Portland stream, almost had an actual fight, and protestors with baseball bats
Portland stream, almost had an actual fight, and protestors with baseball bats
Other urls found in this thread:
So has Fox News covered this shit yet?
I want Hannity goddamn it!
Sounds like the LRAD is out in Portland
LA stream that is still up
TOP KEK. Police are playing pokemon Go IRL.
fug I saw that guy on Martin's stream earlier, so that means they're probably processing Martin already. His stats homework is definitely not gonna get done in time for tomorrow.
Jesus guy still triggering (guy must be actually infused with the power of the lord, he just keeps going)
shit we have two threads
Still waiting for Portland to deliver…
Free Martin! He can go back last
those streets belong to the native american tribes you racists
The Caster is still casting his Words of Judgment into the crowd.
If dubs Jesus Caster gains a level tonight for his preaching to the heathens.
libs getting violent on both, the periscope has a white guilt faggot going off right now
jej'd so loudly IRL I probably upset my neighbors
Here we go, lads.
America deserves to die
Major liberal meltdown here:
So much butthurt
NO, this is actually portland. You can even see the same "Make Fascism Afraid Again" sign
somethings gonna happen
i can feel it
Mustache man is triggering people. possible fight.
For posterity
This man has gigantic fucking balls
faggot getting arrested on the YT stream looks like he was gonna cry top lel
I wonder why leftists don't try to beat and tie up and imprison all the police. Would be interesting to see them try. How big are the police-forces in these cities? They only have to capture so many of them before they basically control the streets. Then the army will get called in and we'll see shit get very real.
why the fuck is periscope a piece of shit?
people are gay for streaming on there
holy fucking shit, the youtube stream people literally just said
yeah just like logic the same leftist faggots use against violent cops, nice one
That's Portland, m88: 45°31'6.61"N 122°40'46.18"W
I was actually thinking about that today. How many illegals are going to have criminal processing after tonight? They're all going over the wall the moment Trump takes office.
They won't do shit except raise fists at the lone counter-protesters then act like their rights were violated when the counter-protester tells them to fuck off and leaves.
(srs) do you guys think there will be an actual RACE WAR? I feel like blacks/spics would just get annihilated. But who fucking knows. There's so many white race traitors.
this one has more replies
I don't think this guy is going to sell many 'peaceful protest helmets' because these shots suck dick. He's talking to mustache guy but all I see are trees
ah, my mistake.
why the fuck would the riot police do that, you stupid fucker?
This one seems to be considered the "real" one.
I think the white race traitors want it more than anyone else, but they're scared of guns.
Best stream?
Oh Portland Police, I hope you made bank OT this week.
They would get annihilated trying to leave their cities after a week. Doubt it will happen though
If one were to happen, whites would be last to participate.
Well maybe you should have fucking called her and decided to meet somewhere not about to be gassed
Hes mocking the protestors, was shouting YOU LOST
YT stream linked above
LA stream
He looks just like my dad. t. Dutchman
I don't see no riot here where I'm rioting
Well election showed minorities are still a minority
a- are they actually chanting "take off your riot gear"? how fucking delusional are they? they don't fucking care what you want, that gear is needed for them to enforce the law, you dipshits.
holy shit, how can people be this retarded?
i wonder what the police think
Do you have a cool mustache as well?
Such a low energy chant (and song), maybe leftists would do better if their memes weren't so shit.
Only if we start it, the left is too cucked to start it by themselves
So what happens then? I'm guessing this shit is going to eventually blow over. Not like a memory hole thing, but once these niggers riot and get it out of their system maybe they'll calm down.
Honestly lets just deport all of them, including all the white race traitors. Send them ALL back to Africa. Where they can fuck each other, get AIDS, raise mongrel kids, and realize how fucking stupid they were. That would be the ultimate payback.
Please God, make it happen.
The hilarious part is that they're parroting Jay-Z. He said it at the Hillary rally, and made the crowd chant it.
Wow these cucks don't know what a tactical repositioning is. They're cheering the cops leaving and boxing them in from another angle, christ
saw her as well.
cute face
I love how they think the police arresting a bunch of them and then moving to outflank them is a victory
Don't think it's going to blow over. It may ebb and flow but this is only going to be developed over the entire term of Trump's presidency
I like sad black guy, i hope he gets to smack that lefty bitch upside the head.
Yeah their ignorance is fucking killing me. If I were in that protest (I wouldn't be) I'd take off running when I saw them pull that move.
I heard/read that if you get arrested during one of these then you get your gibs revoked. If that's true then these protests wont last that long.
lolbergs or green party, kikes all the way down
look what they did with martin, the fag actually didnt know the police were behind him till he got Valkyried
They'll have to go to work on Monday morning, they have job, right? It is mainly whites.
We need to spread that source user.
Got a source? That would be interesting to actually follow up on, looking at arrest reports, then calling agencies making sure it actually happens. Most of these people are on scholarships/collegegibs
I'm looking forward to seeing the police's tolerance for this kind of bullshit under a Trump DOJ.
No for no apparent reason I can barely grow facial hair at all. I look at pictures of my mother, my father, at my age… I don't look anything like them. I sort of look like my grandma on my mom's side.
these people think being arrested for something like this is 'cool'. they want to be the victims so hard that they cheer when it happens to one of them.
are the streets actually free now or are they just gonna go back and cause traffic jams?
1. Donald Trump
2. Jill Stein
4. Mr Marble
5. Gary Johnson
6. shit
10. Hillary Clinton
@internetVolk here. Will stream more protests tomorrow at 19:00. Tonight was fun, shaved head dyke was funny with her baseball bat (thinking she was tough. In the end a P08 is more effective than a glorified stick.
kinda like how feminists want to get raped?
I'm gonna retweet the shit out of you.
No source, I think I might have got that from Periscope chat so grain of salt and all that
You forgot McMuffin.
I have my doubts but it's a good idea
Please link me to your profile on the P O L dating site
Jewtube stream is down, enjoy the LA salt while I scour for some more shit.
god's speed, man. Might i suggest taking a tazer just in case next time. these protest only seem to become more and more ridicilous, you might need to defend the shit out of yourself.
