KEK Junker has nothing to back up his words better pay up that money.
lets hope europeans are in high spirits to make the ultimate sacrifice for their people :^)
I hope he keeps American troops in EU countries since those cowards can't defend themselves but he better hold a gun to their fucking head when it comes to paying the USA to be there.
stopping the euro ethnicities from being mentally handicapped by propaganda and bred out of existence may be a more worthy interest.
No US NATO bases in Germany = instant civil war there.
EU countries aren't allowed to defend themselves, America would have an aneurysm if Germany rebuilt its military and ended the Polish occupation of eastern Germany.
Better be ready to arm the White Europeans, provide training and use the Emperor's Legion to fight the muslim hordes with us. Would be proud to be part of the God Emperor's First European Legion.
Where is he wrong? Most European countries have big social programs because they don't have to spend that money on defense.
Up until Trump, any resistance by Europeans would be met by an American M4's barrel.
With Trump, we'll have to wait and see but with NATO panicking, this is starting to look very good.
Good, I hope NATO disbands and those Amis finally fuck off
Trump should send the Navy to intercept the invaders.
I called it. NATO will fucking collapse without burger bux and manpower
d*g bles ameriga
I didn't know dogs served in the US army. What's that African doing there though?
No, they're going to have an EU military.
So the countries who want out better do it quick
Last I checked their airforce was shit.
Only good thing they have is their mobile launchers.
I want to see them try. Anti-EU sentiment is already at the highest. They'll never pull it off.
At least greece bought those fucking submarines with their EU bailout money LMAO
Really good point(s) here. If EU countries have to pay for their defense than that will end a lot of their free shit programs that are attracting 3rd world invaders from 10 countries away.
I say signs get posted on all borders: "If you can walk here, you can walk back."
I think you mean (((America))).
>if you can walk here, you can walk back will get shot
They can't have an EU military when the EU is collapsing. What are they gonna do when Austria and France leave? And believe me, they will soon.
Remember that the cabal of state department crooks Trump wants to root out are the successors of those who wanted to "wipe out the Hun once and for all" to "prevent the Third German World War"
Nice try, Europoor, but we don't care. Your free ride on America's prosperity dick is over.
NATO was a mistake.
Just read this thread if you want to know what "red-pilled" Americans think.
Europe needs to find its spine again.
Maybe they will legalize guns and militias for the smaller population countries. This could be a positive thing.
That just made me laugh out loud. I can't even begin to imagine what we're in store for if this man is really the stuff of legends.
This is the same man who called the very concept of nations a mistake. If you don't believe in nations, why have a military? What is there to defend?
Perhaps if all NATO members were spending at least 2% of GDP on defense like they promised, this wouldn't be a problem. At present, only the US (3.3%), Greece (2.6%), Poland (2.2%), France (2.1), Turkey (2.1%), Estonia (2.0%), and the UK (2.0%) are currently meeting their obligations. All other NATO members fall short, some dramatically so.
Did Mr. Juncker of Luxembourg (0.5%) expect a free ride?
How is Eesti paying their bills?
It should be America and Canada 0%, the rest of NATO using US military should be the only ones paying that back to the US.
I think Portugal was at 2% as well, but given the socialists are in government right now they might have cut.
Of course, our GDP is shite so 2% of our GDP is also worthless.
Portugal is at 1.9% and generally hangs around 2%, so they can easily get where they need to be. Countries like Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, and Canada are far below target, all close to 1%. They would have to make serious budget decisions to reach 2% of GDP.
It's not a matter of the total value of the contribution of any individual NATO member, but that they are taking responsibility for their people.
I know. I'm pretty sure we were 2% with the social democrats in power.
Hopefully this Trump win makes nationalists in both parties stronger, perhaps even a new party forms.
you mean shills?
No. They do not leave. They die where they are. Every last invader will be slain. They have raped and defiled our women and children. Humiliated and killed our men. Sullied our ancestral lands, and muddied our cultures. The punishment for such actions is merciless slaughter. First the invaders, and once Europe recovers from the horrors of the attempted white genocide, the whole of Africa and the middle east will be wiped clean of shitskins.
Before we can cleanse the world of those sub-humans though, after we kill every non-white and kike in Europe, there must be a massive bloodletting. Every single leftist, numale cuck, faggot, tranny, furry, feminist, degenerate must be slain as well. It will be the night of long knives to end all. Every women who willingly opened her legs to the invaders will be publicly executed. We must remove the infection from our own ranks, before we can cleanse the earth.
Has anyone else seen the actual video clip this is from? The motion looks very awkward with the way she segues into a hand wave; definitely deliberate lol
That could've happened, if Brexit didn't happen. Or Greece's referendum for that matter. Once NATO starts leaving everyone is going to quickly and rapidly make their own militaries as quickly as possible because the last one to militarized will be utterly fucked diplomatically.
She's completely fucked isn't she?
Germany pls
No, I want you to fuck off
What do you think?
Right after we unfuck your shit Hans.
Unfuck your own shit, your help isn't wanted or needed, Zogcuck
We're doing that Hans.
Do you really not want our help getting Frauke elected?
They should start shooting amerikikes if anything.
It's what a cuck would do.
All we have to do to uncuck Europe is to get our dick out of their ass, and tell Russia to leave them be as well. They uncuck themselves, and we turn a blind eye to the slaughter of rapefugees.
It's basically UK (special relationship), Greece, Estonia, and Poland that meet the treaty consistently. France comes close. Everyone else is pretty pozzed.
We don't care. We care only about America. I don't give a fuck if Europe collapses.
You don't care because you're a Jew. There is no "we" in your statement. I do care about my ancestors' home and the preservation of Europeans and their culture.
So vast…with no real troop stren..
the Russians know this now. Russia could walk into Poland and TBH the rest of Europe. They would have a nightmare in southern Germany and wouldn't be able to take it as they would be cut apart in the air and on the ground. But if they could open terrain invade with wide attack rather than a directed one they could actually take some shit. HOLDING it is a different story.
That's not how this works. Part of cooperation is health fear and respect of one another.
Trump standing up to Putin to protect would still require the military bases.
Either you accept you're stuck with him until you shit's uncucked, or you get Putin.
That graph can't be right. Our spending isn't that fucking low. BE constantly bitches it SHOULD be that low.
Nigger the EU can't even pay for Greece's denbts
Well we have to uncuck Europe somehow. We're White, we can think of something.
Forcefully remove old CIA placed puppets who kiss the Jew's ring, let Europe arm themselves with the new nationalistic regime, destroy EU. Once all 3 are done, European nations will have all that is needed to determine their faith without it automatically meaning that they either have to answer to the US or Russia.
MWDs get more recognition then their actual handlers
Croat here.
NATO hasn't really benefited us at all. The only thing that happened was that it siphoned a fuckload of money out of the country. Money we desperately need. Same goes for the EU as such.
