Some while ago I made pic related with help from the anons here, but alas it came out way too short and rushed. The chart was made over 2 threads only with little activity and interest from the board, and eventually I grew bored with it.
That's why I propose making a new chart but with a more relaxed approach…

First off, no limit on the number of comics, and we can discuss setting one if needed. However, to prevent cluttering you can only add one comic for every franchise; for example one batman comic, one superman comic, one jl comic…etc.
Second, we'll be using categories/genres to group similar comics together. Some ideas:

Archive of the first thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



What about Bizarro though? There was a Shazam comic from the same series already added.

Something more or less like this would be optimal.

I had a similar design in mind. Dunno if there will be space to write blurbs though… They might be included separately.

You got plenty of feedback on how to fix it, you just didn't want to hear it.

Everything in the OP came from feedback, have you even read past the thread title?

This doesn't need a category. All the strips I could think of are:
That's 5 entries. Even if we add them all they're too few to have a section of their own.
Just my 2 cents.

We're back, fucking finally.
I made an initial list of comics and will keep adding more stuff from the old thread. Rate and suggest additions as you like.

Flash Gordon (1934)
Turok, Son of Stone (1956)
XIII (1984)
Danger Girl (1998)
Samurai Jack (2013)

The Adventures of Tintin (1929)
The 6 Voyages of Lone Sloane (1972)
The Incal (1981)
The Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck (1992)
Asterix & Obelix (1959)
Captain Carrot: The Oz-Wonderland War (1986)

Sam & Max: Surfin' the Highway (1995)
Gumball (2014)
Roger Rabbit (1990)
Woody Woodpecker (1952)
Serenity (2005)
Chew (2009)

Resident Alien (2013)
The Flintstones (2016)
Snotgirl (2017)

Witch Doctor (2011)
Beautiful Darkness (2014)
Saga of the Swamp Thing (1982)
Hellboy: Seed of Destruction (1994)
BPRD: Plague of Frogs (2005)
Locke & Key (2008)
From Hell (1999)

Pogo Possum (1948)
Garfield (1978)
Felix the Cat (1923)
Calvin & Hobbes (1985)
Dilbert (1989)
Peanuts (1950)

Astro City (1995)
Superman: Tales of the Bizarro World (2000)
Venom: Lethal Protector (1993)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (1981)
Shazam!: Power of Hope (2000)
KFC: Colonel Corps (2016)
I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets! (2007)
The Spirit (1940)
Frank Miller's Daredevil (2008)
Marvels (1994)


I'm planning to add Bone actually, dunno which category yet because I haven't read it.

Here's my two cents.

Master Of Kung Fu (1974)
Grendel (1983)
Foolkiller (Steve Gerber)
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1967)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1984)
Manhunter (1984)

Lone Wolf and Cub
The Ballad Of Halo Jones
Groo The Wanderer
Usagi Yojimbo
The Invisibles
Journey: The Adventures of Wolverine MacAlistaire
Cerebus The Aardvark
The Rocketeer (1982)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Buck Godot: Zap Gun For Hire

Young Dan Pussey
Howard The Duck (1973)
Azumanga Daioh
Tank Girl (1988)
Midnite The Rebel Skunk
Big Blown Baby

Omaha The Cat Dancer
Hoppers 13
Skinheads In Love
Minimum Wage
White Like She
V For Vendetta
Steeltown Rockers

Domu: A Child's Dream
Man-Thing (Steve Gerber run)
The Crow (1989)
Tomb Of Dracula

Modesty Blaise
Prince Valiant (1937)
Footrot Flats

The Tick
Flaming Carrot
Badger (1983)
Panther's Rage
The New Gods (1971)
All-Star Superman
Niteside & The Rock
Southern Squadron
Elementals (1984)
New Teen Titans (1980)
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Animal Man (Grant Morrison)
Doom Patrol (Grant Morrison)
Mister Miracle (1971)
The Nazz

Holla Forums is there solely as a transitional state for people to realize that everything western is shit and being a weeb is the only way.

I should add Justice League International to (Superhero).


I guess it's adventure they're on a quest and they fight stuff.

It's not everyone's cup of tea but I really like the crossgen comics:

I'm cool with having LWAC on there since it isn't something that /a/ would like and has made a large wave in even the West (spawning cameos and references in stuff like Usagi Yojimbo and Samurai Jack), but Azumanga Daioh and Yotsuba! seem a little too /a/ to have there.