Oosh tough luck fam, low test is a bitch. :^)
We didn't even get to see most of your journey, what's the funniest thing that happened user
Nigger you've been declared a high priest of Kek. How does it feel?
Not to be a prude, but it's such a ugly, vulgar thing to say. And "fuck Donald Trump" is pretty much their argument. So sad.
Hell, I can't ever remember any trump supporters saying such things. It was always "Crooked Hillary", "Low Energy Jeb" or some other humorous nickname.
You're the real MVP m8, stay safe out there
Fuck, when did it get so late?
we have had 3 of you so far tonight
pics or it didn’t happen
anyone got a working portland stream?
I'm excited to see you actually go in prepared tomorrow. See if you can meet Martin.
Hatjew is boring me to death. The qts don't care.
Protect yourself one way or another. If arming up is not ideal then stick around MSM or police. These protesters do not accept even one person with an opposing opinion. They get violent quickly. You got lucky earlier, they were mostly confused about what you really were. The counter-protesters that were direct were threatened with violence immediately.
They're also almost certainly doxing you right now and will follow even outside of the "protests"
Nigger, I'm just a part of the movement. it's shitty enough that someone saw my face.
user I…
I bought six.
You did good work today. Just remember to say "P O L" Next time, or maybe even RWDS News or something.
Only shitskin immigrants are welcome.
Did you see the comic of you?
I'm gonna go to bed. These low-energy protests are boring.
Yea, I think the Portland stream is supposed to come back online, but it seems to be the last of the night.
This is so much better
I mean legitimately like your tweets. Wish the account was updated more since the CTR dox.
holy shit.
Take photo of shoes as proof
You became more of a meme in 1 1/2 hours than Oathbreaker has in months of failed effort.
and yet TPP is dead in the water because of him
I suggest setting up a secure tripcode now if you're gonna stream again tomorrow, user. Preferably with some kind of proof pic attached so we know it's you from there on out.
I wish i could go to America to see one of these protests.
This tbh it's 8am in bongland. Night Lads, love you.
This commentary on the LA feed is retarded.
Thats the presidents job
And they ate of that shit of taking it off his website
A little squad of Holla Forums-equipped counter-protesters fully-armed and ready for combat should go to one of these protests and trigger the shit out of all of them and be ready to slaughter them. We can't count on Trump to do anything except deport the illegals, we need to create the context where we can actually eradicate the cucks and muds.
what a boring and gay night of protests
eventually people are just going to stop going and its going to be left to a few dedicated autists
Jesus fuck I want to strangle these idiots in the 'peaceful protest helmet' periscope
4 u
Just make sure your shit is charged up nigger, and don't film on the train so you don't waste half your battery out the gate.
Going there and getting beat up might even accomplish more tbqh
It's 3:36 AM here.
Mah volk
"Michel Moore said…"
Heh, I think they forgot he made one of trumps best ads.
At most Police officers think you're a fucking nuisance.
Nah that's PR cucked nonsense, we need to get the ball rolling on RaHoWa, and that requires a significant number of casualties in a short period of time.
I disagree, these protesters looks absurd calling everybody violent but confronting violently as soon as they have ONE PERSON yelling loudly against them.
Obviously it sounds cucked to say "get beat up" but I think it would work. Just don't get killed.
I'm not going to argue it any more though
Is there more of this? A stream or something?
Any more videos of those goys?
Why are they so obsessed with Planned Parenthood?
I guess they like the nigger and spic baby body count too
That might actually be the game plan.
Trump definitely has support of some of some of the house and senate, but not all of it.
If he has the dems protecting him as backup because Pence would literally assrape their progressive bs, it'll give him majority protection no matter what.
how fucking retarded can one person be?
Is this real life.
They think they have the right to speak on the behalf of women, while at the same time saying they can't speak on the behalf of women because privilege.
If it doesn't lead to Right Wing Death Squads, it's not working. I am sick of pandering to pacifism. "oh look, we're more peaceful, the left are the real savages".
Yes, the left truly are the most savage, the less tolerant, the more triggered, etc.
…but that doesn't mean we should be pacifists. We need to make sure they all die. What's better than starting your own Black Hawk Down, maybe two Holla Forums-acks fighting in the middle of a mob of crazed and triggered leftists?
Not sure what tomorrow holds, but I'm comfy as fuck right now. Charging batboxes for tomorrow's riots.
I believe that it is. I see both parties trying to fuck Trump over as much as they can, especially the Republicans.
Nice dorm room fagit.
are you going to bring some self defence with you or did you already have something?
Mauser P08
Still wish I was able to finish downloading the second part of their stream but they took it down too fast
hes armed with a Mauser 9mm newfag
Let's just deport all of them to Africa along with all of the basketball Americans. Just imagine after a week of living in Africa, these liberal faggots would somehow manage to find a way build a raft and sail for America. It would be the refugee situation but holy fuck would it be hilarious and awesome at the same time.
This fucking guy topkek
might be worth checking metokur mirrors, he was streaming around the same time and mentioned the kommandos
Slep gud budy
It was fucking great, sad what happened to em', got cornered by nogs and defended themselves.
top kek
Wait what happened to these glorious goys?
We can't though. Trump can only deport the illegals. To actually deport all these scum… it just won't fly. The only context in which this can happen, is one where the legal process no longer really applies, aka a war.
…and then what? Tell me more.
they were assaulted by nignogs and forced to shoot, from what i heard.
don't know if they are in prison or still in the process
Shot some niggers, last I heard one of them was getting out soon.
oh I know. I was thinking in a more fantasy/sci fi realm than anything else. A man can dream cant he?
Here, have a rough draft of some OC.
snack break before they start lobbing gas again
goddamn Holla Forums works fast.
Shot them today? I hope they killed as many as they could. Maybe this race war will finally kick off AYYY GUYS.
what stream is this? there are a bunch at the moment
no that happened last year, during the chimp outs
nah, not today. this was during the nigger riots if i remember correctly.