Here's what I think the Emperor should do - Eastern Europe and the Baltics are jumpy due to Russia but also white and nationalistic. The US should foster good relations with Poland and other Slav countries but without going full tard with the missile "shields" and whatnot. Neither Poland not the Slovaks nor the Česi would roll over for Russia in a worst case scenario, but the absence of missiles would also reassure Russia that no antagonism is present, ergo no need for tensions. Trade and prosperity bros.
Do you think mathematics doesn't apply in Europe?
What would Russia even do to them, worst case? Russia doesn't want to invade and create another Eastern bloc, right?
Russia also doesn't want to flood western Europe with millions of moslems and blacks.
I think the US should demand something of Russia, if nothing else so Trump doesn't appear weak.
Although Putin might not given.
I bet you think the firebombing of Dresden was a good idea too you ZOGcuck occupier. GTFO and take your nigger soldiers with you.
Kike the oven awaits you, you will stay the fuck out of Evropa.
Europe has no real strength. Their defense ministers are a joke. Many of the countries are severely under-equipped. Once the US pulls out, other countries will have little issue rolling over them. Think those immigrants and immigrant children will defend those countries? Not at all. They won't leave either. No, they will just riot, causing internal strife that the country cannot deal with while facing external aggression. This is exactly the situation that needs to be created in order for right-wing groups to take power in those countries.
And how many immigrants and leftists are gonna fight for their homeland? It's pretty much a fucking joke, and the Yuropoors need to get their shit together.
I agree.
That's entirely true. Russia has more than enough land and resources, and it wouldn't benefit them at all to wage war of any sort against say Poland. Nothing to gain, very much to lose.
And likewise yes. Allies and friends are always valuable. Russia can have them in Eastern Europe and so can Trump's America. This is almost an unprecedented situation in which a loose alliance can be former stretching from the Atlantic to Europe to Vladivostok.
Demand what? You don't demand shit unless there's a reason. Merely showcase good will. Restart a mutual space program or something of the sort. Every action Russia took in the last two decades was a defensive one since NATO and your guys encircled it and went full tard on its allies.
The moment this becomes a non-issue stuff will fall into place. At that point politics takes a back seat to trade, cultural and economic exchange and so on. These are all issues that can be negotiated and/or initiated by say the industrialists or agriculturalists, which is to say private individuals and companies. Both Trump and Putin are probably aware of this and that it's their duty to assure a climate for such things.
At this point its more of a "wait and see" kinda situation to me. If it starts to respond to treatment and begins to heal you do what you can to save it. If not and it continues to rot you cut it off before it takes you with it.
That's Europe. I'm still not sure where its headed but after tuesdays election there looks like there might be a good chance they can pull through in the end.
But if its barely shown any improvement in a years time then fuck em. America will carry the torch as best it can, though it would have been preserved far greater in the hands of an uncucked Europe
Don't lump it all together. Us Slavs from the Balkans to Central Europe are FAR from willing to die for some suicidal "ideal" of multicult. It's the pure Western Europeans that have gotten way too used to luxury and easy living. They are the ones who need to uncuck themselves - mentally and spiritually. Eastern Europe fought and would fight with a spoon and a clump of earth if necessary.
True, Germany was forced into this situation. It really isn't their fault they ended up cucked. The insanity of "denazification" and so on after WW2 ruined entire generations. But France, the UK and smaller countries like Belgium, the Netherlands and so on need to get their shit together.
Worst case scenario of too many cucks? "Poles help us! Balkanfags help us!" - there'd be shitloads of white men with a bus ticket to Paris and Berlin. Do you understand what this means, truly means? Full lasting peace and partnership in Europe, beyond the scope of shit unions and shit politics.
I dunno, something innocuous.
Show of strength so Putin knows he's dealing with a nice guy that carries a big stick.
It would also go a long way in allowing him to remove the bases from Europe. If Putin knows Trump's trustworthy, but also will fuck his shit if he tries anything, Europe might be safe to militarize again.
The US has actually been pressuring European nations and Japan to rebuild their militaries for awhile. Japan has that pesky constitution while Europeans would rather spend money on social programs.
You are aware that the American being slapped is wearing a Marine uniform? And Marines aren't stationed in Europe.
I'm actually somewhat sure that if the US goes right so will Europe. Simply put much of the leftism in Europe is a direct result of 50+ years of US pressure, so if that's out of the way it will embolden all right leaning people within Europe. By sheer necessity of a disbanded NATO all countries will have to get their shit together, and this ends gibsmedats.
The problem with Europe is the CIA's meddling in it and, since the end of WW2, if they try to uncuck themselves without uncle Schmuel's approval they'll get "liberated from those evil gnatzees". Under a Trump administration things can start to look bright for Europe.
It was a jab at Marine Corps Yumi.
And now the author is dead.
Actually, Germans can perfectly unfuck themselves, once US end the occupation.
Germany is officially a US occupational zone until year 2099. Which means, that if Germans revolt the US troops will be the ones shooting at the crowd.
Reminder who runs NATO:
Source please?
Reminder that if Breivik hadn't hit friday traffic, Stoltenberg would most likely have been (deservedly) dead in his fucking office and the world would have one less problem.
Breivik was so pissed about being late and not doing more damage that he decided to head for Utøya.
Exactly. Europe will follow USA. Europe might actually turn out better than the USA because their problems don't run as deep.
The Germany was occupied until 2099 by the US and USSR and de jure Germany is not Germany, but an occupational state that occupies the territory of the Reich, which still de jure exists.
In the 1990 the soviets ended their occupation of the East Germany, but the US never ended theirs. Instead they joined the East Germany to their occupational zone.
Germany doesn't have a constitution, instead it has a basic law, installed by the US. The German intelligence is still de jure a branch of CIA.
No one speaks about it, but Germany is not a country, but an occupied vassal.
But the good thing is, that once the occupation officially ends, the current Germany government becomes illegitimate and Germany automatically turns into Reich without a Fuhrer.
The basic law is not a constitution.
A constitution has to be voted in by the population through a referendum
A basic law is something an occupational force enforces. Iraq and Afghanistan had a basic law before they voted for a constitution.
It's basically like this.
The US is subsidising the EU's defensive spending. That's worth trillions a year. No US subsidies, suddenly the Eurocucks realise how hard life is and start sending money back to America.
This is win-win for American manufacturing. Who gives a shit about the EU. America first, second and third.
A national anarchistic country? No country can function with out the government.
The government structure is there, it's just the government that's missing.
Basically the NSDAP and the Fuhrer still exist on paper, someone just has to full their place at the head of state.
t. kike
What if we
1. Made a pact Russia-EU-USA
2. Reduce war spending all across the board since and say that anyone invading gets 6 mil nukes up their ass
Very bad choice. Cut EU off completely. EU has to die.
America have not defended Europe, they have genocided the Germans, you fucking cuck.
This reminds me. Now that Donald Trump is president, doesn't have quite a bit of influence on US propaganda efforts in other countries? Perhaps the US should fund some right-wing media outlets across Europe.