I'd also put Druuna, Empowered, Conan, and Sonic Mega Drive on the list.

Doesn't that count as "superhero"?

Thorgal is a good adventure/fantasy book that wasn't mentioned yet. Nemesis the Warlock another good one that could fit into adventure category. Surprisingly Dredd wasn't mentioned either, but I have hard time placing it in any of the categories.

Ex Machina is very good drama comic, although it has superhero, science fiction and a little bit of horror elements too.

Well why don't you make your own list, with Black Jack, and hookers?

I should have Mad Love under (Superhero).

May I suggest we rename this list into "Holla Forums's favorite comics"? I mean this is all random comics enjoyed by Holla Forumsmrades, not some objectively "essential" comics list.

Hey, fuck you buddeh, if you don't take my anonymous opinions as objective fact.

you went against the grain on too many decisions and everyone got pissed at you
put fucking Bone in it this time people asked for it like 5 times

also we need a template we can just change the name on for franchises like superman, superman, green lantern, spiderman, hulk etc.


second one was supposed to be batman

What do you mean?

take the template like in the OP
take off the comics and leave the background
also take off the title
then we can just throw in Superman something something at the top and go for the recommended supermans

same for batman and spiderman etc

then put a little section in the main list about checkign the superman one or the spiterman one

I'm making a new template and will post it here with covers for the current comic list tomorrow or the day after.

There will be a separate chart for mango. Stick around after this one is done and you can go wild with it.

Seconding this.

True. It was unfair limiting the chart to 20 comics to begin with because it got too many titles set aside. This won't be the case this time.

Got it. So you want mini charts for the cape franchises, I can do that… But I'll still put one comic for each in the main chart.

good man
perfectly reasonable

when you do, make sure to put 20th Century Boys in there, its toppest tier

forgot relevant vid

Calvin & Hobbes for sure
Farside would be good too

I suggest The Angriest Dog in the World by David Lynch, and Space Moose by Adam Thrasher.

Space Moose could not possibly exist in today's society. Tumblr alone would rage itself into a singularity.

Jesus Christ.

Serenity is 100% western though.

Back when college newspapers actually acted like college newspapers.

yeah wasn't serenity like a Christian comic?

Some people just gotta do things the easy way.

storytime it if its so great

Got a bunch of older lists here. You could use them for inspiration.

It was.
It's where the meme "Oops, can't show that in a Christian manga!" came from.

Please no, make a new thread.

These are good, especially 2nd and 3rd. Are they from Holla Forums?


oh its still up?
fantastic thank you

not him but I recognize them from old half Holla Forums days
Crecy is outstanding

oh its fresh, thank you very much

Guess I'm just gonna be updating/improving on them then… Bump your favorites


What a bunch of casuals.

Crecy is a must, it's not perfectly historically accurate but it's pretty close to how the English got tired of the French fucking them, came up with Welsh Longbow tactics and proceeded to fuck the French sideways and set the standard for military strategy for centuries

then how about Red Sun

thanks again man, that was great, we definitely need to recommend that one
I liked the community service part most of all, had that old comic feel

I remember in the second thread when I replaced Bizarro with Red Son and everyone lost their shit. Let's just keep it Bizarro.

thats the joke buddy
red son is fun but its not upper tier

No, not really. Those charts were made on halfchan and are probably several years old. The one you're making is current and represents Holla Forums, so shouldn't necessarily mirror the tastes in those charts.

Lol, remember when he set off to take back Take Back The Night, with guns?

I added some of the most requested comics into this base template, so you can have an idea of how the chart might look like… Mind you that this is just a base, and there will be a lot of changes before the final chart is ready.

Tell me what you think and keep suggesting/bumping comics you want included. Meanwhile I'll keep adding stuff and updating here.

P.S.: All manga will be included in a separate, dedicated chart.

I feel like a good number of these can be cut.


Trying to be as unbiased as I can. But I don't think the Samurai Jack comic, Preacher, or Punisher MAX deserves a top tier slot.

I once saw a manga called Red Sun, which looked like a Japanese version of Red Dawn, with North Korea invading them. I haven't been able to find it since (even though I've lived in Japan for almost a year) and it's driving me insane.