It happened at Ferguson
probably something along the lines of
not sure it will be live much longer, cuck is sleepy
reminder that this happened at Ferguson too
So, Holla Forums any interview questions we'd like to ask tomorrow? saying as I am a "journalist" now?
It wasn't Ferg it was some random ass place like Minnesota or some shit, but it was same time as one of the sequel rounds of Ferg (Ferg was like three rounds at least)
Interviewing who? Random faggots on the street? Ask them if they're going to take up arms against trump. Hypocritical liberals are literal memes.
Oh yeah it was at Milwaukee right?
ask them if they have a job
And I know it's hard to remember but this shit has been going on for quite awhile. Ferguson (which frankly seemed like a stage, not organic) was several rounds of sudden coverage
ask them about soros.
I don't remember but I have it saved somewhere.
ask them if they know about pepe or just subliminally Shitpost to them.
Ask them if they're ready to be deported
What? The whole stream?
"How do you feel knowing Trump will still be president tomorrow, and these protests achieve nothing, other than to make more people agree with him?"
"Any last words before you have to go back" (to a spic)
Ask them where they're from.
No, some notes about that incident, not a whole stream. There's court documents and everything now, it was a long time ago
Ask them if California, Oregon and Washington should secede from the union
It was at Ferg
They had the creepy pedo trailer out the front and were all twerking out the front while people were getting shot with marker rounds and gassed around the side.
Cascadia movement is gaining popularity
You should make up a list of stock questions to ask people like
Did you vote? If so, who did you vote for?
If they say Hillary, ask them what was one of Hillarys greatest accomplishments?
Why do you not like Trump?
Why dont you want to make america great?
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
What do you hope to accomplish with these protests?
It was not ferguson, now I'm going to have to dig up the info
what the fuck is this thing?!
Surprised a richanon didn't pay their bail.
Most of those are good but remove
Those triggering charged questions will give them the rationale that they can start sperging out.
I couldn't dig it up on my own archive so here
A miserable pile of bad genetics.
it was Minnesota, I watched this live
Kartina motherfucker
I'd love to have a few more Portland anons join me for some epic bantz and Live Action Shitposting, I'm just hoping i don't end up like some faggy e-celeb that gets turned into an FBI honeypot.
And of course all of this coverage is false but anyways…
Keep an eye out for conspicuous deep purple clothing. Don't ask directly about it but see if you can ascertain if people wearing it are protest leaders, organisers, etc.
It'd be nice to confirm/deny the story from Zerohedge about Soros planning a protracted anti-Trump 'purple uprising'.
A horrible morlok
Insult them for being pacifist cucks and make them realize that now they don't have the government to enforce their agenda they have to do it themselves.
with those trips, i'd be surprised if they didn't watch these streams as well with a generous amount of salty popcorn
He starts irl bane posting at 40:00
Lame shitty questions.
fuck I concede, it was the 4th precinct in Minnesota, my memory is fucked
4th Precinct Shutdown
We can start taking screenshots of purple protestors and maybe assist in getting them picked up.
He should be asking ONLY the most triggering questions possible.
this nigger is gay as fuck
Still ten times more rational than the random landwhale SJWs I saw tonight, go figure
I can investigate this.
Dont those thing snap in half easily?
Is that blue or purple? Possible organizer.
No but they are worth a lot of money…. would be a shame if someone mugged him.
going live.
ehm, you might have forgotten a link there, user.
Is that a homemade tec-9 or some shit?
he's going to go all beltway sniper on the protesters.
One can dream.
i wish.
i think it might be a semi-auto Keltek one, since i don't think you can buy tec-9s anymore.
where the fuck are all the streams
more Riot-chan incoming
*bonus Martin and his nikes
These guys all have shit genetics.
this stream is so low energy
this is useless. where the fuck are the streams from within the protest? i feel theres some censorship going on
how can you tell the women from the men in this picture?
whats up with the tranny top row 4th to the right? Jesus Christ its like a collection of what Americans will look like in 50 years if nothing changes.
I honestly can't tell if that nigger is male or female.
I kind of agree because the last action stream that died did so in the middle of action. But I don't know of any remaining action streams myself. Either way it's been 30 minutes now so they might be all arrested (although I swear I hear gunfire kind of sounds in the distance on the boring stream)
if you find anything better, let us know.
much of the protest is gone from what we heard. volkguy had a low battery and needed to leave, and this fag is gonna leave as well soon.
any other streamers?
smug af
there were 500+ people then stream ended and now nothing? no
theres tiny clips coming out of twitter from la too, still action going on there. something fishy is going on.
gawddamn that's given me the warm fuzzies.
If it's anything fishy, they just don't want to show the crackdown. Because our entertainment isn't of the utmost importance (unfortunately) but business being uninterrupted tomorrow (and monday especially) is important to them. Remember, police most of all, care about their highest property tax payers (businesses) that want to be open without looters out front
I wish I could find it, I think I saved a webm once of Trump supporters high fiving riot police and cheering them on as they walked out of a rally
are you really trying to justify censorship of the media? I thought ctr was laid off already
can't we get /a/ to make her moe as fuck, like how they did with that russian chick back then?
But I agree when it comes to the streams sometimes it's almost like there are time-warps when one stream cuts and another starts
Egh, whatever
where the fuck are the Muslim suicide bombers on this one? wtf muhammed?
The BLM events were completely stage managed (Ferg in particular which was a failed city that didn't even really exist any longer) but I don't want to go there. I'm not a shill and will not continue on this angle
I agree that you can't trust streamers and there's only a few platforms that broadcast these things, and those platforms are the chokepoint that can manage perception.
Soros is a jew but he isn't going to blow up his own investments.
Soros probably doesnt pay them enough.
That wasn't /a/, that was actual japaboos.
And you'll notice that we all got shunted into periscope for this round which has even less features and quality than in previous rounds.