I can only hope they quickly cut funding of public broadcasting in the US. It is just liberal garbage for the most part.
You'd be amazed how fast the EU can be reformed if the ZOG boot is off our neck.
Trump will destroy the jews.
The EU has to be destroyed, cuck
There is no such thing as EU. There is France, Germany, Britain etc.
If you are pro-EU, you are a kike and must die.
True in one sense, (I'd recommend the book "Other Losses" to get info on what happened to Germany after the ZOG occupation).
On the other hand, we have Germany to thank for ISrael's fucking free Dolphin subs (oi vey what a bargain!) they delivered to the kikes, giving them a 2nd strike nuke option so getting rid of the vermin without a Samson Option will be a lot harder.
Who will become fuhrer?
If you have a look at Luxembourg, it's bureaucracy and its politicians, you're reminded more of the Soviet Union and less of actual democracy. There's a ton of nepotism and shit rolling up the hierarchy, too.
Think about it, our transportation minister is a ticket perforator for the national railways, which is basically the lowest rank you can have there. Our prime minister is a faggot who forced fag marriage on us and made us vote in the following referendum:
Voters were asked three questions:
1) Lowering the voting age to 16:
"Do you approve of the idea that Luxembourg people aged between sixteen and eighteen should have the right to optionally register on electoral lists in order to participate as voters in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies, the European elections, municipal elections and referendums?"
2) Right of foreigners to vote:
"Do you approve of the idea that residents without Luxembourg nationality should have the right to optionally register on electoral lists in order to participate as voters in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies, on the double condition that they have resided at least ten years in Luxembourg and that they have previously participated in European or municipal elections in Luxembourg?
3) Introducing term limits:
"Do you approve of the idea of limiting to ten years the maximum period during which someone can continuously be part of the government (cabinet)?"
When Luxembourgers voted lol no overwhelmingly for all three questions, the politicians and the media started whining that we had voted poorly and didn't understand democracy.
tl;dr: Luxembourg needs a lot of purging to be made great again. Was it ever great? Fuck yeah, when we actually had a steel industry that didn't belong to some fucking street shitter.
Who else?
No, Europe need to uncuck it self without the Americans being in their way.
Monarchism will rise again under strict observation of the major players. Giving people the whole truth of the world after the roots of the jew have been given light.
I hope the Americans never leave Europe, we are creating a new American Reich that will last for a thousand years.
the jews on Brit sunday TV on sky are absolutely shitting themselves on Sky. It's great.
Fuck off, kike.
I'm only kidding, I was just shitposting. For some reason you Europeans can't take a joke, sad!
Not even European. America already did enough damage to the white race and genocided millions of whites all over the world to be trusted with anything.
So we can be parted between USA and RUssia with no say in our future?
Go die in a fire burgerclaps.
Dividing ourselves into individual nation states just confirms jewish D&C.
If we make it into a confederation where the voices of individual countries are actually heard and top people are actually elected, there's no limit in our power since Europe united is the largest economy in the world.
What you're seeing now in the form of EU is a USSR behemoth. With a complete revamp, you can get a power to be counted in the triumvirate under the pole.
very sad, american military and government were never pro-european race
Yes you are right the goyim- i mean we should all assimilate into one world government ehehehehehehe…
Europe is not a country and not a culture.
Europe will never and should never be united.
In this day and age there is no need for any countries to be united to be competitive on their own. European countries need neither the shared resources, nor the shared military.
It's even sadder when you remember, that the majority of America back then was of German descent.
You can't even secure the existence of your own European peoples or its safety with the rapefugee hordes and you expected the US to do it for you while mooching like crazy? Even the fucking Japs and gooks are paying for most of it.
This would be fantastic
They want EU military because they can't even control french national police, who have been outright defiant against their government for the past month.
9/11 dubbs confirm
Shut the fuck up, we're able to defend ourselves and would actually do it without Israel's golem cuking us all day long.
The dream of Hitler finally come true
They would rather fuck their own infrastructure up rather than stop importing pure rape.
But it is a one race user.
I'm going to repeat myself. We should not be easy pickings for Moscow or Washington. Just as we joined together into nation states with the industrial revolution we will need our combined strength to reach the stars.
The point of the kike NWO is communism, redistribution of wealth and mass immigration from the 3rd world to destroy us.
The point of the North Pole Alliance would be space exploration, technology, liberty, preserving the diversity of WHITE cultures and making the rest of the world our bitch.
tl;dr imagine the Second Triumvirate. And I like what happened after it.
What are they worried about? Who gives a shit about NATO. I'm mad that my tax dollars are being spent to protect Germans against their will. It's fucking retarded. Focus on Asia, and maybe Latin America. We have no business in Europe. They're big boys.
I think you meant to say
Neither Moscow nor the Washington are the enemy. The Jew is the only enemy.
Neither Germany, nor France or Britain needs to join with anyone, to be a superpower.
The more fractured the world is, the further the world government.
I always thought they were just larping as a great evil empire with flags and armies and such.
Washington will never be a friend of the european people to say the least. And its not jews behind everything
Confirmed for kike shill, reported, enjoy ban.
jews as a whole are a destructive force with too much influence. but only plebs think jews are behind everything going on
The only ones wining about this are (((establishment))) types. .
Maybe for you, but not for the jewish agenda
Because (((they))) are oppressing europeans and don't want to lose the control over the europeans. If they are free then they will be able to uncuck themselves. NATO only exist to stop commie but it is not relevant now so NATO should disband.
good point. I only imagined WW I and the Balfour declaration, WW 2, Judeo-Bolshevism in russia, the neocon wars in the mideast for Israel, the market crashes, etc…
Even back then my ancestors revolted against the foreign yoke, fuck off EU-Cuck
This is beautiful
Sorry but is right, you have no idea how europe works
But we forgive you because smug Trump is the best waifu
I think I'll take Henry Ford's word over yours, a judenshill on a shitposting forum….
Say bye bye to those gibmedats for rapefugees.
It is way better than that. Trump will have access to the NSA. The NSA has been spying on pretty much every country on the planet. Trump will hold a fucking guillotine over Merkels head and pretty much every other EU leader
All true. However, if you think the reason your car is not moving is jewish subversion, you'll never fix it. There were problems in the world before jews and there will be problems after.
The kikes and all that they do can really be seen as the biggest problem facing the white race right now, but we must remember that other problems do always exist.
Actually we spend a lot on defense, but smaller countries equals smaller armies, european countries are old *notrichanymore* shit with no future. What you see is what we can make with or without social programs. Programs that don't really exist anymore since 2008 *except for rapefugees*
count the non jews (this is just an example)
You mean Germany, France, Denmark, and Sweden? Because they're the only ones with big social programs. and maybe Iceland but who cares about Iceland
If USA leave them alone then they will have no choices but to cut the big social programs in order to create a EU army but it will motivate the nationalists even more. Nobody want a EU army that is anti-white to them.
european nations have a spine, but its kinda hard when the americans and brussles cucks are there to keep them under the boot
most people dont care too much about the US elections anymore now that hillary is down you know.
