Trump Camp Refuses to Close Door on Campaign Pledge to ‘Lock Her Up’
Trump Camp Refuses to Close Door on Campaign Pledge to ‘Lock Her Up’
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As they should
It reminds me of like when a nigger tries to jump you and he was going to beat you within an inch of your lilfe, rape your girlfriend while he was at it but suddenly you pull out your gun and he is like "CHILL DAWG I DIDN'T MEAN NUFFIN LETS ALL JUST RELAX YO YOU COOL WE COOL WE FRIENDS NOW YO"
That is the left right now, and we should blow their brains out.
What if instead of prosecuting Hillary, Trump offered her immunity in exchange for evidence? Basically just say to her, "Turn over your whole organization, and I'll let you go." Knowing the Clintons, I can't imagine a scenario where they wouldn't accept that deal. It would politically neutralize them and also provide the much needed evidence to drain the swamp.
Yeah, good luck with that Monica.
I was thinking something similar. It would be Trump's style to try to cut a deal. She keeps her freedom and in return, she tells him everything he needs to know and drops out of politics to live out the rest of her life quietly and out of the way.
That is a pretty fucking perfect analogy of the situation
It is going to be tough for her because of her many sins.
Trump is not going to say much on this issue so Obama does not pardon Hillary and so she doesn't run. But the amount of shit she and her cronies have caused him, dragging his name and brand (something he has spent decades building) will be paid back a thousand fold. There's no way he's going to let her slide.
I can see Trump himself giving her a devil's deal: He claims he's not going to do anything and then shrugs when someone else comes down hard on her.
Then this is his last opportunity to do it now.
Checked, Kekked, Full Fucking Approval
Burn the Witch
Fuck mercy.
These people are useful idiots and/or traitors. Order must be restored.
It's called tact.
Wat until the electoral college votes and Obongo hands it over to Trump.
I seriously hope some reporter sits down with these faggots and gets them to articulate their reasoning, itd be hilarious. There is no legit reason to protect her.
Why does he even need to do anything?
Just tell the FBI director to keep investigating and since the new DOJ will actually indict, problem solved.
So he doesn't pardon her.
I mean, I'm confused. Trump doesn't need to extend a pardon. If Shillary's investigated, the FBI asks for indictment and the DOJ does it, how is that Trump's fault one way or another?
He doesn't need to specifically go after her, nor does he need to pardon her. Obama was blocking the indictment as far as I'm concerned, he was interfering with the legal avenues.
It's clearly Trump's fault because only an evil MisogyHitler would allow the law enforcement agencies to do their job on a woman.
You forget, though.
All bad things that happen to any lefty from now on is Donald Trump's fault.
In all seriousness though, this is kinda a semantics issue. president doesn't actually have to power to lock anybody up.
I hope they try it anyways. It would be like the Reichstagbrand.
No but he can tell the DOJ to launch an investigation.
Except he doesn't NEED to.
Just let the FBI do their work and tell the DOJ to follow along.
Problem solved. Whatever happens, happens. If Shillary's guilty, she's guilty. If she's not guilty, she's not.
It's a political gesture.
why would he sit back and let shit happen when he can personally mine several tons of salt in a few words.
Blacks didn't even come out and fucking vote - do they really think they'll get violent in order to protect the "honor" of the Sick Old Cat Lady?
He has to be sworn in first and he can't say much until then lest Obama pardon her. There's nothing he can do now other than say little on the issue.
Why doesn't he just shitpost?
I mean seriously. Who cares if he's president, he should still have a right to shit talk as Clinton has to go to court.
Can you imagine how awesome it would be to shitposter with the president as we watch Shillary get the book thrown at her?
No, maybe he could shitpost-pardon or lessen the sentence, but he can't just do it while she walks to the gallows. Unless she's a PizzaPartier, that would be a step too far for just bribery corruption.
Nice analogy. You put it into perspective for me, I was actually feeling merciful. Fucking pathological altruism.
She's a pizza-partier. Every day the Clintons spend in court is a day off for their child sex slaves.
All evidence I've seen of that is circumstantial. Podesta is definitely, as is the Brock connection, but I only see five hints on Clinton, only two actually directly involving her.
It's not "revenge", it's called "upholding the law",. Many people voted for Trump because they're sick of the double standard applied to the political elite when it comes to the law.
If he's the first incumbent president to actually enforce the law upon the previous administration it would be proof he is not just another political elite puppet, but a man carrying out the will of the American people who DO want this previous administration to face the law like everyone else.
The current conflicts of interests abundant in the Clinton investigation will be removed when Trump get into office, then a REAL investigation can take place.
Oh why must Obama have to make everything so difficult for the FBI?
In 1939, after defeating both the UK and France, Hitler thought he would give a nice gesture to the British army by letting them escape via the English channel.
He could have easily annihilated them off the coast of France but didn't.
We all know what happened to that "nice gesture". It's ugly, they'll scream and drown in the blood, but if we do not finish them off now we will regret it for the rest of history.
Fuck off, this is justice.
If Trump doent finish the job, it will come back to bite him in the ass
They're the brains of the operation. It's easier for them obfuscate and they're better at lying about it. Podesta's a mid-level creep who can't keep it to himself about this stuff. (All the obvious MAP stuff, pizza parties, etc)
While I'd love to see that crusty hag go to jail if letting her off the hook means he can secure something of value like the wall or even tax reform I'd be ok with it.
