Fucking campaign manager for Trump directly called out 2+2chan on twitter.
It's only a matter of time before the newfag flood will come here in greater waves.
Fucking campaign manager for Trump directly called out 2+2chan on twitter.
It's only a matter of time before the newfag flood will come here in greater waves.
Other urls found in this thread:
The majority of newfags will never be able to handle the 2extremity of this place and will filter themselves as they always have. The worst result is that a bunch more normies are made aware of bad goyish things.
Implying they didn't already. The average IQ of this place dropped for 30 points since imbeciles from their campaign team and Reddit started flooding it.
Tabloid articles are very extreme, much incorrect, wow.
Everyone with the slightest chance of coming here already knows 4chan exists. The real lines of defense are all sort of dumb:
1. Assuming 4chan is too mean or gross.
2. Checking out 4chan, just gravitating towards Holla Forums, /lgbt/, porn boards, etc, because reading text is boring
3. Not knowing Holla Forums exists. Finding Holla Forums from 4chan is itself a feat of mild autism.
4. Thinking Holla Forums is a cheese pizza board.
Go back there
I joined last week to help with pizza thread while halfchan was being shilled. It's not so crazy here, less shit posting as well. Pretty comfy place you got here guy.
fuck off, there was a word filter years ago
Honestly the discussion quality on 4/pol/ went up 50% after Hillary gave up.
It was incredibly decent for a while, but this is going to fuck it up.
Trump's been the best and worst thing to happen.
It was, for instance yesterday was pretty bad. I'm trying to design for Ron & France while slide threads about popular vote, hillary generals, and "drumpf tricked you" threads. It's possible it's still CTR, they wouldn't just close shop after the election, especially with the protests.
Maybe now you faggots can head back and start to work to reclaim it. You know since you are all dead set to keep that cucked place. Maybe now that hiro cuck will reconsider selling.
this shitskin cunt is still getting gassed
It's been a tempting possibility in the back of my mind, but it will have to be carefully planned and executed over the course of several months at least.
Shit like coordinated sliding with redpilled content, etc. Can't be centered here though, it'll be the first place to look.
How about no.
I mean… they are banning "racism" on cuck chan now lol…
the fuck? when?
I sure hope so.
Not on Holla Forums
Bring a few hundred of them here so I can laugh at them.
I still don't understand how anyone could have stayed there since day 1 of the exodus, the site was already fucked since long before. You have to be a real newfag and/or cuck to have stayed there
there are no excuses faggots
But I've seen on 4cuck Holla Forums that there is a lost of nigger and faggot acceptance as of now
Postets are easily getting triggered over being called faggots and niggers and how it's [CURRENT YEAR] and we should move on
They are useful
there was never a CTR the way you think it was, hired by Hillary or Podesta. What CTR did, the CTR from wikileaks, was keep in check the media.. editors and shit, talk with them to shill for Hillary, they never posted themselves on any site.
what you saw as CTR, are tumblr/reddit tier far left marxists and BLM you see on the streets now protesting against trump, plus ANTIFA shitposters from Europe/Australia
Maybe 4chan has a refugee problem itself. A lot of old forums used to be at least somewhat offensive and cleaned up during the Approved Internet Media era.
Why the fuck do you still care about cuckchan? 2 years. 2 ENTIRE YEARS after the place was deemed so bad you decided to go here you still cling to it? You guys definitely never had girlfriends and if you did I feel sorry for them.
fair enough but it gets real tiring slapping the stupid out of people all the time
It's the last bit of culture hanging on to the old face of the internet. Once that place gets infested, there will be a greater exodus here than the first one, and we'll be next.
The industrialization of the internet has made it easier to justify a normie-friendly place. It was not too long ago that the internet was a "scary" place because you could come across anything.
Also this. Like laughing at a puppy who made a mistake.
Then teach them the right way.
Or maybe, just maybe it was chan oldfags who got sick of Trump shills and decided to trigger them a little. Of course, for them it's inconceivable that some people simply don't give a fuck about US elections and just want to have fun. I guess the majority of /r/Donald crowd would shit themselves and suffer a nervous breakdown if they got exposed to the chans before they got poz'd.
You're just trying to rationalize your inability to let go. Fuck off retard. Next time you open up 4cuck just stay there and never come back.
Both are right. CTR become the new thing to accuse shill of, instead of calling them Jews.
fuck off. I migrated here day one of the exodus. The immense fuckups of the staff to keep a fucking imageboard website alive forced me to head to that fucking place during downtimes.
Obviously you didn't since you're saying you keep going back.
I was here before they implemented the "Holla Forums" word filters.