They're going to WISH he bought their children now.
are you retarded? fight against who? the other immigrants and leftists? the whole fuckin point of kicking americans out of europe is to deal with our problems as we want
Civil war? No… just a jihad hunting ground. Old, complacent native population is not going to put up a fight.
Fucking no. The populations of European countries really want the (((defense))) forces that Nato has the US station here gone. It's not really defense, it's occupation on behalf of Israel. Nobody is actually going to attack us if the American troops are gone. That's why the kikes in the press keep sperging out about Trump's policy on Nato.
Because it can go two ways and both are bad for them.
A: Germany/Nato states don't pay and American troops retreat -> Occupation is gone and populations can allow themselves to vote for non-pc governments
B: Germany/Nato states do pay and humongous extra cost needed to replace all of American nato-stationed troops plummet state households so much faster into debt, that they can't do their part in carrying up the EU any more.
The Nato stuff is one of the primary policies that the kikes are worried about.
I don't recall anyone ever blaming anything irrational on jews. But Feminism and the destruction of the family unit? The Jewess Betty Freidan, "The Feminist Mystique."
why do you think the "coincidence detector" caused such a kike chimpout? you see an anti-White, pro-degenerate article? Oh look, what a coincidence! The downfall of the west has had Jews in the vanguard since the turn of the century.
If you'd like, i'll be happy to go through every event and the direct links to Jewry. 1965 immigration act? While the murderer Ted KEnnedy was their frontman Shabbos Goy, the real power behind it were the Jews Jacob Javitts and Emmanuel Cellars.
I could go on and on..
Or "we" will do what the US of A does and just borrow more money :^)
Nah, national armies cooperating together is all Europe needs. The Russian army isn't all that good anyway, anything but the elite, professional units is really only fit for defense, especially when facing enemy professional troops. Sure, they learned from the failures in Georgia, but there's only so much you can do in 8 years, especially with Russian economy and when majority of your army consists of drafted civilians.
What is by far the most important thing is being ready and being determined to swiftly and unapologetically respond to Russian aggression. Aggressive or not, Putin is not enough of a moron to get involved in a loosing war.
I am not talking about Russian invasion on Europe. I am talking about the race traitors. Race traitors do not want to be hang by their own people. Russia is not a concern to nationalists.
I'm not considering them as such but the problem is that they are TOO FAR and TOO DETACHED from Europe proper.
World government is inevitable, whether you like it or not. It's the only way to conquer the stars. The question is what kind of World Government.
Empire, yes. Marxist dictatorship, no.
What I was implying with the triumvirate and Rome is that we will have to consolidate power to unlock our full potential. Based on course on tradition and liberty. No blandaup.
Of course the eternal jew fears the glory of Rome. You never forgot kek.
good point. the real threat to Europe isn't the millions and millions of military age islamists and shitskins you let in. It's Putin, scheming to take over Europe. It has nothing to do with NATO now literally on his border, which ZOG promised would never happen.
Good goy! You're gonna make a terrific neocon someday..
Look at this cuck.
Oh (((you)))
how do retards like you manage to even find this place when you have no fucking clue as to what's actually going on in the real world, and not what the lügenpresse is pushing?
I'll recommend the site, which is non-partisan and actually tells the truth. One of my favorite academics–Chalmers Johnson– used to say that he reads for the news, and the NYT for the lies.
And he was actually a professor of intl relations at Berkeley and died ~ 5 years ago. It was that obvious even then. After Trump, if you still still take the lügenpresse seriously, not sure how anyone can help you.
Just thought I'd add this:
"More than five million German soldiers in the American and French zones were crowded into barbed wire cages, many of them literally shoulder to shoulder. The ground beneath them soon became a quagmire of filth and disease. Open to the weather, lacking even primitive sanitary facilities, underfed, the prisoners soon began dying of starvation and disease. Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men, most of them in American camps" – Col. Ernest F. Fisher, senior historian, United States Army
What do US troops being stationed in europe have to do with islamification of europe?
Enjoy your Holy Roman Empire for one thousand years, pleb.
I don't think we'll be this lucky to again have the HRE.
You have to go back.
Endless and pointless wars, banking kikery and stagnation?
The race traitors will use loans and hire merc to work in EU against the european countries. They are desperate to do anything.
The fuck are you doing on a nationalist board, kike? Reported.
Is this for real?
The entire scenario is clearly a comedy skit…are you trying to say they ACTUALLY attempted to present this as real?
Or did you just slap this together?
Look, I wouldn't put anything past the lugenpresse, so don't expect that I'd naturally disregard the absurd when it comes to how low that lugenpresse will stoop.
Is this a raid by /leftist/Sorospol/? If the past year has shown anything, it's that the Jewish idea of the Worldwide plantation staffed by coffee-colored serfs is over.
To quote Dr. Pierce, "we support the growth of nationalism among all peoples at all times so long as it does not directly harm our own people." Thus, do we support Hindu Nationalism in India? 100%. "Jewish Nationalism" in Israel? NO, since they are a parasite nation who has sucked over $250 billion from the West since the 1950s as well as dragging us into numerous wars and 9/11.
Who are our own people? Whites, people of European descent. the entire point of supporting trump & Brexit was to STOP the spread of the NWO, One World Government.
What has fucking brussels produced for Europe but for a useless unaccountable bureaucracy who relies on the US for defense and lets in millions of fucking muslims to the point of literally picking them up and ferrying them over a few miles off Libya."
"Sent off to battle to fight a politicians' war
Still never knowing what you were fighting for
You were just another number, just another screw
Out to protect the interest of the chosen few
You fought pitched battles, facing constant heat
Now the enemy is living on your old street
The one world government opened the door and let them in
While leading men to slaughter that they couldn't win"
-Bound For Glory, "Unknown Soldier."
Absolutely nothing my good goy. Just like the US occupation of Germany and enforced population replacement, control of whole banking system and every government and media outlet in EU.
Fun speculation and all, but what facts are there to support it?
user, to anyone with an Iq over 80, it's clearly a skit. the idea was to make fun of how badly the Jüdenpresse was coming down on him, and to try to get some very stupid leftists to share it.
Why do I need to explain this? If you can't figure out that Trump didn't actually try to buy children, not sure you ought be posting here, might need to lurk moar….
Are you new here? have you not been in the threads where documents from right after the war were posted about americas plan for germany?
crazy conspiracy theorists amirite xd I bet he believes the jews run the world too haha
The fuck do you think your zogbots are here for?
World government lead by THE WEST(EU+USA+RUSSIA) you stupid fucks. UN is to be destroyed.
But that's what nation states are faggot.
Neither here no there, you're not spending what America is covering for, America leaves, you now have to cover that.
