence and it looks like she cosplayed only twice, both times as Power Girl.
Never said that they were good ideas.
I'm convinced they're suicidal.
I hung out with Hot Dan, the Mustard Man
Played vidya and watching Song of the South for the first time in my life.
Its been a long time since this site went down for more than a day
What is the correct term for waifu?
Tallest Silver. She is Tallest Silver.
You guys not knowing this makes me feel like a time traveler encountering the fucking eloi.
Anime girls you fall in love with, well, Japanese media with Anime aesthetics in general, since vocaloids and touhou are fair play.
Thank you. In my defense I was never into capes outside of an odd comic here and there, much less into cosplay scene. Reverse image search yielded nothing but galleries of power and super girl cosplays.
watching cr1tikal, masturbating, playing overwatch and solving common ion equations
It took me a couple seconds to realise that this is what Ben 10 became. I am sorry to have seen it.
They made it their mission to make the series worse and worse with every adaptation. It's kinda sad.
Least we'll always have the porn.
Surely you know that we are the Morlocks.
It's entertaining. I have no strong opinion.
it seems like most threads past page 3 give a 404 error
They really didnt like all the porn of Gwen. Didn't stop people from making more though, Kek.
Spending every waking moment cursing the fact that I couldn't tell you all how much I hate you and how shit your tastes are. So yeah, I admit it, I sort of missed you jackasses whom I dearly hate but can never be parted from.
Other than that, I spent my time watching superior animus and Samurai Jack.
At least he didn't watch the new Gundam.
>playing overwatch and solving common ion equations
Holla Forums should have stayed dead since nobody likes Holla Forums shit here in weebland / poltopia.
/a/ is clearly the superior animation format. No question about it.
You sound like you belong on Homestuck General, because you sound like Karkat.
Oh? Did they state this directly or indirectly?
So you came back to a place you hate just to bitch about why you hate it?
Absolutely nothing is stopping you from fucking off.
I'm a what now?
a webcomic character known for always being angry and hateful for no discernible reason
At least the government pays for your indoctrination in Europe, Canadian, and Aussie Universities.
They seem fine to me. Post a specific thread if you still have these problems and I will check it out.
You've never had a PB+M sandwich?
I tried to get in touch with friends I haven't heard from in a while, but to no avail. I don't have much but you peeps. Still waiting on my niche boards to return from the darkness.
Guess I'm tryin' that shit tomorrow
The Some of the threads that don't work
and there are a couple pages left but i can't be arsed any further especially when the Bored Owner should really be doing this
I improve my draw skills.
And I guess personal tastes do not exist? then I guess I also hate Animation.
Fuck all. You improved fuck all.
All salvageable threads should be in working condition now.
no fuk u m8