I trust Trump to do the right thing and certainly for the time being its in his best interest to keep all options open and reveal nothing of his plans. Like he kept saying don't tell your enemies what your going to do simply wait for the right time then do it.
I suppose you have good points. I will wait and find out later.
This. Like another user said Trump could say we're building a spaceship to go to Alpha Centurai and I'd believe at this point. If pardoning her gets us a wall then maybe it's worth it.
Personally I think the morale victory of a kike puppet being jailed, or even put on trial, would be utterly delicious. Especially because it was a campaign promise.
this would be best. public humilitation to assuage the right, but no "tin pot dictator" leanings to assuage the left.
Keeps political stability.
I like the idea of being pragmatic, but I'm pretty sure Clinton left the country the day after the election…
yes, and?
pardoning her keeps the streets from running with blood and giving the keys to the world to duginists.
yes, because hillary was so cherished ny those protesting, right?
and what about the "if you commit a crime you belong in jail"
also, i'm glad they didn't went back on that point yet.
Trump also promised to out der jude on 9/11
Man I watched that yesterday morning and that hit me hard. I honestly think I'm going to carry this one with me.
Ruthlessness is the mercy of the wise
moly is basically a WN at this point.
No, nogs will get violent for the sake of getting violent. It works well enough for their purposes.
Trump was the first person to publicly speculate that bombs were planted in the twin towers,
Thanks for doing that. I was fucking pissed at for not properly cutting it. I wanted a clip of that segment, precisely where you cut it.
The same day it happened no less
Obama applying this same approach to the banks post 08 was one of my first redpills. I couldn't get my head around the fact that nobody was being thrown in jail.
Trump was elected as a refrendum on what is going on this country. We are pissed partially because of the corruption and we want it punished. We want a clear message to every elected leader that being a shit with the power we give them WILL. NOT. BE. TOLLERATED. It isn't 'well okay you got away with it, but no more'. We want to have faith in our legal system to provide Justice For All. Not investigating and prosecuting for political reasons or tradition is not tollerable.
Where has this comic been all my life? I know most of the comic industry now is dominated by filth, but this one drives a fair point very articulately.
Thank you, unknowingly-kind user.
It's irrelevant if Clinton herself goes to prison, but it's absolutely necessary to investigate her because it will lead to so many other key figures of the DNC machine falling. So, yes, this must be pursued so that the machine is destroyed. Mercy is suicide.
Why are they scared? If she is found guilty why the fuck not pay?
You think they will try to assassinate her? I don't even want to give them ideas with this.. but expect an angry Trump supporter to do it. If this bitch goes to jail, she will rat on Soros and everyone to get away.
You're not going to hear anything about this for the next 70 days. He will eventually appoint an outside special counsel to reinvestigate her and the Clinton Foundation but when exactly we don't know. And he probably hasn't decided yet.
These disgusting fucking kikes, if there is one thing I hate on this world it's dishonesty. They all deserve to be hanged, the media, the politicians, the shills, the financiers, the paid protestors everyone. French revolution 2.0
he will hint at pardoning her so that nigger does not, only to LOCK HER UP anyway.
I was there, Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago.
I was there the day the strength of Men failed.
"Donald, hurry, follow me."
I led Trump deep into the swamp of D.C., where she was spawned, the one place she could be destroyed.
"Cast her to the FBI! Lock her up!
"No." [walks away]
Trump kept all his promises but that one.
It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure.
This is a running sore, which can only be settled by giving her the opportunity to defend herself in a court of law. :^)
Why the fuck does the left hold Hillary is such high esteem? She's a corrupt neocohen. She's not progressive and she is not their ally. Everyone, right or left, should hate her.
Who the fuck wants her as their flagship politician?
This. They've gotten away with far too much for far too long. We tried being legal and nice about it, but when the worms have dug their way into the offices of law, they leave us no choice but to conclude the whole structure is rotten, and to really clean some house. rwds is no longer a meme.
Hillary hangs last.
If Trump bitches out, the whole damn world will know it not to mention his voters. Does he want to be seen as a weak little faggot who is scared of some old lady? Even if that old lady happens to be a super corrupt serial killer.
That could as easily have read, "…or look back and settle scores, which is the sole function of the court system the taxpayers are forced to fund."
Guise, we need to own the "settle scores" phrase. Anyone who claims to supporr fairness and equity must support the settling of scores.
settle all scores for justice and peace now
Because they spent the last year and a half getting dopamine highs off the prospect off of oppressing the white man through her by proxy. They're junkies.
Were Trump to capitulate to the lying, manipulative (((media)) and the pressure they bring to bear, they would turn on him in the next moment, screaming about how he is doing something else 'wrong' by their standards. The enemy of an honest peace is the condescending, self-righteous Jew.
Letting the Clintons off the hook 'to heal a divided Nation' is just putting a band-aid on a festering, rotting wound. No, instead the wound must be cleaned before America can truly heal again. And with a wound this deep, there will be scars.
The Clintons and their crimes should be aired out, shown to the world, with all their dirty deals. The Satanic rituals, the homosexuality and pedophilia, the tortures and murders, should officially see the light of day at last. Everyone already knows about it, it's even surfaced in wikileaks, so let's clean house.
KeK has spoken.
kek, capped.