Why would they have army enforce shit, when, as you say, they have media and other means of influence? If that shit came out in some leak, people would be fucking furious. Why risk that, when you don't need to?
There are over 30 types of white race?
a lot. The "German Constitution" was written with a ZOg gun to their head and the "denazification" program produced generations of brainwashed, guilty people enough to where they feel they deserve to die for having even been born.
We saw this when the PLO took the plane to Uganda and many Germans–although non-Jwws could leave– agreed to stay on with Jews and risk probably death. As it happened, only one person died, Netanyahu's brother (shame wasn't both of them).
If you care, would recommend a book for you that Zündel often talked about called "Germany on the Couch." Another very interesting one by a Jew called "Born Guilty."
Yes, burger.
There isn't a singular "white race".
There isn't a singular black or asian race either.
Yeah, I do remember reading something about that. But at the same time, they were afraid of SSSR after the war, so the US troops were there for that reason too - if not mainly for that reason.
"white race" isn't a thing, it's "Caucasian race". And there are over 50 types of it.
Nations free to do what they want without (((outside influence))) yes please.
Anglos, Germans, Slavs, Nordics just from the top of my head.
you must be some real mastermind huh
"caucasian race" also includes jews and arabs, and generally a kike terminology.
He married his kids to jews and put them into key adviser positions, so of course he's playing 4D chess and actually plotting their complete destruction
For what? Leaving money in Croatia is like flushing it down the toilet. We don't even use money that's given to us for free by the EU, because the leeches that run every level of our government need to figure out a way to embezzle it without actually doing anything which takes some time.
The Serbian president recently said in an interview for RT that NATO is the only reason Serbia won't attack us.
you do realise how much gibsmedat shit this would start in europe? peoplewould be begging the former occupier to come back
Whether there's 30-50 different white races won't matter if they don't unite, because all of them will be wiped out regardless.
That's not what I'm saying…clearly the video is a comedy skit, but I wouldn't be surprised to see CNN try to pass it off as real to their audience.
you're retarded. It's a metaphor for what happened in the wake of WW 2, where the US literally brought teams of (mostly Jewish) psychologists and psychiatrists to analyze the German.."collective mind" and see how to best get them to do the will of ZOG.
you may think I'm an asshole and not like my opinions, but I have at least 500 print books on Both world wars, the Jews, the aftermath of the war, Israel, Jews, etc..
You don't need to even pay for most of them these days available on People may hate my guts but at least I know my facts and references to back up my arguments.
t. Burger
According to you, Hitler is a kike.
so is asia.
so is the arab world.
how about we test your idea?
lets put all kinds of arabs in one state and see ho they prospe-… oh wait
…and got ourselves into world war 1
shit youre new. nobody up there gives a shit about "muh ideology", the only thing that matters is controling everyone. right now theyre doing it with "democracy" and capitalism in europe.
yeah rome collapsed and got sacked by barbarian tribes time and time again. you just debunked yourself in one post
Was just playing random associations in my head. Not making a statement of any type that matters, just shitposting.
The 1945 Table Talks are a fake, yid.
Yes, that's presumably how Germany got where they are now - and that's why they no longer need any guns to have influence.
Military power doesn't even have as much political influence in Europe now and especially in former eastern block. People there are very sensitive about this shit so trying to influence for example Poland via brute military force would only alienate vast majority of its people and politicians. Hell, just "expressing concerns about the state of democracy in Poland" had even some pro-EU politicians going like "shut the fuck up, this is non of your business".
What I'm saying is that you don't need an army to influence western Europe and no army will help you when it comes to central/eastern Europe, unless you're prepared for open confrontation.
Yes, i dislike his love towards muslims, who he never seen as dangerous group that wants entire world being dominated by their degenerate religion of death. Crusaders were for a reason.
Apparently that's why he did the exact things written in them.
National-socialism is not about race or religion. It's about helping your kind and helping others do the same.
Race baiting and race division is a kike strategy. White supremacists are kike stooges.
You say that to protect speech about muslims, not because you have those believes.
I doubt that if they have control over media they would simply stop at that.
You know how these ((people)) operate, they go for total and absolute control. Minds and bodies.
I suspect the primary role of the actual forces there are to act as a bulwark against russia and maybe antagonize it as well.
That is if it isn't an elaborate plan to cause some happenings down the path that gives them justification to do something.
But I really doubt its about any european countrys security.
I don't give a fuck about muslims, but the right thing to do would be move them all back to their countries and help them rebuild, not start a perpetual genocide.
Islam needs to be buried in history. Liberating all arabs from islamic idiocity, proclaiming islam extremist religion and banning it around the world would be best solution to this problem.
And the point of what I'm saying is that "white race" is not a thing. There are nations and ethnicities and they should stay independent. For the Germans are much more similar to the Japs, then they are to the Brits, and the Italians are much more similar to the Turks, then they are to the French.
are you really this retarded hillbilly or just a shill?
That never works and you know it.
You don't give a man a fish, you teach him to fish.
But you and I know muslims of all people are not willing to learn anything from us.
I'm all for unity between nationalistic countries but you cant play ball with people who would rather see you dead.
Yes, because Hitler ran the SS. Read a book nigger, all of that came from Himmler, most notoriously the revival of an Austro-Hungarian muslim unit, who was usually ideologically repudiated as soon as Hitler found out.
The highest level of the Nazi state was effectively a feudal regime where Himmler, Goering, Goebbels, etc. would do whatever they like, only vaguely working towards one of Hitler's objectives, and most competing with eachother for influence and resouces.
These are occupation forces, matey.
again, souce?
I don't, because we never tried. They were fucked by different colonial powers since the middle ages. And since the 19th century they were engaged in perpetual colonial wars, the in the cold war, then the Gulf war, then the post 9/11 fuckery.
If you look at history, we seriously never tried and before China was rebuilt by the Soviets they were in the same barbaric state.
That's not what this is about, the muslim units were employed by Rommel in North Africa. Hitler lashed out at Himmler, because his Muslim unit had no place in Europe, that's all.
How about no?
What if we
1. Made a pact Russia-EU-USA
3. Then use up all the new lebensraum until we can get to new planets so Slavs, Germanics etc can go their own way.
EU is USSR so it's not worth to keep EU alive.
I know for a fact that many people here are actually afraid of Russia and do actually want to have a strong military backing us, having memory of what it was like under them. If there weren't real (and in places like the Baltic not unfounded) fears of Russia, then any foreign military probably wouldn't be very welcome here. Of course whether the other side sees it the same way is another question.
I just want to know if it's (((just))) a speculation.
Those niggers never invented the wheel, and neither did the Arabs. Go play multiculti Nazi somewhere else.
Hitler lashed out at Himmler as a regular occurence, because of his neo-paganism (see parallel funeral rites for Heydrich) and assorted other schemes (German settlement in the East, general agricultural fetishism, competing seriously with the Wehrmacht and attempting to replace them through gaining military command).
