Former Clinton Labor Secretary threatens split of Democratic Party
I keep hearing this shit, from Berniefaggots too.. what exactly does it mean? I get the feeling they mean universal wage, free education, fee healthcare.. but in reality it's just legalized pedophilia, massive welfare, massive immigration.
The funny thing is the left has stuck its head so far up its ass with identity politics they can't even starting using "universal wage, free education, free healthcare," etc. because they're too busy shitting on white men and this guy trying to drag them back to that will get shit on for not appealing to their pet groups so they'll end up with two useless turds.
It just means less whites. Thats it.
Read about the Atheism+ debacle, it means nothing, it`s just an attempt to make power change hands by subverting the movement.
No matter what happens, one thing is clear: subvert them. Get into their inner circles and drive their anti-white rhetoric to the extreme. In fact, most of the work will be done for you since it'll basically be the official Social Justice Party.
I'm curious to see where the Dems move next. Cenk is at least when he says they need to all be purged. Get people like Webb in there.
I'm ok with this
The progressive left are still convinced that they have successfully destroyed white America to such a degree that their identity politics will land them successive victories in government into posterity.
Just more inversion, they kept saying the GOP was in civil war (really Trump was just seizing it unstoppable) when really it was the Democrats were in trouble.
So this is how they'd dumping sjws huh it's too real a threat that they'll bring down the dnc and get overtaken by the lolberg
I wish a nigga would
When did everything go so so right?
Even among "progressives" there's an interesting split between the old Economic Marxists and new Cultural Marxists.
One side wants to appeal to working whites, the other side hates whites
4 years under Trump is ready (well 8 obviously since there's no doubt he will be reelected)
4 years of the SJW faggots looking themselves over, growing older and seeing their own bullshit (like DIE CIS SCUM girl)
Next year is year of awakening
Democratic party completely eating itself like the left always will
Democrat current theme song
Probably the 2020 Dem candidate
nah, Reich is old school - he means economic progressivism/populism… you know, the shit Trump just won the election on. That's the saddest thing about the Bernouts - they cannot bring themselves to admit that Trump is trying to implement a good 50% of their own platform.
To quote CURRENT YEAR John Oliver, do it!
Well they aren't wrong unless both us and them are wrong about race.
Its kind of crazy to watch some wide-eyed white skinny fuck screaming at someone else that they're white like its a curse word. The propaganda machine really did a fucking number on those people's brains.
Between the two, I see the cultural marxists winning because their identity politics can quickly shut their fellow democrats up.
Most of my family a fairly powerful one in local and state politics is the economic wing of the Democratic Party, but calling them economic marxists is a little extreme since nobody really believes the false song of equality. This election caused something of a civil war within my family since a significant portion including me abandoned the Democrats in favor of Trump. They'll have to purge the social radicals if they have a chance of gaining real support from the white working class. Some of my relatives and I are trying to leverage our positions to make this happen locally, but everyone on a national level is shifting the blame while ignoring the anti-white rhetoric. Some are more receptive than others, but I'm making sure soc jus is delivered a severe blow in my community.
The Democratic Party hasn't been this weak since reconstruction.
Good. A third party means we can make a fourth party, and a fifth, and so on and we finally kill this wretched dichotomy.
Wrong. In terms of actually doing something, wall, Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, moratorium on immigration, kill tpp, kill nafta, redo trade deals, tariffs for bad players. appointing supreme court with those who hopefully understand and adhere to the Constitution, term limits and 5 year ban to becoming a lobbyist to curb corruption and working against the best interest of America as a whole(and those in it.)
This isn't a more progressive strategy. This is left reaction.
…I never thought I'd see the day syndicalism is reactionary, but that's where we are now. Jesus fucking Christ just burn everything down and start again at that first French assembly. It's the only way.
glorious, soon the only unity they'll be able to muster will be being lead to the gallows together.
It's called the Green Party, you dumb kike
The greens are nutty even by their standards.
Checked and confirmed.
this is going to be the second best thing that happens this year. i can't wait to see the democucks fragment into the puppets and puppeteers who secretly hate all the demographics they manipulate into voting for them and the actual full fledged american communist party. after this election, neither will ever gain enough traction, the manipulated peoples won't accept any of their shit and there won't be enough third world savages to power a communist revolution, especially if those fucking "self deporters" would stop breaking my heart and actually get the fuck out.
Fucking hilarious. Truly, the left is in meltdown. Watching the Dumbocrats kill themselves with infighting is highly entertaining.
As usual, these guys are retarded.
It's simple. Cut out the corporates AND the marxist progs… then you might have a chance as the populist party.
the leftists want their own Third Reich
It's amazing just how incompetent these Jews are. After Brexit in June, I thought we were surely fucked because no way they'd make the same mistake. Not possible.
And then I began going through Podesta's emails…wonder why Washington is such a clusterfuck and the pentagon regularly "misplaces" a trillion dollars, there are no fucking consequences for these scumbags.
As much as I hate the leftists, I hate and fear the neocons more. McCain or Romney would have started a war with Iran. Only time i've ever been grateful for a nigger in a position of power.