I'm probably going to get banned for this.
How can anyone assert that a certain race is inferior simply because of brain size/gray-matter when this man is living a normal life despite his condition?
I'm probably going to get banned for this.
How can anyone assert that a certain race is inferior simply because of brain size/gray-matter when this man is living a normal life despite his condition?
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot only fucking source
I'll humor you, shill. the guy lives a boring life that requires very little thought. also kys
I want a nation for my own people i dont care if im superior or inferior
He had an IQ of 75, fyi that is higher than niggers in Africa, and roughly 25 points lower than an average white person.
and of course
Cmon son
He isnt even retarded despite over half of his brain being gone. how does a small percentage difference between races even matter if the brain can seemingly overclock itself like this?
Racial superiority isn't an IQ-measuring contest.
Gooks allegedly have higher IQ than Europeans, but they are pathetic subhumans.
there's well documented studies showing the brain has direct correlation with all actions and personality.
why are they pathetic subhumans?
Because we’ve proven it. Kill yourself.
The brain has a lot of redundancy and error correction built in. Information is stored in more than one place.
This man likely didn't have a very good memory, and forgot things long term.
It's also not merely brain volume that is an indicator of intelligence, but also the number of brain folds and the microstructure of the brain. See the ASPM gene which is found primarily in Aryans and Japanese (which provides evidence that the Jomon were Aryans) or the DAB1 gene in the Chinese.
Ah yes, silly me, I had forgotten that we had fully unraveled how the brain and especially complex concepts like consciousness work.
You're not nearly intelligent or informed enough to try and speak about this subject (nor am I and I'm certainly ahead of you)
Sage for slide thread.
Does literally anyone do that?
Seems to me like most people just run off of standardized IQ tests.
there are plenty of black people smarter than you. a bike isn't sometimes better than a car when they're on a highway.
he's borderline. Also, his outer "shell" of brain matter is still shaped like a white person's, which explains why he isn't retarded. Did you know sub-saharan african children don't understand what they see when they look in a mirror? they're dumber than some animals
That man is not living a normal life by any means. Don't fall for the articles phrasing. An IQ of 75 means hes borderline retarded.
Just a fast vid related. This tradition extends well beyond snakes.
Because they are soulless colony insects.
Not the guy you were replying to but no. What, you bought the story that we're all low-education/low-income whites here? People like you wouldn't get paid to shill here if that was the case.
Sure standard IQ tests are a decent indicator of intelligence but seeing as brain sizes are roughly equal and small differences dont matter, why do you assert that there's something inherently wrong with a race instead of something typically wrong with the environment
those black people don't have worse brains than I do they?
exceptions to the rules don't make the rule.
Nigger-tier logic.
I just see alot of ethnicity specific hate when all races have equal potential
But they don't
Read The Bell Curve.
Putting words in my mouth eh? We don't know much, relatively speaking, and next to nothing about where consciousness comes from, and that's the leading experts in the field. You, OP and myself almost certainly don't know a single thing about it.
Good one.
lmao give me a fucking break. you didn't answer my query in
did you know that most of your beloved mud races are extremely racist in their natural environments?
Because we don't want to be replaced in our own countries by third world trash?
We can't. It depends on their actions, on on brain mass.
Not* on brain mass.
It doesnt matter. look at that dudes brain. there are plenty of other cases of undersized brains with exceptional intelligence.
We know it's the brain, and we've known that with a great deal of confidence for quite some time now.
Maybe but not really.
Koalas have relatively big brains but are one of the most retarded animals.
This is because the brain of a koala doesn't have many folds unlike a human's brain.
If your brain is bigger and has a lot of folds you would be smarter.
Read The Bell Curve.
then all races have equal potential and seeing as all brains are roughly equal in geometry and part function why do you assume actions have anything to do with race
all races have similar folds
How does one even function with an IQ that low? They say that he's otherwise perfectly normal but I call bullshit on that, unless they're trying to push the idea that having an IQ that low is the new normal.
summarize it. it seems like it's euro-centric pseudo science
because retards have even lower IQ.
Read it you lazy nigger.
same, they're probably pushing this as their next great "all races are the same, goyim" strategy.
how low then? Care to share a fact that you aren't just regurgitating from your marxist professor?