Here's some more great quotes from the "authetic" Testament
Arabs actually did. During the dark ages arabs were actually the most advanced nation in the world, the championed the mathematics and the medical field and also invented the first universities.
You don't know shit about history, m8.
It has been tried in other countries that are infected with islam.
All projects in africa have been pretty much fruitless and it would have been better to either leave the continent alone or declare lebensraum on it for actual countries who arent just fucking everything up.
EU must be destroyed it is against many countries constitution. Decision making power that exist outside the border of a country is just disgusting and wrong.
Believe me I know, I live in finland.
But I'm not quite sure of my position on the chess board just yet.
It's clear that the zog goverments are harassing russia but at the same time I'm not convinced that Russia isnt a zog country too.
Quite honestly I'd like to get into a place of power just because I want to have a chat with Putin and God emperor so I could figure out where Finland stand on the chessboard right now.
Everything is too unclear, the end game is unknown, the players are unknown (we don't know have any names) and in some cases its even unclear which piece belongs to who.
But I do know that our media gets its doctrination and money from USA. They've been going there to meet up and get "educated" in the past years and all they do is spout the garbage they're told.
Thus I know that some powers from USA are influencing what goes on and is said in my country.
I find that almost as alarming as I do find the fact that we live next to Russia and that I don't know the motives and end goals of Putin.
But even so I think that going along with antagonizing Russia with sanctions and other crap only hurt such a small country as Finland and deteriorate our relations.
In a position where we don't know where we stand with them I dont think its wise to flip them the finger just because (((they))) are telling us to do so from the EU and US
Islamic Golden Age was 90% Persian and the rest was Greek shit the Arabs didn't manage to destroy.
fucking lel. You mean the 100-200 years after Rome fell?
Arabs subjugated the most advanced civilizations the world had known since the dawn of times and reduced them into sandy shitholes within the span of a couple of centuries. The "Arab Golden Age" was just an illusion resulting from all the non-Arab scripts of the era being systematically destroyed.
Do you really think that people here would just accept foreign fucking military putting down protests? That would ring an alarm bell so loudly that even the most blue pilled motherfuckers would hear it. They can afford to blatantly disregard what's good for the people in some 3rd world shitholes, but doing it to 1st world western country would cost them all pretty much all the credibility they have with, even with normies and cucks.
The only myth about it is that it was Islamic. That was before Islam, but Arabs had very advanced societies.
Are you so sure? It's not long ago that the EU began plans for an EU task force meant to enforce law across all the EU countries.
Is that not just what you described? Sure they say its for security and counter terrorism but who believes what they say these days?
Look at this triggered shitskin. Arabs were a bunch of camel-fucking nomads no better than the mongols who simply happened to be right next to the richest and most prosperous and also the most politically unstable regions of the Roman empire. So they conquered these regions and that only propped them up so much. After Arab culture started dominating and anyone worth anything fled or was killed by muslim zealots their society collapsed. The only thing that kept them afloat afterwards were the barbary pirates and the and Crimean slave raiders. After those got culled by emeriging European powers such as Russia and France, the muslims world because what it is today, a maze of tribal and religion conflicts spanning the entire middle east.
Arabs were goatfucking raiders, idiot. Subjucated people like Egyptians, Persians and Assyrians had the advanced societies arabs parasitized on.
Source being what, exactly
I think that would be the mesopotamians.
The Arabs were animal herders from the deserts of Arabia. They invaded all of the middle east but that was more recently.
The were a part of Rome before it fell, you dense idiots. They weren't goatfuckers.
Look up Al Tabari, Akhmed ib Yusuf, Jabir ibn Hayyan etc. The last guy even influenced the whole alchemy thing in Europe.
They degraded when they started enforcing islamic fundamentalism and declaring science and research demonic.
Everyone with a basic understanding of history knows that the Arabs were desert herdsmen.
So if thats what you mean by goat fuckers then you are completely wrong.
Was any of those "Arabs" born in the Arabian Peninsula, Ahmed?
You stupid nigger.
No retard, the Arabs were always like that. It's the Persians who held that mindset because they had a civilization before the desert plague reached them.
Absolutely agree there.
Once we are done with that, we should continue cleansing our society from parasites, starting with animefag degenerates and other kinds of NEETs. Once we are done with those, we purge all mentally ill and disabled people (including those who were afflicted during their lives), because who needs them, they only leech on everyone else. Then we should start purgin manlets (under 180cm) and everyone who doesn't have natural blond hair and blue eyes, because I don't like those. Then once technology advances and we create artificial wombs, we get rid of women, as they only distract the working man from being productive. We could also kill all the animals at some point in time, as human is the only species worthy of living on Earth.
Hopefully I'll be still alive to see this utopian future, I can only dream.
You have to understand the "arab" thing first. It's a collection of different tribes and nations, inhabiting places from Qatar to Morocco. Syrians and Egyptians being the majority of them, because they had a huge population but very weak military when they got conquered, but the absorbed the desert tribes, since mislims conquered by conversion, not attrition.
So yes, these were "arabs". You can even safely say that arabs built the pyramids too.
thats why NATO exists you moron. Ever heard of Gladio?
I'm not living in western Europe so I can't speak for them (though I think that it applies to anyone who wants even the least bit of sovereignty), but here we had the soviet army for exactly that purpose, and people are very wary.
I don't think that's its purpose. It's purpose IMO is to give the leaders of EU more power outside of the EU - to have more global influence. They have very little power over national militaries, so they can't use them for their purposes, and with national governments holding that power, there will rarely be big enough consensus - and that means they can't do stupid shit like invading Iraq or Syria.
The Jews will never give the Amalek the chance to rule themselves. The Jews are the ultimate racist genocidal freaks. Anything the Amalek would do for themselves would be against the superimposed moral judgement of the Jews. For the Amalek to take the reins, they must resolve to be 'bad'.
Tell that to the Goats.
I don't have the newspaper links but I recall them literally saying themselves that it was meant for operating inside the EU in tandem with local authorities.
say what nigger
I feel like economic levers are much safer and more efficient in wanting the people to stay inside the EU. You always need stick and a carrot, and the combination of economical advantages and possible sanctions is a great tool. Army is only good if they wanted to establish a blatant dictatorship, which is IMO improbable.
uh huh
Arabs are an ethnic group only slightly more intelligent than the niggers. Some of the people they conquered are capable of civilisation (Persians, Syrians, Egyptians) but equally so, those people have managed to live under mostly first world conditions regardless of contact with the West. In comparison, the Arabs literally live like niggers on the gibs, chimpout when they don't get enough, and spend their down-time mass murdering the minorities who brought them civilisation to begin with.
Using Trump as the reason for re-scheduling the summit to july is a fucking strawman.
The REAL reason (((they))) are afraid now, is that in September there will be the Bundestag elections in Germany.
And now that Trump has won, he has set a precedent for all other nationalist parties worldwide.
