Oh boy, this will end well!
Oh boy, this will end well!
Pick one.
Does he mean illegals? Lmao please cut off federal funding to NYC
Correction: you had a lot of tools. Trump will remove them.
What a fucking retard.
No surprise coming from a race traitor with mongrel children. His kids look nothing like him. How can he even call them his own?
Gee, I sure wonder why de Blasio is so against Trump and is doing whatever he can to shut it down.
Good, use them right away.
And for further context, de Blasio is linked to the Comet Ping Pong shit. Just read the threads, he's part of the cult.
Warren Wilhelm Jr is a race-traitor cuck who changed his named because it sounded too "Nazi"
I hope he makes the bold move to declare war on the United States of America with the NYPD as his fighting force. Their police are too cucked to stop-and-frisk or even choke a guy without paying millions in a settlement, but somehow they will defeat the strongest military in the entire world.
It's time to bring Ted Cruz back.
No, it fucking well isn't.
What shitty genes this faggot has.
If there's one man who can take new york off the map it's ted user
Reminder that this guy let his daughter parade around NYC next to him dressed like a cheap prostitute.
Why are these stupid kikes so suicidal? Do they really not see how ruined every single cocksucker that raised a hand against Trump ended?
I don't know why, but I absolutely love the sleezy vibe NYC has.
Where's his daughter? Is it that nog? Wait, don't tell me this ( ) is his family. What the FUCK, man?
this image ought to answer your question
I live in the state of New York and it's always funny seeing these fucking faggots pretend the rest of the state doesn't exist.
Is he suggesting sedition?
lol even his non threats are weak
Redeemed Ted arc part 2 when?
Some article said he's planning to delete the NYC database of illegals, not sure if it's been posted here.
let em
he wants New York to remain a shithole
fuck it.
Don't worry New York Jews, I'm still going to put your interests first no matter what Trump wants
give them what they want
let the big cities turn to shit
let the people rise up against the (((mayors)))
Do. It. dot. jpeg.
Hitler was a socialist though. Not the Bernie Sanders/Tumblr/Holla Forums-brand of socialism A.K.A. soft communism, but instead he was a NatSoc.
A clear threat of sabotage against the incoming President if I've ever seen one. He should be called out to clarify these comments, ASAP.
NYC has always been full of fucking tools
Nice post. This is why I love all you Holla Forums anons. Please tell me they get brought to justice?
The only thing he should clarify is whether or he prefers nylon or polyester rope
I mean check em
Well a good puppet master doesn't show you his hands, that's why commies repeat themselves.
What about the seat of the Emperor? We can't let Trump Tower fall to the Jewish or negro hordes.
who just got sexts?
Well, he did good in Staten Island I guess. Look at the millionaire/billionaire Jew headquarters of Manhattan though…Should tell you all you need to know.
oops, forget to post image
could you comment for non-burgers? Who voted trump in jew york?
The only way rato can redeem himself is if he shields Trump with his body from any would-be (((assassin))) and gives his life for the Emperor.
Yeah, this will end well
The place where Trump Tower is located is blue.
The NYPD seem to like Trump. He's not getting any support
There will be no mercy for anyone who signed the TPP.>>8222044
With Cruz you lose
Sick pedo fuck.
Blue is Clinton. Red is Trump.
Oh wow what a surprise he's a fucking pedophile just like the rest of the establishment scum. I hope Trump lets us get in on the action or at the very least will look the other way when shit goes down against these scum.
what is with these mental midgets and this innate drive they have to tell the world what they do in coded language?
Is this an illness? Is it contagious, is that why there's so many?
dubs chek'd. Technically I would say his fight to save the internet was the start of it.
Turning his wife into a double-agent to leak GS financials to Assange would be the sweetest final act.
really interested what neighborhoods those two itty-bitty red dots are.
Heh, kinda looks like one of them battlemaps, like those little red islands are surrounded by zombies and trying to make their way to the lower left.
lol dumb ass wop
They are probably now the target of future HUD housing projects to make them more vibrant and less close minded.
Why does this sound super fucking illegal to me? At the very least it must be a violation of his oath of office and thusly, an impeachable offense.
Believe it or not, that red dot near Manhattan is Williamsburg, which probably has the largest concentration of hasidic jews in NYC. These people will live in 2 bedroom apartments with 8 kids and be on welfare. The hipster part of Williamsburg is on the other side of the bridge, and is blue.
Basically, the only red areas outside Staten Island other than the orthodox jew areas are Italian-American working class areas (Middle Village, Sheepshead Bay, the Rockaways, Howard Beach). The blue areas are either black, dominican, some other shade of shit, or hipster dem gentrified areas (like all of NW Brooklyn and Queens)
You're not very good at this.
He's just mad that Trump is going to allow people to buy assault rifles nationwide and going to ban sanctuary cities.
So many cities have already been ruined so fast by simply becoming "sanctuaries"
Nice, getting shilled by bots now.
