Try not derailing the thread and read before posting anything that might have been posted already
Focus on ICMEC, Hawaii/Guinea and Podesta maybe?
Thread 1:
Thread 2:
Thread 3:
Thread 4:
Thread 5:
Thread 6:
Thread 7: |
Thread 8: |
Original threads
Operation #PedoFiles
Introductory book to the subject of cult abuse and pedophocracy.
Pastebin with a good bunch of information for newfriends, feel free to add more but tell us after doing so
Have you tried looking into Assange's past yet? Why did he choose to leak what he did?, there's surely more than what meets the eye. Just a thought.
Other urls found in this thread:
pizzagate 101
drain the swamp
A gook posted this in a thread that got deleted. It's Jame's Alefantis's FB friends list. Looked through it and it looks legit. Pick anyone to dig on.
The chaos pic was the wrong one
Arun G Rao
this shit is confusing is there a youtube video or a documentary or something that i can watch to get caught up
I think I made a connection with chefs and the occult. James A is friends with a board of director of Planned parenthood. What if it has to do with cannibalism?
why cant any of you turboautists hack into these social media accounts
Not directly related but Conspiracy of Silence maybe? Or just read all the shit from the OP.
Why the fuck do all of these videos have sub 1k views?
I just watched the first half of the first interview, and she goes into gruesome detail.
hanging babies up on a wall, draining their blood, drinking it out of a goblet, making statues out of their bones and shit.
I've worked with children before, that kid is NOT making this up.
They not only need babies for their lack of disease (if they eat someone with aids they get aids)they require babies that's why they breed them
Discord group to coordinate
To be fair, consider this:
I am not the only one here who has seen many of the dark corners of the web. I have seen all kinds of sick stuff. I have never seen images or video of what is being suggested, in this situation.
Now, that isn't to say it isn't true. The voluminous testimony of children, caregivers, parents, social workers, investigators, etc. suggests that there could be a massive conspiracy to cover up Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Those two facts leave me torn. Give me any evidence to work from, regarding pictures or video of this stuff that is REAL, and it should be all hands on deck.
In this Internet investigation, the symbology surrounding it all absolutely has common elements. Pizza, children, the occult, MK Ultra weird stuff. It is easy to get lost in this symbology. I think that is precisely what it is designed to do. But, maybe it is important to note the pattern and be aware of the style and culture of these people. It is certainly different than the people I know.
Whatever is going on, however, we are learning about relationships between people and financial relationships between businesses and other entities. This is the most important trail. Map it out for everyone to see. Make infographics. Money is moving illegally. We can already prove it.
There is something the IRS has called the "Whistleblower Informant Award." It requires some easy to fill out forms, where you snail mail it in. You can collect your evidence, make your infographic, then send it in, and you will get a percentage of the taxes evaded in their scheme.
So, yes, the occult stuff… I believe it is there. However, the best angle is a relationship tree that identifies where money is exchanging hands.
I'm with you guys, though. Considering everything I've read, I believe this:
There is a mind control program that has been employed against individuals that starts with creating a dissociative state. People are captured and tested to determine suggestibility, controllability and intelligence. People are trafficked and programmed in fake satanic cults, faked alien abductions etc.
Parallel to focusing on specific individuals who are highly useful, the populace at large is targeted. Everyone is somewhat suggestible and a small percentage of people are highly suggestible.
The media is being employed in tandem with the actions of these 'mind controlled' individuals to sway the rest of the population.
The easiest target is implicit bias, where "othering" is the tactic to manipulate your level of hatred towards other groups of people. This keeps you busy not looking at those actually responsible for the manipulation.
Follow up the manipulation of your implicit bias with tools to inform your confirmation bias, and now you are hooked.
Your sense of identity is molded gradually as a consumer of the media who is telling you when and what to be afraid of.
Then, to stay in power, they tell you who to vote for.
In the Middle East, the rich people have a problem. They are Wahhabists who need to get rid of their political opposition. So, they pay off politicans in liberal parties all over the world to take refugees (aka political opposition) and send off their bad voters or legitimate revolutionaries.
In return, the liberal party in the country of the paid off politician gets good votes and potentially revolutionaries who will fight for them. It is a win - win.
Since so much money is involved and financial markets are involved, the men who have the biggest stake in the game use their bought tools of mind control to get the votes they need so that they can continue to play Masters of the Universe.
Point being is that you aren't looking for a Satanic Cult. You are looking for a fake Satanic Cult that is merely a smaller part of a blackmail/bribery circle intermingled with many other types of crimes that all involve money.
The end of my opinion.
Alberto Barbosa who has been keeping up with all of this cancer for a while now, is there any way Hillary and the Molestas can be charged with anything?
Anyway, the Podestas visited my country at the time Maddie went missing (here obviously) so that makes me feel even more disgusted, let these fucks taste Holla Forumsack divine justice.
Should we be working some sort of mass dissemination effort? Getting out the word on paper or files on DVDs?
Hello guys, we made a discord so we could collaborate with you guys. It's evident that we've gone on three paths, and we have people from cripplechan, /r/The_donald, and some others.
Thank you
plz no derail shitfaces this time around. What do we know about Arun?
Suspicious. No thanks.
also we ask anyone that has been giving away raw leads to fucking stop
These are so fucking sick people.
This is True detective season 1 IRL pretty much, reality is weirder than fiction. Looking forward to torturing one of these absolute sick motherfuckers.
Listen lad
Focus on getting real evidence hard evidence that can't be meme'd by them as "much illuminati shiggy diggy" I used to the think the illuminati and all the symbology of eyes and checkerboards and triangles was a fucking kek until now.
Niggah I ain't clicking that shit. I've seen the infographic against going into this shit due to CTR trolls.
I'd appreciate some help here:
Arun is a G
Check this screenshot.
The cop interviewing her is either in on the entire thing. Or being threatened by them. Probably the first.
It's beyond fucking sick.
The only crime deserving of torture is torture, and the only crime deserving of death is murder.
Don't be so blindly bloodthirsty until we've established definitive proof. Many an innocent man have been wrongly killed under this mindset. For these guy's, however, it is looking more and more likely.
that discord chat is a honeypot
I found an interesting potential link related to Tony Podesta in the GIF drop when looking at an address in an iPad renewal thing. Listed an address in Switzerland (why Switzerland?). Pre-du-Marche 23 Lausanne 1004 Switzerland
Tried using google street view and there was nothing near it (flashbacks to the Hillary supporter suspiciously missing street view data on a section of the road). Zoomed out and the entire area is a choppy mess of street view data (why?….). Checkmate though, noticed a Hotel across the street from that address did a personal 360 of the entry (with easy view across the street) and the stuff I noticed is fucking WEIRD. https:[email protected]/* */,6.6295662,3a,85.4y,230.02h,85t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sm9teDfDptUkAAAQYfgmnHQ!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656
The building listed services for "Meditation and Therapists." Zoomed in on a logo that just feels like it fits a pattern so far. Can't find a specific link yet but just looking at it gives the same vibe. The front of the building just seems a little odd. I'll have to dig further and see if there's any mention of Hotel du Marche. Convenient it's located next to this.
I know what Discord is, I use it for vidya.
its legitimately fucking not. We actually need to coordinate to solve this. I'm not joking and I'm not shilling.
Exactly, these people should be tortured slow and killed in the most amazingly inventive fashion possible.
My understanding of Assange's past is that it is quite possible he was a child subjected to "mind control" programs by Australian Intelligence working with the US.
His mother seems well enough to have escaped with him in his adolescence, at a stage naturally inclined to rebel against what he had been subjected to.
It is possible, that he is trying to get revenge on the whole system and that is his basic motivation as a human.
As far as leaking the way he did? It seems simple. Hillary Clinton wanted to "drone" him. If, what we are saying is true, his capture may have resulted in him being tortured and killed. Afraid for his life, he did everything he could to get her to lose.
The Mainstream Media and Julian Assange played chicken. Assage couldn't play his whole hand, because then he would have no leverage. For him to stay alive and well, he will always need to have leverage. He can never give it all away, even if pardoned.
Julian Assange gave away just enough for Hillary to lose, and threatened to release more, even after she lost, just to be safe.
That is the way I see it. I think he is in constant danger, but nobody wants him to be a martyr, either.
Right now, Donald Trump has all the leverage in the world. More than any human ever, maybe. He cowed a financial empire and, if he never uses all of his leverage up, he could create another clone of the Bush Initiative or a Clinton Foundation. I pray that won't be the case.
I pray that man will use his leverage to do the right thing.
Godspeed to all of you who are helping Assange, Trump and the rest of the world because unemployed white Americans on the Internet seem to be the only ones who can grasp this stuff enough to put the pieces together and run a counter media campaign against the powers that being using their own technology that they invented.
Just use IRC. Fuck off with Discord.
then maybe you can fucking understand with the visual aid that we aint CTR
There is no illuminati only freemasonry
the illuminati is the boogyman facade by Freemasons to cover their ass
the masonic conspiracy is the most documented believable in existence it is only when people call it illuminati that it has that connotation.
and stop fucking fidgeting when I say MASON I am not sliding I am bringing it all together you think I can't connect every single peice of evidence to masonry then you have no idea what this is about
Friend of Alefantis. "David Foox"
Sounds fake.
Check out the pictures in the profile though.
More masonic shit.
Replies to them are weirder.
It's not regular masonry, this is Skull & Bones etc.
We have masonic lodges in my city. This is occultism.
Have you guys gotten to the DC leaks?
Tony's talks about Pizza.
Calling it a "Satanic Cult" is a Christian label for it. It's deeper than that.
These people are descendants of the early Sabbatean and Frankist cults within Judaism, started by Sabbatai Zevi and later popularized by Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Jacob Frank in the 18th century. It's stayed in the Rothschild family ever since. When Rothschild/Frank/Weishaupt and company infiltrated Freemasonry, Freemasonry has been at the center of it.
And everything that Freemasonry has spawned, from modern day Wicca, to Mormonism, cucked Catholicism, Curch of Satan, Marxism/Communism, etc. has elements within it that are involved in this cult.
It's far bigger than most people understand. There's likely as many as a million people world wide involved to some degree in this pedophile network
From a security standpoint, the current encryption method for Discord private chat messages is NOT secure, and here's why…
Private chat messages are secured, however the private keys are stored on Discord's servers. The message is encrypted at one end, sent across the internet to Discord's servers, and then out to the internet again where it arrives at the recipient's machine and is decrypted.
This model is NOT secure because it allows anyone at Discord (or anyone with access to their servers) the ability to perform a silent man-in-the-middle attack without you ever knowing.
As a forefront leader in the chat engine community, the security safety of its users should be its highest priority.
You can trace IP's through it bruh. I hope you guys are legit and get somewhere with it. But I'm more cautious than that given what we're digging for. Be careful posting that shit willy nilly.
https:// com/watch?v=GtuY-JRdiG8
There is no distinction.
Eyes wide shut and the gray state had the directors murdered because they showcased masked masons killing people.
I'm going to stop promoting it because like only 2 people joined.
But I'm going to help in these these threads ok
Discord is probably compromised
what the fuck do freemasons have to do with this
nono it's not how it works. Masons just have to be religious to join, and they can be Christians. Many of them are like lawnmowers & shit.
Elite occultism is what this is. People who are so high up their buddies gets them off the hook like they get pedophile priests in the Vatican off the hook.
Nothing. It's conspiratards trying to connect the jews and illumanati to everything. Keep focused on besta, podesta, aliefantis, and etc
Yall check out Kevin Reynolds FB? Lol
consolidation of money and power via blackmail.
there is this consensus that there is an elite circle of sick fucks. Well I have been on them like a jack rabbit and they are breeding children for cannibilism and they are the reason this has so much attention because it is masons trying to create something beyond them when they are the elite
alright thanks because i had lost track
"for $1000 we will play at a location of your choice within an area around washington dc"
(shows pic related)
This is the voice """"actress"""" that played at comet ping pong
Go for it. Just be cautious. Good luck hopefully non-ctr fat.
op, maybe im not the first to bring this up as i havnt read every single post in all the threads, but would it be an outlandish guess to surmise that you may work for one of the alphabet agencies that has their hands tied and isnt able to do anything about these sickos, and your cleverly crowdsourcing an investigation???? If so, thats awesome, but you need to give us a clue as to where to go from here. we can only get so far connecting names and organizations and digging up tons of circumstantial evidence. obviously all this evidence points towards one thing, and it seems pretty likely after seeing all of this that there is something really shady going on with the upper establishment of the USA probably involving child sex. The problem is that unless somebody actually finds the secret dungeon full of child sex slaves, gets that shit all over the news, AND connects it to the establishment figures already mentioned, all this will be for nothing. give us a clue guy, how do we blow this up?
breeding children for cannibalism what the fuck have i missed here
stop it
Thats not even questionable, this dude is just a pro at shitting up facebook.
Freemasonry is a secret society within a secret society. It's a place to vet and recruit people for inclusion into the inner network.
You missed the fact that they eat & kill fucking babies.
Whatever, let's just make all this common knowledge and have a good ol fashioned witch hunt is what I say.
Stop lying, are you scared that we are unveiling your dirty secret?
Lower lodge levels I don't think have any idea what's going on.
They probably just get forced to obey.
Anyone got a picture of those ribs?
To the user which asked about mk-ultra in the last thread. 2 threads ago there was a visit from a pedo. I did a search on the keywords he was saying (before and after he posted through tor) this is what I came up with
This they must be comprimised by masonic death oaths before they are tapped into the inner circle but it is inside of the umbrella cult of freemasonry
like i said I can connect the icmec and freemasonry in one second…. ready set go
The sponsor list for a gallery premier at Transformer.
So do they worship the same (((god))) as the kikes?
Yes moloch satan baal baal-berith lucifer tubal cain
If it is a gooey demon that wants people to be stabbed the masons revere it and would rather kill themselves than admit it.
Wew lad.
Department of Defense is watching.
Is it time to use Tor browser now?
Does anyone have a list of names?
A list of everyone involved, a link to a screencap, and why they're involved. As I was browsing the Foox guy, and noticing the piles of money and other cult stuff, the first thing I would point out to an investigator is the piles of money. Anyone who posts piles of money is a tax cheat.
You can get a percentage of the tax cheat's money by filing out the whistleblower forms with the IRS. Tie it to the DNC, then show the stack of money. You get 10% if you are right.
For example, we know Jimmy Alefentis received money from George Soros. Jimmy Alefentis has pictures of babies and money.
Estimate how much cash there is, then report Jimmy to the IRS.