Although I also think these protests were less "stage managed" than the BLM ones
Remember when the radical left in Oregon was behind antiglobalist riots and opposing free trade and the IMF? Remember when they shut down the WTO summit in 1999 for a week? Now what the fuck could have happened in 20 years, other than the possibility that those same anarchists just moved far to the right..? because I have a bit of trouble believing that this new generation of leftists has anything in common from the antiglobalists who preceded them.
Well, goodnight you Glorious fagots, I promise to deliver again tomorrow. If any anons care to join me, I'll be in pioneer Courthouse square. FBI is welcome too saying as i haven't done anything illicit.
These tards don't even know what they believe now except they're angry that there would ever be another male or white President
SJWs absolutely demolished the left
Godspeed, and don't sperg too hard
What about suicidal kek occultists that want to go down fighting?
internet kill switch activated?
Meme them as "leaders" regardless.
We' shape reality now.
A lot of those old anti-globalists actually came to Holla Forums (or /new/) and got redpilled
Just make some spicy memes.
On it.
I just noticed from his pants that it's a one piece suit.
How embarrassing
I wish I had 9 monitors (and several video cards) to make a war-room for these kinds of events.
1080p is not enough (Fuck I could do better with my last CRT than I do today)
Fuck, we don't even get volume control in-browser with periscope.
Everything regresses due to normies
This was meant for
Only tired of CTR accusations for thin reasons. It's okay though user, I'm not CTR but don't throw that around so fast
I'll give it a go, I'm using linux. Do you just have it open the regular URL?
And I love that their site has General Ripper front and center, kek
I ask about regular URL or not because most media players if opening some streaming web shit you need to actually dissect the website to find the actual media URL (in times past at least)
Yes, "mpv –vf=rotate=90 "
Is he in the martin stream? Can we get a time stamp user?
Capped, thanks. It will enhance my war room tomorrow night
Lel, I have that pretty much. Want me to take a pic?
That's up to you, it would only cause envy (I believe you)
I got multiple desks (and just built a new one, I'm going to move out of my room into a bigger area), red lights for night-time, more lights I can turn on for getting everything intensely illuminated, shelves, top-specs mobile computer with 4k monitor plugged in, two tablets, a cell phone, a solar USB charger, a red digital clock I paid $14.88 for, and I have more computer equipment elsewhere. I built myself a NEET paradise by working off the books.
all these blacks standing around looks like something out of the division
I'd actually be acceptably happy (considering what is available now, and my means) with two 1080p monitors. One of which would need a VESA mount so I can put it in portait mode. On the landscape mode monitor put up 4 streams. On the portrait monitor maybe two sites one above the other. Then use Jack to put audio from the four different streams into left and right on headphones and speakers so they all are listenable if needed. That's about the best cheapo setup I can figure for one autist to monitor maximum habbenings
Did you solder the CPU by hand tho?
Get 'em, boys.
Don't forget to go up to Seattle as well, lord knows they need it just as badly if not more.
That's what they get for buying a Tec-9 on the last round.
They look like randomly generated knobheads.
Reality is stranger than fiction.
kek the commies really going to be pissed now! haha
reminds me of Buffalo Bill's basement.
You better have highspeed internet btw, it's hard enough to stream 4k content to just one 4k monitor.
Oh this is just too fucking good.
kek, I wish I put that much effort into my cocoon.
Mich just turned in data. MSM not covering it. 3.8 million illegal voter fraud issues by democrats
what's the song playing bro?
I don't watch the electric jew, tell me the meaning of your statement?
Source? I still can't find a fucking site that gave Michigan to Trump yet.
Sauce nao
Sauce tho
Post source so I can make some twitter fags shitter shattered.
Gimme something. Michigan is my home state, born there
It's around the same numbers that are counted but reversed, I think that the tweeter just mixed up who got what vote
tfw got all the desks for free and I have spent a lot of the time over the years learning how to make all kinds of cool stuff while having pretty much no money
thank god I don't have to eat out of dumpsters anymore, used to be constantly sick, always eating mostly rotting fruit
And here I was hoping it was something big
We meant the pop vote, not Michgan.
These aren't news sources, it even says "Hillary's health" as one of its 7 pulldown tabs.
Do you trust msm anymore? They haven't update shit
Tried that yesterday. I was literally fucking alone with a gopro on my chest and a MAGA hat, and they didn't do anything. Then again, I was also concealing a pistol and three spare magazines on my duty belt under a hoodie.
just a silence of the lambs reference user, don't worry about it.
I had a chest rig ready, and gun equipped, hat and all for the Phoenix/Tempe protest.
By the time I arrived they've already left. It seems that the Protests were really low energy. Nothing like the BLM protest months back that ended with Tear gas, I was thankfully there for that and gone by the time the gas started flowing.
Anything happening on Sunday in the sunny gun-loving state of Arizona?
This is basically word-of-mouth, but I guess we'll see in the days to come as they're forced to admit their massive loss. We all know who really won but you know, illegals in blue states voting and all that.
Tonight I saw MAGA counters a few times, there were a few in LA it was kind of late. Some drunk Guat (or something, not even Mexican) tried to throw a rock at them and stumbled around in front of them trying to start a fight.
Then (really late) a big white guy in Portland standing around a corner with MSM and cops started yelling back (nothing more inflammatory than the SJWs were yelling) and some black confronted him, raised fists, etc. Then after the MAGA white left the black went to the MSM and was like "did you catch me being assaulted"? MSM was like uhh yeah whatever.
The other guy way earlier that mentioned "pole" (and has apparently been in this thread) was too spergy for anybody to make out what he was.
Why vote for a kike? For fucks sake user.
Oh fuck I went and poked fun at the anarchists on Mill last night but TPD made sure the idiots didn't stay on the street for long. Honestly I think the fact that I was confident to the point of laughing at them was why they didn't try anything. It feels great to be on the right side, though.
I also went to Phoenix tonight; it was dead as fuck downtown lol
this'll probably die down next week.
2017 might be boring…full of peace and progress.
Pretty sure he was quoting someone from the streams user, calm down.
