Where where you when Aussie shitposting went too far?
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That's okay, they're going back once Trump gets into office.
So where is the video?
Breaking 911 is not exactly the most credible news outlet. "My dad works at nintendo" tier source in the tweet dosen't help either.
If anyone has the video, drop it here.
How the fuck did they get to Australia?
Thats less than france in a day, chill out, its probably just some crazy muzzies for false-flags.
Not only will they go back, but as punishment we'll send even more to Australia.
but not to Aus
Ausfag here, I don't understand the logic of our leaders. What's the point of fast tracking the already dead TPP if Trump would kill it later? and pissing him off in the process.
Same thing here.
It's hard to say if they took the popular route of being a criminal or simply became criminal when they arrived. I myself subscribe to the theory that all brown refugees are essentially criminals in either case.
They're like roaches, you can do anything if you have the will to survive enough, I've killed tons of cock roaches, unfortunately not refugees. Yet. they live through a lot of things without so much as getting tired.
I meant there are dozens of countries they could have stopped in between Afghanistan and Australia, criminal or not the fuck were they doing.
Because Turnbull is a retarded cuck. I was extremely happy on the day he got the axe for trying to shove through a carbon tax. He should never have been able to regain party leadership.
Ausfag here, I can confirm this is legit. It's all over our news with Aus Gov. officials announcing it.
The emus should have killed you all.
You're just mad we cucked you on this one.
Get rekt ya drongoloid burger dumb cunts
Abo Nigger, do you even know what that means.
Our leaders are fucking retarded. We really are 10 years behind Europe/the US in the fact that we haven't had our rise of nationalism represented in government yet. The 4 seats won by one nation are a start, but it's still only 4 seats.
Trump has every reason to hate the Australian government - Bill Shorten has stated many times that Trump wouldn't win and that he was a disgusting bigot. The greens also had a motion passed to recognise Trump as 'a revolting slug unfit for office' (pic related). I would not hold it against Trump at all if he sent these immigrants back to Australia.
practising that leftist projection hey?
You're getting bruddy gud.
We have always lagged behind the US by around 5 - 7 years.
Ah fuck all the important info was there close enough is good enough cobber
shitskin in this vid still has to go back
Hope they can swim, because they're gonna be pushed into the ocean.
They don't get close to us, our Navy picks them up and drops them off on the god forsaken island and leaves. They will never make it here, we are currently working out a deal with some poor ass Asian country I cant remember to basically do the same thing cause libs cry that they are stuck on an island with no future to integrate into anything
They're never coming to Australia. If they don't take the current deal they're confined to Nauru for another 20 years with a permanent ban on even a visitor/tourist visa ever being issued to them for Australia.
By 'back to Australia' I was meaning back to the current situation they're currently in. If Trump was pissed at Australia he could demand that Australia settle them - Turnbull wouldn't have the stones to tell him to fuck off.
It is real. I think the deal had gone wrong. I guess there is too much heats for the Aussie govt to handle. I wonder why they decided to take them in the first place then? Anyway I think they should send them out to sea to sink instead of deporting them to USA.
t. Aussie
t. An Australian human, and not at all one of those glorious flightless birds they all fear with every moment of their waking lives.
Call me when they have that abbo situation sorted out
You wanna bet?
I should add, does every Australian here forget that Turnbull agreed to take 5,000 spic refugees from Obama?
If Turnbull tell him to buzz off then he get a coup so I doubt he will settle them in Australia. It is safe to bet on that, he will send them to sea and mysteriously sink.
This is only the beginning
Reminds me there's a shitton of tacos in New Zealand
Also there's a Chapo link there according to Duterte
Spics really get pushed to sell crack wherever they are, even if they own restaurants and garden supply depots
Trump would get along with Pauline though
Honestly don't be surprised if next election One Nation over takes the Greens
Its going to happen, I cannot fucking wait
emus are truly terrifying
Just because we return to sender, does not mean we give a shit about the package. It's just basic responsibilities. Not our package, send it back to oceanland.
But none of those nations had welfare for illegals
Honestly we should scrap centelink except maybe for NEET shitposters
…what makes you say that…?
The entire ostrich family is horrifying. There's a colony of huehue rheas spreading rapidly in germany because the government refuses to consider the idea that the birds being invasive trumps them being endangered in their native habitat.
They tried.
Anyway the Australian are sending all their CRAZY refugees to America and there is nothing Trump or anyone else can do about it because they are asylum seekers not illegal immigrants. 20 year visas hahahaha.