I know this pic related is old, but where is there any legit connection to the freemasons other than the marina occult stuff. Marina can't be a mason, she's female.
I'm on your side, and we can't go Ancient aliens on this.
marina is a thelemite
So I've imported the MP3's into audacity and found some weird shit. The .mp3, which starts silent, has data at the beginning of the file. I've tried cutting off just this portion and exporting as raw to be converted into an image but have had no success. The end of the song also seems to be weird.
The .mp3 in question is BuzzardPussy.mp3 from the archives.
pic related here:
Adding onto this I didn't import them normally I imported the.mp3 as raw data.
I found some connections with James A Facebook accounts.
Anyone stumble on this guy yet? Relative of the molestas
anyone got a link to those paintings with the children in weird poses? Saw it in 2 threads back but never saved it.
They're too rich for the IRS to be a problem. They're too powerful to not dodge something so simple.
In other news. That david foox guy's timeline references a templar's lodge.
This is their page: www(dot)facebook(dot)com
People keep bringing up masonic shit.
You may be on to something anons. It's starting to pop up regularly.
You have been banned from Holla Forums for the following reason:
abuse, sorry torfriends but some kike is spamming via tor
Your ban was filed on Sunday 13 November, 2016 and expires 6 hours from now, which is on Sunday 13 November, 2016
Yeah… 4 days ago.
creepy video mentioned last thread.
added obvious logos
watching 8chin?
You have been banned from Holla Forums for the following reason:
abuse, sorry torfriends but some kike is spamming via tor
Your ban was filed on Sunday 13 November, 2016 and expires 6 hours from now, which is on Sunday 13 November, 2016
I just got banned for using Tor
The Freemasons were actually undermined by the Illuminati.
Educate yourself, before posting shit.
I'm not using Tor but I'm outside the US, I'm probably gonna be ok, right? I've been very harsh towards my Department of Defense bros though, and I'm a bit scared tbh.
This is not weihaupt teir concern .
This is the culmination of grand orient masonry
the oto is the oriental templars
french liberal subversion
fun fact grand orient masons admit FEMALES into their ranks
You guys just got banned for tor, right after the post about the DoD? spooky shit…
No it isn't. Tor exit nodes are frequently banned.
It was glaring at us with the mk ultra drawings it is the coordinating factor here.
the hidden hand
That's both me
This is also me–→
I'm outside of US but, hehe kinda hehe scared right now hehehehehehehehe :D
you guys actually think the united states department of defense is interested in watching a handful of overweight computer jockeys fight over the who is prettiest?
This is better
It is about creating a paper trail.
lots of white rabbits…
You have masonic lodges in your city? Good, you know where these people carry out this depravity. Enjoy walking past your local lodge knowing that the masons rape and murder children in there.
Can you archive that an link the archive?
I saw them meet once, a shitload of old people all walked in there, looking really nice.
i want to hang this faggot who did the video
Most of these masons are literal morons just looking to get a promotion in their local police department. But even at that level, the blackmail begins, hence their power structure and control.
We OPs for these threads are a collective of anonymous posters just like you, i'm not the only one making these threads and whatever my job is, it's none of your business.
It's worth a shot but also playing our hand prematurely.
I'm just skeptical is all.
Anyone here watch True Detective season 1?
Should I investigate? It's right next to a library and not 500 yards from a police station if I were to try and get into it.
Definitely not, lol. They run your town's police department, among other things.
Depends, do you wanna go to jail/get killed?
You'd have balls of steel but most definitely get v&. Locally or not.
I feel you, man.
But I challenge you to provide me with one real image or video of a ritual that involves sacrificing a human to Moloch or whatever.
Until then, all you've got is money laundering. Save the pictures of the money, tie it to the DNC, and you have money laundering and election fraud.
It's a no brainer, especially when you get a cut.
Person. Picture of money. DNC.
Tie those three things together, and, if enough people report, it will get investigated. Whether the investigation gets tanked or not, there is a paper trail.
You think someone would be in there?
Not particularly. What the hell would even be in there? I'm not gonna do it unless I find something important.
Everyone knows they are onto them. Now, it is just about having a voice to insert into the political world, but you start with the proper authority in the proper jurisdiction, otherwise there is no reason to take you seriously.
On the topic of the pastebin, would it be possible to add a tldr for each individual thread, basically one or two notable things that happened? It would make find what happened where a lot easier
They're both creations of the kikes who ultimately control it all.
Sounds like a good idea to me buddy. Do it.
Got a new lead: Izette Folger
This kike is friends with Jimmy, and is on the board of his art non-profit. She's also on a board of a non-profit called innocents.
Outside of running into them doing it at the exact moment you'd find nothing likely. Also getting in and not setting off alarms would be a hassle. If anything you'd likely have the cops called on you and just be watched heavily for a while.
Doubt there's much you can do unless you live near one that shit is actually going down in and it's not just one of the "I hate my family I go here to drink and eat while doing spooky shit" ones.
I was sitting outside of the library waiting for a bus and a bunch of old people showed up all at once with really nice clothes, and with their wives. They also kinda looked jewish.
I have a local lodge that is in an all black ghetto I refer to it as the 'crack lodge'
They have 7 satellite dishes on it and black curtains and tires in the front yard, and oddly enough a window air conditioner in every room.
For some reason the imec is directly related to freemasonry as dubious child middlemen
No. no one there and if there was you would not wat to go in you would not come out.
user like the user in the other thread i told him only go there to tag it with an oathbreaker and do not go in they are seriously bad people and they keep shit tight so it would be an empty lodge or old fucks sitting down. They hide shit like ritual shit underground like what is underneath comet pizza probibly connected to the supreme council in dc.
L’Enfant Cafe and Bar
2000 18th St. NW
Closed Nov. 1 because of gross unsanitary conditions, including vermin.
Probably also semen on the floors
Not wanting to derail but what exactly is the oath breaker supposed to do again?
Break masonic oaths
i dont get it ameriburgers ..
why is nobody swating that place?
should be easy dont you think?
ok guys. are you ready for a new voodoo connection? i googled alex podesta and found a link to a pinterest page (pic related). apparently alex designed the box/artwork for a "magic elixir" created by a voodoo priestess known as Priestess Sallie Ann Glassman. Not only is she a Jew, but shes been a guest on CNN, CBS and even the Discovery Channel. She has deep ties to Haiti, being one of the first and few whites to be initiated into the Haitian tradition of voodoo.
Heres a link to her botanica (occult) store:
Note that RT reported in 2012 that
Am I supposed to be scared of a bunch of old kikes?
Ahhh I see spiritual level warfare. very good.
The swat probably goes there twice a week, as clients.
These people own SWAT
This is pretty Edgy.
pic related this time
A group of local Anons have to gather together and raid the place. Record & stream it to a specific location, if they find nothing good. If they have something they have proof. Heck if they pull some children out of the basement while recording it they would never be prosecuted for breaking and entering. You can't tell me their are some of us out there that don't have anything to lose.
The police is literally what it comes down to is the police are in place to stop us from kicking them out of our towns. The swat teams all of it is related. Lets say you break in best case scenario you interrupt a dupe taking a blood oath they cut people in places like comet pizza.
there is much risk little reward. If we can follow the leads and eventually connect it to a global masonic apparatus then we can have the precedent and the moral high-ground to start marching with torches.
Right now with their charity facade they look like sweet old guys and sadly that is all you will see at their meeting place. they do not shit where they eat(no pun intended I know they eat children)
Bill clinton in his book 'the early years' he wrote about how much he liked voodoo..
has to be connected. too weird all these high profile fucks are connected to voodoo and occult priestesses
Video inside comet and interview with James Alefantis
Thanks for the info, didn't know that. Is it safe to use just for vidya?
speaking of blood oaths they cut their fingers with a razor and sign their names in blood that is how they take oaths that is what is meant by the spirit cooking and cutting fingers
I'd rather they go Allahu Akbar at some bilderberg convention
he and hillary had their honey moon in haiti and im going from memory but they are linked to people bringing in undocumented haitian kids
Jesus Christ…..
I have an idea.
Might be kinda far fetched but it might work
Dunno if anyone remembers this video from the last thread.
I know the area they talk about pretty well. I'm pretty sure I know what shoe shop they're mentioning, too (pic related). Gotta be a honeypot though, right?
I took the beginning of Buzzardpussy1.mp3 and placed the end before it (I heard data playing) and then imported as raw data into gimp. After messing with some of the settings for import what seems to be the number/date 1999 showed up.
Keep digging, guys. I feel we're getting close to discovering the parts of the puzzle that will make it all as clear as day
While interesting, I think thats not a lead.
At least I truly see.
holy fuck i live right near simi. jesus christ the scope just keeps on widening.
We need more people fucking with the data from the mp3's in the archives. The more I'm fucking with it the more "clear" the noise is becoming. Use Audacity and GIMP.
St John's Day is a feast day. It also is celebrated by those who practice Voodoo where a head washing ritual is involved.
Jun 23
Many St John-related rituals center on mating, nuptials, and marital harmony, given this night’s age-old association with male-female balance and harmony.
There is a Masonic Feast on St Johns Eve.
link me I am good with audio. I'll tinker with it through the night and report back tomorrow.
I know, right? Why have I never put the pieces together that the method through which the Rothschilds gain their control is literal weaponized pedophilia. Fucking Hell.
It's an old clip. The girl involved spoke to a policeman and they "Surprise surprise" retracted their statements and said it was all a lie, and there was no big satanic cult pedo conspiracy.
It's sickening to watch
All my honey pots on instagram are now all set private…
They are literally all in on it.
The abuse centers gets threatened & recorded & are all in on it.
somehow all this garbage is connected. has to be a source..
Truth reveals the pathetic creature that is corruption, its form is weak and malnourished when exposed to light.
That place looks like a dump inside.
I can't say I fallow Alex Jones, and I know it's Alex Jones, but didn't Alex Jones brag about getting some video of Bohemian Grove a few years ago that featured a "mock sacrifice," or something?
As for the issue of why none of this stuff is on the internet somewhere I agree I myself am skeptical, but that's pretty much how it is with a lot of conspiracy things, "how could something like this be kept secret?" Maybe that's the NSA's real job of monitoring the internet, I certainly don't have any god damn clue, but if these secret sadist clubs have any sense then I'd assume keeping videos and evidence like that off the internet would be a high priority.
Worth digging or not? Is there much more video?
That video and
ah thank you user
Does anyone have the original version of this pic?
It's botnet.
It's pretty straight forward and obvious. The kids were made to retract their statements.
If you wanna look up on the people they name, you could probably find something on them.
"Papa, Miss Collins, Cafcas, Social services"
If you watch their interviews you can get up a few names and probably find some individual stuff on those people.
the insta url is at the top
Because they keep getting deleted and have to be reposted. Check under that video, the uploader said as much to YT. Almost every forum deleted those threads and many people were threatened to drop it or else. That's why it fizzled out, though some kept digging but the momentum was lost because these sick fucks will do anything to protect their lifestyle. Fuck 'em, soon everyone will know. Old thread about it here
There is more video, yeah.
This one is where she retracted his statement after he reminded her "Remember what we talked about in the car?" It's all pretty obvious.
found a Mrs. Collins and a "Popav"?
Thanks mang. Will watch. If I find anything more I guess should keep a side log. There are plenty of other pizza places in the area.
I noticed as far as money and the IRS is concerned there is a theme all of these masonic child identification groups and the ICMEC is 501c3 tax exempt
and they sure as hell aint charity
Just look at any of the people who like any of the previously posted instagram accounts to find untold numbers of other freaks. It's endless.
Baby displayed with rabbit emoticon comment.
That's not a nine, it's a gondola.
This is basically True Detective season 1
Same symbolism. The pedo symbol, antlers, black star/satanic symbolism etc.
Which means elites are fully aware and made a show about it for their amusement.
The word "Carcosa" had some significance in the show, wouldn't surprise me if it was relevant here as well.
Also, please don't go leaving comments. Follow the likes and comments already there before we spook more accounts to go private.
That cop was a freemason the mother actually said so in this interview
Jesus Christ
That's a very conservative estimate. It's a completely parallel society.
how the fuck is that even possible? how has word not gotten out?
jay parker says 34 million
I say 10 million.
Hey guys, you need to be checking these people's criminal records.
Anyone ever follow up with the Alefentis arrest?
If you are a local, you can go to the court house and pull the file.
Everyone who is being uncovered should have a background check run on them. That is the first thing the police do.
Start digging into criminal history.
There are 2 million Masons in the US.
That's what I'm getting from reading this.
Why is this /x/ tier crap stickied?
What are the mods trying to distract us from?
I NEED the pic from James Alfantis's instagram that shows where he cooked 40 rabbits. It is a pic that shows 40 rabbits cut up into pieces. I forgot to archive, any one have it?
It's been known about for a long time, this cult has been recorded in history for thousands of years. They just form a parasitic bond with governments, and every so often, have to be excised. Think jewish blood libel, or cult of canaan. Hell, Hitler kicked them all out and look what they did to him.
I was going to mock the figure by suggesting that many babies are raped a year by them… but I didn't want to get too morbid. Going against these people is a challenge, but strength in numbers doesn't really matter. It's like claiming the Aztecs had a chance against the spaniards. No, those retards just kept sacrificing people to try and prevent the spanish from taking their capital. It's almost the same thing as what these pedo kikes & co. are doing right now.
its the mystery schools. this doesnt go into the occult evil shit but you should get an idea that this is a global society
What we need to do is to make them bleed, like with Brexit & Trump.
Make people question the limits of their power. They rule through fear. They rule through money. People think they can't bleed. Second order of business in US should be to get Ron Paul & David Duke to desired positions. David is already in the senate.
That is around 40 per lodge. 56k lodges 2 million masons. They coordinate local witchcraft.
key word craft
If we can get Ron Paul to desired position we can start abolishing the federal reserve in America which is the very heart of their power.
Their empire will crumble
There's too many fucking normies here now and they're crossposting bullshit between here, cuckchan and reddit. It's infuriating see post counts get blown up because some newfag "uncovers something" we debunked four fucking days ago.
For the love of everything holy, somebody make a new board so can congregate there. There's too much exposure here now.
This is what lingo was used on half-chan to get it shut down. Don't abide it.
Some user in the previous thread suggested blackmail (winXP user).
about that…
I posted this in one of the previous threads.
Someone should look into the Belgian X-Dossiers, I would if I had more time. It is on a police investigation on pedo rings in Belgium in response to Dutroux, a well known Belgian pedophile. I have superficially researched this a few months ago. My understanding of it was the following. A group of people host parties for high ranked people from society. They get them drunk and drugged. Their next step is to let them watch cp and turn them on. Finally they have them have sex with underage girls (with hidden cam). This could later be used as blackmail. These networks supposedly have international ties. Even the Belgian royal family and many politicians are said to be involved.