Anyway, my own ideas, for what they're worth (warning, mostly British and old)

Commando comics, 1961-present. God knows which of the 5000+ issues it should be narrowed down to, but people who live in the UK can't go wrong with picking up a "gold collection" issue. Elsewhere, look for the True Brit compilation book from around 2006. Mustang Ace is a cracker.
Judge Dredd: The Pit, great introduction to the character, awesome firefight at the end

Tintin, obviously
Modesty Blaise. I've far from read all of them, but I remember the book containing Mister Sun (and 2-3 other stories) being a good 'un
Dan Dare. The 1950 - 1969 version, and especially the Frank Hampson years. If you want to narrow it down further, the first three Titan volumes, encompassing the first two stories.


Pre-code EC of various moulds. The fantagraphics book Came The Dawn has some of the most infamous "preachies" in it. They trigger my inner Holla Forumsack, but they were written by guys who lived in all white, picket-fenced suburbs. They didn't know any better.
Roy of the Rovers - The Best of the 1980's

Fuck knows. Some Misty, maybe? British proto-tumblrists discovered Misty a decade back, and heralded it as some amazing feminist comic which, "if it had only been given a chance" could have changed the course of comics history, taken the place of 2000AD, and make comics a girls-only thing which only had male involvement on the fringes. In the real world, Misty was IPC's response to DC Thomson's Spellbound, an also girl-targeted, horror-themed comic which came out a few months earlier. Neither lasted very long because, while girls did read comics in that time and place (allegedly more than boys, but the cold hard figures aren't available), they still think spiders are icky. Anyway, Misty's fame is blown out of all proportion to the Goosebumps-tier style of most of the writing.

Dilbert. If only because Scott Adams triggers the fuck out of SJW's on a regular basis.

I hardly read them. But I marathoned the first Essentials volume of Fantastic Four one day when there was an epic traffic fuckup. The first Avengers volume is alright too, in limited doses. Some of these chucked-out, phonebook-style black and white volumes are reaching silly prices, now that they're out of print, mind you (you'd think that might tell Marvel something). I once had the chance to buy a shitload of them for £5 each, still pissed off with myself.

not bad, I have no opinion on the order
how about throwing john carter in there

There are no tiers. The comics are sorted randomly inside their respective categories.

Ah I remember you, Brit-user.
Thanks for that, JD was suggested multiple times and I didn't know which comic to add.
Can you give me names of specific comics for those?

That's "action" right? I've only seen the movie

Should anything sill running really be on the chart? They might be good now, but who knows if they're gonna stay that way.

Good point. But this isn't really an issue because any new reader will begin from the start anyway, so he'll notice if the comic goes to shit later on and stop reading.

Under "informational", I'd add "Comics and Sequential Art", by Will Eisner, and "How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way", by Stan Lee and John Buscema.

If I was doing the template, I'd have

Most of these are micro-genres that would hardly get 5 comics each. I think the current list is fine, the specific micro-genre can be written for each comic in the blurbs section.

I'll admit to having a bias for The Pit due to it being the story that was running when I first got 2000AD, but it was storytimed on here a while back and remains pretty good. It also showcases various elements of Mega City One and the Judge system in one neat package. The Cursed Earth and Origins are also good, but both take Dredd out of the city.

Viz is a specific comic, if you want it narrowed down to a specific strip, then Roger Mellie, the Fat Slags, the Drunken Bakers or Jack Black are all great (I also like the less-popular Real Ale Twats). They only get irregular, haphazard collections, though, but Viz itself is collected roughly yearly into hardback annuals, with most of the preceding years' strips. Mind you, the humour is extremely British.

Hmm, the Fantagraphics books are actually collected by artist, rather than by comic, so I'm not too sure.

Anyway, another suggestion in "strips" might be Chick Tracts. I understand they are semi-ubiquitous in the USA (though I've never been), and are a bottomless mine of meme and reaction images. Worth an honourable mention, surely?

It depends on where you are. I usually find one once in a blue moon.

I consider finding a Chick Tract in the wild to be a good day.

