What the fuck is Laura Southern doing in India right now?
Laura Southern Teaching Indians To Poo In The Loo?
Other urls found in this thread:
probably getting raped.
I hope she's Buddhist, not Muslim, right? Right?
Maybe she's actually 100% brahmin indo-aryan sent to the present from 2000 tears ago and is going to Make India Great Again
Can anyone explain this shit?
I'm not sure if she can be my waifu anymore or not. What is she doing in INDDDDIIIIIAAAA seriously? I don't understand.
There's always those hot twins you can fall back on.
She's just a female mouthpiece for Rebel Media, so they're probably doing something there. Her opinions are only special because they're coming out of the mouth of a female, the same way that Milo's opinion apparently holds more weight to the public because he's gay.
I haven't even heard that faggot mentioned for months.
I apologise for participating in e-celeb crap. I can't really stand either of them.
RIP Lauren Southern
cause of death: E.coli infection
>captcha: ZOGmwq
No, definitely nothing to do with Islam but I see the scarf. Likely Hindu temples considering the bindi.
She did a DNA testbut was surprised by it, I guess she's part Indian.
Was it something to do with the britbong PM being there?
She's going to get raped or have liquid shit thrown at her in any case.
looks like she could be doing this stuff (e-cig/india) possibly to "boost" her resume - seems like passe content here and now but maybe she'll be criticised for "only talking about X,Y…) she can then say "well no, I recently reported on the E-cig crisis in India etc..
She made a video on vaping some UN cunts went into meltdown.
As to what she is doing, getting lung cancer from the clean indian air free of pollutants thanks their vegan street shitting lifestyles.
Is Laura Southern married?
Women are only meant to have those head dots if they're married. If she's single then the locals will probably think that she's stupid.
The idea of her being ogled by those swarthy shit crawlers makes me want to throw furniture.
So……………she's hindu?
Maybe she's retracing her Aryan heritage
People here underestimate how many people have voted Trump because of Milo and Lauren. Not everyone is gonna be as extreme as us but at least the quality of the sheeple will be better
sage this shitty e-celeb thread that contributes exactly nothing
You must cover up at temples. Same for men too, except the head covering, but you must cover arms and legs. It's just a formality.
She's in India for the UN. She has stated this multiple times IIRC
it were the rust belt states that carried Trump to victory and i doubt the people there gave a single fuck about the kike faggot and this cunt, i even doubt they're aware who these people are
She's a jewess and not in the least entertaining or witty. Is the idea you fuckers think you could ever have a chance with her sexually?
Coulter may look like a hermaphrodite but at least she has semi-intelligent things to say. southern is probably a decent pump who uses her cunt card to get click-shekels. Nothing more.
who fucking cares? A minor youtube celebrity taking a trip to India is a big deal to you because why?
I want to fuck her and make her half jew babies
Who cares? She is a dumb kike bitch fighting "SJWs".
Go back to cuckchan with this shit.
I want all cuckchan refugees to go back. Either that or just kill yourselves.
Maybe the DNA test she did is bullshit. These things aren't really all that reliable indicators of ancestry.
I thought all you faggots were supposed to leave after the election. Honestly seems like there is more of you now.
India is not pakistan
Actually, is quite a feminazi country
She seems like a stupid cunt tbh. I've seen women before like her, who don't seem genuine, who will turn out bluepilled and shit later. Some women give lip-service to the redpill but all they really want is comfort and nothing more, they cave into bluepill shit easily.
is Bollywood releasing star wars type shit yet?
tfw we all used to go to halfchan and now we hold it in the same esteem as reddit or ebaums
That part I know about. What I'm wondering about is why-the-fuck-she-is-in-India-right-now.
United Nations?
…why is she doing what the UN wants?
When I came here I lurked for a long while.
The current wave of people seems to think that this board is 4pol with fewer BLACKED threads combined with r/The_Donald.
…because I'm tearing up my love letter to her right now.
ProTip: the last time I was on cuckchan was… about… 5 years ago?
Protip, you're lying or you wouldn't bump some e-celeb shit of some cunt who slurp's milo's aids jizz.
UN Conference coverage for Rebel Media.
so what made you bother to come here and shitpost about an e-celeb and how you're mad at her for traveling to india for some fucking retarded reason
he's the faggot that actually started this cancer thread
I found out about her for the first time when she was posted on this board: 8ch.pl
Guys, can we stop this meme?
She doesn't matter. Don't care if she agrees with my politics, she's irrelevant. Stop feeding attention to worthless people like this and Glen Beck all the time.