In the end, nobody was convicted and the witnesses (the so called X's) where declared mad by the establishment (but not by doctors, psychologists etc) even if they were able to accurately predict the location and death cause of a lot of girls.
Here is a link to a good in dept article, it also features a chapter called 'the US connection', NSFW:
The X-dossiers themselves IN DUTCH:
Summary of all evidence, witnesses, ppl involved etc IN FRENCH:
KEEP IN MIND that this is outdated but it could give is some insight on how these networks operate.
Exposing the Hampstead baby-eating cult.
police interviews etc
they went so far into cucky occultism that they're signaling voodoo
could this be a piece of the CF involvement in haiti?
Reddit will not post anti masonic material neither cuckchan. it is barley allowed here only because we have a mod who is a mason and jim is a mason.
Literally all you have to do is say mason and normies go into damage control mode out of instinct
Sorry for LQ post, I could have put everything better, but it is so damn late here…
Dual layer VPN is the way to go.
Here's a doc about it. There are others in French and German that are more thorough but don't have English translation. Easy to find them, search Marc Dutroux on YT.
i cant work out why the Jews who control everything are pushing for occultism in the west
Can anyone confirm if this Masonic Ritual is real? It may involve a sacrifice.
Additionally, is anyone aware of any kind of video or images from a real sacrifice that would be relevant to our discussion?
Absolutely right. We need to call this out for what it is, and these are very specific cults that worship very specific deities. More research needs to be done into the specific groups these fall under.
So was trey parker and matt stone giving us a heads up with this shit? Or were they trying to stop people digging?
quads of truth
Protip: jesus knew chaos long before we did.
so far I've noticed?
Towards the very end. They're wearing bunny suits. You can plainly see the rabbit ears. What in the actual fuck is going on?
is the same kinds of things done with initiating masons or "hasing" college students.
Both. They're part of the network.
My good god, user. This is beyond anything I could have imagined. Her descriptions are just too detailed to be lies. The interview videos are pretty recent too. I'm sure this trail is still fresh. Especially considering how long comet has been "trading". This is now my branch. I will post back with any links I can find that connect with the podesta/comet/besta project. For now, I will post leads for this shit in the youtube comments for the vids under throwaways. (Unless something big comes up or I decide to do something reckless). Good luck guys. I will be lurking. Praise kek.
play boy bunnies were supposed to be the perfect human women formed through selective breading.
To open their eyes in prep for REAL aliens and real understanding of our universe.
Read the folklaw of elder scrolls.
The reread about pre christ religion and the Seven churches of christ.
We elder scrolls now.
guess who the 'trickster' saviour is
They were full body suits with creepy hoods.
I think it's only superficial for the masses, and a select few hundred a year actually get into the structure of it to become their direct underlings. It operates like any other cult.
They see it, but do they link to it?
I think some celebs have been hinting at it for a while expecting this day.
I'm getting some very merchant vibes from this post.
They push the alien meme like fucking crazy. Even Clinton promised to uncover information about UFOs during her campaign. It's just a psyop.
Boy specifically mentions pizza @ 45s
sorry, so many posts my response got rolled over to this new thread.
Re the pics showing Urban Pizza
Urban Pizza's "U" part of logo looks like "devil horn" sign made with hand.
if the stuff is true about "baby farming" for pedo purposes, then "#madetoorder" tag in instagram Squad Goals pic is ghastly…
just remembered that in the last few years, the Obama admin pushed to allow unaccompanied minor illegal kids into the country; would be perfect to have an illegal with no documentation show up and under guise of helping the kid resettle, have the kid abducted instead.
Planned Parenthood has been caught selling body parts (if i remember correctly), so I'm sure cannibalism is part of it as well. Anything that is an abomination is done by these fuckers.
watch a Christmas Story and reflect on the feelings the boy feels when he is forced to wear the rabbit suit.
yes they're fucking incompetent
At some point there's gonna be some guy who just has enough of all this retarded faggotry and just rids the world of degenerates like this
Alright so it's more pizza this and that? Of course and that will never cease. Just like you'll find creepy and inappropriate comments on Fagbook and IG until you nod out.
What you won't find, is what you need to end any of this. You aren't going to find the big smoking gun on a public website let alone run by a massive public company.
You need to backdoor machines and maintain access. Now realize what that means. If you had John Podesta's Samsung phone running your Android trojan and his gay pizza buddies Mac laptop running a rootkit, you're going to find dicks in kids. Mentally… it's going to take a toll. There's then legal concerns for you and what you do next with that. Because unless you're travelling and kicking in doors yourself, you need the FBI and that public form isn't going to cut it.
Infographics are interesting and all, but it's not going to cut it.
The other thing is, you befriend one of these fucks. YOU need to go to some 'spirit suppers'. You be the project Vertias/Alex Jones at the Bohemian club.
Jews were tricked themselves by christ.
We should just spread this like crazy
almost 400k views after a week, this could go viral easy
It was taken down.
That's not the pic.
Of course. Jews have been doing a psyop the entire time.
But some have fallen and misunderstood christ.
I think zuck is flying low, but he helped give trump a platform to use.
Jews just taught the world the kabbalah method using this election. It's incredible. And jesus may have intended this. Jesus may have been an attempt to teach jews how to break their chosen people meme.
He knew it would destroy them, because the same happened to civilisations before him. The goal was to teach jews to lead at the front.
No, X-dossiers != Dutroux. Dutroux was not involved in these networks. Read the first article (global or in dept).
The book of revelation has nealry been 100% fulfilled. Now we need to work out why.
And understand bias.
I remember when "Papa eats babies" first came out. Shit. This is all new stuff. Thanks for alerting me.
but no arrests
may your Kingdom come,and may it happen in real life as it does in your head.
Ok, so these spirits that they worship are called Jinn in Islam, the Quran documents them very well. There is a whole chapter and many verses dedicated to them in the Quran.
If any one wants to know full details about them, check out the Youtube videos below.
These videos are very long but the reason being they are extremely descriptive from what the Jinn eat to where they live to their types.
Muslims have known this 'sacred knowledge' for over 1500 years now. Jinn have existed since Babylonian times.
Highlights of the Jinn :
1) God created mankind & Jinn as the only 2 types of free spirited creations. ALL other creations of God do not have free will except the jinn and humans.
2) Jinn are created from smokeless fire (which might explain the black smoke photo under Podesta's desk
3) Jinn are invisible but can shape shift into other beings, most often a snake or a dog
4) Since they have free will, they can choose to be good or bad. They adapt to our religions (Chritianity, atheism, buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Satanism). They also learn our languages and can learn to speak them
5) Satan him self is a jinn. He was the best God worshiping jinn before he disobeyed God and God kicked him out of heaven
6) Satan wanted 3 things from God due to what he considered a harsh punishment one of which was the power to attach to every person. God granted that ability and it is noted in Islam that every person has 1 angel and 1 jinn among them
7) The Jinn (the evil ones that follow satan's commands) have hierarchy as do any criminal organization. The most praised evil jinns are the ones that break apart marriages.
8) Ritual sacrifices occur please the jinn which then please Satan and antagonizes God (which is Satan's plan [to bring as many people with him to hell as he can])
9) The average jinn is stronger than the average human. However, humans are the best overall creations of God in terms of intelligence.
10) Jinn have families as well and they do procreate. An average female jinn can birth 10,000 jinn in her life time and they have lifespans spanning up to 10,000 years.
11) Jinn were created far before humans and long existed before the first man
12) Their powers are teleportation, invisibility, flight and speed of flight (believed to be capable of traveling at the speed of light)
13) I have way more knowledge on them so ask if you want answers but the videos below should answer most of your questions & yes they are 10000% real!
videos like these are for satisfying people and losing their will to continue investigating
Look up Peter's "keys to the kingdom"
Guess what it is.
As above.
Same below.
Got any proof m8?
There is a bookstore directly opposite Comet Pizza called Politics and Prose. On the face of things it is a plain book outlet, filled with many high level speakers holding events and book promos. However, looking a little deeper there is something else to it. To begin, the logo is in the Rennie Mackintosh font, the same font used by the tv show; American Horror Story.
Considering the left are so obsessed with the provocation and implication that there are 'climates', I wondered if there was anything in the area that could help their alleged Masonic Occult 'culture', or if locals are infecting a bookstore with their own ‘culture’.
So does this place have “Spirit cooking” or “Occult” culture…
The Occult Rules of Nazism
An Encyclopedia on Occultism
Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated
Three Books on Occult Philosophy
That’s only a few, in fact there is an absurd amount of books on occult affairs available.
Fifteen hundred.
There are also a plethora of books written by and about Aleister Crowley, infamous satanist and proponent of black magic (read; spirit cooking).
So who runs it?
It was started in 1984 by a woman called Clara Cohen. The store was based elsewhere until they moved it to it's current location to a much larger space in 1989. Carla Cohen died in October 2010, and in June 2011, Politics & Prose was purchased by Bradley Graham and Lissa Muscatine. Brad was a longtime journalist with The Washington Post and author of two books.
Here's the kicker;
His wife, Lissa, also had worked as a Post journalist for a number of years, and then served as chief speechwriter and senior advisor to Hillary Clinton at the White House and the State Department.
Here is where it gets more interesting.
She WROTE THE BOOK on Hillary Clinton.
She has known her since at least 1993 and was a member of the self styled group of advisers known as Hillaryland which included members such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.
In 2015 Lissa Muscatine is still in circulation and assisting with language and speech drafts.
It is important to note at this stage that many of the books listed on their site are not stocked in store. However, bookstores would only ever offer books if they had access to them, knew what they were looking for and wanted to catalog, both due to access and customer demand. The occult is a pretty niche thing to stock in a bookstore which has a cafe and many children's events. It does boast a wide variety of other genres but this is absolutely bizarre.This would have to mean that there is a real demand in the area for broad ranging books on the occult.
All things considered, I think that’s rather interesting.
We already have a big witch to hunt, so if you go digging please don’t hurt a bookstore in the process. I’m just putting information out there.
I'm confused - isn't he just wearing an apron since he's working in a restaurant, though?
hermes tres magustus and the emerald tablets
John Podesta, Center for American Progress: “I am going to my condo in Truckee [Calif.], like I do every year — will sit on my porch and do conference calls 50 feet from where the Donner Party ate each other.”
Spoopy. We should check all of the stores in that immediate area for more Clinton connections. This would support the idea that they're somehow connected to the abandoned tunnel under the street.
the posts above are either disinfo d&c intended to flood us, or fucking idiots from other pages
This shit is getting so fucking off track its not even funny anymore.
Stick with emails, websites, DNC, photos, records, sincere connections, and going off in the real world to knock on doors of suspected criminals with beachside houses like Commiefornia autist faggots.
When Hillary was the First Lady she was surrounded by a team of advisers later called "Hillaryland." Among them was Tamera Luzzatto. We find the Luzzatto children mentioned in the Podesta emails..
fuck you faggot. you do the digging and come back and give us something useful. you fucking piece of shit, holy shit
Check the videos I linked and also the Quran writes of them very well in Chapter 72 being the chapter they are specifically versed in titled "The Jinn". You can read that in English here
More facts
14) The only prophet to have full control over the jinn was Soluiman. He explicitly asked God to give him the reign over the jinn and God did.
Documented in the Quran as well.
15) The jinn are not to be conjured by anyone following the religion of Islam as it is prohibited. It is one of the 7 deadliest sins to conjure a jinn or for a jinn to penetrate humans. It is Haram and punishment is extreme hell.
16) God sent 2 angels in Babylon with the knowledge to conjure jinn to test humans. The 2 angels were instructed by God to tell humans not to conjure the jinn or there would be punishment but many did anyhow and that's where magic originated, Babylon.
Documented in the Quran here
Is this post suppose to be a joke?
This man. The last four threads have been full of so much bullshit it was hard to keep track of actual findings
It just keeps getting worse going down this 'Rabbit hole' I just found
hue hue hue
17) To get a grip on some of the powers of these Jinn and as to why these humans trade off depravity for the jinn's powers watch here
It takes a special breed of mentally weak humans to go to these depraved lengths to please a satanic jinn who then only laugh at humans for their depravity.
Charlie Sheen's wife testified to some of these child molestation and rituals
I'm interested in your research, user, but i have no technical skills. I think the only way we're going to get any hard evidence is through something like what you're doing.
Good digging. Anyone looked at:
Beyond Borders
Little Red Fox
Jakes Grille
Friendship Childrens Center
The amount of sheer shitposting in these threads leads to the conclusion that there must be some really effective shills on here
sounds totally normal
I think we're just thinking user.
/x/? you mean /islam/ i guess.
run a vpn and peerblock to be safe
Get that fake shit out of here, it is as fabricated as all these 'conversion' videos.
I just played all the tracks and it sounds like some garbage musician's extra tracks. Unless there's something hidden in the data, the audio is just bad music.
That's weird, they sound like that fag doing the creepy performance at Comet Pizza.
Suggestion: is it possible to get the blueprints/map of the sewer system below the street near these places? Underground rooms and tunnels need space too.
It is a baby goat or a kid. The important thing with this video to take in is 1. the chanting. this is the sound of the devil people. 2. They leave the goat to bleed out and cry. 3. The slow robotic movements indicative of rehearsed choreographed ritualized behavior.
to answer your question is hard because yes it would but it is also very rare and highly illegal because they kill babies and kids and that falls under cp.
That is how child pornography and snuff are so illusive because it is not like porn it is torture and sadistic rituals. A lot of bondage and whatnot. Child pornography movies and snuff films are produced by the same people.
With wet works as far as sacrifice is concerned they do a lot of stabbing and they cut off the head that is where the guillotines come from and the fema connection all of it.
All of this is bullshit, intangible, and has fucking nothing to do with this goddamn things.
/x/ get out
An accurate representation of the bullshit:thought ratio of the average person's mind.
Are you a fellow traveler?
Pic taken from that video. We need to research into these businesses.
didnt mean to link to
. What I am is interested in investigating this and making a conclusion on whether there is a case against Podesta or not.
If there isn't, I'd please request for you to stop the occultist shit for a little while, so we can focus on the factual/concrete part of this.
Spot on. We really are synchronizing.
I'm excited by the future. But many are worried.
Either way we have no choice. This is the last hope or possibly the goal of humanity.