I'm pretty sure it falls under drama
the comic was an adaptation of one of those old civilized man in barbaric lands novels and a lot of people I heard talk about the movie said it wasn't a good adaptation, plenty of fighting in the comics though
I'll hunt it down and storytime at least the first arc this weekend so yo ucan have a look

truth be told man it may be better to have a short blurb under each comic with the genre there but we should get a nice healthy list before really deciding with any finality

Oh you mean the British magazine?
I thought of Viz (Media) the American publication company… I'm not sure if I can add a magazine to a comic list so I'll just look into the strips you mentioned.
Well I added Love & Rockets so I believe that counts.

I'll add it along with the other strips mentioned ITT. The strips section is underpopulated anyway.

Yes that would be perfect. Wouldn't want to mis-categorize anything.


coolio, will story time this weekend if I can find it

Can you pick the best 2-3 from these?


So i take it the standards are the same as before? i mean we're still talking that the comic book or series proposed must be the complete works of it and must translated in english in order to qualify for being taken into consideration to add on the list?

Not necessarily. You can suggest comics that are still ongoing, or a specific arc/story if you want.
This will apply to the upcoming manga chart also.


Please tell me if there are any mistakes in categorizing the comics by genre.

And suggest some comedy or drama since their sections are underpopulated as hell, even considering I added a lot of shit from the past threads.

Wrong Manhunter. I meant the Walt Simonson series.

Apologies, is this the correct one?

Punisher MAX is horror?

That's the one. The big game hunter/golden age superhero hunting his own ninja clones.

It's extreme violence + gore so I guess that counts. Besides it's filed under Horror on some websites I visited that feature the comic…

Right on. I'll put it in the next update.

I ought to clarify that Misty is as much a "magazine" as Viz (or 2000AD, Spirou or Shonen Jump) is. Apparently one of the best stories in it was The Sentinels, which is (or maybe it has already) coming out as a GN soon. Another story you hear a lot about is Moonchild, but that just sounds like a ripoff of Carrie. The Sentinels is more like The Man in the High Castle crossed with Goodnight Sweetheart.

found the one I was looking for, took some doing because I didn't quite know the title I was looking for that the other user story timed before

its like version 2 or 3, 2011 "Warlord of Mars," not to be confused with the 2015 versions
will storytime warlord of mars when I get a good batch going

well, either that or 2010, gonna see before long

What are you talking about user

Killyourself ASAP. Put Punisher MAX on the list.

John Carter

I already put it, see

Bumping for more recs


This list is NOT representative of Holla Forums at all maybe 4cuck Holla Forums not here.

I'd recommend a Webcomic but I have no idea what it was called anymore: Sci Fi Drama. where they discover the power units comprised of telekinetic aliens slowly being shredded after which, being freed, go on a crusade to burn every plate to a crisp. Added Russian character that tried to get with every alien they met.

* "Burn every planet…"

I didn't add any webcomics to the list but I'll look into it.

Other anons like it, I'm not gonna remove it just because you don't. Now stop shitposting and contribute with good comics.

RASL is action?

also shouldn't Crecy be in informational?


Not sure if The Marquis counts as horor or action, but i suppose if horror was good enough for Hellboy then it should be for this book too. It's currently ongoing

I've read a couple issues and I thought it was more action then adventure… Want me to put it under adventure?

The informational section is for books that teach a skill, Crecy is a story so it doesn't belong there at all.

It was categorized as such on some comic lists I found online, but that's debatable I guess. Same goes for Punisher Max being horror.
I can add your comic under horror for now.

Does this count as "strips" or..?

I would prefer that but to be honest a lot of non capes fall under adventure and the damned adventure is already near capacity

Thing is, most of these comics can be classified as multiple genres. In case of Hellboy it is primarily a fantasy adventure with some horror and sci-fi elements. However, since book revolves around demons, ghosts, etc. people label it as horror, despite not being or even trying to be scary.


Hurt so much when I finished it. Great Story

Yeah, it takes a deft touch to make us feel feels when he expressly blew the spoiler for those feels in the framing device in the first episode.
We thought we were prepared for those feels, but our emotional shields could not repel feels of that magnitude!

Yeah I agree.

I getchu. In that case I'll just leave Hellboy under horror since we don't have neither fantasy nor sci-fi as categories.

Bumping my question

I'm not usually one for spoonfeeding, but…

It'd come under "adventure" or "strips", but maybe webcomics need their own section.

Ask in the share thread for now, I'll try to find a DL for you.

So far we only have one (two?) webcomic so it's not worth a separate section. I'll just file it under one of the two you mentioned.