Maybe if you donted a little more to this place, it could stay up better than the kike couterpart.
But you didn't migrate.
For a full year I did. Then no one could keep the servers going, and they kept shilling the other retarded half-assed website. Incredibly, they were even worse than fucking Moot
You keep admitting that you didn't migrate.
They do that on the_donald subreddit too of course.
4chan used to be a good tool. formulate ideas/strategy here, dump it there since it has more traffic and let the useful idiots who actually have kikebooks spread it.
That was how a lot of shit could get done. As the other user said, it's actually a good thing this place as a rep as full of cheese pizza, since it keeps most retards the fuck out.
they carry their cancer, their words, their mannerisms, their shit memes from reddit like the fucking plague. Even using the word "nigga." do we seem likefucking "rap fans" here? either say it like a White man or fuck off.
I have no doubt now that the Trump campaign consistently browsed 4chan.
And if it gets too hot here, some planning can move to the place where It's all over & Fucked.
you forget how long the redpillingTM learning curve is
I agree with using 4chan for dissemination only, but damn nigga relax
I literally can't tell the difference besides the 16 fucking stickies on the first page.
damn, Trump did not have the best positions on internet freedom, and their knowledge of the hate machine of the internet isn't good.
No, that's mediamatters.
no i don't. I give it 100 days.
It's been 2 years and Holla Forums is still making threads about what 4chan is doing and why 4chan sucks and how 4chan is a big dumb doody head.
When the fuck is everyone going to move on?
How often do you think they discuss Holla Forums on 4chan?
Wow get a load of the revisionist history in this thread.
CTR's own modus operandi and wikileaks explicitly mentioned that they were indeed what we recognize as shills, forum spies, and so on - hence their namesake Correct The Record. The protestors in the streets are a combination of Soros' paid agitators and crisis actors. Thank you for correcting the record.
It's neither the new or the old. CTR was for all intents and purposes shills especially tasked for this past election.
We get it. You're 3cool5/pol/. We've seen your posting on Holla Forums and wherever you like to vent. I bet you ironically use the title oldfag to describe yourself. Oh wait you actually did. That's just sad.
Most of us consider 4chan as our filter. Holla Forums does filter for other chans, but other chans are still too slow.
the level of OC is still much higher there. there's other reasons about this place here that may not be good to go into.
The only people that talk about 4chan are people that still go there.
I haven't used it in over two years, I don't have any idea what they are up to until someone cross posts it here.
AS much as we should thank the cunts at 4pol, I can't bare to visit that place for long anymore. It's just full of faggots. Yes, there is still good stuff there, but the level of faggotry you must endure is beyond worth it.
I still visit /fit/ and /n/ sometimes, but this has been my shitposting ground since the first exodus
Yep it is a good filter. I also noticed a fake 8chn site a while ago while trying to look up something on another computer not long ago.
It's not even a matter of simply being from cuckchan or leddit, it's the fact that you fuckers refuse to lurk. The election is over yet the quality of the board is still in the toilet thanks to idiots like you who defend reddit/cuckchan faggotry.
Thank you Katrina. Seriously.
Australian Antifa ain't a thing, we have different and less violent shit here
It is a thing and it's not a natural thing. Someone is paying for this.
I think we might know who.
no link
op disgusts me
sage in all fields
Oh I thought there wasn't a branch seeing as I havn't heard reports of fights against Reclaim Australia and UPF rallies
Oh they're probably not called the same thing.
OP probably thought 4chan was wordfiltered here like Holla Forums is on cuckchan.
Only of the lunar variety.
I got fucking banned here as a "CTR shill" for saying exactly this. I don't give give a fuck, I have VPN, but that's exactly what it was. I think the ban is up, if not I want to find and post. It's exactly what this post says.
I believe that this campaign was the most grassroots decentralized internet based campaign ever.
No that happened after the first flood. Second flood Holla Forums dropped 10 points. Then the bad mods took over and everything settled at about 100IQ here.
Mods = frauds
What was the first flood? Are you talking about the gamergate exodus?
We ARE Holla Forums nigger.
Just because kikes have brought you rapefugees from Reddit and cuckchan here doesn't mean you are one of us.
It was the most forced internet bot army shilling ever. These niggers didn't even try to fit in.
100 IQ is being quite generous…
Maybe he'll sell to kikebook or jewgle :^)
second flood happened around Dec 2014 / Jan 2015
cuckchan loves the jews now. Seriously you can make a thread asking why people hate Israel. They think because Israel is nationalist that they are based and don't all deserve to be gassed and exterminated from the face of the earth. Bluepilled as fuck. JIDF has won
I was here briefly before the gamergate exodus. By "dropped by 30 IQ points" he must mean the hyperintelligent pedos that could no longer post CP everywhere.