And now everything is infinitely important again.
cry more fellowcraft
attack the messenger some more mason
Here's some fresh OC for you, faggots. More than you are all willing to provide. Take your fucking stupid questions to reddit and 4chan, and bring your dumb as fuck pseudo "insider knowledge" elsewhere. You're fucking slaughtering the momentum.
Mate, it might not even use a text base in the future.
We might be heading towards near telepathy if we can find the tech. Though we should give people room to think freely outside.
Time for you meds
CTR pls go
The bookstore was mentioned in the second thread. I merely gave the info people asked for days ago. How mad are you right now?
user.. the occult is literally the subject of these threads.
Why do you think there is a ring in the first place?
Cunt. The reason to delve into occultist shit is due to hidden messages in them and symbols they mix into their shell corporation type setups such as the pizza places themselves.
Now granted, we don't need super fucking in depth descriptions and history lessons of every occult following out there, just notes of similarities in case links can be made and give justifications to dig in depth on them.
Same goes with Masonic shit. We don't need to know that conspiracy theories exist of them since the whole goddamn world at this point knows about it. However it is worth noting when going through friends lists, twitter pages, instagrams, etc. of the symbolism or code used between them since those are flags that they might be in the know.
We can't count on people like Alefantis or Podesta to fuck up on a wide scale due to their positions of power. We CAN however probably count on their followers to fuck up and get reckless in their posts and behaviors and possibly give up lingo in places they weren't supposed to.
Yes we have a lot of tangential evidence but this whole thing is going to end up being a massive puzzle with each of us contributing puzzle pieces from that puzzle and about 9 others that might be connected later down the line.
Don't dismiss everything but also don't get so caught up in something that's spooky or creepy that completely loses sight of the original goal.
shill says to ignore the occult connection.
guess its time to delve into the occult connection?
Alongside bunny ears, Micky mouse ears are a similar symbol. (This is wrapped up with Disney-related paedophilia). Just asking - has anyone seen any ears?
To play Devils Advocate, a pedo ring could just be there because Podesta and co are degenerates who can get away with it. Theres a good chance its just a pedo ring that serves the rich and powerful and the occult stuff comes from New Age hipster bullshit
tbh honest animals in general at this point may as well just be a thing that connects shit. no animal specifically.
I've seen rabbits, mice, goats, owls, etc. pop up in almost every sort of fashion.
It seems like they're a meme within their group. Disgustingly enough these people even use normie memes in their own spaces.
Memes know no bounds.
I have no doubt there is bait to question our understanding of the occult.
But also to realise that people have fallen and can't get up.
Some will never get up though.. that will be an issue.
Yes. It's doubtful whether many involved in the rings are actually adept at magic. People like Podesta may be no better at it than the average New Age-interested 19 year old girl. Honestly, they don't come across as being intelligent or even mature enough to be deep into summoning themselves, but they probably have leaders who are.
Have we found direct evidence of pedophilia yet? i see a lot of bait user.
For faggots who think the white rabbit is a red herring. The alice in wonderland symbolism is what ties spiritcooking to the white rabbit to the pedorings.
Extremely tangential.
We're almost getting to the point to where will likely be the answer.
I highly doubt we'll find anything outside of what looks like child abuse unless we can start matching children's faces found in pictures to missing children accounts in the states they're associated with.
Can someone help this user out?
Not technically no, but why does a pizza shop need a double concrete walled basement? Why are the emails talking about pizza in such a weird, cryptic manner? Theres also that cheesybay shit that was linked to it as well, which was MOST DEFINITELY child porn-related.
To be honest what kind of evidence can we provide?
We pretty much did everything we could that is legal.
I guess that could work.
IMO we're at the point we need grey hats in here doing such ops while we dig on tangential stuff to give them targets.
That'd be the best way to divide labor.
Things that are known to be exploitable need to be exploited but how to bait these guys into falling for it is ultimately the question at hand.
Don't get derailed. Focus.
Keep making the relationships. Screencap money and children. Tie to the source.
Here's the trick, guys.
Don't post anything unless you can tie it to the source.
For example…
Odyssey? See it? Has a location in Salt Lake Fucking City,
Well now that Trump is finally in elected for Office, if we truly are his "internet people", we need him to know so that he can finally allow the FBI to do what it was meant to do, and start infiltrating these fucks and ultimately bust them for their depravity and crimes against nature and humanity.
..what did i just say..
People should know this: If you read any long thing about MkUltra, Celebrity Sex Slaves and Occult Brainwashing, Alice in Wonderland symbolism is some of the most commonly documented material.
When the slave is tortured and sent into a personality-splitting dissatisfaction state, they mentally enter, with the guidance of the programmer, the "Wonderland" where they are programmed for yet more mind fuckery.
This is what I do not understand. How can people need others to post only what they are digging about? Lets say I want to dig on the ICMEC I do not give a damn if people are talking about podesta the occult mars anything I am doing my part. You want us to stop talking about the occult only when freemasonry is shown in an elite manner. You still reply to posts asking about bohemian grove yet say stop occult talk.
What a kike move
either you want people to dig for you or you want people to only talk about the fine print so they can stop connecting it all to freemasonry so that Freemasons can take what we dig and sell it on the media as some ominous cult that can not be identified.
attack the messenger some more mason
*dissociation, not dissatisfaction, lol
Time to do what's illegal then. We won't get anywhere being spineless cowards.
Or.. join the police force user.
And get your hands tied? We are useful exactly because we have no ties, no career in the force to protect, no family etc. As soon as you join the force you lose any power to really make a difference.
we need /hax/ to get to places we cant
Dr. Franz B. Humer, Chair
Chairman, Diageo plc
Ret. Chairman, Roche Holding Ltd
Victor Halberstadt, Vice Chair
Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Mihaela Geoană, Secretary
President, Fundatia Renasterea (Romania)
Daniel H. Cohen, Treasurer
Surrounding Light Properties Corp.
Göran Ando, MD
Chairman, Novo Nordisk A/S
Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State
U.S. Representative to the U.N. General Assembly
George W. Bickerstaff
Managing Director, MM Dillon
Maud de Boer Buquicchio
President, Missing Children Europe
Professor Ernesto Caffo
President, SOS II Telefono Azzurro (Italy)
Teresa Carlson
Vice President, Amazon Web Services Worldwide Public Sector
Manus Cooney
Chair, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (USA)
The Honorable Dennis DeConcini
U.S. Senator (Retired)
Mike DeNoma
Chief Executive Officer, Guoman and Thistle Hotels
Barend Fruithof
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.
Courtney Gregoire
Senior Attorney, Digital Crimes Unit, Microsoft Corporation
Amanda Gutkin
Strategic Business Advisor – Middle East
Nancy Kelly
Former COO, Kelly, Anderson & Assoc. Inc.
Jeff Koons
James A. Levine, M.D.
The Mayo Clinic
Helga Long
Chair & CEO, HM Long \ RSVP Group
Per-Olof Loof
CEO, Kemet Corporation
Osamu Nagayama
Chairman, Sony Corporation
Andre Pienaar
Executive Chairman, C5 Capital
Dov Rubinstein
Partner and International Arbitrator, Center for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (Israel/Switzerland)
Dr. Raymond F. Schinazi
Frances Winship Walters Professor of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine
Costas Yannopoulos
Chairman, The Smile of the Child (Greece)
Start Digging!
Guy who found the videos of the Luzzatto children here. I've just spent forever going through the previous threads.
There was a paedo who posted about spirals not being relevant but he did a really crap job of explaining why. The significant thing about the triangular"spiral" logo is not the fact that it's a spiral of sorts, it's that it's two triangles. One of the homosexual logos is a pink or purple triangle. The homosexual paedophile logo is a small triangle (representing a male child) inside a bigger triangle. (Representing a male adult.)
The heart "spiral" logo just represents "child love" (paedophilia) in general with the big heart being the adult and the small heart being the child. It's mostly if not exclusively used by hetero-paedos, at least the pink or red versions. So spirals themselves have no significance, it was just they way they drew those logos and attached the triangles/hearts together.
The butterfly logo represents bisexuality.
does this look familiar?
That's the problem. If we try infiltrating paedo-rings and downloading more evidence of abuse I don't think police or judges will accept "We're just investigating the NWO's links to paedophilia!" as an excuse.
comet pingpong have a picture of a woman getting fucked. it was by this guy - who happens to be on the ICMEC board?
Or we could see if James O'Keefe's investigators or someone else could maybe get into their circles and do an undercover investigation like vid related.
(Couldn't embed as it said it's already on Holla Forums somewhere.)
I would try to clean up this information so people that aren't autists shitposting about occult can pick it up.
Why do you need other people to spoonfeed you?
Why the fuck does people doing their own research effect anything at all?
has anyone toftt and actually went in the pizzeria and filmed stuff? or is the place some type of invite only?
Tbf, L'enfant looks to be the name of the cafe he's in.
Why anyone would call their cafe that otoh…
Question about the Podesta leaks:
Is there a way to see how he might have filed these e-mails?
If there is, might help work out which e-mails relate to what (pizza party, money shenanigans, dicking over their political allies and opposition etc.).
I bet he's one of those pricks who pays with £50 notes in supermarkets.
It's a regular place. Here our "agent" at work.
Contain your amazement.
guys I am scared to post this scary occult video I edited out the trash music the apes made because they are occult and we are not allowed to talk about the occult …..only when they fuck kids next to around and with podesta.
the scary occultist apes that can not be known.
the scary apes occult blog that is sliding the ping pong cult.
So it's named after some guy?
is in relation to furries. relating people to animal surrogates makes them easier to manipulate, because you can contain their mentality inside your idea of that animal
nah. two fags own the cafe. not sure why they named it what they did aside from pedophilia
the area from 2 minutes onwards really just looks like a dungeon but there are lots of people in there. the area also looks like it has the wall with the ayylmao grafitti too
maybe there is no pedophilia going on inside the pizzeria BUT the owner is definitely a pedo
A short documentary about suspected pedophile James Alefantis and DC's local art scene. (SPOILER ALERT: He's an uptalker!) He names some names too, kind of by mistake.
It says in the article about the architect and civil engineer bloke, first paragraph.
They could be nonces, could be nothing. I can imagine merch for a place like that would be great for paedos though. They can shout out about their sickness and then claim innocence when called on it - "It's just a café~".
No online presence for Surrounding Light corp, but it is a kabbalah term.
ICMEC website is paid for by the Eli and Edyth broad foundation: has a white rabbit (maybe?) on the button for the arts section.
Koons is mentioned in the 2014 ICMEC annual report. He's apparently a child abuse victim: "lived the pain of international parental child abduction" whatever that means.
Anyone know if the Besta Pizza Owner-Clinton Foundation relationship been figured out yet?
so theyre using art as a cover for pedophilia
I'm sorry for confusing you. the point of the occult over top of the situation is so that they will have an assumed reason for doing it.
is what the biblical pedophiles did. ate babies and when people asked why, "because of we don't, moloch comes. you don't want moloch to come, do you user?"
Death for all pedos.
from Reddit
#faggot hashtag
(Note: There is much speculation involved here, but it appears to ring true.)
Both "faggot" and "fascist" derive from the Latin root Fasces. Faggot refers to the bundle of sticks used as a symbol of fascism. When people realized the child abuse inherent in the system, it became a slur for the fascists themselves.
Child rape was no more acceptable in ancient Rome than it is now. This was not a normal relationship in another culture, as it's presented today. When the fascists were caught raping children, they were burned. Stories of these executions have been replaced by stories of burning non-pedophile homosexuals in order to demonize the practice and bury the past.
Similarly, the term "faggot" has since been linguistically morphed into a pejorative for non-pedophile homosexuals, in an effort to obfuscate the satanic command/control structure of child rape and torture that's still in place by the global fascists today.
Fascists are hiding behind homosexuals just as Khazarians hide behind the Jews, using them as human shields to absorb blame and deflect suspicion and as political tools where useful.
One last thought… People in a victim mindset, those who have endured trauma, are easy to manipulate. MKULTRA writ large.
Conclusion: "Faggot" was originally a slur for Fascists, who used child rape and torture in Roman times as their command and control structure, just as they are today.
pic: [Abraham Lincoln with his hand on the fasces.](
Google Image Search: [Fasces on US coin](
back to reddit with you
holy shit….. this makes sense
For the Sake of the Nation, Obama Should Pardon Clinton
I want to kill these people very slowly.
The bull sign of the elite.
Is it me or is it kinda childish to do. Dunno. Always thought it was something pathetic. Not knowing this murder pedo cult was there ofcourse
i want to believe but the brain thing from yesterday and cannibalism is /x/-tier. unless you have solid evidence keep it out. were looking worse than infowars with that shit.
No-one noticed Kek's divine decree.
I wondered what "Truckee" was referring to when I came across this odd email that Tamara Luzzatto sent out.
We could do with a separate thread for global pedo rings - concentrate on Podesta Besta here.
I've spent ages going into the Belgian and Dutch rings… they link together and to the real upper echelons. But it's not worth cluttering this thread up, the info goes on forever.
Demmink case -
Really now?
Well, I considered commenting on this as being blatant water-muddying bullshit ala The Pink Swastika and Hitler-as-Rothschild drivel, then considered against correcting the enemy, but you're so stupid that I feel a need to gloat over it. Congratulations, you got yourself caught. What's the next ingredient of your master pizza? Have a cap to commemorate one of soon to be many agonizing failures, you filthy beast.
stay FOCUSED. this is a collection of nasty old fucks that have no self control, and cant feel happiness doing regular things. they resort to hunting and raping humans for fun and throw a blanket over it calling it a kink
few things the icmec is in kahootz with the broad foundation which owns art museums.
Now these fucking art museums can easily have hidden walls and booths hell the sculptures especialy the baloon animal sculptures could house live children.
Permanent art is statues and things roped off making them ideal places to craft human remains as art.
this particular museum has what looks like a deep underground military facility walls as its art walls this shit goes down into the earth and spreads out.
its also the joke of the museum a white building with a speck of shit as an exhibit they have hidden rooms
9 threads later and you guys still have nothing.
Maybe they were talking about eating literal pizza? :^)
Anyone want to dig into dox from the uk ring? It was last year, so I'm sure many people will still be in the same places, as the coverup was successful.
God dammit….YOU FUCKING NIGGERS!!!! user - I swear to kek you better have taken screenshots…..CAUSE THE PAGE ALREADY GOT DELETED!!!!
got this
meant for
I found literal cp on one of their Vimeo channels but everyone ignored it.
Then it would never get anything done user.
Surely you archived this?
I still agree. It's unforgivable. And i don't think any amount of therapy can fix them.
But we need to find evidence.
It might still be there since no one was paying attention.
https ://
We need the source then.