Wow, the list is terrible. No Getter Robo Armageddon or Shin vs Neo or New Getter nor do they have Shin Mazinger or Mazinkaiser or any of the Brave series for the recommendation. Sure, there's the Big O but they also put NGE as an recommendation. Hell, no Astroboy? No Black Jack? No Giant Robo? Not even Tiger and Bunny? Oh sure, save room for Ergo Proxy and Madoka Magica, folks would eat that shit up

I don't get why they'd put Ghibli movies on there, either. Most people who're any bit interested in anime would have already watched most of them.

Forget anime, if you know good mangos contribute some for the mango list.

I don't know..pretty sure everyone read Guyver or Kamen Rider Spirits. Kindaichi Case Files or Detective Conan, maybe?

Well, out of the stuff I can personally vouch for (mind you I'm years behind on my mango):

Vinland Saga
The Rose of Versailles
Lone Wolf And Cub
Azumanga Daioh
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō
Baki The Grappler
Fist Of The North Star
What's Michael?
Golgo 13
Battle Angel Alita
Junji Ito
Ranma 1/2

I keep hearing good things about Death Note, Inuyasha, Hellsing and Blame. Maybe Blade Of The Immortal.
Everyone used to talk about Gantz, but they say it went to shit. That seems to be a problem with a lot of shounen, they either get arc fatigue or they suffer immensely from the writer just making it up as he goes along.

for the sake of reference

Personally, I'd add Beasts of Burden to horror.

No EC Comics stuff on Horror?


What the hell is that?

Pronounced "Mu", by the guy who created Astroboy.
It was the most evil fucking thing I've ever read, I stayed up all night reading it in one sitting, couldn't put it down, but Jesus I felt like I needed a shower after reading it.
Apparently there's a live action movie.
Let me put it like this, the most sympathetic character is a pedophile priest, and it just gets worse from there. The protagonist make Millar's Nemesis look like a fucking Care Bear.
Daddy Walrus from Astro Boy shows up and gets his cock and balls eaten by an attack dog who the main character is fucking…
I can't even begin to do justice to the sheer headsick in this book.
I like to think I'm pretty jaded but this whole thing was just hair raising goose bumps and what the fuck from beginning to end.
All this plus a fucking Aubrey Beardsley riff in the art.




Why is Calvin and Hobbes so liked? I thought it was okay, but I just don't understand.

I saw the live action film on a plane. Dunno if it was censored for it's captive audience (this was Japan Airlines, though, so if they're anything like their country, they don't give a shit about people seeing tits and innards on the covers of comics at 7-11), but it wasn't that sick. It was pretty much a straight "detective uncovers a government coverup" plot. The gist being some chemical weapon got released on an island and the US Army just flamethrowered the whole place with the blessing of some junior Japanese politician, who now wants to become Prime Minister and is having other people who know about it it "shut up".
A bit like the plot of Fatherland, actually.

Huh. So I guess they cut out all the paedophilia, bestiality, child murder, murder, rape, murder rape, and rape murder? Pity.

Bill Watterson was the Michelangelo of comic strips.

Some of the parts were actually pretty wise, and the portrayal of childhood from the kiddos mind and the parents was pretty good

I'll add it, no worries.
Shoot me everything you want to add.

Dreamquest Of Unknown Kadath was really good.
I'd put it under Adventure…

Well, if we start a heading for them, I'll shortlist these.


If you don't like Kate Beaton, FIGHT ME CUNT!

i don't know if comicbooks manage break the mold but if videogames are anything to go by then i'm not holding my breath for that one

I know that some of the words you just used are English, but damned if I can arrange them into a sentence in my head.
Did Netjester follow me here from 420chan? Go home, NJ, you are drunk.

What the hell is the appeal of Serenity and Snot Girl? One looks like baby's first anime drawing and the other has a girl unable to wipe her disgusting nose as a cover.

You say these things like they're negatives…

not really positives either
his question is valid for snot girl


Did you actually read these two or are you just shitposting?

Of course I haven't. It's why I'm asking.

I didn't hate Akira but it just wasn't that good. And why are a bunch of places reserved for Satoshi Kon, Ghibli, and Shinkai movies? Just pick one.
They don't belong there. They're nothing great.
Add those
I didn't think Champloo or Bebop was that good on finishing it. Sure it was good, but I wouldn't watch it again.