Get ready to die subhuman.
How do newfags like you end up in this place? We need to step up our assimilation efforts if this is the case.
I'm willing to believe this but not without a souce since I've seen people claim otherwise so often.
below 85 used be considered retarded, they dropped it because most niggers were classified as retarded
You obviously haven't even done preliminary research into this subject.
Right off the bat the summary talks about how races have different intelligence levels. Theres no reason to assume that's fundementally the case
Do you know that image is something that happened to a person that lived? It's shocking. It was some railway construction accident, the guy even changed personality but lived. Horrifying.
All i want is for one of you to give me one good reason why this guy fits within your construct of racial differences in intelligence
How do you think, faggot? Same way your dumb ass ended up here.
no source, but I heard there's also a smaller brain in your heart, or at least a good clump of neurons in there
you're a fucking intellectual failure, you just ignore all the questions you don't have a good answer to and spout bullshit college tier indoctrination.
Just stop posting and watch this instead:
I know how they act. i think muslims from the middle east are typically rapists. but i dont think its because of inherent differences, i think it's the culture.
why don't you prove it doesn't? find a statistically significant number of these cases and compare them
I recognize the picture and have read about that case, it doesn't have much to do with proof that consciousness has its source in the brain. What, are you going to say that his personality change is proof? That's not enough at all, bipolar, schizo, etc. people often have swings in personality on a daily basis and this isn't because their brain is decaying and then regenerating.
ehh. this get is ok
lol kill yourself
I came here to check this
because this isn't just an outlier very intelligent black. this guy has a brain the size of a literal monkey and he maintains decent human cognitive function. He's SAPIENT
impressive, very nice
Well OP I doubt most here can explain it at a level that will satisfy you. However, why do you think having equal brain size + folds means equal intelligence?
The difference in intelligence between races has been studied for a long time. The one that convinced me years ago was:
Nice hubris-fuelled joke. You know nothing they don't know and they know nothing about this either.
if I showed you proof brain was consciousness it would also be proof of a lack of free will. would you honestly want me to show you that?
He does not maintain human cognitive function, he is a retard and thus by definition he cannot maintain standard human cognition.
When did Nationalists ever say our official policy is that other races are inferior? It is merely that they need to get the fuck out and stay the fuck out of our countries.
Reported for being an obvious outsider.
And yes I'm also aware he sort of slipped in and out of a waking state at times but that isn't really what we're talking about here, perhaps we are just miscommunicating.
Check em btw
Terri fucking schiavo was "sapient" in a vegetative state, you nincompoop.
THIS! We don't care about what is objectively better, because something like that can't be proven anyway. We just want to live with people we can relate to and share a common heritage with.
That being said, IQ has a role to play with those preferences.
More to the point however, I subjectively have a preference for white people and being around them, and NOTHING will change that.
maybe that's your mindeset, but then im here to convince people with other mindests
Of course, where do you think we are? You think we haven't had this discussion countless times?
WTF I want to let thousands of white people get murdered so that we can uplift black people. I'll start by teaching them to farm…
For you people who don't know, this is Phineas Gage. Phineas Gage was a railroad worker who survived this accident. After the accident, Phineas Gage was a very angry, bashful man, who would cuss repeatedly and would be quite the party pooper.
His personality prior to the accident was one of a cool exterior, fun loving, sensible and nice man. I do believe it had to do with him losing a portion of his frontal lobe but not quite sure what specific part of the brain he did lose.
You guys don't understand, black people are just like this because the white devil has had his foot on the black man's neck for hundreds of years. Also cultural accomplishments do not represent racial differences. Also the white man must use a dis-proportionate share of his resources to help blacks accomplish as much as white.
nice try science but I can make a decision in less than 7 seconds :^)
We dont need to uplift them but you cant argue for pushing them out. we just need to give them the same opportunity as the rest of us. And frankly i think we already do that well. Keep in mind all races rape and murder
With what? This freak outlier. Who gives a shit, I can point to a tall chinaman it doesnt make all chinese tall.
not what i'm arguing for, im just here to change minds about deporting the lower races
Races have equal open-ended potential. As in, you could selectively breed niggers for intelligence, cooperation, friendliness, and fidelity. You might end up with a White-like population that just happens to have different aesthetic features. Maybe.