Seriously. But make sure you're at least somewhat adequately protected.
how is this cp again?
unless of course the one they're singing to is a child loving pedo
Did you finish it? The flash looks pretty intentional.
an user pointed out youtube commenters gaslighted a guy who posted a video about comet ping pong 8 years ago - i looked into each one and found videos of kids, and toddlers, some naked on their youtube channels. If they hadn't uploaded it themselves they had liked friend content of children - one even liked "white rabbit remix" 10 months ago and that was the last activity.
I found some guy who had commented on a related video who had flickr accounts chock full of pictures his kid (i assume) named connor - odd thing was they were all pics of the kid instead of like, family shit. They also had pics of him at a daycare. The guy himself was a really prominent social media/ online marketing guy - and on his youtube channel he had pictures of his kid - only the kids name was jason and in the flickr album it was connor or something. dbthomas was his name.
I posted all this stuff with screenshots 2 or 3 threads ago and i got called CTR and no one wanted to pick up on it.
i did. she came to the camera with the slip, i don't know how that was intentional.
ben luzzato though is affiliated with james so there's that
Was it the white rabbit thread? there were only a couple people including myself mentioning how the Vimeo videos seemed odd… And it was the same girls as the "pool entertainment"
No, she literally pulled her top down once she was centered
Wait, this shit's still up? Or was it flagged and removed?
idk man, if anyone's got the video of that guy videoing them playing ping pong on the footpath maybe. I'll see if i can recover those screengrabs.
back to business-
back to business
rewatch it again, you're wrong. she went off the camera, then on again with the slip. she then fixes her dress and pulls it up. i still don't see how that is cp if it was unintentional
Holy fuck. It's at 1:30 for those looking for it. Also, one of the girls withdraws from the singing and instead picks up a white handkerchief, plays with it, then lies on couch screaming?
the fuck
I did, and you might be right. The behavior in that video is odd though for all the girls though, and she looked too developed for a 7 year old. Isn't early onset of puberty a symptom of childhood sexual assault?
here's the rest
One year after YouTube started. You might be right but, given how close it was to YouTube starting, it might be harmless. Parents take videos that may or may not including their children naked, especially at that young of an age. He may not have thought anything about it
is that alexandra tydings in the video tho?
It's Ben luzzato so I would assume that's her
No, I found that and it's not "literal cp" because if it was I wouldn't have posted it.
Oh shit, you're right. I only looked at the channel after you posted the video, not the video. I fucked up.
Bondage is not a kinky sex thing it mainly is utilized to forcibly have your way with children.
Also the master and the slave. the ball gag it is eve held in bondage to the tree of good and evil. They try to make and pass of 50 shades of grey as the new sex in the city when s&m is nothing but pedo galore.
fair enough, but keep in mind the video they gaslighted was also 8 years old. Another user was talking about how they all sounded like modern SJW, that's why i pointed out that dbthomas guy because he replied to a "friend" video of one of the gaslighters and has internet marketing experience, and on his website it says he's been in the area.
Some degenerates abuse their children by raising them as homosexuals. And probably physically sexually abuse them too I bet.
i am late as fuck and i just knew that they were the three girls mentioned in Tamera Luzatto's email. this is wrong
also, OP should make a good summary. no one can read 8 full threads and not be crazy afterwards
It's not cp, but that's probably exactly what they were doing. Even though it wasn't cp the way they were dressed was skimpy and suggestive, not the sort of thing most children would wear in a video to a 40 year old friend of the family.
can someone please explain who these people are and how they are involved?
We do have a pastebin for this. Though would people prefer a wiki?
Check the other threads, unless someone here has an infographic
It is doubled over like they described the masons do.
He is not wearing the bib part that you tie behind your neck
found this page it could really help people to understand how they control shit
Here is a starting off point for people to share around instead of spamming up the post count before knowing how this all came to be.
True Detective was based on real events of a Satanic pedo church in Louisiana. Carcosa and much of the imagery was taken from The King in Yellow, a book by Robert W. Chambers and is now related to Cosmic Horror and the Cthulhu Mythos because of it's influence on HPL.
this might be something
Those are leaves at the bottom of the plant/flower.
Fuck this guy. Anyone telling you to go sperg the fuck out and start banging on doors of suspects is a fucking shill and they want you to tip people off so they can cover shit up. doesn't work over TOR, it doesn't get passed the Captcha, huuge problem, any work arounds? Neither does for the captcha
Guys, I watched Before I wake yesterday, and just for your information, the whole movie is based around the theme of Monarch butterflies, and there is a scene in the movie where the father tells the young boy "Hey, tonight it's pizza for dinner", and the boy happily screams "PIZZAAAA".
The boy is played by Jacob Tremblay, who is currently described as one of the biggest rising young actors in Hollywood, he just won Best young actor 2016 and he is just too cute to not be of interest for Hollywood pedophiles. Also, just look at pictures/videos of him, he speaks and looks like a boy who had to grow up too fast.
I don't know if it's relevant, but given the context, this movie just struck me as super weird.
Dandelion as I thought but didn't say before in case I was wrong. Lol!
This may be irrelevant and/or is already noticed at some point but doesn't James Alefantis look a lot like an average french guy? I mean all his facial features just scream for french?
Not to mention "I like kids" translates to "J'aime les enfants" in French.
There is no record of James Alefantis in Wikipedia for example even he's been listed as one of the 50 most influental people in the DC. I think his name might actually be an alias. Check for french/greek roots.
Also, possible new lead: Maria. See picture.
Probably the case, didn't pay attention to the upper part.
This seems to be the least productive thread yet. I understand that pointing that out doesn't help the actual hunt, but it needs to be said. Instead of talking about evidence, leads, and research, the majority have devolved into a clusterfuck of arguing. If the job of shills and the rectum collapsers is to sew the seeds of division, they have clearly done a good job, because everyone is playing spot the shill instead of performing analysis and deconstruction.
This process should be one of condensing and distillation, where all of these connections are made solid and clear. It is a process that should make the information transmissible and digestible while everyone sifts, digs, and decrypts for the next wave of breakthroughs. This may be a breadcrumb trail, but it's become painfully clear that it's leading somewhere dark. We must all steel ourselves and carry on with this work.
- If it looks like a shill/CTR, filter it and all replies to it. Never don't do this, it's not worth getting involved
- If you've found anything important that has been ignored, repost it. If it gets ignored again, make graphics; show your work. Keep posting and get it acknowledged
- Avoid pointless arguments - attacking any one specific derail is helping it derail further. Filter.
- "Thinking out loud" wastes screen space and thread space. If you have a thought or an observation, distill it, condense it, and articulate it clearly
- If you've found an important tangent, MAKE A NEW THREAD AND LINK TO IT. If we go sniffing down every hole that has the scent, we'll never catch the rabbit. Make a new thread and distill, distill, distill.
Pizza is the right track, but this is big with lot's of connections. If this just falls apart into a sorosesque hegelian dialogue, we'll end up looking like some pretty basic bitches with nothing but a bunch "cuisine-loving gays who have eclectic tastes in underground art" to show for all this.
I might as well link to the chansonry thread I have been investigating freemasonry and will and have been putting some of the ping pong stuff in there as well as investigate them for over a year now.
Its on a slower chan so please do not shit up the site lurkers.
This is where I post big findings though I should probably cross-post to avoid mixing it up with this. Even though it is merging together quite fast and its not an issue of leads but an abundance.
Has anyone thought about cross referencing any of these names found in the threads with "Epstein's Little Black Book" It may be a wild card, but there are some pertinent names in there like Michael Jackson and 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000100 01110101 01101011 01100101 It may narrow down the searches to a more specific area.
I'm not sure why so many faggots cannot focus through the noise. Focus in on actual heat signatures, Focus on the
Frog here.
Really impressed with the work you've accomplished overall. The images are really helpful.
Also, amazing resource here:
What is this and why is it relevant?
More places, same type website
These people too, Google Reviews
Parimal Shah
Rick De
Kevin Mcormick
Steve Pratt
Tarim Libon
…Look into shagat19!
Do not make the jimmy comet mistake download something like 4kstogram and fetch all of their pictures at once before these fucking people delete it
I am starting from the bottom up if anyone wants to do the top ones
After we discover more pieces of the puzzle it would be good to put some effort into making all this raw info palatable to the masses.
This, basically. You should be looking for a clue being dropped when the discussion is focused on something else. It's easy to say a little too much about one subject; when you're focusing on not revealing too much about another. Keep this in mind as we move forwards, and always remember: "the eye sees what it came here to see."
Please explain the connections here.
Isn't it odd how many child searching companies uses the double heart?
This post made me remember Crowley's Ape of Thoth. You know these people are big into Crowley and the Egyptian Mystery Schools.
If you're new to the mystery schools, Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series is a great place to start.
archives for shagat19
The fuck is Shagat19 and how is it related?
dear god i swear to god, those girls lover symbols is being used by Holla Forums pedo circlejerk hebe board before it was killed. Those pedos are here and monitoring these thread
Why the top two youtube channels?
I feel sick.
Looking at the first instagram, my alarm is going off. I'm gonna dump some screencaps of it in a few.
Other anons, look into the other links.
archive everything
This tbh
Did you just fucking directly link to reddit
also checked
Don't see whats bad about it, it's just a Ref to Waynes World
Post places you want to get into.
THIS IS FUCKING IRRELEVANT. This is becoming a witch hunt for people who have probably nothing to do with this whole thing.
I checked all those IG accounts and literally found nothing. A couple interesting photos that, if you twist and turn it, might be remotely related but c'mon.
This is exactly what they want. Keep us offtracks.
I just saw a interview from Fox News with Nigel Farage in which they made a reporter offer him Pizza several times. It was just weird and out of place.
These fuckers know we are digging and are trying things like that. Be aware of this.
vonspawn is quite the chiseler!
Wtf is this…
It's because it was National Pizza Day.
EXHIBIT B: https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */osecution-unit-of-the-doj-pizza-parties-exposed
(kek repost plez)
Not really. I think pedos use the symbol because it's not incriminating enough by itself. You could easily justify it by saying that it represents a parent and child or some bullshit
Guys I just started making a new updated mindmap on mindmeister.
Could you please provide me the older ones that you may have?
The Pizza Underground is an American comedy rock band based in New York City. Mainly parodying songs by the Velvet Underground with pizza-themed song names and lyrics, the group consists of former child actor Macaulay Culkin (kazoo, percussion and vocals)
CTR is finished, Redditcuck. Get the fuck out.
One of the comments.
Argot May1 day ago
Podesta's best friend Kadzic had a gf in satanic Nebraska. See what she does for a living.. I found out quickly. PUKE.
Who is this girlfriend?
user, are you on glue?
Whoever is going to be the next OP, please be sure to add some of these guidelines and of course everything on this OP so far. A summary of the events and some of the pictures with the connections would be nice a
s well and don't forget about this mindmap. This thread became an absolute dump.
here boy
Also post a list of shit you want to get /hax/d so we don't have to crawl through your conspiracy theories.
FBI 'ran 23 child pornography sites in a bid to lure and catch online predators', stunning unsealed documents reveal
user, I…
Just a thought.
How about trying to meme this stuff to normies as IRL True Detective? It was a popular show on a similar theme and could help get the memetic foot in the mental door. The base of ideas is already there for anyone who watched the show, the concepts are already familiar to them. This will make it easier for them to accept this info. They can also meme it to each other easily as IRL True Detective.
one of the 5 most wasted potential for selling out
This is actually a fun girl by the looks of it but it highlights how much they care about their secret nonsense they let it consume them really.
I need to make an example out of this broad.
I looked up maria.
I didn't find much to damn her but she does have the white rabbit in the top corner of her webpage. She has two pictures on instagram with this baby but I'm pretty sure it's just a niece or something.
dude these are all jimmycomet teir
all of the bottom 4 at least I am still grabbing the images and videos
Year 1: 0 out of 24 hatched
Year 2: 0 out of 24 hatched
Year 3: 0 out of 12 hatched
Year 4: 7 out of 12 hatched
Year 5: 4 out of 12 hatched (only 2 survived)
Year 6: 0 out of 12 hatched
Year 7: Just sitting here praying
Kindergarten Hoppenings, Shannon Martin
Nvm I thought you where checking out the instagrams from IS ANYONE ELSE LOOKING AT THESE INSTAGRAMS
And stupid shit like that always happen in that program?
Hell, my grandfather was a low level Mason in his later years. I'm sure other anons had a harmless old grandpa who joined after retirement, having no idea what goes on at the higher levels of the organization.
Yea they do not even know there are higher levels but they are used for being normal people to give the cult a good image so it actualy enslaves the good guys it has in it.
If this pic doesnt clue you into some of the criminals behind this then nothing will.
Moderators are the same account or from the SAME TRIBE at least;
they are moderators of;
Criminals controlling the information flow and covering up their criminality.
Also in their sub DOGEYAGHTCLUB they joke about a "million wieners"…a million Foreskins?…
They also refer to themselves as "Illuminati Prince" and "Actual Illuminati 33"
Those tags they have next to their usernames are nicknames they give to each other. It is almost always some inside joke. Doge is a stupid reddit meme.
Guess who controls The Donald?
anons have we shed any further light on this 'Mr Potato Head' revelation yet? It is recurrent in several leaked emails - definitely symbolic for something…
It's because Obama looks like a potato head
Can you link which e-mails? Also, where were these two pictures taken?
It's sacred geometry and ancient knowledge. It's certainly not evil it's a way i've been interested in that forever. Its the same as the occult, it's neither good or evil but i can be manipulated or used for good and evil things. They just kept the information to themselves. But in the internet age it's all pretty much freely available for anyone to study.
pretty sure the guy wearing the L'enfant shirt is the same guy who alefantis says works in his "custom workshop" called squareform in the yahoo vid. why the fuck would you have a dedicated workshop for a single pizza place? also, when alefantis talks about a video getting pulled from an artshow and how transformer campained to bring it back, showing it across the country the interviewer looks like he just shat a brick. can some anons get ahold of that video as it might cast more doubt on transformer and its connections. it's also likely that the guy who posted photos of unauthorised building work was a part of or connected to this squareform workshop, since he posted a photo of a small metal coffin that must have been built by squareform workshop.
This explains why /r/pizzagate blew up and go so much traction since it was advertised everywhere.
And now the mods are considering making it private hiding all the info from the public
We need an user going there for dinner every day. Become a loyal customer and thus dig deeper.
I recommend starting to wear a wire and maybe a secret diy pin camera a few weeks after gaining their trust.
