Etherium's creator vows to interfere with any project that tries to use the platform and whose creators he doesn't like
Etherium's creator vows to interfere with any project that tries to use the platform and whose creators he doesn't like
That really activated my stock portfolio
He is not Ethereum's creator, and he does not at all have the power to do this. Please fuck off, officer FUD
lets wait for a statement from the higher ups distancing themselves from this guy's personal opinion
Why? They won't and can't do anything to any project
Etherium has already colluded to rewrite history once.
Yes, and they clearly massively regret it. It's obvious they won't do it again, look at Parity.
They also cannot stop you using their platform. What are they going to do, hardfork every time you deploy the contract?
No, they will do
My fucking sides, imagine being this guy and having to look in the mirror. He's like pure satire bundled with some pieces of dried shit then eaten and thrown up.
I wouldn't be able to fuck the hottest chick out there if I learned she once touched something he also did because I'd vomit in her cunt.
How do you run stuff on blockchains?
What is a blockchain?
What is parity?
So nobody's going to scream pajeet?
It's called ethereum.
So whenever some retard says shit they have to comment on it?
If fiat money is the blue pill and Bitcoin is the red pill, Ethereum is more like the black pill or the brown pill.
more like
I wonder if he has the same instance on pedos, antifa and drug dealers that make use of their platform
If it was a code monkey that said it, who cares. He's farther up the command.
I don't need my masculinity I'll just get into computing and ruin that instead I love being a fag so much nobody can stop me in 2015+2
walking lolcow dichotomy tbh. let's do it.
BitPay Is Some Jewish Shit: The Thread.
BitPay is a service that enables people that trade in baitcoin and other properties to exchange their properties, e.g., coin for coin, coin for fiat, fiat for coin.
They are so awesome. To trade the anonymous botcoin all they ask for is:
Human Name
Business Name
Phone Number
Live Email Address
Account Info (Settlement)
Tax ID Number
Proof of Business Entity
Proof of Business Address
Photograph ID of Human
3 Months of Bank Statements
EV SSL Certification
Interview with BitPay
Approval by BitPay
They also offer to review your account with their compliance department to verify that the business is in compliance with their Terms of Service. Their Terms of Service includes:
- No Narcotics, research chemicals, or any controlled substances.
- No Cash or cash equivalents, including items used for speculation or hedging purposes (such as derivatives), and the sale or trade of virtual currencies.
- Items that infringe or violate any intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or patents.
- Ammunition, firearms, explosives (including fireworks), or weapons as determined by BitPay.
- Any services which compete with BitPay.
They also offer to file a 1099, since you are their employee at this point.
Why are you cryptoȷews so fucking greedy ?
Coin is a fucking property, a hold of value.
It should not be treated as a currency, or this shit "regulation" happens.
It is the ȷew.
You can reach these fine folk here:
info (at)
compliance (at)
ȷews (at)
At least he recognises his own insecurity by dressing as a cartoon thief.
That is not Vitalik Buterin you dumb fuck.
but they all touch some alpha male dicks. and the chance of being the first is laughably low.
if you fuck a hot chick, your dick will touch a residual mass from all alpha male dicks who fucked her before you. therefore fucking hot chicks is gay in fact.
and of course her mouth was also thoroughly inspected by a pack of alpha male dicks
How will this affect Urbit?
Yeah, fuck off with your fake news OP.
just look at face of this fedora wearing poo in loo cuck, don't tell me you don't want to poke that fatties belly with a shank
He hasn't been involved in Ethereum's foundation for years, and Ethereum's actual creator doesn't agree with him.