>Find pleddit freaking out for months now: reddit.com
>Find halfchan working on their snuff game: boards.4chan.org
Where's the vid?
>Find pleddit freaking out for months now: reddit.com
>Find halfchan working on their snuff game: boards.4chan.org
Where's the vid?
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It doesn't exist.
Plebbit said it best:
"Either there's a global internet conspiracy between all the most powerful entities on the internet, working together to protect Donald Trump, or you're remembering wrong."
I've been hearing of this supposed video for about a week, never heard of it before.
This is Mandela Effect tier retardation.
Yup and I remember the Tiananmen square kid getting run over by a tank, cognitive bias is a bitch. Go back to plebbit now
He never said that in the interview, I watched the entire thing during the primaries. It was fabricated by the fagbook group Occupy Democrats.
Alright, well I won't accept the notion that the video never existed. I'm open to the idea that it was a fabrication though.
If it was a sham, ala the tech introduced a few months ago to make a video of someone imitate the speech of someone else, where's the evidence that this is what happened?
That it's the Mandela effect, or as retarded as the Mandela effect?
"Entire thing" of what?
You're a mess. Reported
Alex Jones has it you fag
The only Trump interviews I've seen from the 80s or 90s were the ones in this.
I've seen the quote you're talking about pasted over the top of photos from these clips but never any evidence he actually said it. Maybe someone dubbed the words over his voice in these interviews and that's what you're thinking of.
Mandela effect, or, you are misremembering within the context of the shitstorm of negative press he's had
While there, the businessman sat down with (((Larry King))) for a CNN interview.
“Are you a Bush Republican?” King asked.
“No,” Trump answered. “The people that I do best with drive the taxis. You know, wealthy people don’t like me because I’m competing with them all the time. And I like to win. I go down the streets of New York and the people that really like me are the workers.”
It never happened
This also never happened
They make up shit to try to gain an edge and having talking points and if they say it with enough conviction other will believe it. If you hate Trump youll lap it up and never question it cause he a racist, xenophonics, sezbagist CIS white male.
Lie, make it big, keep repeating it.
Jew tactics 101, only retards on Holla Forums believe this shit. If Trump was a soldout Soros and Co wouldn't be freaking out all over the country, celebrities wouldn't be fleeing, Netanyahu sold Israel, he knows he can't holdout the USA and the muzzies at the same time.
Stop bumping the thread
Not denying that interview, but also don't think it negates that he could've been thinking about how to best lever the voting populace
Win by any means
I wouldn't say I hate Trump, nor do any of the MSM story lines really play into what I'm saying here. In fact, that he's been able to have his quotes over the election season played into such a reasoning for the libtards shows that he may be using that very strategy mentioned in the missing video. That he's going to renege on all the promises over that time in the next few months further seems like further this evidence. I'd say he's playing the game just like anyone else who's got a chance to run for an office like the presidency.
I recall him saying across several interviews in the 80's wwhere he said hed run as republican because it most aligned with his views
he also said that he didn't think hed get elected because he had strong but correct views and that he didn't think someone like that would get elected compared to someone with no brains but a big smile
I also remember him saying far more intelligent things than the media will ever show or that he'd even like to show because most of his supporters would be confused and wouldn't understand, possibly even driven away by all the technical economics babble
Trump doesn't speak like a comment on a leftwing news site
The only thing remotely like Trump in the quote is the "terrific" at the end
It seems that the whole line about Fox News is part of the deception. At the time this interview would have aired(late 80s/early 90s) Fox didn't even exist, thus there's no reason he would have mentioned it being a hub of Republican thought. I personally don't recall any mention of Fox or any other news source in his clip, just mentioning that he would run as a Republican because he thought they were more easily influenced(and as an aside, I don't think this is necessarily true, I would say republicans are more likely to attach themselves to arguments with a basic sense of logic while liberals will eat up anything that hints at emotion, particularly if some minority group is hurt).
What can be found in most of the articles "debunking" the existence of this interview is a reference to the "fact" that this quote originates from a People* Magazine article where he said the quote from the original clip and adds "They'll believe anything they hear on Fox News." in the middle. This article does not seem to exist and is the basis for all the snopes-type claims that the interview itself never happened.
This is another reason for the theory to not be so implausible. Trump is clearly a smart dude capable of strong analysis to matters of business and therefore politics, he's proved that over decades of public presence and success. What has the past couple years of his public persona been? Alongside bringing up sound policies on how to deal with the economy and political class, he's been offering lots of simplicity: "We'll do it great! It'll be yuge! Yuge! Believe me!" Not that he's wrong but it's a style of simplistic and overly positive rhetoric that entices the lowest common denominator within the electorate. I'm trying to give anyone in this thread who does support Trump earnestly the benefit of the doubt here, I'm guessing that you support him for more than the fact that he says things will be huge, but if that is all you're going to base your opinion on then well…whatever, at least you've won, right?
Anyhow, all that to say that him being intelligent in his interviews could support the idea that he's also intelligent in how he'd choose to approach a political campaign.
I remember OP not being a faggot but here we are.
When you suck so many dicks you just can't keep your mouth shut :/
let me know if you find the video faggot
Anyone have the magazine interview where Trump talks about politics? I believe it was from the 80s or 90s. He expresses a lot of sentiment in it that is similar to the platform he ran on this election. To me that suggests that if he was anti-republican at the time it would be because republican party didn't align with his views, not that his views have changed.
Also if you remember back to the primary Trump was constantly attacked for not being a typical republican anyway. No serious Trump supporters suppoer him because he identifies as a republican, republican is just a label at the end of the day
The video still was taken from an interview he did with Oprah in the 1980's.
I watched it. He knew what he really had to do.
Stop bumping the thread.
No people need to know how trump thinks. He has worked hard to put us on the right track.
You're assuming that you have to prove a negative. That's why you're either a shill or a faggot.
Old trump interview. Honestly starting to think there's some validity to this whether the quote is real or not… Either he is now suffering from some brain illness that makes him talk like an idiot or he had to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
So Berenstein was just some humongous in-joke then?
He's 70 user.. he's getting on a bit.
If you think that maybe you forget what baby Bush was like before and after he became potus, like two different people entirely
Media ignored him when he was being a good boy in 2012. His bantz was what got him elected in 2016.
Can people do everyone here a favor? If you want to post on reddit, good, have fun, but stay there. You carry shit over here like a fucking smallpox infected blanket and then you make it suck here.
You have fun there? Good, so stay there. I'm not kidding or being snide, just let this place stay unique.
Thread is bumplocked, redditfag
I'm really started to get suspicious of this shit unless I or someone else can find the actual episodes of shows trump was on… >_>
user.. trump destroyed the old republican party.
I bet he did do what he said.
Tons of Reddit in this thread.