I doubt that, I don't think the dems expected to lose. So there wasn't protests ready. This is what they could throw together on short notice. Expoct more
Can you guys tell me how to do the GoPro chest-rig thing? I want to do it myself and stream some shit.
tfw this is what happens to me every single time I talk politics in the offline world
Can barely see any detail. Anyone got higher quality shots?
I wish.
The wife of TR8-T0R?
I bet she has long beautiful blonde hair tied up and piercing blue eyes.
Just a heads up artfag, the street shine is good, but you need to add the drizzle that's been happening during the last few days.
I would suggest drizzle over the background, but leave riot-chan crystal clear.
If anything's happening Sunday, I was planning to go to Mill/around that area. More the merrier
Amazon has that shit too.
What animu is that?
You build the Tesla coil yourself?
I bet if the dates were changed, or atleast have just trump on the image, nogs would kill themselves for overconsuming lean.
I know that dude.
Can we just beat these fuckers?
anyone have a vid of the moment he yelled at the protesters
Persona 4
They were all home made by intratec and now there is one less in the world.
(fucking checked!)
YES! Faggotchu, use thunder smack!
Do you know if there's anything going on today?
Chie is best girl still
Excuse me?
Why is it always a female? Are you some kind of feminist? Can you fucking weebs draw anything else? Your contributions are starting to get tired.
Because it's based off a female riot officer you fucking mong.
CNN says there is stuff going on right now, I can't find anything on periscope. Lugenpresse.
You stupid cunt.
I might be tad dyslexic, but I'm reading that she is gassing anti-commie police raids not commies themselves
Rise is a slut and plastic fake trash tier waifu.
yes i did.
Got some pro Trump people going undercover in a protest in commifornia right now
I'll be doing Portland again. I'll be asking your questions live. 1900 hours
Catch my twitter @InternetVolk
Can't wait for your steam, the califag is trying to instigate stuff as well. However he is a degenerate, not a Holla Forumsack
In Arizona though?
I'm off today so I kind of want to go laugh at some morons
Oregon has changed alot in 20 years, the oregon of that time was more libertarian, and we have got alot more economic migrants since then, and the schools have been indoctrinating children here.
Do you have anything with more capacity than that mauser? I would bring that instead. If you end up using the pistol, you could have it confiscated.
Of course, you should plan on not getting caught.
Last night's New Orleans protest had a whopping 25 people in attendance. Niggas didn't want to be out late because today is a Saints home game.
also i need pics of her
Were his Nikes released too?
Somebody needs to send this thread(s) to his twitter. He seems to thrive on attention anyway.
does this mean that he had to pay? or that whatever it was is paid off?
Looks like they booked him and then let him go with no charges or citations
the only reason most people dont go and stop these wannabe hippy fags are the fact they dont want to get in trouble and have to work the next day
. VRs
. 😢
We could get him a new pair from the Nike ID site.
That's that I figured. Sure it shook him, but that might just embolden him for the next time if he realizes its seemingly without consequence.
On your ass, sit down!
Looks like there were two womyn cops there.
sitting fully clothed in front of your laptop is NOT supposed to be comfy :*
"wow look at me I'm a girl and I'm naked"
Fuck off and show us your tits.
they were paid to do that in order to manufacture a perceived pendulum swing which in fact was just more leftism but from a different tap.
Fucking manlet, hope those nikes are safe though.
Lets play chicken. Provide a pic of your tiny dick including the bewitched time stamp and you'll get my boobs. Until then, consider yourself not worthy of female attention.
Kek , Reminds me of that 'woman' holding a banner/sign saying; Woman are not for decoration , While a qt3.14 holding another sign saying; Some standing next to it.
Anyhow, does these kind of 'woman' have a tier name yet?
Wu-tier pops up in my mind.
I don't think you're aware of the providence of the tits or GTFO rule, whore. Now shut your fucking piehole and let the adults talk unless you've got something to show us.
That's not how it works here. Let me rephrase this…
Attention whore.
Hoo wee, somebody thinks awfully highly of herself.
I honestly think she might post her tits considering how desperate for approval she is.
You can see how it totally derailed the conversation too, just like always. The only value a woman has on this site is as a sex object, so if she isn't even going to come through with that, she should just kill herself immediately.
Post your dick.
Go away attention whore.
This creature thinks we want to see its tits for the sake of seeing some tits… On the internet.
That's not a nice way of welcoming the /fit/ squad who wants to check out the "dark place where Trump draws his magic from". You're funny though. At least that's what manlets need to be in order to get SOME score.
Nah, it's fine. Would never post my face + I'm aware of evil EXIF demons, so I'm good.
That is edited.
The computer had reddit on it originally.
To be fair, its not that hard to derail a riot thread when nothing is going on.
Nice exifdata in that image. Also stop using Apple shit, makes it easier.
Its not about your face either.
There are no girls on the internet. ;^)
There's a reason why you go to sleep alone at night, cunt.
Who cares?
Tits on the internet are like water in the sea. Its not about seeing a slut's tits.
Allow me to pontificate for your edification.
This is the internet, I get nothing for putting up with you shit, unless you provide with tits, your vapidity is not welcome here.
Back on topic, has internetVolk started streaming, there a protest on Oregon right?
Its likely not even an attention whore, just a dysfunctional trap or some shit.
There must something right about that post if it keeps getting posted.
check the leaderboard on periscope and ustream, they keep popping up and shutting down
It's still 2:37PM on the west coast. I doubt he'll be out any time soon.
check back in about 4 or so hours.
Putting my money down on this. Don't feed the trolls. Really any reply that isn't "Tits or GTFO" verbatim is a step in the wrong direction.
She looks asian
Dubs speak truth, just ignore it or filter.
Protest outside Trump tower
Where is
There are, but we reveal ourselves too often in places where guys tend to react like kids.
good night, it's gettin' late here in Europe. Some people have to go to work, you know :)
hahaha holy shit she really was that desperate for attention.
Haven't seen that one yet today. They have been playing LOTR music, and have multiple sings saying that Trump is Sauron. Now it changed to shitty pop music.