Aussies think emus are dinosaurs, they must pay the inland emu empire thousands of tons of fruit tribute every year. This is very confidential.
Fuckin beaut, Also our media isn't completely cucked yet.
You could tell in her congratulatory video to him that she really was thrilled with his win. Trump and Pauline hold similar stances on a lot of things, they'd work well together.
Ah the Greens, one of the most cancerous political groups in Australia - 'human overpopulation is a danger, so let's open our borders to the third world who will proceed to shit out 8 babies per family once here.'
I honestly don't give two shits about what happens to them - brand 'em as illegals and send 'em back to their country of origin.
I don't think that is going to happen. They will be propably sink while on the way to USA. Americans nor Aussies will want that to happen. We knew what will happen if they settle in USA and Aussie.
Sky AUS has been consistently uncucked and based, I've been watching closely
interdasting, gave up watching TV years ago but it's good to know there’s something uncucked media out there.
Reported to ASIO for disseminating classified information. Enjoy getting v&, cunt.
Honestly I do agree with some sentiments with the Environmentalists, I mean if we lost all our wildlife it'd be pretty gay but the thing is they go about it all wrong
They reduce and often remove the capacity of efficient western nations productions giving them to the inefficient Chinese and Indians
As well as trying to bring the 3rd world to 1st world standards
The thing they seem to never get is caring about the environment is almost entirely a white person thing
Thanks 4 this. Miley was so sad because she thinks Hillary should be president in her life time, it's almost like she knows Hillary will be dead from Parkinson's within the next 4 years or does she know the DNC will be dead? Can't Hill try again?
So much this. Animal/Environmental welfare is almost a completely exclusive European trait. I've got nothing against wanting to preserve environments and animal species, but the greens just use that as a front for a much more sinister (anti-white) ideology. There's no point trying to tax everyday Australians and their businesses with a carbon tax when the world's biggest polluters just laugh at the concept.
Australia confirmed for based.
More like they'll just get dumped on Canada
Exactly, it's actually better for the environment if the west cuts itself off China and makes a lot more things as they'll do them more efficiently while China will have do downsize efforts
I'd love to see a western country coalition that, under Trump's leadership, all impose tariffs on China as a whole to help national manufacturers in western countries get back on their feet. Economics isn't a hobby of mine so that plan is probably severely flawed, but I'd just like to see power stripped away from China while making western nations more independent.
Greens are like this in Canada too. They'd actually increase the immigration the most of any Canadian political party.
Have you ever BEEN to australia? Its the natives doing the cucking nowadays. That and huffing gas.
The greens are hypocrites.
You know how I know you're lying…?
I live here, you deceptive little kike.
I always vote for them but if they stood a chance at winning I would not do it as they'd wreck the environment.
Was anarchoprimitivst / environmental radicalist before. Muh Ted Kacynzski and Derek Jensen. We need to severely depopulate the world to actually help save the environment. Importing more people into the nation won't do that, especially not when you're importing shitskins.
Holy shit this guy is amazing, I honestly can't believe they allow someone to speak this much sense on a major news show, who owns sky? Is it not owned by jews?
If I vote for them then the reason for voting them in is they are very antisemitic and wanted to impose the sanctions on Israel.
fuck off we're full
Its not free to air though that's why they have so much freedom
Much like migrants, they can't handle alcohol. Unlike migrants, their waxy outer coating melts, and they suffocate.
You're only proving my point
I just voted for them for what they symbolize and not what they actually are. The idea being that the more the Greens got votes, the more the government might realize the environment fucking matters and needs to be protected. *sigh*
Based fuckin aussie, shitposts like no other
I support the environmentalists but not the green because they wanted more non-white people in Australia to only breed even more,which contradicted their goals against the human overpopulation. They really need a brilliant political strategist since they are incapable of seeing the flaws in their goals.
We need to hijack the Green Party and turn it into a National Socialist Green Party.
Just anti-global green party is fine. We don't want to hinder the goals by saying that we are eco-nazi so bend your back down to suck our eco-dick!!! Aussies may be red-pilled on the environmental but not the national socialism.
I am sorry for the error.
Australia - land of the cunts and cucks who attack their own race. Next time a see one of you tourist faggots I'm going to stab you when no one is looking
race traitor
race traitor
race traitor
Don't D&C. Aussie PM is a jew so he may done this on the purpose and obama will do everything to make things harder to fix for Trump.
race traitor
race traitor cunt, you laugh at bombing us with shitskins.