On a side note - I am an ebin user from the town of Turku. Any way I can help from here or locally? This shot must be global anyways. I could assemble a team of autists on my side to dig deep.
We are in Twin Peaks territory now and we are Cooper.
Nice ad homs shill
Care to prove any of those accounts are "criminal"?
I actually said something about this in an earlier thread. I said "I bet a lot of homosexuals adopt kids just to have a rape baby since pedophilia has extremely high rates of pedophilia. Wouldn't surprise me if people got married as gays (even though their not gay) just to get a child bride either.
Yes, we are just turning in circles with the actual strategy.
At minimum those subs cant be trusted…
Here take a look at the creator of /r/pizzagate
Oh…you cant…he deleted the account. But of course there could be many reasons why that happened…;)
I think it's the bohemian grove Owl (Owl of Minerva) that hand-sign is supposed to symbolize. Not 100% though.
Looks like same guy. Good catch.
They can put on a frown a smile a concerned look because they have no will and are complete cultists. They call dupes or yes men potatoheads
You aren't going to find anything raiding the place. You really think he keeps kids bound and gagged in the basement of his business? It's a restaurant; it's subject to random health inspections. Plus it's on a busy street in DC, the police will be there in five minutes and you'll probably get shot, although I admit that would make an entertaining stream.
You want to raid somewhere, break into Alefantis's personal residence and steal his hard drive. That's where any incriminating information will be.
Speaking of Obama, who are all these lone children always visiting the White House? Articles don't tend to state who they belong to or why Obama is literally playing games with them in the oval office or places where most guests cannot be.
This is it, title claims to be the full version
what is there to see in your pic?
I also found that Dan Gray used to work for squareform workshop, as he lists it in his linkedin page:
he also has a website showing his art:
he also has some images of furniture on his site that look an awful lot like comet ping pong's in style:
he has also made a door for little fox cafe, which is on the same street as comet ping pong I think and if I remember correctly might be tied to comet ping pong's building work as well:
thanks user
And that lake
Also reminder that he needs to do it in complete secrecy and with a group that knows what it's doing.
No, you steal everything, cat, blender, computer knowing he's a pedo he probably uses mac and jewelry. You'll want to learn specific ways to act, such as how to aim a gun at someone, cutting power or setting fire to a mosque in the opposite side of town just so the police get busy.
So tired of shitty art getting funded by the gov. Wow so arty to put a Jesus cross in the dirt and blood and let ants crawl over it. Human sacrifice is so cultural and art dontcha know plebs? So advanced atheism. This whole film is shit tbh, censorship just gave it gravitas it didn't deserve and let these kiddy killers virtue signal to each other how progressive they are. This film should never have even been considered for showing at all.
Anyone wanna take a shot at trying to decipher the symbolism?
it's a wall and not a lake.
Rehashed stuff done in the 60's. No point really as this film relies on the Kuleshov effect for meaning.
I've actually been having some success. Through shuffling the parts of the music around and exporting as raw I'm managing to get more than just raw noise patterns. I'm not certain I'll be able to get much more than this without having a way to remove the other data though.
Have you been paying attention to the threads? They used a hex editor and found evidence that there are hidden .jpeg's.
Is there a video of these kids that supposed asks "who kills the babies?"
Well i just joyned this but i have been looking into Robert Downey Jr. profile and here are some things.
If all this is really real we need to seriously look into these Omaze company. It could be one of the central fundraiser for all this shit. They literally could have created a phedo circle financed by normalfags.
Plenty, just search Hampstead case.
The FBI ran over 23 child porn sites "in an effort to determine tactics of abuse and law enforcement avoidance."
Spoonfeeding you now. Seriously people, read the threads. This has already been linked ITT
We should look into "Julia's House for kids" as he talks about too
What a sick fuck this guy is though, seriously.
I just read that too user. Loving the comments. People are waking up to this scam.
"Each year, RAF will provide grants to different nonprofits, helping to empower them and fuel their world-changing work. The first beneficiaries are Make-A-Wish, the Motion Picture & Television Fund and the Anti-Recidivism Coalition—remarkable organizations that use their heroic efforts to make the world a better place."
That's from that Omaze site he talked about.
An email chain titled: Mr. Potato Head (participants include several clintonemail/hrcoffice accounts and [email protected]/* */)
No pizza related content upon quick inspection but a peculiar subject title for HRC campaign talk.
Here is a neat compilation of the Potato Head signalling to date:
It definitely means something, and at the least is another identifier connecting together persons of interest…
Just wish people were able to read inside the threads
"Frequently Asked Questions
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You can also pay with PayPal (because we’re down with what the kids are using)."
Little cute coincidence there at the end…
Stop. Read all the threads first. You're using the same shill tactics we've already had flooding these threads. Show a direct connection to this pedo ring with evidence already uncovered or just fuck off because you can't. You child killers love to implicate RDJ when your feet are on the fire because he hates you too and has allegedly leaked quite a bit of your sicko secrets.
also, I found this logo on dan gray's blog, donno how relevant it is but it seems a bit odd
It's somehow connected to Bif Skipman
It's the third time this week i get Hitler Dubs, i'm on fire.
Btw this is the supposed winner of the campaing.
This is the only picture of her with Robert, and nothing more on her facebok. Not even pictures of any actual pizza, etc.
Also she is a complete libtard and has lots and lots of pictures or mentions to rabbits in her profile, like this black one.
Oh definitely no connections here…
Paul Graham is an HRC donor (100k+) from Commiefornia.
Yes, there are no direct connection user. Has it ever occurred to you that the pedophiles are trying to emulate real charities?
Culkin is the poster child of celebrity children fucked by jew pedo producers.
I'm seriously think this was his one attempt to reference the pedo shit in a more obscure way than Corey Feldman.
Or Culkin grew up and became a pedo too
Has it ever occurred to you that you're a kike?
Well i'm currently looking at thread 1 of all this and just trying to figure it out, but some intuition told me to check out Robert's profile first. I literally went back to past April on his profile to get all this and i'm sick of looking at so many avengers pictures this guy posts.
He also was in the "vote for Hillary" celebrity video.
Btw what secrets has him allegedly leaked?
Welcome newfriend. That has been covered here many times. Use your google and investigate it yourself.
No connections, nono. Definitely not…
A- You really think i'm a shill for some reason, yet you want us to pay 0 attention to this Omaze company with literally a heart logo that resembles a pedologo.
Seriously, tell me why shouldn't we look into this.
B- You are the shill yourself.
I never mentioned Omaze at all. I was clearly commenting on your exclamation
it connects them all
"Julia’s House is a children’s hospice charity dedicated to helping life-limited children and their families. The nurses and caregivers at Julia’s House provide life-changing support for parents and their children both in the hospice and in their own homes. The majority of those children are unlikely to live beyond the age of 18, but thankfully Julia’s House is there for them year-round, offering emergency respite and overnight care during treatment and offering emotional and practical support at the end of a child’s life."
Wrong link, though that one has some good vids incl Hampstead ones this channel is dedicated to only Hampstead vids and seems to have at least most of them.
Last I heard the children and their mother are whereabouts unknown. Does anyone have new info on them? Alive?
Didn't Podesta have a party on June 23rd?
We need more of them tbqh. End of life care is a huge issue with most people wasting away in filth and neglect by foreign white-hating dreamers who somehow manage to waltz into care/medical jobs straight from their grass hut. Most hospice's are privately owned because the gov doesn't seem to give a damn about end of life care. So other than a hospice exists, what evidence do you have?
It's the foundation randomly brought up my RDJ in his video, we could probably dig out some stuff on that foundation.
Still up and archived too
I think all the people in the comments still haven't deleted their accounts.Haven't looked through them all. There's these comments too
And this
This youtube account is strange, still up too
Also cross referenced the comments sections and found this guy andrew who has been to haiti
am i the only one seeing all these symbols.
top right: butterfly
scroll down a bit, on the left side: snail with a spiral that looks like a 6 aswell
scroll down further: another butterfly
even further: flower / pentagram
Screencap everything.
Weird, there's an archive from 3 years ago
What do you think? Should I try dominos on cheese or pasta?
Try switching image type.
Airtight is a certain sexual position in case someone didn't know. I remember some people were asking about it so decided to post.
It's quite similar to what "ping pong" is in sexual slang (hint hint: comet "ping pong")
Oh man, I love those. Chicken Alfredo is the best!
Nicely done, user. Fills in the gaps. But it's very low res and some of the posts are extremely difficult to read. I would also include links to each email. Plenty of white space for it.
I've looked through their facebook & twitter, there's no specific coded texts to cause any suspicion, could be something to it, though probably not as openly & symbolized as Comet & Ping pong etc.
email links to wikileaks site, and links to archives of the plebbit posts.
yeah i don't really think this is worth looking much more into either
What is the meaning of "pop-up"? Why do you have it highlighted? Is it a normal or abnormal thing for a basement room to have?
Izzette Folger needs to be dug into.
Her husband is a rich finance mogul in DC, who plays ping pong with elites.
Sec investigation:
I assume people are looking into room 11.
It's a sex game. But a pop-up can also refer to a temporary restaurant, like a street truck. There was an email between Tony Podesta and Jimmy Comet about doing a pop-up tour in Dogana.
Guys feds are investigating looks like. Nobody should be harassing people it's literally only making things worse
Quote Urban Dictionary:
" airtighting-the act of a female having sex with multiple males and the males insert their penises into every whole in the females body. (verb)
airtight- the position in which all holes in the human anatomy are plugged on a female during intercourse. (noun)"
Ping Pong Show, Quote Wikipedia:
"A ping pong show is a form of stage entertainment that takes place in strip clubs. The show consists of women using their pelvic muscles to either hold, eject, or blow objects from their vaginal cavity."
Former cook here, top part of the apron is often uncomfortable as fuck on your neck especially on long days, your neck will sweat and that shit will chafe plus the whole weight of the apron tends to weigh down on your neck. Not trying to say this guy is or isn't anything but as someone who worked in kitchens you will see the vast majority of cooks wear their aprons like that unless they are serious enough to buy nice ones.
inb4 shill
Look at the logo of their bakery… coincidence ;)
Also when digging into Izzette Folger and Kate Damon I cam across this organization.
Looks like it's prime for some trafficking.
#nphmexico tag on instagram has some weridos.
Someone Archive this please
there's a guy asking for the instagram pic that looked suspicious. Any redditor here that has the archives? Spread them!
Also I've been looking at the instagram of this morgan hungerford who posted that picture from dc11. Not sure if I'm grasping at straws here.
Bumping this concept from a few threads ago. This is potentially valuable stuff.
Thought I'd try to contribute some autism.
Here are some observations from looking at the document comparison in . Basically, a lot of the changes were done with a computer program but at least one definitely wasn't. My guess is that the manual changes contain some coded information but I could be wrong.
It might be useful to see if these observations apply to the other blog posts too.
1) Most of the changes look like computer-generated synonym substitution. Lead: find software that did the substitutions and prove it by recreating (most of) the text. Then you could figure out what changes were made manually. Probably difficult though.
2) I think a few of the changes are antonyms instead of synonyms.
3) I noticed at least one very strange substitution: "growing season" for "spring". (Why not say something water-related, like "river" or "gusher", or something jumping-related, like "leap" or "rise"?) I think that might just be the software being creative and trying to infer meaning from context but idk.
4) There are lots of words that have been added that aren't synonyms for words in the original. Examples are "usually" in the first sentence, "actually" and "normally" in the second, and "power" and "fun-based" in the third. Most of these extraneous words I noticed were just generic adverbs but a few, like "power" and "fun-based" weren't.
5) I think other people have already mentioned that first names were changed. I count 3 first names and three changes (including "Bill" to "Costs"), but the phrase "Gillette Grounds", which a computer program would probably think was a person's name, wasn't changed in the same way. Did a human change the first names manually?
6) Finally, the software and human editor (if there was one) preserved capitalization in all cases except one. In the first sentence, "England" gets translated as "united kingdomt". It's the only change in capitalization and the only typo in the article. This tells me that a human did edit this document by hand in some way, perhaps in haste.
anons - a possible dead end with the obama/hillary/bill etc. Mr. Potato Head pics. It appears a central figure in the political establishment, David Gergen, is nicknamed "Mr. Potato Head" on account of him looking so, though I cannot see it myself. It is possible the pics and the Podesta emails titled "Mr. Potato Head" are a jest at him - though David Gergen is seemingly absent from those emails; not a recipient nor is his name even mentioned.
This does not account however for the "Hawaii Connection" put together by this user >
this was already archived though
With Neil Cavuto, it is not out of place. He's one of the most laid back anchors on Fox, with a subtle sense of humor. He also has treated Trump and Ron Paul very fairly in the past, when the rest of Fox were being dicks to them. He and Maria Bartiromo probably had the most policy-oriented questions of any Republican debate moderators this election cycle.
Anyway, I don't think this is anything, but worth bringing up.
Fox needs to sack Megyn Kelly and give Neil a better time slot.
We should do research on all the people who commented in those pics for further clues.
Shilling is obviously becoming a huge problem here and it's hard (I guess) for some people to differentiate shills from real posts when it comes to social media connections, etc.
There are a few open leads that involve forensic analysis, though, and shill posts related to those topics should be really easy to spot. The trick is for us to always post enough detail to recreate our findings. Welcome to science gents.
So, here are three near-shillproof leads for people to follow:
1) coded blog posts that appeared on a Beverly Hills pizzeria's blog the day this investigation started blowing up, which are referenced in this post
2) dissecting mp3s found via stratfor emails ( and, I think, via
3) analyzing spam emails found in podesta's inbox
Anyone who can find previous work on topics 2 and 3, please reply with links.
I want to emphasize that these topics are basically shillproof AS LONG AS WE ALWAYS PROVIDE ENOUGH DETAIL FOR OTHER ANONS TO REPLICATE OUR FINDINGS FOR THEMSELVES. That said, if "replicating findings" involves downloading anything even semi-sketchy, DON'T DO IT. Trust your instincts on that.
Congratulation, Holla Forumss, you are now all scientists. May based scienceKek bless our endeavors with valuable findings and valuable dubs.
guys i think the video from frank winstand was overlooked, there is clearly a children screaming in the background, we need somebody who knows his way around sound equalizing, because of the fucking traffick noise, i tried using vlc equalizer and the sounds occur at 00:14, 00:36 (at some point you can even hear muffled cryforhelp sounds), 00:53
remember when Alex Jones and David Gergen got into a yelling match over alex "exposing" bohemian grove
also, everyone upvote the video
why is majestic ape appears to be huffing some shit? does this have anything to do with poppers?