For all the talk about cuckservatives and other shit the reality is that nobody is more cucked and coopted than the left
Consider this anons: the left's candidate was a white woman who was involved in the campaign of the most racist candidate of the 1960, who got confessed child rapists out of jail, who made it easier for corporations to use slave work and pay less taxes, who was paid by banks to say one thing in public and do another, who voted for the iraq war knowing full well it was bullshit, who started a series of major wars across the world that have doomed millions to die and many others to flee their homes
The left supports this
The left thinks this is a good candidate
For the right to be as cucked as the left they would have to use a transexual muslim communist who openly supports white genocide as a candidate
Cool, now stop acting like a faggot.
Did they ask mommy to drop them off after baseball practice?
I think that's a trap saved anyways
here come those alt-righters that putin armed
Sharpie in pooper
I stand corrected, welcome aboard.
cyka blyat
Jesus, these people live entirely within the world of their own imaginations. They can't conceive of anything outside the paltry metaphors of a denuded and Jewish pop culture. No wonder they want to GamerGate all consumable media - the only identities they have to choose from are those which exist in mainstream entertainment.
here, have some stuff before I go. I'm making quite a lot of Anime oc over at 4chan Holla Forums. Already saw some snippets of my stuff being posted around here. That's all the attention I need :3
Great, nice perky tits, now you have our attention, although you get more attention on Holla Forums, with out derailing, also
Nice tits, you're pardoned.
Girls like you need a good dicking to get over yourself. :^)
In any case, the Trump presidency has brought me two nice pairs of tits already, things are already shaping up for shitlords everywhere.
But why? Especially with all the ads Hiroshimoot has dumped in it.
ok, last one. I'm such a whore.
nah, I don't care but it's just fun sometimes. Since I don't have a bf atm it's okay.
Have they finally forgotten there's a difference between the -isms and -phobias?
Since no one else has posted it yet, I will.
Now you know :^)
That background looks familiar…
Relevant to thesee rioting fuckers, the media's incitement and stoking of their shitty feelings:
Did Trump win the popular vote as well?
Archives of Clinton winning popular vote and how that'll totally continue Re: literal liberal bias:
Clinton popular vote, 11/12 2016, 11/13 2016.
notto badu. We're always in need of new reaction images.
to be fair, it posted tits.
But she didnt know WHY, user.
Now she knows the depths of her own lost integrity.
I hope you all get b&
cuz 8ch doesn't have a good /fit/ and draw board. I don't visit Holla Forums on 4chan that often, though. I sometimes drop by to visit my german fellas in Deutsch/pol/ here but that's about it.
You are the original drawfag of AfD-chan aren't you?
Hur dich doch nicht aus, smk
Man if he won the popular vote that's really going to fuck the lugenpresse.
but this doesn't seem legit
Implying anyone wants to find lewds of their girlfriend on the internet anyhow.
Makes sense.
Yeah! I love it! Still can't believe they dumped us after chapter 7. I wish I could draw like Ilya.
don't be so edgy. I participate in discussion quite often but almost never reveal my boob level. I'm studying biology and I don't need shallow chit chat to go by.
nee. Mache die stinknormalen Sachen :p Ich "hure" mich nicht aus. Wenn die Männerkomplexe haben, ist das deren Schuld :))
Understandable. Also, cute panties.
So investigate please, and spread it if true. I don't have time right now, gotta work.
Did Trump win the popular vote as well?
Archives of Clinton winning popular vote and how that'll totally continue Re: literal liberal bias:
Clinton popular vote, 11/12 2016, 11/13 2016.
Well now there's your problem. When you do reveal the fact that you're female, that image applies to you.
I know it feels bad but it doesn't make it any less true. Deal with it and stop being a slut, slut.
Fucking kill yourself, whore.
Anyone with a periscope account get in here and shit on the streamer.
Idiot doesn't even seem to know what happened to those arab nations after the arab spring.
Take care of this derailing attention slut
any more shit going down tonight?
Just imagine the smell
Aber du malst schon oder? Es ist nur so dass das originelle Bild von dem Masköttchen von einem Mädchen auf Twitter kam (glaub ich) und ich dachte gleich an dich. Das malt jetzt auch jeder so, inklusive mich. Heißt wohl es gibt mehr Frauen auf Deutsch/pol/ als dich und mich. Wo wohnst?
Außerdem ich sag ja nur weil ich das Gleiche gemacht hab, ein Mal. Mach's lieber nicht, die Menschenmenge hier ist begrenzt und ist halt dumm sowas.
I would let her suck my dick tbh.
Watched it all over the summer. Great series of movies, would recommend to others.
Alright, you have good taste at least. You can stay and be an attention whore.
looks like shits started on the east coast already, shoud be another eventful night
This is actually my main problem with 8ch as well. Still not faggoty enough to go back to cuck though.
Hurts just a bit fam.
Remember, she could be doing literally anything else right now. Digging in the pedo thread; discussing the City of London in the Eternal Anglo thread; or even staying on topic in this thread. The fact she'd rather titillate our dicks instead even though we'll never have a chance to put it in her, is proof positive of that venerable and incontrovertible axiom: women are the niggers of gender.
The thing is, there are (mathematically speaking) women right now doing exact that and you don't hear it because they aren't attention whores. Sad this board has to suffer from it.
sage for off-topic.
Calm your shit Anonymous. I am no weeb, but imageboards were born and bred with weebs in mind. Go somewhere else if you can't deal with them.
Not this imageboard though
Holla Forums was made for everyone, hence being able to create your own board. Even pedos were allowed before Jim fed Hotwheels to his pigs.
Still a little early anyone watching any streams or just spazzing waiting for the festivities
The cucks with the red eyes from crying so much.