I'm going to stab your brother when he visits
What should true 14/88-pilled Australians be doing btw? Do they actually have a single party that is truly NatSoc? I don't know what's going on over there, how do you remove non-whites from Australia?
aye noice dubs bruvz
Read the rest of posts. Shitskins is likely to sink so USA or Aussie don't have to deal with them.
There is no 14/88 Australs they are fucking race traitors
Read the thread.
You're going to get yours race traitor Australia when our Emperor finds out - you jumping rats
I'm telling dad!
You are making the jews so happy. Aussie PM is a jew and this is what he wanted the white people to turn against other white people so stop it.
they should be consuming and supporting publications of thedingoes.xyz and particularly their podcast The Convict Report
Sure bring them over well put them to work building the wall from the southern side.
There exist a party called Australia First Party. They work with Golden Dawn but they look very small
Based Aussie news
They would have moved to the US already realizing that there will be no saving of their own country (no pro-freedom of speech or pro-gun laws) when in 5-10 years it catches up to US progressive standards.
You know what America, I really am sorry. We shouldn't do that to you, we should take them back.
You just pack all the refugees we send you on a boat, and send them right back. It's pretty dangerous conditions right now though so the boat might not make it back, it'd be a tragedy if that happened. But if a few or all boats sink on the way back, nothing either of us could have done, right?
So what, can't you deport them later?
Celebrate while you can race traitors!
I'm telling our Emperor and he doesn't forget!
Australia isn't completely cucked as the USA is so no need to be defeatist. I rather stay here and fix the problem than to abandon my homeland.
Vote One Nation and Liberal Democrats to remove shitskins and get guns.
You idiot, the PM is a jew and you are literally giving them what they wanted.
Buddy, this guy is just trying to stir shit. He is both and , and he knows exactly what he's doing.
If true Aussies had their way we wouldn't need to send them to the US because the boats would be fucking sunk to begin with. But the cucks won't let us do it. If America sinks a boat, we've got precedent.
A minute ago you were laughing at us. You showed your true colors
You're going to pay for this, you jumping rats
Anglosphere when?
US-UK in the lead with Australia as our shitposting sidekick
I am fine with Aussies or USA sinking them as long as the sea is in dangerous condition.
Holla Forums, do not be confused,
this is not the work of the jew;
but indeed another wretched blow from:
the eternal anglo scum!
Your home belongs to Ghina now
You will pay for this – DARPA style!
Yeah I'm pissed off. You fucking race traitors
Fuck off, yid.
This is (((Turnbull's))) fault.
You are pretending to be (((american)))
You can stop pretending you're white Malcolm. We can fucking smell the Yarmulke.
You idiot, we are anglo-Aussie.
You don't know what Nordic means you ignorant opium prison baby
It's a racial not geographic
Oh we're going to handle you motherfuckers! Just like we're going to handle Mexico!
Jumping rats will feel America's rage!
please see:
Then what the fuck are Anglo's then in your eyes you pathetic nigger?
I'm Anglo and I've got blonde hair and blue eyes. What am I according to you?
Read the rest of the posts, user.
if only you knew,
how bant things are…
I think there's a solution that will satisfy everyone.
USA should thank Australia for giving their navy good target practice.
I can agree with this post.
We should have led the charge for helping refugees take back their ancestral homelands.
Then made a point about ancestral homelands and race.
Then claimed australians came from all other countries and they're rightfully ours.
we're sending our finest ladies as well
Good question
It's almost like it was subversion all along.
It is hard to tell the difference between male and female. They don't even look like a human at all.
Well I for think we should open our minds and be more tolerant of this foreign and peaceful culture
How can one man be so based he BTFO the entire world.
I'm so glad to be American right now.
i reccomend mods ip ban all oceania just to be safe
wew lad
excuse me mate; it appears to be that you are attempting to engage in serious discussion
only luck you'll have with that is with the boys down the station at The Convict Report over at
Yeeeah, none of them actually made it to us. They're mudslimes, niggers and Sri Lankans that thought Australia was Europe and tried to get here by boat. Unlike Europe, our navy actually does its fucking job and prevents the boats from making landfall.
The rapefugees are then kept on concentration camps on neighbouring Pacific islands until they commit suicide, volunteer to go home or we find some other shithole to ship them to.