Here's the link:
Yes. CTR is shilling HARD in these threads. They're overloading the topics with useless information to overwhelm potential interest and making it look like there's infighting to distract from the goals.
You'll be able to tell after the first 5-8 posts if they're full of shit since they keep rehashing the same tactics and fake leads.
All it means is that you're on that right track.
Don't click any of their links.
Ok anons I have a list of shell corporations and of names.
I am working on the larger network of these people.
I am also working on the audio files (amateur audiophile)
If anyone can give me a list of the newest names that need looked into I would appreciate it.
Plausible deniability is powerful.
Point out the sexual nature of the footage and you're the "sick fuck" for knowing about it.
The normie, the naive, the middle-of-the-road IQ100, television watcher with 9-5 job and 5/10 girlfriend, he will call YOU the pedo for having eyes that see further than his.
it's scotch photo mount, a glue. i don't see how that would be good for huffing. but come to think of it, the one time i huffed back in jr high, i remember voices sounding like this… "person's"
and why the fuck is there a pic of rudy giuliani on the desk?
Are you sure Alex Jones isn't a parody?
He absolutely is but Gergens reaction is the point.
Whitest Kids U Know parodied this with The Grapist. The guy who calls out the "hidden" sexual meaning is treated as the weird pervert.
Alex Jones is a shill who is on par with many things that Holla Forums says but that's how shills work. He's controlled oposition. Some blue-pilled fags may benefit from it but after a while they should leave infowars and see it for what it really is: controlled oposition and shills.
You can help by making connections between people/companies/leaked emails. With the knowledge you've gained here go to wikileaks and put in search terms. If you get a hit follow it with web searches and before you post here, archive and screenshot everything and bring some analysis to your post. This alone is massively valuable.
I looked up #nobunnies and apparently it has something to do with basketball. She doesn't seem to have any interest in basketball, looking at her instagram so who knows what she means by that.
Anyway, I may have found something else worth looking into. Room 11, the bakery that was commenting on Jimmy Comet's construction pictures: there is a corner store across the street from them called Arthur's. It was just recently shut down and then bought by the owners of room 11, who claim they plan to turn it into some kind of hipster market. That was close to 2 years ago. On street view, it looks like a run-down piece of shit, but I haven't found photos of it from more recently than 2015.
I was using jewgle and only found that wiki thing.
inb4 shill, thx and consider the record corrected ;)
I like him though. Maybe he's just weird, who knows.
Smokes! Very unsettling indeed. Any other suspicious vids, can you ID him, get his Insta/Twitter/FB?
Anything other than importing as raw data into GIMP results in a notification about corrupted data. What I could try is importing raw, exporting as a jpeg, and viewing though so thanks for the idea.
Thanks for the bump. I'm not really that much of a pro with this sort of thing but happen to know one or two things about images and audio (mostly through playing around with data bending techniques). More than anything else I just want to report on what I find and get the ball rolling for everyone else to fuck with the .mp3's.
I really do need people with more skill than me working on this shit. I'm at amateur at absolute best.
This kind of innuendo happens in all sectors of industry. A mate of mine worked with an engineer who invariably named his projects in ways which, once shortened to acronym, would have a sexual meaning.
Computerized Lightweight Inspection Tool (C.L.I.T)
Subsea Pressure-resistant Emergency Retrieval Mechamism (SPERM).
Every time the managers would bring up the inappropriate nature of the nomenclature and he would feign total ignorance.
Guys from the NPH facebook.
To summerize, James owns to businesses with these kikes named Kate Damon and Izette Folger. They took trips to this organization I'm mexico called Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos México
Found this image on the NPH facebook.
Shit image here
Attempted what the other user suggested with exporting as a JPEG.
No dice.
I'm going to attempt to take the song as raw data and as an .mp3, compare data, and shove pieces of it together.
Wat dat means
whats with this pic on innocents at risk?
archive for those who want to check it out
They have branches all over S. America also one in the Netherlands. Netherlands branch
YT channel has links to other branch channels. So far I haven't seen any suspect videos.
Thing is Mexico is so rife with pedophilia and child trafficking it would be unusual if this place is totally clean. A quick google will tell you it's part and parcel with the cartels.
How is Folger and Damon connected to this org? If it's a money/directorship connection it may lead to cartels. Which is a connection that has certainly been made before. Worth digging.
YT channel for NPH New Zealand here
Ha ha, that's a guy innocently fucking around, but it also shows that some people really enjoy throwing out these hidden meanings.
What do you mean? Wouldn't it just be examples of kids at risk, or am I missing something?
Its a museum, that is mostly unrelated to NPH, Sometimes a butterfly is just a butterfly.
look at the file name
I used to doubt Jones as a shill but InfoWars was one of the largest contributors to the Trump campaign online, perhaps not even Jones himself but his reporters - Their media was second to none. He is also as yet the biggest channel exposing the Molesta DC pedo ring and the occult. It's hard to know if his flagrant eccentricities are meant to dissuade people from taking his revelations and his politics seriously (I mean he's clearly quite intelligent and clearly acting for the camera when he gets mad or cries) though rather in fact his channel is having unintentionally the opposite effect and is successfully garnering support for Trump and exposing the occult of inner DC… or if he's genuine all along. Truly though, his channel is seeming to do more good than harm. David Icke - he is blatant shill.
Jones recently remarked that Nigel Farage revealed to him that a lot of his best support for his own Brexit campaign came from InfoWars.
ninos de cristo foundation associated with innocents at risk associated with izette folger
18 dots in middle= 6 6 6
Bruh, What about it?
nothing suspicious here, goyim
burn it all down
it's just a GUID, for when you're too much of a lazy-ass faggot to use hashes
Isn't it normal to clear your cache when testing a new website? To make sure you have the latest version loaded.
she looks like she's ballin' out with that child trafficking money
cache is not cookies. Besides, international orders for pizza? Fucking really?
hmm, ok. but its the only pic that pops out and has that 32 hex
Start watching this video at 5h 26sm and 20s. Watch the hands behind the bottom banner, and watch the hands as the camera pulls back.
This is the only footage in existence that shows those hands making that sign. And it cuts to black. No other media recording shows those hands.
Seatch podesta emails for "Fratelli"
Luzzato on record asking to make a credit card payment for pizza.
good find, keeps getting weirder and weirder
innocents at risk logo
2 chics REAL close, yellow t-shirt
Well "weird stuff" and "anything that seems weird" would be things like usability issues or things that don't obviously fall into the error and bug categories. It's difficult to outline every possible issue or problem, so they're leaving it to the other person's discretion to highlight anything they think might need changing.
Fuck knows about the rest though.
ok so what is this?
Total hotbed for satanic cults
Programmed to Kill:
One of the more compelling aspects of Henry’s story was his contention that he
had ties to cult-run ranches just south of the U.S. border. In 1989, just such a
ranch was excavated in Matamoros, Mexico—just south of Brownsville, Texas—
yielding the remains of fifteen ritual sacrifice victims. The Matamoros case so
closely paralleled the stories told years earlier by Lucas that some law enforcement
personnel in Texas chose to take a closer look at Henry’s professed cult connections.
In fact, Jim Boutwell—the sheriff of Williamson County, Texas—later told
a reporter that investigators had verified that Lucas was indeed involved in cult
Following the discovery in Matamoros, Clemmie Schroeder—identified as
Henry’s spiritual adviser—sent to the state attorney general a map Lucas had
drawn for her in 1985 that identified locations where murder, kidnapping and
drug-running operations were conducted. She told a reporter for the Brownsville
Herald: “Henry told me there were a lot of different cults in Mexico who were
involved in satanic worship and everything. I found the map and realized he had
marked this cult and drug ring near Brownsville.” The attorney general’s office
chose not to take any action. In an interview conducted following the exposure of
the Matamoros cult, Ottis Toole claimed that it was not the specific ranch with
which he and Henry were associated, but he also emphasized that there were
many such interconnected operations along the Texas/Mexico border.
Though downplayed in most press reports, the Matamoros cult was largely an
American entity. Its leader was Adolfo Constanzo, a Cuban-American born in
Miami, Florida and raised in Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Its ‘high priestess’
was Sara Aldrete, an honor student at Southmost Texas College
I take that back, everything you've highlighted is normal shit to do with testing and bug tracking etc. or to do with the type of site they're building.
Not sure why Pizza site though, that's a puzzle, unless it's just the project name before release version.
nvm it was nothing.
ASSANGE relation to this:
Pedo came on the other night, (a few threads ago) searching through the keywords and posts of threads before he used TOR and after. I found the following assange related article
It's strange for sure, yes.
What do you guys hope to find by importing media files into GIMP as raw data, or poring over graphs in Audacity?
Those tools aren't going to decode steg for you.
What if "pizza" is their in-group term for "widget"?
personally I was listening for background noise that could be isolated and incriminating
since nobody was interested in the catholic school linked to a church that runs a shell corporation for the clintons.
yeah, no. It's children.
I did import floodlights-HD.mp4 into Audacity and through using fourier transform I was able to notice some elements which when inspected turned out to be children coughing.
Not sure that it's relevant in any way though, does beg the question why a man would have children down at a remote beach in the middle of the night.
Stratfor sells a number of products on an international basis.
Unless you have anything to indicate they're referring to children and not their 5 year forecasts, for example.
It's the only thing I'm capable of providing as far as research.
Who is this woman?
see my other posts
ninos de cristos dominican repub
For the next 5 years, I'm predicting a 99% chance of pizza
I believe I've found the sister of Arun G. Rao's (or his wife, idk)
Do some digging on people that have been in contact with Arun on twitter
He recently had a kid aswell
According to Mythili this is a case of Arun's:
Last here's a pic of him:
Has anyone posted this. I really don't wanna dilute your sleuthing with old News but Alefantis sister wrote a letter in support of some paedo teacher, right? I found the Letter. Idk if it was posted on here yet so I'm sorry if its old news
Individuals who wrote the letter in support of Kloman:
the actual letter
I'm sorry if this is old news
Without clicking I would bet you 10 to 1 that she's in the "Freeman on the Land"/"Sovereign citizens" cult, she is using their language.
Izette's husband is a big financial investment broker kike Name Neil Clifford Folger
Transformer INC has to be a money laundering business for thier trafficing. It's a tiny little shop only open 3 daya a week and its non profit.
It fits. Or something similar to that.
heres that clinton info for the hell of it.
Company number 2785711
Status Active
Incorporation date 3 July 2002 (over 14 years ago)
Address 33-05 158TH STREET, FLUSHING, NEW YORK, 11358 United States
This address is traced back to,
Mrs. Mary Ann Dorsa
Mr. Joseph P. Dorsa
Which traces back to.
Saint Andrew Avellino Roman Catholic Church
yeah that is pretty weird
You're retarded and every post you make is now suspect. Roger does that with his hands all the time, not just in that one place.
Too many to name really, so let's for a moment look at one of them that has been named. Based on what we've learned so far, them being involved with mexican cult/daycare/pedo stuff is not at all surprising. Peas in a pod.
The Henry in your quote is Henry Lee Lucas, the only man pardoned by GWB. Now there's a rabbithole for you.
These connections are not new. This has been going on for a long time.
just want to draw attention back to those vimeo videos that are so fucking weird
contents of PDF since it's unarchivable:
Individuals who wrote letters of support for Christopher Kloman
Amelia H E
Andrew P. Hinton
Andrew S. Love
Annette Dapp Poston
Barbara von Schilcher
Bernard M. Thomson
Blair Kloman
Candice and Duncan Burt
Caryl S. Byrnes
Caterina G. Earle
Charlie Gibson
Christopher “Kip” Thomas
Colette B. Drake
Cora Olson
Cottie Maxwell Pournaras
Dabney and Dick Schmitt
David B.H. Martin, Jr.
Dorsey Brown
Douglas S. Powell
Edward Felix Kloman
Eldon C. Hildebrandt
Eleanor B. McGrath
Eleanor Trapnell Kloman Wallace
Elizabeth Hastings
Elizabeth Platts
Elsa W. Willis
Frances M. Caterini
Frances Rockwell
Frank J. Murphy, III and Teri Gardner Murphy
Gary C. Olson
George Forrest Pragoff
Gilbert M. Grosvenor
H. Felix Kloman
H. Gregory Platts
Harry Clayton Cook, Jr.
Holly Coyne
James K. Coyne
James R. Stirn
Jane Reeves:
Jenifer G. Mumford
Jennifer DeGarmo Wilhelm
Jesse Robinson
Jessica Gibson Rosen
John O. Robertson
John S. Hannan, Jr.
Jonathan L. Arden, MD
Judith Tabler
Judy and Art Decker
Kathleen Herman
Ken and Alice Starr
Laurance Redway
Lawrence and Susan Harris
Linda Mattingly
Lorraine S. Beaver
Margaret Jane Knight
Margaret Whitehead
Margot Angstrom
Marilu MacCarthy
Martha Bacon Martin
Mary M. Fuqua
Mimo Gordon Riley
Mohammed Fatemi
Nan Carey
Olivia Kloman Chappell
Pamela Kloman
Patricia Chuch Ernst
Patricia D. Hicks
Peter Kloman
Phillip Bunwell Roulette
Phillip DeVore
Raymond A. Ritchey
Rebecca L. Roby
Reverend Edward O. Miller, Jr.
Reverend Louise J. Lusigan
Robert and Pauline Anderson
Robert K. Huffman
Ruthann T. Arnsberger
Sally Hand Herren
Sandra Brown
Sarah O. Love
Sibyl Brown Gibbs
Sonia B. Robertson
Stephanie Ellis
Stephen Thomas
Susan Alefantis
Susan Andrews
Susan W. Leslie
Telle and Jay Zeiler
Trap Kloman
Viola W. Sheehan
Wendy O’Meara
Whitney Kloman Leslie
Wiley Jarman Grosvenor
William D. Hager
William S. Leslie
sorry I thought this might have been old news to you guys
no worries, archive is fucked either way, showing only three pages, gonna need some other way of archiving this
a sexual game in which a group of guys and girls gather round and the men sit down with thier pants around their ankles. The women then can do anything to the men but touch their penis. The object is to see who "pops up" last. the women are competing to see who can turn the men on the quickest. Or you can play it reversed where the last guy to become aroused wins.
I'm not trying to muddy the waters or anything but we need to connect these fuckers with comet pizza and podesta.
involved in preschool and after school etc
sanandresavelino .org/sponsors-list
standrewavellinoca .com
optionc .com/Templates/Simple/default.asp?key=929
Fuck guys.
Here's Izettes dad.