I want to determine if she's a race traitor and therefore unfit for breeding.
how would she be a race traitor if you fuck her?
See guys? She's irrelevant. Literally without worth. Get her into a kitchen and shut the fuck up.
Stop giving this hole attention you clowns.
tfw her voice is deeper than me
I think I'll just go back to wizchan.org smh
I am suspicious of people that travel to foreign countries that are not white. How can you be a white nationalist and do that? I guess she has an excuse though and it's just for work…
200k views, cultural marxism exposed.. fine by me.
Jesus Christ, people like you are fucking embarrassing. It's obvious you're not from here. Please go back to cuckchan.
last time I heard her, she sounded different
True, but on the other hand most of her stories are made in a way where a female perspective is important such as conservative women being stigmatized and bullied by feminist left and such.
Who does she think put him there?
Actually according to exit polls if people who were 18-24 only voted clinton would have gotten 400 electoral votes
Me the banned shitposter. Too sad right now to write a message to the mods, sigh. They have my other threads stickied. IDK why I can't talk about her on here, this is ridiculous.
Cuckchan is not my homeland, it's a foreign and weird place, and I don't want to be there.
Whites are ethnic minorities.
Well it was a shitpost.
Mods ban people for literally any reason, they're cum-guzzling fags who adhere to no rules or set of standards and just make shit up as they go on their cock-suckin way.
Marxist universities tbh.
We need to get rid of them.
They should make a rules page like this: 8ch.net
did you miss the part where I said
They treat Holla Forums exactly how Moot treated /new/ before he deleted it, bans for any fucking reason up to and including boredom and simply beating him in a debate.
What percentage of the 18-24 demographic is white?
What percentage would Trump have gotten from only white 18-24 demographic?
I'm fucking tired of our boards being infiltrated and subverted by our fucking enemies, why can't we ever end up with an image-board that's actually run by Holla Forumsacks?
Because most fags are too stupid to not go on a power trip once they get it
I have a friend that went to india with his wife, she is blonde and much less attractive than Southern, they said the men would stop in the street to stare at her and kids would surround her, touching her hair.
It got worse the more remote an area they visited, the men would paw at her and grab her wherever they went in tiny villages.
Really got to her in the end…
glad she left him tbh
Have you guys been on >>>/sudo/?
I think CodeMonkey is paid to make the site shit.
He never responds to anything I do except to dismiss everything I want with no reason.
broken marriages and cucked men make me sad
wasted away fertile years…
Holla Forums mod autism basically guarantees that only hardcore autists who can into proxies will ever be posting here
This place needs to grow and they're stifling it.
Only wasted 7 when they were super young, she is messed up in the head so no great loss to the breeding program honestly and he's still in his prime and with good genetics.
Still a shame though I agree, divorce makes a mockery of an already shaky institution.
Hi there reddit, sage is not a downboat
I can't make sense of your post.
Had the thread open since it started so I didn't see it was anchored you fucking sperg, I saged because im off topic faggot.
Now you made me forget to unsage you utter cunt.
I'm going to sleep.
Yeah, the ">Calling them SJWs has always been cringe" wasn't supposed to be there, no clue what happened.
Get saltier faggot.
Why bother when yours are so cukchan tier that they are fitting to use on you?
Why would originality matter when it comes to insults exactly?
Because it means that he's a moron user.
Now I actually feel bad for you.
Guys, we're all autistic here, lets just give one another a hug and calm down and remember we all love Adolf Hitler. 88
Lol ok fair point user.
Ill leave it here.
You win bud! good show and all that.
tfw >>>/fringe/ has a more organized rule set than >>>Holla Forums
A few mods have swallowed or are in on the whole D&C "No talking about anyone relatively prominent within our movement" bullshit.
I mena, it's Southern so she's somewhat less important, but there's no reason why this needed an anchor.
either way, mods are hurting 8/pol/ by self-alienating
Its encouraged by the rest of Holla Forums though, even if someone went on a google hangout on youtube once three years ago a thread about them is met with "eceleb bullshit cancer! pls baleet mods!, sage!" posts.
Fuck even Ben Garrison threads have at least one sperg who moans and sages every time.
It's fucking retarded because they have important shit stickied already anyways. I want to write a rules page for Holla Forums and see if they will accept it and copypaste it over. Just some basic, reasonable rules. Why do they always have to interfere with us and prevent us from discussing what we want? The election's over now and the retarded moderation just continues.
I think its partly fear of cuckchan cancer, with some basis tbh.
This place goes to shit in seconds when cuckchan goes down.