Of course, the government's strong policy on boat arrivals is just a distraction from the fuckton of legal refugees we're accepting every year and the chinks buying all our cities.
I wish Canada would flood its borders with a true open borders "anyone who comes may stay" policy just to get everyone to wake the fuck up and cause a Racial Holy War.
America has this problem too, even if Trump gets rid of all the illegals, there's too many shitskins still around. Only a war will create the context to purge them.
But sweden has been doing that and everyone just admits its a lost cause and doesn't think about them
in a canoe
same sort of shitskin boat people crossing the med
shitskins will go to any length for gibs
top kek
You throw a 5 yo abo in a g-string holding a can of methylated spirits in front of them
if the 5 yo gets beat down and raped its a male
if the 5 yo gets its head smacked in with a stick and the can of paint stripper stolen its a female
Time for some immigrant straya hate crimes. I know enough of them in carpentry for there to be some accidents.
wrong pic sorry
Well for sure I will, my no doubt trustworthy Australian friend! What could possibly go wrong?
not in a million years you emu cock sucking cunts
for real though, what is on that site? Seen it suggested elsewhere by ozzie cunts
It's a bad goy aussie podcast affiliated with TRS.
It's just a shitty chan dedicated to whining about the mods on Holla Forums.
memes have gone too far
Fed ex'in 10,000 pajeets to commieforma do what you want with them
settle them in the spic areas they'll leave of their own accord
That's endchan.xyz,not what was posted.
only good Holla Forums-tier news for the chosen land of Austrael.
please be sure to check out their articles, and most of all their podcast: The Convict Report - I imagine you will find yourself pleasantly surprised at the quality of their publications.
Literally this
Australia fought Indonesia just before the Vietnam war
Australia sent a single company of 100 men backed up by a single squad of SAS special forces
the Australians defeated an entire Indonesian detachment and the only casualties the Australians had were 2 of the SAS operators accidentally getting gored by a random elephant.
also reminder:
Mel Gibson's latest film endeavor is about Victoria Cross recipient and based Aboriginal-Australian; Mark Donaldson.
working title: The Crossroad.
its always the fucken wildlife
They really have not stopped, but rather - switched tactics.
Australia Has An Alt-Right Movement And It’s Called #DingoTwitter!!1
Some of those ideas are shown on this graphic obtained by BuzzFeed News titled “Dingo Twitter Content Mindset”.
A listen through some of @TheDingoes’ recent podcasts – four Australian-sounding men talking for up to two hours – lays bare some of their ideas about Aussie politics.
Government MPs George Christendom and Based Bernardi are “heroes” of the Liberal party (which is “a party full of cucks”) and Tony Abbott himself is labelled a fake conservative, or a “cuckservative”.
Labor is obsessed with “poofter marriage”, “brown skin” Waleed Aly is a “stupid person’s idea of a smart person”, and prime minister Malcolm Turnbull is a “secret Jew”.
said one of the hosts of the show.
Does spraying them with rubbing alcohol due the trick, or do you have to drown them?
Nauru is literally a shithole (they mined guano, and dug out so much there are none left). Straya is truly the greatest of shitposters.
Why is it always animals that kill the Aussies?
it seems auscunts are wild-units who do insane loose shit around animals
The bants writes itself
Why do they have to be careless around the animals? Where is their fear?
i may have not been specific enough
have you fucking seen auscunts around animals?
its not being careless - they actively seek out to confront and provoke danger
they are fucking psychopaths
So that's why they use them in South Africa because they are addicted to animal dangers. It's weird that they are nice to people (not all) and yet be super fearless toward the dangerous animals.
I meant the english people use them for fighting in South Africa in the old days.
He'll be removed by next year.
And Trump will likely speed it up. Australians are already pissed at him for the possibility of renewing ANZUS whereas if Trump leaves Nato which I for one am hoping for, ANZUS is completely not needed. Honestly I'll be happy if Australia incorporates the same tariff Trump is on Chinese goods. In order to do that though we have to remove the Libtards.
Australian ads are white because australia is mostly white, and the abbos don't buy anything except alcohol.
They buy petrol too you know.
US-Australia wall built when?
I hate australians so god damned much
Australia is nowhere near USA so no need for the wall.
Don't hate Aussies, hate the jew pm. Please read the rest of the posts before you post.
All this wall talk. We just stick illegals in concentration camps. You burgers could learn a thing or two.
Don't smart mouth me boy. We building this fucking wall or not?
If you are talking about Mexico then you are posting on the wrong thread, user.