Hopefully it was from the tear gas ehehehe.
someone got arrested? faggots wont let the police car drive away
pic related
yep. Das hab ich doch vor paar Wochen hier geposted! Ich hab kein Twitter! Nee, bin da voll vorsichtig. Mehr als das was ich gezeigt habe gibts nicht :)) Ein wenig Spaß muss sein :p Die Idioten hier halten sich für sonstwas. Da kann man etwas böse sein :p
It's good for what it is, although /fit/ is getting stupid lately with all these rate threads. I was enjoying discussions about good diets and workout for legs but they're rare these days :(
Don't know if it was serious, or just meme-ing to discourage them, but the city of Charlotte tried it during September's chimpouts.
Current live streams on niggerscope
Downtown San Francisco
Fort Lauderdale
vergessen: gute nacht!
Thank you
schlaf gut
That purple hair streamer is really annoying, won't show the crowd and camera is always on her face.
Let's face it, lads, we're juggling small potatoes until legendary independent journalist Samuel Hyde retakes the field and starts spilling redpills out of his pockets everywhere.
Long live independent journalist Samson Hydelberg with Pee Oh Lee news site that hosts… alternate views
Someone find this streamer's info and report him to the FAA, it's illegal for him to fly a drone without proper FAA licensing
Both names are pretty jewish fam.
Not to ruin your parade henry, but, you're starting to become a efag.
Someone please drive down there and shoot this bitch.
ehhh as long as he sticks to covering the protests he's doing good work. I wouldn't worry about it unless he starts relentlessly shilling a podcast or something.
top kek, drone pilot's legal name is Torrie Fischer, there is no FAA Airmen record with that name, so he (or maybe she, sounds like a tranny) is piloting the drone illegally.
and yet you are dumber then dog shit. I think that the university was the problem.
fuck me.
Ebony "Enoby" Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way is all grown up!
We've got some of the identities and mugshots of last nights malcontents
My bad user, that's the streamer. The drone pilot is @tdfischer_ on twitter, already looked up the info. Not sure if the way the drone is being flown is in violation of FAA regs actually. I don't see an N-number on the drone which would make it illegal - it has to be registered as it's between 0.55 and 55 lbs. The pilot doesn't need a license for recreational use, but still has to register the drone.
Reported. Hopefully they fuck him up. I added some color to the details to hopefully make them take it more seriously.
New streams are up
Santa Ana, CA
I can't wait to see his code
Leftists are chanting "no hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here" and "we're here, we're queer, get that cheeto out of here" on the Chicago stream. Absolutely disgusting.
how telling of them to use a cheap foodstuff with no nutrients as their comparison. really shows what's on their minds.
anyone got vid of HP taunting the protesters?
What do they think they're going to accomplish? Do they really think they're going to prevent Trump from taking office - and are they even remotely cognizant of the consequences that would ensue if they did? They are children. Adult children. There's no longer any room for, "I disagree but I respect the reasoning and passion that underlies your opinion." A zombie army of brainwashed leftist lackies with no goal or motivation except blind, stupid hate.
The default is "he", sorry that's how English is. We don't have a neuter singular. I hate when people do this to try and be "equal".
You'll have it soon user.
Interestingly enough, we do have one in legacy. It's homo hehehehehehe
Cars getting really impatient and a lot of honking, hopefully some commies get run over already
Santa Ana faggots are talking about how the US has never had the House, Senate, and Presidency all go Republican, and told them the Supreme Court is gonna get stacked against them. The guy talking told them the best thing they can do to stop Trump is… keep protesting.
Santa Ana stream #2:
May Kek be with you Henry Pollack.
You spelled shitposting wrong
Post your list of interview questions now.
I don't think you were here last night. Samuel Hyde, AKA Henry Pollak, was a Holla Forums user that went out the the riots last night and called people cucks and degenerates.
This guy was fucking based as fuck.
More streams up
See how many people don't even know or how many different answers you get.
How many commies or "non parties" (read: politically correct party)
Still cracks me up
followed by
Then we dox and report to ICE.
What do you think will change as a result of this protest?
What could the President-Elect do to ameliorate some of your fears about the incoming administration?
Do you support Mr. Trump's stance on peaceful relations with Russia?
Do you agree with Mr. Trump that gays and lesbians should be protected from Islamic violence?
Holy shit this is fun, do to them what they do to us and ask them leading questions that put them on the spot
Jesus from hearing him read the questions he's getting from periscope users he's gonna get fucking killed tonight
How much is Soros paying you?
Do you enjoy being corporate slaves?
Was getting arrested part of your plan?
Put your hand over your mouth when you ask this one
He wasn't lying.
Sam Hyde
Ask if they hate white people
Then when they say Canada
A few protests going on but nothing exciting. Just virtue signaling.
Is the Sam "Lugar" Hyde going to stream when he asks the questions?
For legal reasons I have to say it is for protection.
I'm waiting for my camera to charge up to 100% and i'll be in PDX by (7 pm) 1900 Pacific Standard Time
When are you streaming tonight?
santa ana
has some injun doing
Okay, your a big guy so I can wait.
It's just not any fun without niggers chimping
Did you ever find a battery pack?
I have 2 bat packs tonight.
Any idea how big the protest will be tonight?
5th day, one person was shot yesterday.
Might be better today.
Wear a MAGA hat Henry
Ask anyone wearing purple how involved they are in the protests. Don't ask them directly about the purple but try and get info out of them that'll help us ascertain if they're protest leaders and organisers.
Try and get their names and faces too.
I may be stupid but i'm not pants-on-the-head retarded enough to… well, maybe.
Get a trip Henry
Make sure you aren't too obvious about it, get them to embarrass themselves. Ask what they think of trump's homophobia, what they think of trump's plan to deport all non whites and disabled people.
Santa Ana is pretty lively.
What's wrong with IDs?
We've got one of ours in fort lauderdale:
best i can do right now.
Makin' my way downtown…
Thread is gonna fill up soon and we won't know his ID in the next thread. Just makes it easier for us to verify it's the one and only Henry Pollack from POL Alternative News.
They might wear different colors in different cities. At least saw one ad posted asking for people to wear red. (If not fake ad.)
Purple seems to be the 'master' colour if that makes sense. I'm watching one of the Cali protests on Periscope and lo and behold all the leaders are wearing deep purple somewhere or other. A lot of the signs have purple strips on them too.