I won't be making a separate category for webcomics. The short episodic ones will go under "strips", and anything else will go under its respective genre.
Please state the genre for each webcomic you mentioned so I can start adding shit.

I've never read any before, why not start by recommending some of your favorites?

He basically says that kickstarter video games were always a failure, so why should kickstarter comics be any different?

Read them and form your own opinion.
Serenity is being storytimed here
Snotgirl can be read:

And if you want downloads just ask.


You faggots do realise that Dreamquest came out in 1999?
This is the same guy, but he wants Kickstarter to reprint it as a GN. The series already came out, was completed, and that's what I read, and that's what I was recommending for the list.
Fucking Millennial casuals, have to Google everything you tell them and then they can't even read the fucking results. Attention span of a fucking mayfly and they just talk in word salad.

I don't want to read them right now. Serenity's art style and snot in general are pretty off putting for me. I just want to know why people like them and if that convinces me I'll make an effort to go through those two shit-looking comics. I could look for a summary but I'd rather read what people who like those comics have to say about them.

So can you tell me the genre for each webcomic you mentioned in your first post?

Hurm, lessee…

I'd call Al-Rashad "Fantasy", but if I had to use your titles I'd say "Adventure"

Atomic Robo is Action.

Freakangels… Drama. It's post-apocalyptic, with elements of action and horror, but it's more plot and character-driven.

GG is Adventure, firmly good old fashioned cliffhanger movie serial stuff.

Hark is Comedy.

Spinnerette is Superhero, one of the very few cape webcomics that isn't a piss-take, or at least leans towards satire rather than parody.

Wandering Ones has a little action, but more adventure.

the point i was initially making still stands retard none of the other items on the list have been anywhere near a kikestarter and kikestarter so far has almost always been an indication of where mediocrity goes to succeed when it can't make the cut anywhere else at least as far as videogames goes anyway and if it was as good as you claim it is then there would've been some demand for it and i'm sure some publisher would've picked up on it to make a reprint already and it wouldn't need to have a kikestarter

But please, sperg some moar if nothing else it is entertaining

Well, there's Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror and Haunt of Fear of course, though Shock Suspenstories is pretty good at horror sometimes.

"From 1997-1999, a five-issue comic book adaptation was drawn by Jason Thompson.[13]
The art of Thompson's comic was used as the basis for an animated feature film adaptation of the novel, directed by Edward Martin III, with Thompson's involvement in drawing additional art and help from volunteers and Lovecraft fans from around the world. The film premiered on October 11, 2003 at the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival and was later released on DVD. [4][5] In 2004, the film's composer Cyoakha Grace O'Manion released a concept album featuring the film's original soundtrack with extended tracks and additional music, called Unknown Music from Dream Quest of Kadath. [6] In November 2011, Thompson successfully raised money on Kickstarter for the graphic novel The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath and Other Stories,[14] containing a reprint of his 122-page Kadath story, and three additional stories from the Dreamlands series. The book began shipping in March 2012.[7]"

Yeah, nah, yeah, nah, sorry mate, looks like your unqualified, uneducated opinion is just piss and wind.
Amazing, truly amazing, trying to argue from a position of complete fucking ignorance without even a five-second Google.

Sorry I'm late on the update Holla Forumsmrades. I added some suggestions and moved a few comics between genres, tell me what you think.

I was hoping the thread would have died by now so I could make a new one with the new template, but guess not.

You people disappoint me

Some more works you've carelessly left out


What's the genre for each of those?

Back in the first thread, for Superman it was gonna be either Jimmy's Transformations or Bizarro. We went with the latter, sorry user.

Just googled this comic. Seems one of our banners here on Holla Forums is taken from it!

Here's one from Warren Ellis that ISN'T edgy as fuck and is actually a fun read.

Not a fan of Ruins, honestly. Then again, not a fan of edgy or bleak deconstructions in general. It's like someone decided to openly pee in the pool..a crowded pool that everyone enjoys.

Hmm..what about the 2007 Booster Gold for Superheroes? It's pretty good, to me at least. Don't know if the rest of Holla Forums enjoyed it.

Aight, by request, a few of my suggestions from the long runs thread, by category.