He's a treasure trove of goodies:
This is getting too fucked up for me. I'm out.
is the children 'art gallery'
standrewavellinoca .com/photo-gallery.html
the video where the boy reviews comet ping pong is now private!!
this is shit, cmon man
Can anyone find any more pictures of Robert Falk?
He reviewed several other places, hope someone has a record of his review list for further investigation.
I don't think this one is in the pastebin. Have you guys seen this one?
Hillary Pizza Party April 10
Yeah, I'm re-reading Programmed to kill right now. It documents every strange happening with mainstream articles. This shits so fucking organized. Evil permeates from all facets of government, even at a local level with masons.
Wizard of Oz MK-ultra much? the people that run it run a shell corporation for "william jefferson clinton"
anyone have it downloaded?
Well that implicates him enough for me. Bohemian Grove regularly partakes in pedophilia and pederasty.
I've seen it. Tried to get it out but no one listened lol.
"Do you wanna do pizza or try to sell to terry event?"
That's really weirdly put. Who asks if they wanna "do" pizza? isn't "eat" the correct word?
Hiding in plain sight.
It's in the kiddyfucker's name!
In wall of names on page one is "James Huckenpahler". I think this is a strong direction to sniff in. When you google him he's off. His soundcloud is where the two spoken word tracks matching the "Heavy Breathing"/CPP Birthday video.
His name keeps coming up and I've had a gut feeling for a minute now.
did you hear we landed on the moon too?
Where did I hear about Sara Latham..
No, you can say "let's do pizza" and it implies you're just going to have an event where people eat pizza. More commonly you'll hear "let's do lunch." Not suspicious at all. "Pizza for Hillary," though… that's a bit weirder.
The whole channel is nuked, which affirms the suggestion that the other places he "reviewed" may be connected to Comet.
Hope someone got a screenshot at least, I may have one but don't hold your breath.
Damn, this is tragic if no one has a copy of the entire video list, it was a goldmine of potential leads.
"Do you want to do pizza or wings?" it would make sense if terry was another food item but it isn't and its really confusing
inb4 shill, "do" pizza is the term one would use when planning an event, similar to "do you wanna *go* with turkey?"
Or "do you want to *do* party favors?"
I am not discounting this email, and certainly not the investigation, but sometimes out of context certain normal phrases become suspicious.
Sorry, couldn't find it on here and have been out of the loop today.
Very pleased to hear it
Please tell me that these people will be stopped, or that more people will find out about this. This isn't funny like it may have been in 2007 internet, this is horrifying.
Here's what was saved of his homepage.
It's actually an organization, DCForTeens.
Who is Roger? I'm talking about the hands in the crowd you blind cuck.
5h 56m 26s
Major resource on Larry King/GW Bush and the "Franklin Boys" pedo sex trafficking ring Scandal/Conspiracy
This is connected to the Must Read in the OP of this PPPv9.
From James Alefantis facebook friends. What I got so far.
Same girl?
Instagram picture is over 2 years old.
The cadence, intonation, and emphasis in his speaking matches the Heavy Breathing lead/SkiMaskWigParty James Huckenpahler Tracks. I feel like this is a quite large and sufficient sample to make a match.
Imagine a dose of caris-whatever-the-fuck and their other drugs and it makes it even more believable.
As I said in the previous thread, the white rabbit is a fucking red herirng meant to distract us from actual leads such as Comet Pizza and Ping Pong and surrounding businesses. There is absolutely NO connection between the white rabbit and everything else we've investigated.
Some faggot posted photos from the daycare investigation that happened TWO YEARS AGO where a white rabbit sticker was found outside. Back then we never had any proof it was connected to anything and we still don't. Suddenly some other faggot posted a photo of a door from google streetview that had a white rabbit painted on it (it wasn't even the same as the one on the sticker) and drew some outlandish, unprovable connection between these two things. A bunch of morons saw this and started mixing it in with our research and investigation of Podesta and Comet Pizza and Ping Pong to muddy the waters.
He was also on CTR payroll, got at least one $50k check
Hopefully 2016 will take them, if kek wills it.
Same girl?
Or white rabbit?
??Related to James Loy??
??Related to Frank Loy??
(kek kekky mckekface kek! cuckin archive quick!!!)
international pizza orders are "normal" to you?
The horns, that people throw at metal and rock gigs or at times in crowds where they're like "woo! Yeah man, this is awesome!"?
It is all linked together user one way or another the catholic pedos and the muslim pedos and the satanic pedos and the plain pedos.
all work together to be pedos.
Since we've brought this up again, can someone try and explain what this thing in the background might be? Is that brown rope attached to those three loops hanging down? Is this built to suspend a kid in the air?
No, but naming objects in goofy, injoke, or pop culture reference ways when developing and programming is.
Got this image searching Schwing Electrical Supply. Some resemblance to cards guy.
Here's his twitter:
He is not very active, does not follow many people, but one of his unique posts is about Food Network's app.
>Food Network In the Kitchen by Television Food Network [email protected]/* */@of@@[email protected]/* */#lld9lr only
Only one letter difference to be an anagram
That is very fucking creepy. Paired with the guy in the shirt, this can't be just a coincidence. So is it an alias?
There is definitely shady shit going on with the Madeleine case. But that would be a separate paedo ring to investigate, UK gov- and elites-based.
- Handkerchief being symbolic for blackmail makes perfect sense, because who actually has handerkchiefs? Is this the 1930s?
- FBI operating 23 child porn websites makes me think the pizza website email has to do more with a blackmail rung than a child porn ring
- That these people involved maintain reputations for a living makes them both more susceptible to blackmail and makes it a great tool to hurt their competition.
- Digging has the effect of making their blackmail less effective and in general getting rid of people who elevate themselves in politics by nefarious means instead of, you know, solving America's problems.
Keep digging, make america great again
Caris James? Car Is James?
Awoooo! Too.
One thing we can confirm with all these leads and folks associated with James
I believe it's a reference to a newer drug with the prefix "caris". The baby that is often posted with the money was posted with the pills I believe. It would probably be the hip, new rape drug.
whats with the orange balls, ive seen several kids in pics so far
Arun Rao's (from the DOJ) old IG name used to be "Search"
Why would someone have such a name as their IG? And it wasn't just his profile name it was his username as well.
Google Cache still has it stored from 29th of September so it's quite recent as well.
No it's not. There isn't a single bit of evidence linking the daycare to the streetview house to the pizza ping pong place.
David Williamson and Andrea Elizabeth Hailey are friends with James Alefantis. They are both democrat operatives.
Like hookers smoking out of their pussies with kegel movements? Or a game of beerpong played with vaginas?
This is days old information.
It's a fruit. Don't know which or what the significance is, but I remember many other IG posts from Jimmy and others with this fruit.
Handing it to a baby, putting them in a shopping cart I think.
Does somebody have info on the fruit symbolism, or those other IG pics?
paging anyone who saved that colorcoding infographic
The FBI thing is actually an interesting read but I don't think it's relevant (as of yet) to our investigation.
The FBI compromised Freedom Hosting, which was hosting a lot of Tor CP sites and then modified Freedom Hosting such that anytime anyone visited any website it was hosting (apparently including 23 CP sites), the visitor would be hacked and reveal their IP to the FBI. However, it only took a couple days for the general public to figure out what was going on (precisely because the FBI infected so many people by exceeding the scope of their warrant, which is what link related is about) and I'm pretty sure they shut it all down soon after that.
So, just to recap, I don't think this is relevant right now. It seems like a case of the FBI compromising a CP host and keeping that shit going for a few days or weeks to find out who else was involved in CP, not some kind of long-running FBI inside job that hosts 23 CP sites indefinitely.
this is retarded. Like c'mon, that is blatant disinfo on par with the tony hawk crisis actor shit
What was with her left eye? Is there any occult significance to her eye and how it changes in different pictures?
reposting alefantis business info
Company Number
Incorporation Date
14 June 2012 (over 4 years ago)
Company Type
New York (US)
Registered Address
United States
Previous Names
Company Number
Incorporation Date
29 October 1997 (about 19 years ago)
Company Type
Virginia (US)
Registered Address
United States
Agent Name
Agent Address
Directors / Officers
No it ain't. Been following this save she disappeared. The efits got buried u til 5years after the event. Even the person that created the efits wasn't aware they didn't get released. Check the previous tabloids.
I think he's trying to throw you off. Look at his other posts. His comments sound a lot like some of the nasty ones clearly posted by Comet staff on the video showing them playing ping pong on the sidewalk next to traffic.
Carisoprodol (Soma) is a new kind of barbituate with more power and fewer side-effects.
Soma. Really they aren't hiding it anymore.
For some un-explained reason, it was shopped it in later photos.
Those are the little oranges called "cuties" aren't they?
Anyone else seeing E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Inc AKA Dupont coming up in peer block a lot? I am admittedly newer to this.
Not understanding why there are so many connections with them being blocked.
Yeah, FBI sting sounds weak.
But if you think about it, blackmail being the primary purpose of what they're doing also explains how easily this was uncovered.
If someone as high profile as Podesta had this urge he needed to satisfy, and likely minded people were in on it, most likely they would be far more paranoid and hide their tracks better. Notice how many young women are seemingly involved, this doesn't really fit the pedo profile. Blackmailing their competition with child porn is one level of disgusting removed from actually producing cp.
Blackmail also may not just be used to climb social ladders. Foriegn governments may be paying them huge sums of money for dirt on people - israel, saudi arabia, russa would all love to have this sort of leverage and most likely pay astronomical sums for it.
The other angle is that the satanism looks silly and tin foily, but actually if you are grooming politicians to be black mailed, one way to know if they would compromise themselves is if you can get them to do some kinda black magic voodoo shit. THat's already basically blackmail material, cause who would vote for a satanist.
This shit is obvious garbage to muddy the waters. Who the fuck actually thinks Podesta personally kidnapped Madelaine?
Besides Those sketches are of the SAME PERSON, not of three separate kidnappers.
Except it's not and you have no idea what you're talking about, clearly.
Dupont Underground
Dupont family heir baby rapist
Majo Humer at White House pizza party
Franz Humer head of pharma company
All Connected to Koons who sold his firstborn son
You know I just stumbled into this but don't you all think maybe someone should just abduct one of these fucks and grill them about CarisJames?
like you could easily just pull one of these guys off the street in masks and grill him for like 15 minutes before knocking him out and dumping him
Do the research, it's all there documented.
They want u to beleive it's dis info, that's why it got buried again….
Podesta is our enemy. He wants to see my race wiped out. Tar and feathering with these memes, even if they aren't true, shine with a brilliance because they are also true in other ways. The Podestas are sick demented fucks, and this will only lead people to see them as this subconsciously.
Criminal investigation involves in following every possible lead, then calculating the logistics and possibility of validating or verifying each lead. The more people investigating, the more leads can be traced.
In an investigation you set up a web. You connect people with strings, names, organizations. You categorize the connections by friendships, time spent around each other, how much they communicate with each other and most importantly what their monetary connections are.
Every organization has a leadership, then its underdogs, then its financiers.
All of this >hur dur stop following disinfo would only be a credible concern if we were limited on time and manpower. We aren't. We can follow every lead. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some alphabets monitoring these threads to see how far we can follow a lead.
The problem with our limitation is that you can only scrub the internet so much. An investigation requires field work to ever come to fruition. It requires solid evidence. Few of us are brave enough, have the resources, training and experience to carry out active field work. This is where we can hope and pray anons out there in the alphabet agencies can find the gumption to go out there are bring criminals to justice.
We are a peoples probe. Eventually we will have anons who will go out and do field work, some already have. As this phenomenon carries on, we become more dangerous, and more like an actual agency.
Just as they feared the militia movement, they fear independent citizen investigations and probes even more.
Of course it's disinfo/misdirection.
The two e-fits are OF ONE MAN.
This is total misdirection, noise for the signal.
This thread is overrun.
"rape drugs" are urban myth. They have never really existed.
Several studies have been conducted into the claims of "date rape" stemming from promiscuous, alcohol-guzzing millennial women.
The two main studies, one from the UK and one from Australia, both delivered the same result. Out of hundreds of women reporting to accident and emergency wards, not a single one was found to have been doped with any known "date rape" drug.
What doctors did find in the blood and urine was high amounts of alcohol and often cocaine.
tl;dr women claim "I was drugged" because it's a better story than "I am a drunken slut who regrets having casual sex."
Going to reiterate.
E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Inc
E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Inc
E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., Inc
triggering peer blocker A LOT
New to peerblocker, can anyone confirm/deny significance considering what we're looking into?
Fuck off.
Also rape drugs urban myth? Come on really. I can name a few. Get the fuck out
this one?
will you do it yourself?
It's more likely that the handkerchief is code for blackmail.
it is not Robert Falk. Robert Falk is an attorney on HRC, the human rights campaign.
If you reverse search the image, it is associated with his name, anthony pilo, and Michael Abramowitz on Linked In.
No it fucking isn't. On either of these things. Podesta absolutely did not personally kidnap Madelin McCann, and the white rabbit is completely unrelated to this entire thing in the first place
literally a black cube for the logo
anyways, ya du pont is badddddd
this shit is all going down in the dupont underground
She died before she was reported missing, and her parents' doctor friend is a nonce. Everything since has been protecting the parents and friends from at least getting done for child neglect, and at worst all being paedos. Photo-fits mean shit-all because no one saw anyone take her - she was already dead.
The average person knew who dunnit when the news first broke. But the average person couldn't imagine these well-to-do, middle-class types were capable of being kiddy fiddlers. Despite what the papers suggested, it was obvious she had died (most would think accidentally while her parents were out boozing), and the parents and friends were covering up that fact because they would face charges for leaving young children alone.
check it out
"I dealt blackjack in an illegal gambling operation for a volunteer fire company in northern Maryland while I was just out of college. We were trained in a back room/secret knock kind of place in the back of a party store in a seedy part of Baltimore, and each night as we drove to the firehouse, we would have to watch for signals by the road to let us know if it was safe to continue on, as the place was often raided by police. I currently own my own marketing and communications firm in Washington.
– Jennifer Motruk Loy, marketingbyjml .com"
I didn't say podesta did, I said do the research, the macann disappearance is well documented which needs to be followed through
Oh, sorry. I know that She got kidnapped. I wasn't disputing this. What I was doing was disputing the claims that Podesta personally kidnapped her.
Seconded fuck off.
I've seen people do a lot of drugs and remain functional. I've seen these same people's memories and ability go to shit because of some creep spiking.
OBVIOUSLY CarisJames + Soma (Carisoprodol) [pictured in JimmyCommet] + James Alefantis is the right direction.
Devils breath or rohipnol.