Individuals are not open-ended, and societies are made of individuals, not esoteric maybes about what a race could eventually be.
freak outlier. a black man with a normal brain and an IQ of 180 is a freak outlier. But it still fits within your bell curve philosophy. this man shouldn't even act like a human based on your beleifes
So your answer is just ignore the parasite because it breathseems the same air as us. You just gave subversive forces a giant voting block that only cares about 'their equal oppertunities' (being a drain on society)
Sorry m8 but that's talking about the subconscious mind, i.e. automatic decision making. Replicate the experiment with a person who is:
1. Unaware of the testing being done
2. Making a decision of great importance
and maybe, just MAYBE we can talk.
How odd you are
And what are my beliefs?
moving the goal posts. a good example has the same weight as one hundred science has proved this correct through a ton of studies anyways
If he has a 75 IQ how does that mean the brain has nothing to do with IQ?
No, I don't believe a man of IQ 180 behaves like any other man, why would you?
i was using common rhetoric for this site
it has everything to do with it. this just shows the brain's true power to adapt making all minor brain differences negligable
I did not move the goalposts, your link did literally nothing to tie consciousness to the physical brain. Once again, perhaps we are thinking of "consciousness" in two different ways.
the parasite is humanity. all races rape lie steal murder. but throwing one out based on unfounded beleifs is wrong
Common rhetoric amongst yourselves, you mean. And you do know what I mean :^)
Good luck! You won't see me on Holla Forums (aside from baiting them of course) thinking i'm going to change a radical, the few that do change don't typicaly change from some anonymous guy on the internet (who he will never meet) telling them why he is wrong about everything he believes in. Try some normalfag cuckservative sites, you might have more success.
Where in the fuck are you even from?
Sounds about right.
running from reality. the same reality you used to accuse normies and reddit cucks of running from before you came here.
texas mother fucker
You're a beaner or mixed, aren't you?
So blacks take just as much from the system as other races? Don't be disingenuous, if there was a white race that cost as much just to tolerate I would be arguing for their own ethnic tate also.
who isn't, in texas.
If it's just their culture why would I let it stay here? Ruining the youth and getting women killed in the streets?
you talk about cost now but cannot see the future of abundance. machines will make things for pennies and we'll all be out of jobs yet living it up with free houses. the golden age is upon us all.
Where are you getting this idea that 75 IQ is normal? If you're trying to say that we think he should be acting like an African rapefugee because his IQ is low, then you don't even understand our argument. What's left of this man's brain is still the shell of a white man's brain. It would be strange if he did start acting like a different race. Also, since we don't know his IQ before, we can't discern how much of a total loss of IQ he's suffered to begin with.
What are you even saying?
Kill yourself if that's the biggest thought you have
Have you even read the articles you're posting? Really, go back and read that one and think about whether or not it really says what you want it to.
the youth are always ruined by something. people are nice when your not calling them inferior
Oh, I see. KYS dude.
"The cognitive delay, he argued, was likely due to the operation of a network of high-level control areas that were preparing for an upcoming decision long before it entered into conscious awareness."
yeah looks good to me
Actually the way this disease works is really wierd. Half the people who have it are literally retarded with sub 70 IQs and the other half are 130+ IQ geniuses and a very small number with intermediate IQs.
the case isn't even 75 IQ, its 70 IQ with an 84 verbal IQ and averaged by some weighting system. This is below ape level, this man would have problems (probably be incapable of) computing math problems that couldn't be done on his fingers.
fine that was dumb but can you prove me wrong
he's not considered retarded. besides litterally 50% of the world population is below 100IQ.
OP nobody cares you lost your brain, go be a retard somewhere else.
this isnt an ordinary exception
And who is building those machines? Not an equally diverse group of all races, that much I can tell you.
He's under the delusion that we're all the same, it's not supposed to make sense. We really need to start posting the usual race redpills in here if the hopeless faggot is ever going to catch a glimpse of what we mean.
Very well, but none of the numbers matter for OP's argument if they're all sub-Harambe levels of intellect to begin with.
An IQ of 70 is literally the medical definition of retardation.
fine hes on the borderline. but on the border line with less than half a brain.