Concrete, (adventure) sort of looks like a superhero story, but apart from the title character's Ben Grimm-like physical transformation, it's pretty solidly grounded in reality, and Concrete is a very non-action hero, despite his attempts at adventure, exploration and activism.
The Dreamquest Of Unknown Kadath, (Jason Thompson) (adventure) adaptation of an early H.P. Lovecraft story, about a man exploring the dream-world. Howie was in his Lord Dunsany phase so it's a lot more whimsical than his later Cosmic Horror work, but it's still H.P. Lovecraft, so when things start to go bad for the hero AI! AI! SHUB-NIGGURATH! THE BLACK GOAT OF THE WOODS WITH A THOUSAND YOUNG! RL'YEH CTHULHU FTAGN! THAT HAND! THE WINDOW! THE WINDOW!
Minimum Wage, (drama) Semi-autobiographical series about the kind of shit you have to put up with when you're a struggling cartoonist and skinny beta with a THICC wife and everybody wants to cuck you.
Hectic Planet, (drama) Sort of a deconstruction of Evan Dorkin's previous Pirate Corp$. The heroes of the earlier space adventure series are stuck on Earth dealing with personal shit, relationship drama, and social fallout from their earlier criminal careers.
Love & Rockets (drama) Mexican punk rock soap opera
Stray Bullets (drama), noir
100 Bullets (drama) noirish
Ms. Tree (drama) female bruiser takes over her late husband's PI business, but she has a nasty habit of wrapping up loose ends with a bullet to the head.
Modesty Blaise (adventure) retired 1960's caper-style lady mobster and her Cockney knife-fighter sidekick work as an extraction team for captured spies for British intelligence, out of sheer boredom.
Soulsearchers And Company. (comedy) Low-rent ghostbusters led by a talking hamster. Peter David and Amanda Conner.
Dreadstar. (Adventure) space opera by Jim Starlin, who created Thanos, Adam Warlock and Marr-Vell.
Scud The Disposable Assassin. (comedy)
Roachmill. (action) future noir
Grimjack. (action) 2000ad-ish blasters-and-swords testosterone-fuelled adventure
Elfquest. (adventure) Smug elves that fuck like bunnies.
Omaha The Cat Dancer. (drama) Not exactly furry porn as such, more like a soap opera with graphic sex.
Gold Digger. (adventure) partly furry, partly weeb, smutty Indiana Jones-Lara Croft adventures with a sort of collision of Erik Von Danniken and 80's cartoons happening.
Twilight X. (action) weeb WW3 near-future military adventure.
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. (comedy) old hippie underground comix with an X.
Maus. (drama) the holocaust with the Jews and mice and the Nazis as cats. Based on the author's father's experiences.
Beanworld. (adventure) surreal 2-dimensional flatlander-like world, with its own hero.

And a couple I just remembered.
Empowered (superhero) part weeb, part cape. Started as porn, became comedy, drifted into psychodrama with forays into horror.
Dragon's Moon (adventure) space SF, kind of like if Schlock Mercenary or Freefall had a shit-hot artist.


it's neither though , it's all the questions every reader has ever asked to themselves but never dared to answer for themselves

You even added descriptions, much obliged user. I already added some of these so I'll see to adding the rest.

Interesting. I'll add it.

Why would you link to a poncy SJW review of Elfquest? An archived poncy SJW review?
I'll just assume you had it saved for the link to the Elfquest comics online.

Art is bad, writing is mediocre, characters are very simplistic for something that tries to be deep, and story that could be interesting is made very dull. There are far many better comics out there. If someone would use all these paper thin metaphors and daddy issues of a spoiled kid in a movie or a book, they would be a laughing stock.

(shrug) Like any other celebrated comic you can point at, it's a big fish in a small pond.

That pool is full of aids, if it takes a man pissing in it for you queers to get out then so be it.

Blacksad — adventure/drama
Clarissa — drama
Mouse Guard — adventure
Ruins — horro/drama/cape

Why is this thing so goshdarn tiny anyway?

I'm sorry, what exactly do you think Ruins accomplished?


It has good art, compelling storytelling and doesn't pull its punches. It is in many ways the anthithesis of capeshit and the fact it uses capeshit characters and settings only hammers that point home.

You mean the covers or…? Did you view the chart in full size?

What is this, a chart for ANTS!?

Dude just open the pic in a new tab or something, it's really big.