Soros trying a color revolution here in the states. Chosen color is purple.
Speaking of lunatics
I know, that's why I said to look out for it.
Maybe if Henry can get names and faces we can dig and look for connections.
Or some brave American Holla Forumsacks can kidnap a couple and waterboard them for infoJust kidding, NSA
oy vey
Thread Theme
I love Patsy Cline
Top kek mate.
Still think you should have gone with RWDS News Corp.
She said earlier that she was trans-latino, of course the kikes try to subvert every ethnicity.
Got this from the periscope thumbnail, inspect element
Is that a train company?
adequate tits, wood slap.
People put that on the bottom of pictures because it triggers so many people
7/10, needs more watermark
I guess you could say she's loco.
Spokane, WA
smh fam
Could these faggots look any more worthless?
top middle is literally a sub human evolutionary
funny stuff from yesterday
I just found out that I am going to be part of the group providing security to the inauguration. That's right, I'll get free travel to defend the Trumpenfuher during his ascendency.
I might even get paid to give out beatdowns to protesters. I hope they show up.
I'm reaching levels of smug that shouldn't be possible.
Don't have to much fun you need to protect him.
what qualifications did you have to get that? I really hope I get the job
fuuuu. Was that from the form or from earlier campaign work?
Henry better be whispering
Beaner, wetback, fucking degenerate!
Which stream?
didn't get it through Trump's .gov site. Can't post too much info.
Just know that there's a Holla Forumsack among the ranks guarding him, just waiting for the OK to start handing out doses of reality.
This is so fucking low energy it's putting me to sleep, go home Henry, it's fucking nothing.
may kek bless you and keep you safe user
All we need is a little bit of rain and the cucks vanish.
top bantz hank
Oh shit, did I miss the tear gassing?
Shit this Holla Forumsack is gonna get enriched
We're on day 5 and stage 5: acceptance
Sadly no, just some jew kvetching
That fucking madman.
Nice one user,
Good Luck on your job as Ollanius Pius/Tempestor Scion (Stormtrooper) in safeguarding the Emperor of Mankind
Riot-Chan would clean her clock, I tell you what.
Nimble infiltrator.
Where is the best / most current stream?
Pretty sure that's illegal too, they have no right to restrict a public space, he's a sovereign citizen!
From Holla Forums
Our inquisitor on the scene.
Remember to trell liberals with this shit
ICE trolling thread
Fake video to spread panick amungst liberals
Fake poster for IRL use:
Many thanks fam.
I'm strong because I'm a WOMYN
Crying in public
Good Lick Riot-Chan
Man whomever Nononposter was resurrected that bitch fast.
Your welcome in advance.
O shit that nigger said that, I couldn't understand what that muzzie said, holy shit a purge is needed soon
Henry Pollock is a national treasure
8channer confirmed!
Did a nigger really die yesterday?
Who cares?
are you dumb bud, he posted in this very thread
I fucking love this worldline
Yes and his name was Martin Farias.
Let us always remember our sneaker man.
video of the fireworks, different angle
want to give me a super short rundown? like I assume he did towards a cop :^)
He posted in these very thread, get your shit together nononposter
Not enough if them
Dale chori, se que no le da la guita ni para comprarle un cajon mas grande asu hijo
SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIET, mixed up my names sorry about that
Any faggot can post a link to a stream and claim to be that person.
The speed and efficacy with which this guy singled out Henry, and the fact that he knew what 4chan was, suggests to me he's one of the organisers.
It was he.
Looked like an older guy who knew the ropes. Wouldn't be surprised if he was an organizer or some sort of crowd manager.
Martin was doing nuffin, just streaming for us when he was rent asunder by Riot Chan and her heavy stick of the law.
I thought this was about to turn into that BLM protest in MN where the /k/ommandos ended up shooting a few dindus
Seemed like a jew to me.
I missed it. Any video?
Exactly why he got arrested. Not a good idea to do nuffin when given a lawful order to disperse.
OH SHIT, He's got MAGA pin now
Absolute mad man.
He's hiding it now though, wise
Did cool beans just say theyre all crazy? 2016 gets weirder and weirder goys.
Did the leftists fuck off yet or have we got a stream of faggots fleeing?
(Nice gets)
This shits great. Thank you based Henry Pollack.
NE Portland is pretty redpilled. I Drive from Marine to Glisan, 223rd to 82nd for work and so far Everyone has been okay if not fully red pilled.
The only thing I've seen after the election is my professor breaking down in middle of class and crying. She spewed some bullshit about how her room is a safe space and everything will be fine.
I wanted more.
wtf is he doing
Holy shit lad.
I just got banned from commenting on the Periscope stream
What did I miss? What did he do?
Did Cool Beans walk to get away from Henry or to warn the others?
By the speed I'd say he was going to warn them
Someone in Portland let the police know there's a dangerous band of men heading towards muh vigil.
Seconding. What the hell is going on?
jej he said a bunch of dudes with AR-15s were on their way.
Will there be RWDS tonight?
he's lying to spread panic among the enemy
nah just IRL shitposting to spook the spooks.
It's a vigil… for kek knows what
looks like the tendies will be getting cold tonight lads.
we've got marchers
Someone toast a new bread
someone with a periscope account tell him to ask the protesters how much Soros is paying them
Protesters blocking traffic, cops when?
You're a meme in my heart Henry
Fucking Periscope stutters every ten seconds for me, even with mpv. Shitty ass website can't even squeeze out a tiny bit of bandwidth to watch a raw stream.
A dude got shot on friday who was part of the protest.
I'm pretty sure he accosted some guy who had a trum bumper sticker and the dude got scared
Henry is in Portland, right? Is it possible he might meet Martin?
No that was just niggers shooting niggers I think.
Almost got him to blurt out his sugar daddy.
Please, someone toast soon
He's gonna get killed
Left over from last night
it'll do
This thread is kill.
i will take a shower and eat tonights tendies dinner.