I am expecting a huge win for the german AfD, so it's only natural NATO and Merkel want to push as many shit before that happens.
you don't have petrodollars to borrow against.
So they're basically Jews? I swear to God, all semites need to be purged. Their parasitic and nation/civilisation wrecking behaviour is most certainly due to all their semitic inbreeding.
How is Poland not part of Europe?
I bet because it's east of Germany
I'll agree with the krauts ITT, we need to leave Germany immediately. And Italy too.
Before Trump
After Trump
Think about it, when has banning anything actually made it disappear? Nazism is still around even though the West tried its best to eradicate it. Banning islam will make it go underground, make it more extremist, and it'll never die. What you need to do is degenerate it. Christianity is almost completely meaningless. Islam has to become completely meaningless too.
ayy lmao
Arabs are the people who came from Arabia. Plain and simple.
Yes they invaded a lot of countries when the Romans left a power vacuum in the middle east. But none of the places they invaded were Arab before they were invaded by Arabs.
The Arabs cant take credit for things that were invented in a country, before they invaded.
A good example of this type of thing is Hindu Numerals and the concept of zero. Which we use today in Europe.
Often falsely called Arabic Numerals because the Arabs took the technology when they wiped out the Hindus. Its not Arab technology just because the Arabs invaded a country that had invented it.
I know. Somehow I thought he said Europe. Probably because I was just awake more focused on that he was so retarded for not wanting to genocide them instead. Also I forgot a later step where I and other germanics should genocide all "white" non-germanic subhumans.
Fuck off back to Tel Aviv Yosef!
Your nose is showing, you dumb kike!
Oh the irony!
Ameribros don't mind this stupid piece of shit, we Europeans need some help indeed, we can't do it alone.
The Polish military is a joke though
It's a paper tiger using equipment from the 70s and 80s
This ID is the ID of a shill. The USA does not want to be in Europe. Germany deserves to control it's own military AND it's own media. Get fucked you faggot.
You're just butthurt because niggers or not, at least the majority of whites in America voted for the guy most likely to keep out poor niggers and Muslims. Good luck getting a third of your white-guilt Eurocucks to back someone like that before Arabic becomes your continent's most widely used language.
Serbfag here, that's bullshit.
Our army is beyond wrecked. We never recovered from the 99 bombings, and the Democrats sold everything off to Soros and his pals. The economy is in ruins, and has zero chance of recovering because the people who could help the economy are more interested in lining their own pockets.
The whole reason why they're talking about war is to divert attention from the fact that we have no control over the migrants going through the country. They recently attacked several people, but that shit wasn't reported on the major news channels. Or the fact that we have almost daily protests against the new government, or the million strong protests against Serbia joining NATO. We're in complete media blackout.
Even if Nikolic claims that he'll declare war, he has no army to fight it with. Ignore everything he says, he has no power here.
?? eastern Germany rejoined Germany after the wall fell
Hes referring to the parts that were partitioned into Poland.
i don't get it
You mean you don't get why they wouldn't want to or that you are to retarded to get the sneer?
Europe pays ZERO for NATO. The shit that would go to their defense goes to social programs.
You have no argument, you fucking kikes.
Then you should support ending NATO, moishe.
Kill yourself, neocon kike shills.
Pfft Neocon? I want to leave Europe too, but your women, they won't let us leave, they are too obsessed with having dick that isn't covered in dust. Face it my friend, your continent's biggest problem is that your women dominate everything. Whining, sackless numales walk around trying to "woo" women while Ahmed and Sambo get multiple for virtue of not squirming around like a pussy.
Women want strength, an American, even a nigger, wearing a uniform and beating the fuck out of someone who calls him hamburger is more panties-dampening than pretending you give a fuck about her silly ass dreams.
Whats funny is that Eastern Germany might welcome them back with open arms.
Merkel was Stasi. (…KGB?)
Putin was KGB.
Stoltenberg was alleged to be KGB.
Putin supports Trump.
Alt-right (partly associated with Dugin) pushes Trump.
The ZOG uses NATO to do its bidding and dirty work, it becomes rightfully hated. Then elements from the ZOG East push for the dissolution of NATO.
What remains? ZOG East? Reminder, Dugin for example says Western liberalism must be destroyed. Does that also mean the principles of individual freedom?
They can, technically.
You see, let's say the invasion of Europe continues and the Euros go extinct through mixing and conversion. The mongrel offspring will be muslim and "arab", but can take creding for Wagner and Da Vinci, since technically these are their ancestors.
You are partially right. Originally came from Arabia. But the Arabic tribes were too few, so the kept converting as they conquered and mixing with the conquered.
And of course. Instead of removing kebab and nuking Israel, the endgoal of German nationalism is to wage war against another European country to regain a former German territory where no Germans live today, to satisfy their map autism. This is the shit why you'll never win.
Because drunken Russians mass-raping your women once wasn't enough, right? They'd steamroll you without Ami's help.
i don't get why they wouldn't want to defend each other
Internationalist army can't be nationalist by definition. Nice try, kike.
If the NSA was staffed by geeks who were willing to break the Constitution to do illegal spying, what makes you think they won't be willing to break the law by disobeying the President?
This, the only Europeans that ever wanted the amis in their countries are liberals and kikes.
Fuck off with your Jersy shore looking kike lover already, we get it that you`re happy but the election is over and we are sick and tired of 90% of all threads being dedicated to someone who SERIOUSLY believes America should do even more to help their (((greatest allies))).
Wanna know how I know you are from 4chan?
Are they going to legalize guns now?
This. If she sees that you have the strength to stand for yourself and for her, your dreams will become her dreams, whatever they are.
Eurobros, next time you see Ahmed with a white girl, knock him the fuck out. Even if you go to prison, who cares? Anders Breivik's cell in Norway is comfier than my shitty studio apartment in Commiefornia.
It's what the USA use to control it's European subjects. If some European government think their people have a right to survive, then the USA will regime change the, or just kill them like the did with the Italian prime minister.
Gladio wasn't only in case the Russians invaded, they were an American safety measures in case some Europoor government got ideas about their country being sovereign.
Deescalation in favor of peaceful coexistence and trade? Have you asked the jews how they feel about this?
Stop fucking this up. I'm going to respond to everyone who fucks this up, and I'm gonna look like a total autist, but someone has to do it. You fuckers need to understand.
Literally all of russian aggression of the last 5 years has been started by the US. They are merely strategically defending themselves. They do not have the manpower or the economy to blitzkrieg Europe.
Is that you hillary?
What the fuck are you sperging about?
It's is the proper usage, as it is a contraction for "it is".
wow such argument, much proof
(citation needed)
Yes, you don’t know what NATO is. Thanks.
You do know that the mods aren't omnipresent, right?
fuck all that, full isolationism, we're not the world police
crash NATO with no survivors
Kikes like you should be hunted down and slaughtered on the streets
Gee could it be because THEY DON'T FUCKING WANT TO BE PART OF SOME JEWISH COALITION OF ARMIES TO PROTECT THE ZOG? Could it be that, you stupid fuck?