The art is good in places, but gets very loose a lot of the time. The writing is not at all compelling. It's just a series of disconnected vignettes. I liked it when I was an edgy teenager because it was grim and grotesque, but it really has no point and barely any story at all.

Don't spoon feed the newfag.

I said in general, dude. Not just comics.

Some of those recently added crime comics under drama might get moved to action later, if I get around to reading them.

Also the chart's getting too big and we might wanna trim down the over-populated genres. Ideas welcome

All I found for "Dragon's Moon" is an erotic novel for women. Did you mean "Dragons in the Moon"?

Why the fuck is Scott McCloud in there?

Why not?

wew lad

Are you blind?

Not him but McCloud's actual comics are middling at best and his "Understanding Comics" books are like 50% made up bullshit.

wew lad
guess so, sorry

Good. Literally the only comics I'd care enough to recommend to anyone.

Is there any way we could put Dredd in there without putting basically the whole franchise there? It's good shit but none of the long arcs are really self contained.

Well I only added it because other anons suggested it. If enough people want it out I'll remove it.

If I may ask, what do you like about L&K exactly? I barely made it through the first issue and thought it was an edgy attempt at horror for kids, but not for kids.

I added "The Pit" as another user ITT suggested (see the action section). Wanna suggest a different story arc?

That Judge Death story, " Into the Wilderness" I think it's called, might work. Also Red Razors, it's an edgy spinoff written by Millar but it doesn't take itself seriously and is actually pretty entertaining.

Whoops, I mean "Dragon's Star".

The characters were interesting without being perfect. The parts where it got dark were sufficiently dark, but not attempting to be overly shocking and gratuitous like Crossed. The backstory and history of the story and the way it was slowly revealed really hooked me..
And the final issues raised the stakes super high and had some top tier tension

Not to mention that overall it was a story that was composed and told very competently without overstaying its welcome or leaving anything unfinished.

Oh, hey, I saw Witch Doctor at the bottom of an alphabetized list of Image Comics' stuff. What makes it good enough for it to make the list?

That's a rare one. No wikipedia article, barely 2 websites acknowledging this comic exists… Which genre shall I add it under?

Some anons liked it, is all. I personally didn't find it all that interesting but that's just me.

Adventure, I suppose. It had a bit of everything, but failing SF as a genre, Adventure suits it best.

So I take it there are no more recs?


Atomic Robo, either under action or adventure.

Added under Action, see

Another one that slipped my mind is Cadillacs And Dinosaurs.
Also known as Xenozoic Tales.

Definitely adventure.

You've piqued my interest.

Didn't they have cartoon based on this?

Not sure, I know there was an arcade game.


Just when I thought the thread died…
I'll add this as "Cadillacs & Dinosaurs" since it's the original title, and include "Xenozoic Tales" as an alternative title in the blurbs section.

My problem now is that on all comic sites I went to there's only the first 6 issues of C&D vol 1 (there are 14), while the whole 14 issues are available as XT. Are there any differences between the 2 publications that I should know of?

You could add The Witching Hour in the horror section

Tales from the Darkside could be put in the horror section as well. It's only 4 issues long, and was story timed on the board .

where the hell did m psot go?

where the hell did my post go?

nevermind, some weird shit's going on today with Holla Forums

It fell into the DARKSIDE


OP here. We're not doing the individual cape charts right now.
I suggest you leave me to do them after the main chart as planned, I'm keeping a consistent design for all the charts.

Bought some volumes yesterday.

Supergirl: Last Daughter Of Krypton.
Wonder Woman: Earth One
Civil War

Did I fuck up?

Fucking majorly. I know at least the last two are utter garbage. What's wrong with you?

I suggest you get over yourself, especially since your management of this whole project has been a trainwreck.

Why are you even asking? Just read the comics and form your own opinion. And post anything you find worthwhile ITT.

I'd say it's been pretty good so far. I added a shitload of comics, even more than any regular chart should have, and there's nothing more to be added…

Comic suggestions have stopped so I'm currently going through each comic on the chart to see what should be kept and what can be removed, and I'll be posting my findings once I'm done reading. That will take a while, sure, but it's not like anyone here is in a rush right? The thread has been dead for weeks.

As I said, if you have suggestions just post them. I'll deal with each chart in order and try to make something good for Holla Forums, don't expect me to rush shit now.