The entire internet already knows m00t
comma,n mate
Anglo tradition to be honest, can't blame the 'strayans too much.
And if you refuse to take them back, plus an additional 9 for every one you sent here, we'll cancel all your visas.
I honestly don't understand the logic behind sending them over to the US instead of back to their countries of origin.
God damn we've got some stupid treacherous cunts in power down here
trips confirm fullness
Their countries of origin are underwater. All the more reason in my opinion but good luck passing the "drown browns" policy.
We've known for years what monsters the Australians are.
I'm sure cripplecuck hates you too
The PM is a jew so what do you think what he is trying to do?
Stop the D&C you retard, our PM is a kike and you blaming all Australians is exactly what (((they))) want. Trump will probably send them back anyway, and most of us want them to get lost on their way back
RIP based Tones
This is epic. Based Aussies. Sky News here in the UK is liberal and cucked, why can't we have this?
that chrome kangaroo is fash as fuck im reppin you abos now
checking your dubs aswell
wtf is this degenerate shit???
Hah, those are nothing compared to their evil cousins of the islands.
Cassowaries are the Niggers of giant birds.
Larger, Angrier, and Gaudier.
Don't forget Faster.
Kender du Dirch Passer? Or do you just use him for his adorable face?
it's an older meme but it checks out.
yiff in hell faggot
Rubbing alcohol exactly. You can pick it up in big bottles for a buck or two. I put a cheapo spray head on one.
Double standards are libshit tier, Tyrone, but I guess you wouldn't understand that.
Not seeing it mate.
These are the stats you should be worried about.
Recessive genes.
I have bright blue eyes, pale skin and fairish hair and im in the same boat.
Got their perception from them. Managed to avoid the iq part.
Are you implying Abo genes are recessive?
The redpill is that the wildlife in Australia isn't actually any more dangerous than anywhere else, it's just Aussies can't fucking help themselves and insist on getting themselves in the shit by manhandling the critters.
Why not dump Refugees on randomly registered Democrats?
I've always wanted to build a fleet of section 8 housing in Malibu.
imagine a nation of drunks in a desert with fuck all to do
I remember the news story of a northern territory guy who got his arm broken because he was so wasted he jumped a fence and tried to ride a saltwater croc home from the pub
he said it went for a bit then turned on him and bit him
fuck off were full
yeah ive been bitten by mildly venomous spiders before and all ive got is a cold and an ulcer on my hand that lasts about a month
are there any white nationalist groups in australia ?
But really, we should miniature Jungles in every champagne liberal hot spot.
One Nation and Australia First
though I guess the first ones just really about telling foreigners to fuck off and burning mosques
sounds like a good start
No, we should be trying to bring the White Australia Policy back.
Damn, Abo genes are even weaker than native american ones.
Two Vatican-Roman "Catholic" P.M.s in a row, what the Hell were you expecting?
That Ben Ricard cunt needs a good trolling
its our crypto-kike pm using all his political capitol with kerry to get offshore refugees settled in usa. He is acting like he has the deal settled, but trump will block it and the refugees will be settled in cambodia and malcolm kikebull will bust his nut over losing some deals he mad with jews and lefties. kikebull is being called out because nothing is official kerry said he would "look into it"
They go to Manus Island, PNG.
Straya has offshore detention.
I expected them to be corrupted. It is nothing news because Australia had many PMs in short time. I am surprised that he made it to a almost full year. PM get coup when they are too unpopular or dislike too much by their own party.
U fucken wot m8?
Leave my sheila alone or we'll be bluin out the back of the pub cunt.
Our reporters are scum too though, can't take fuck off as it means and just fuck off.
Sometimes I love being Australian, shit's fucking hilarious.
Mind you most of us will say, "Straya greatest country in the world!" and if you ask them why you will receive no answer. We're kind of nationalism gone horribly wrong, no Aussie goes to the opera house, only tourists.
take em', we're full.
Dont complain, soros has not invaded your country yet.
Also its not like any sandnigger is going to try shit when every hillbilly in the US has at least 2 firearms in his truck.
Well I suppose you could try a sea wall
Ecuador, technically
Oh my shit, Polynesian Pathways finally made it on youtube.
Assange is that you?
Has Trump commented on this yet? I'd love to know what he thinks.
How about we compromise and just drop them off in the middle of the Pacific?
Fucking Australia, you were supposed to be the dumping ground for the unwanted. Now I don't even know what Australia is