OY FUCKUNG VEY Trump’s Foreign Policy Adviser Denies Holocaust: “The Ovens Were Too Small”
OY FUCKUNG VEY Trump’s Foreign Policy Adviser Denies Holocaust: “The Ovens Were Too Small”
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Old news, but still gets me everytim.
Holla Forums is always right
You know, I really like the sound of that
for Jew
We can't use ovens when we do it for entertainment purposes on a film set, so as to appease our Alphabet friends who should know that violence is NEVER the solution, instead we have to use efficient fire pits.
he wasn't alone
He should shut up now. That's how your red pill the sheeple. Little bits here and there other wise they tune you out. Give them a little bit to chew on.
Now he needs to shut up and he will keep his job as eventually the pressitutes will forget about the guy in a week or two.
Well shit, maybe Trump actually IS Hitler.
I like where this is going.
So did they gas the jews or did they put them straight in the oven.
jews can't even keep their facts straight.
They gassed them in the ovens
It was actually a roller coaster into a fiery pit
You have to remember that to a Jew, going to a labor camp and having to perform physical labor for the goyim is worse than hell. Having to take a shower because you're disgusting is like having someone water boarding you over and over.
Of course neurotic kikes took the lolocaust lore to the next level- have you seen how ridiculous Seinfeld is?
They had to pile jews 10 at a time into those tiny ovens goyim. The ovens were also fueled by evil nazi hatred, that's how they managed to burn those 6 million bodies that were sent up a small elevator.
Wow, that writing is worse than when I shitpost at 4am after failing to smoke myself to sleep.
Official kike termination music
Holy wew
It's all bullshit by the way – not one or the other but all of it.
I just find it funny that some thought that being deloused was them being gassed. Literally the most important thing the Germans did to prevent death and disease in the camps is what supposedly killed the most Jews.
Don't forget the machine that wanked you to death
The ovens just got 10ft² bigger!
Trump's guy here is missing the point. It's not about whether or not the holocaust happened, could have happened, etc. It's about whether it should have happened or whether or not it should happen again, the answers to both of which are very clear 'Yes's.
You know, I think I'm going to enjoy the next 4 years.
Why is the holocaust so fucking funny?
the lolocaust, if you will
Oh right, because these kikes killed Russia, fuck babies, and enslaved the west. Maybe one day we'll live to see the holocauster.
Ivana Trump alleged that Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bedside. The book was called "My New Order." Anybody know anyhing about this book?
Oy vey, user, you don't understand. It was the scariest, but most intense thrill ride of its time.
I survived because the cars broke down before the entrance to the furnace.
Damn evil Nazis!
Why don't people understand that it was the allies fault that most of the jews died. Due to frequent allied bombings, food supply got cut. That's the real reason the jews died, mass starvation caused by the Allied forces, not the ebil nazs.
and typhus, which Anne Frank died of (and not being murdered by da ebul nazis and dere shoah machines)
So you're telling me the lampshade on my nightstand isn't my great-grandma from treblinka?
He's actually just German. Remember, kikes were in Germany for a long time and appropriated many of their names to (((assimilate))).
German surnames are not automatically jewish you dumb burger. Educate yourself. Jews appropriated the names of the cultures they lived in, in Europe.
A week ago a headline like this would have been plastered everywhere with thousands of people kvetching about how awful it is. Its amazing how things have changed so quickly.
This better not be a trap
The article is form months ago. He was adviser for the campaign but I doubt he'll have a place in the administration (unfortunately).
He's a goy.
Oh, boy. OH, BOY.
Any source for that? I feel like wanting a good laugh right now
Were they out of bullets and rope, too? Or did every Nazi sign a contract promising to only kill Jews by oven and/or gas?
yeah, it's probably a trap
I don't know what to say.. my history is a lie..
You must be one of the new Soros shills I've been hearing about. How much do you get paid?
Your ancestors escaped India, they were immune to toxic concentrations of gasses by birthright
oh, and weren't there railroad cars that went straight from the trains to the ovens and auto-dumped jews in as well?
Mate, they needed a kick up the ass, not gassing, so it never made sense to me.
It's not surprisingly.
Why did you think the US joined the war goy?
Don't worry, we're building bigger ones this time.
Did you know the gas ovens were gender neutral? Auschwitz was soooooo progressive!
is this b8 or are you retarded?
This explains just how easy the nazis killed 6 million jews.
They forced the 300K to masturbate into the oven first, before their executions.
Makes my dick hard as wood and almost 10in long
Sorry, miss but there is no more gas. You can go.
I'm waiting for the day trump addresses the nation with
100% female. Unfortunately she has to go back
what timeline is this
CERN finally did something right
That's a german name idiot, not a jewish german name.
And it's just a smear article anyway, it's this guy told me that guy said this to that other guy OMG YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT?!?!
But it's an old article, OP is faggot for not mentioning this. And read the article beyond the title and you'll see it's not even worth being published in a high school newspaper, it's third hand hearsay "evidence". But I hope the press starts publishing more ridiculous articles like this one.
goddamn jewish chutzpah
When the death numbers didn't add up & Jews suggested the bodies were stacked in the ovens, he replied: "You don't get to bring friends"
I doubt that.
silence, gypsy scum!
Marquis de Sade would feel true arousal, if he could see a gallows in a KZ. His loyal successors, the SS executioners, have fever on execution days. There will be some variety, not always the monotonous shooting or beating to death. Something you'd like to take a photo of. There are bets for rounds of beer over how long the delinquent will endure. He is not supposed to die too quickly
If this was imminent, he was untied, and when he had recovered a bit, one continued … for the greater glory of the devil!
Or the vacuum chambers.
Holy fuck this year is better than I ever could have fucking dreamed.
He's Roman Catholic.
Very subtle, kek.
Who wrote that in the 2nd image?
Notice the lack of a shadow under the "dead Jew?"
Ever notice how jews project their own sick fetishes into every persecution story they tell?
Was getting caught part of Eichmann's plan?
You were so fucking close. You are keks chosen plaything today it seems.
So the Japanese helped build the camps?
What is it even meant to be balanced on?
Is it just a stick poking out of the oven?
What is supporting it? The leftmost guy has his hands behind his back
Why does the stick continue on past the left of the photo?
These forgeries are atrocious
God bless that lying kike, for giving us GREAT IDEAS!
Yes, they were so strong, so tough, in their myths. Today we see IDF soldiers literally defecating themselves because a bullet from a mudslime whizzed by.
Holy fuck I'm crying.
Why are their hands in such odd positions?
Well he's telling the truth and not even one of the more redpilled ones that are that bad to say. Nothing about what he said is wrong because so many researchers tried and are lead to find the same conclusion. It's most funny that only the camps that were found by the Bolshevik Soviet Jews were "death camps" while all the allied found camps were simply ordinary work camps.
In any case, Trump better keep this guy to appease a lot of his supporters. He's already too kosher as it is and Trump should know damn well the likes of Holla Forums supported him a hell of a lot more than the over 95% of Jews voting, shilling, and donating against Trump populace.
Nazis invented hentai. True story.
She's Spanish, not spic
He's right. Not every jew was burned. Many were shot and tossed in mass Graves or just died. What's controversial about that statement?
Yep. What a bunch of fucking degenerates.
The jews that died in the concentration camps died from disease and starvation towards the end of the war, and also Allied bombing. There were no mass executions, and there sure as hell were not any ovens or gas chambers.
Some died by walking over trap doors and falling into pits that had conveyors that took them to the ovens.
She's a legal immigrant from Spain you fucking retard, she's 100% white.
Only mulattoes and monkeys believe this.