From whence comes the idea to stop it? I'll also refer you back to my request for examples of people who were unaware of the experiment, and/or were making a decision more complex than simple motor tasks.
Again with the nigger-tier logic.
>My exception is special!
Answer what I asked in and maybe I'll let you expand on your current narrative.
Yes, and a large portion of the world is not of human intelligence caliber. What of it? The majority of organic beings on this planet have no brain at all! That does not mean the standard, for which my species complies overwhelmingly, is deficient.
Also, on this particular subject I checked and he is not missing 90% of his brain. This is a clickbait title, his brain is compressed to 10% of the size because of the pressure of the fluid thus leading to nerve problems and requiring regular draining of his skull.
[Spoiler]it wasn't that dumb OP, it's a common thought [/spoiler]
who's inventing the machines?
who owns the machines?
Who runs the government?
In a non-racist (non-pozzed) society, probably kikes
We just don't want to roll the dice and miss our chance to get there by funding it up with race-mixing (original definition) since the demographic shift will murder this country if the people controlling it kikes aren't fans of the eternal golden age ending.
You've convinced me to reconsider at least.
on mobile so the formatting is shot, sorry
but its dey culture
The cerebellum is not involved in intelligence, further the article states she is functioning at a suboptimal level. None of this in any way proves your point.
c'mon son, theres several refutations out there on the bell curve that you probably have never read
The "standardized" test seems a bit weak. All abilities white males are good at are leveled off by design. So if you have female attributes like over compensation on verbal you now overly benefit in testing.
*remove spatial, logic based blowouts*
"OMG guys females are preforming identically!"
the rest of the brain is still making up for half the neurons being gone.
i can agree with what your saying to an extent but the demographic shift wont happen before the technology is there.
the real reason i went on this whole rant is because trump is in the whitehouse and many anons are applying for positions. we cant afford racists whos believe some races are fundementally inferior in the white house. acting from such a faulty state of mind could doom us for a bad end too
That isn't an argument. She has less brain, she is running suboptimally (nausea, dizzyness, etc) her brain is performing worse because of the missing neurons. The brain is not making up for it, it is just barely holding together.
Still waiting, though you might want to work on your reading comprehension instead of just blabbering about whatever happens to trigger you first.
Also we don't care if it's not all of them. The fact that they are far more likely than other races to commit crimes is where the ire stems from.
so there are some kinks when half your neurons are gone. it still disproves racial inferiority when people with similar numbers of neurons are involved
This goes beyond brain size or intelligence. The niggers aren't like us.
And yes, they are our inferiors.
nobody is talking about number of neurons, its about size and folds. Nowhere in that article does it state her IQ either
none of that has to do with a fundemental difference, i agree the culture is sub par but maybe thats par for the course. maybe a minority is doomed to act out especially when there's a percieved inferiority. attempting to kick out these people will probably make the problem worse.
You really ought to learn what a cerebellum is. Turns out that (much like people) not all neurons are the same.
http:/ /www.cerebellum.us/explain-cerebellum.html
tl;dr, it's used primarily for motor control, movement, and sensory perception. All important tasks that happen to require lots of neurons, but not at all tied to one's ability to think and apply logic (i.e. what an IQ test will show).
Read the "Black Crime Is Caused By Poverty" in the first pic of in which socioeconomic status (which includes culture in addition to economic & general social influences on it).
See and that video of modern Liberia, a country set up for black people by white people in Africa where there is no white population to make them feel "inferior". Why is it in such a bad state if they're all the same?
Does putting criminals in jail increase the crime rate of the area they came from? If so, why do we detain them? We don't need to suddenly kick out everyone who isn't white one day to do this. An example would be to kick out criminals first, then reduce the birth rate through social engineering until the population is low enough to where they couldn't do much to begin with, and that's a vastly oversimplified example that assumes RWDS doesn't get jumpy before it's done.
the other neurons still have to pick up that slack
no clue. I'm just arguing on a basic level they aren't inferior. and when spread through white society they're nice.
I can understand why you think they're inferior.
but compare them to everyday black people in america.
i'm not against putting criminals in jail and i don't care which race dies out.
Got any source to back that up?