I feel like you American mongrels don't really get real nationalism at all. You think all whites care about each other because all of them are race mixed in your country. But the truth is, different European tribes do not give a flying fuck about other Europeans, only about the natives of their own homelands.
So fuck off with your "muh Europeans aren't paying for their protection" that Europeans never asked for. (((USA))) isn't even letting European countries have strong militaries of their own, and then forces them to be their vassals in return for this.
You should keep in mind that it is your country, USA, that is the capital of the international Jewry.
This. Literally the only thing needed for Europe to unfuck itself is for USA to leave us the fuck alone. The result would be a chain reaction of European nations going full Fascism.
You seem to be a special kind of disabled. Why do you think even the poorest American state has more medium wealth then the wealthiest European countries?
Nigger, I am European and they are right. If America becomes Paleoconservative/National-Capitalist/National-Libertarian, like it seems it will, Europe will only continue to be socialist if they also go Nationalist.
But seeing that socialism is a failed experiment, and NatSoc'ism is still taboo we will probably just see some Pinochet-style systems. Which would be cute af.
As much as that seems nice, I would enjoy to have an American aided Trump style movement, that way we get the same results without as much issues and bloodshed. Because we still live in an American dominated economy. And if we go towards a more economically illiterate form of government we will still be fucked.
Even though if we have proper Fascism it will be able to complete perfectly fine. Let's just hope people don't create a "modern", faggot, version of NatSoc. Because NatSoc is just a protectionist/nationalist free-market. But people are too autistic to understand.
Europeans still don't understand the value of low-taxes and small government. Protectionism is perfectly fine, just don't have so many business restrictions inside the nation, for the nation.
Besides a few decent emerging economies in Eastern Europe, Europe is complete shit to make business. You want to have your own small business? The governments will just fuck you out of everything. Which in the end makes it so that the only people who have businesses are con-artists and tax-dodging mobsters.
Beside a few very sacrificial and hard-working people who I do not envy.
Actually the UK, Germany and France are as well. Especially now.
Never saw this. CNN has officially lowered themselves BELOW the Onion.
I'm not trying to D&C, but as it currently stands Germany is one of the greatest threats to all of Europe. It was Merkel who opened the flood gates to the migrant invasion, and it is still Merkel and her (((backers))) who stand at the head of the EU even more so now that England is leaving. If the rest of us fuck off and Germans don't reclaim their government, then the Germans won't be the only casualties. The globalists are sending in support from everywhere they control. The UN will make sure that your vote is not rigged, and Africans, Arabs, and anything else that looks like its got a tan are being imported to improve your culture. I don't think anyone can stand against an adversary with a global reach and dirt on every countries' leaders alone It's even less likely now that anyone who might have stood a chance has been culturally raped for decades. We're going to need to give up a lot of stuff in the coming years: some of us will give our lives I imagine, most of us will or already have given our civility and probably honor, and I think people with your mind set are going to need to give up that stubbornness that is keeping us from working together.
Seriously look at all these fucking (1) posters trying to divide us with this retarded anti-european and MUH AMERIKIKES sentiments.
I want shills to leave
Merkel is a CIA plant, as all chancellors since the war have been.
USA genocided millions of German civilians and POWs, systematically destroyed their culture and history in the name of the Jew. Americans have to make amends.
As it stood until just a few days ago (and as it will stand until Trump roots out the Shadow Government) America was the greatest threat to civilization not just in Europe, but across the world.
If the yanks can start to turn it around, so can the krauts, especially once Austria and France get the EU collapse ball rolling before the German elections. Have a little faith.
That would make you some kind of supercuck
NATO is down! I lold!
People like that retard who think economics are subjective should kill themselves.
In a well-educated, non-pressured environment, full "Anarcho-Capitalist" free-market would be the best. In the real word, a mix of free-citizen economy with protectionism is what is proven to work and to have made the world's best economies such as:
America before subversion, Germany until the end of WW2, Scandinavian countries before getting jewed, Pinochet's Chile, Singapore (still is based as fuck), and so on.
I think most would agreed that the best is great freedom inside the nation, ensured by a paternal traditionalist government (preferentially small), who prefers private initiative even if they control certain essential sectors of the market (such as having its own energy/water company, even if they allow non-state competitors when it would take cost burdens from the people).
Get the fuck out of here, you meme-spouting shit-for-brains Redditor.
You faggots are going to lose your jobs. Deal with it.
NATO is cancer, it always was. It's an anglo-zionist creation to occupy Europe.
the eternal yank…
you're right, but the EU cannot be reformed.
to be fair the natural state of a nation is to not care what happens to other nations, until what happens to the other nations is a sign of things to come for you
this is pretty great
gee what do you think
here we go with that guy
Inf the world of finance they call it MENA
They're actually up 2.1% Eesti stronk!
It's not a country, it's a bank.
Roosyaboo, shoo shoo!
Replace the eurocrats with bureaucrats appointed by a democratic parliamentary assembly. Phew, that was tough!
Freedom of speech, yo.
are you retarded?
this board has IDs.
Tor only gives you 0000000 ID
also, the US isnt that popular here
i cant say if youre being ironic or not
I didn't make any pro-Ancap arguments. Because I stated we live in the real world.
Are you retarded or just a faggot?
It's not D&C, it's just normal Holla Forums. If you can make an enemy out of someone you should do so, even if it makes no sense. That's the Holla Forums way.
thats halfchan pol. the moment i found Holla Forums i went for pol. well, there were a whole bunch of pols, most significant this one and leftypol, but the circlejerk there is on a whole different level.
so i lurked and posted here, and not cause
but because people here (most of them atleast) were actually debatable, not just
if i want to argue i go to halfchan pol and just join a random thread, but concerning this pol i think we should keep it pure and not let the forum of debate turn into the shitstorm of circlejerks
It is this or a Germanic Islam.
Choose carefully.
Maybe you should stay at cuckchan.
Real world is ancap, only now goverment is top dog
Being that it is top dog, is makes ancap not be the real world, currently.
In an empty slate, yes, like your dubs show.
what are you aiming at shlomo
NATO's Atlantic Council releases a list of THE KREMLIN'S TROJAN HORSES
NATO thanks you for funding this propaganda
So what I'm getting from this is that Putin already rules the world and NATO is too dumb to realize it
they literally give people on Holla Forums a list of allies
Well, "Die Linke" is literally full of "former" SED-Politicians from East Germany, so that wouldn't really surprise me.
And while the AfD is a bit to russophile for my taste, the fact that all the other evil populist racist nazi parties like the French FN or the Australian FPÖ is on that list makes me think this is just yet an other ploy to stop the people from voting them.
How transparent!
This precisely.
You guys are the worst cunts in the world
During the soviet occupation several baltic ethnicities were completely exterminated. How you can burgers be so fucking dumb about what happened in the USSR?