In that case, what it would need to improve their situation, would be some redpill threads here, with someone crossposting everything on 4chan.
Halfchan is our filter essentially, this changes nothing. While I migrated here during the split in 2014, we don't show up in googles search results. The only people who will find us easily are people we personally invite to browse the board, and those who spend enough time on cuckchan to become aware of us.
Now make no mistake, that doesn't filter out ALL of the bullshit. But it really does ensure that the right people make their way here. So if this twitter post sends a bunch of normies to 4chan, and some good ones eventually make their way to us, so much the better.
Don't forget, our overarching goals do require that we continue to expand our ranks. The National Socialist movement didn't attain power by confining itself to a small sect of ideological purists. The more heads we can add to the hydra the better.
1 Schilling has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record!
Chillax nigga!
Yep. You just got my nomination for edgiest comment of the day.
That's what we want them to believe.
Banning pedos was a mistake
It needs to expand both vertically and horizontally. Quality is more important than quantity. Because liberals, SJW's, even your everyday Schlomo are just pawns. Our true enemies are various (((think tanks))) , institutions, networks and top kikes.
apparently you've yet to figure out we have IDs here Hymie..
Trump's "internet people" already got their subtle thanks on his new greatagain.gov website in the form of a small, inconspicuously-placed infinity symbol which is now in one of Holla Forums's banners.
Iq is one thing. But I've learnt there are other perks to take into account.
Like perception.
yeah it's rather annoying.
In the beginning, after the first exodus. You only needed to visit Holla Forums pol once a day and you'd catch up with all the threads, most of which were composed of long posts of dense reading with very novel thoughts, and oppinions.
Oh well, rise and fall of empires and all that.
greatest fucking thing ever
They had the same talk points as twitter BLM activists, tumblr trannies, and reddit marxists. Hell, you could say they are organized like that on social media by (((someone))). They all went to cuckchan to spam, plus all over reddit and twitter, less on tumblr. There's also some antifa nordic/australian blogs/ twitter accounts using the same rhetoric. On the other hand, "alt-right"Holla Forums controlled youtube and facebook and did not that bad on reddit or twitter either. I was amazed at first, the alt-right and related is fucking huge, around 100k active accounts on each social media platform.
I really want to fuck a sand nigger after seeing this, or any dumb cunt wearing a hijab.
This, Trump's advisors know that we don't like to be in the spotlight too much and have found ways to covertly recognize us for our efforts and support.
Race mixing is gross though
it's not race mixing if you fuck her
Holla Forums used to have such high level discourse with detailed information and sources. Now people keep acting like a bunch of goons and they can't even redpill themselves.
Sticking your dick into a pile of dogshit on the ground isn't racemixing either but equally disgusting.
My dream is that we will develop a genetic virus that will kill all non white males, and then we will get to fuck each day different non white women, and then kill them after you cum in her so she won't get pregnant. Shit, you can do it while you fuck her, there will be so many muslim women to fuck, we will get tired of fucking!
We've traded high quality slow board philosophical discussions for real world relevance.
Not that I don't miss the early days after the two exoduses but I feel like it was worthwhile.
In a way, the chans have become micro nations, following the cycle outlined in the Far of Empires but at a much, much faster rate. If 8ch enters a seemingly inevitable phase of degeneration in a few years, we're just become pioneers, break off and make a new home somewhere else once more.
Atleast on the internet, unspoiled Lebensraum never runs out
They banned me for trying to honeypot illegals on Twitter. Called it a raid.
I don't see that so far but then again the board moves so fucking fast. I guess I'll go help unjew them and anyone else who wants to help do the same. Start by using the material contained in here pastebin.com
4chan acts as a wall for us to keep the newfags out. There is no need to be scared of a mass influx.
Thanks, much appreciated
I'll be generating shill threads and doing my own work for a while.
Are you fucking new? We've been blaming 4chan for our raids since forever. Why should our raid on the presidential election be any different?
Katrina Pierson is a nog but she's one of ours.
it took me less than a week to unlearn the ohlowcost, gender equality and racial equality memes, 100 days is kind of a lot, I'd say 30 days, max
I'm reluctant but I'll have too agree, due to the election the number of users(including shills) and post increased, and the level of the content decreased somewhat proportional, hopefully after the election hype dies down a little we can go back to more comfy posting and the quality goes up as well, mainly no more shills tho
We could use some new posters honestly. I just hope that now that the election is over the post quality will go back up.
Fucking FTFY faggot