Not sure about that. You're having a hard time understanding your common humans, but I don't think that you've reached the stupidity of a machine quite yet.
hello rato
This guy makes Jeb Bush look like a winner.
Thanks for your nonsensical reply, Shlomo-KYK-66
hello rato
hello rato
His wife is even worse than the squatemalan Jeb! married. She looks like something from DarkSeed
New Yorker here. DiBlasio is absolutely horrible. I'm hoping Don Jr. runs against him and sends him packing. Hell, at this rate little Barron can run for mayor and beat this cucked mayor we have. I still remember when 2 officers were killed by a chimp. When DiBlasio showed up to the hospital to check on the situation, every officer there turned their backs to DiBlasio.
Do you mean the general racial and ethnic makeup of people who voted for Trump in New York City? If so I'd also like to know.
Don't you know how many niggers and dominicans would rather vote for Josef Stalin than him?
The red is Italian-American, Greek-American, Irish-American, Hasidic Jews and it looks like some Koreans near Flushing and Ruskies in Brighton/Manhattan Beach. I'd say the majority of every ethnicity is Dem, though. But the overwhelmingly red areas are all middle to upper middle class Italian and Irish American areas for the most part, oh and the Hasidic jew areas.
DiBlasio is so bad, Hitler could run against him and win. That's how incompetent and corrupt this fucker is.
That's a great idea for Don Jr to run for mayor. If he doesn't win, it will at least get him some experience of being a political
Candidate…Either that or run for the house seat in one of the Trump friendly areas in the tri-state area.
IRL Futurama jew bot
Eh, I remember them voting him in literally because his son had an afro. I didn't realize so many non white people paid attention to politics outside of what the name of their gibsmedat candidate was.
hello rato
Considering that his opponent was a complete nobody, he was handed that win. Now we all regret it as he arrives to every state function late, uses state vehicles as his private toys, wages an odd personal war against horse drawn carriages, and gets caught in dumb scandals.
hello rato
I used to worry about Ted Cruz winning the nomination. Can you imagine? It seems so far away now, like another, utterly terrible, life.
Civil War 2.0
How could he be a Mayor when he is already on…
Don't let your memes be dreams user.
Well, he needs to make his bones as a politician if he is going to carry the torch in 2024. Unless we we go on an absolute murder spree from now until then, he's going to have the "rich spoiled brat with no experience" label slapped on him by media kikes. He needs to go do something on his own.
Thinking about it though, the Trump white house will be a strange situation. Milania is going to be an immigrant First Lady. Only other I've heard of was the Adams, if my memory serves me. In addition, when was the last time we had a President with multiple adult aryans? Not only that, they are highly intelligent, charismatic, and public figures at this point.
Beyond all of that, someone is going to have to control the Trump corporations and brand while he serves. Those duties are most certainly going to be on his family's shoulders.
I think it's time we start telling people about Bill De Blasio's affection for "Secret Pizza Parties".
Che cazzo e, amerifatsi
>Trump hires Rudy to Make New York Great Again Again…
You have to remember something: leaving this imagery everywhere isn't simply an in-group thing or a troll that's meant to generate keks over how ignorant the filthy goyim are. It's their faith, if you listen to Bill Cooper's analysis, he makes clear that Masonic/Zionist cabals are compelled by their faith to leave their symbols everywhere covertly. This is not done for any subliminal effect, but rather because they can't derive any power from the endeavor otherwise, and the doctrine originating from the story of Osiris commands them to stay quiet about what they're trying to do.
I have to say the pedos absolute fear of Trump is fucking great. It makes me think that he's absolutely legit more and more every single day.
I can't wait for the 100% legal day of the rope.
This book is about conditioning children to feel normal in the situations they are put in when they are abducted or led into Comet or other affiliated rape dungeons.
"You want some pizza don't you?"
"I know a secret place to eat pizza"
Fucked up if you think about it.
Can Trump just forcibly restore Rudy to power?
For fucks sake he's the only good mayor NYC has ever really had. I mean he fucks up niggers and cleans up streets and doesn't afraid of anything.
There was that whole 9/11 thing…
Jews actually.
Holy shit, why.
It's not Rudy's fault that the Jews did 9/11.
It's also an abduction manual to teach the child slaves to go out and kidnap more kids with the lure of a pizza party.
No fucking shit you do, asscunt. To the streets. With pipes.
Because he's the mayor, and every citizen on his fair city is a child of his own. What a brave, multicultural city he leads! :)
sage for sarcastic shitpost, sorry
The Jews played Rudy like a damn fiddle, but they kind of played all of America that day. I find it hard to really hold that against Rudy.
Also Trump build and lived in skyscrapers in New York. You can be certain he knows more about what happened that day than any other living man on earth.
I'm confident in Rudy if he is under the guidance of Trump.
No. NYC needs Eric.
Trump has promised to cut federal funds to sanctuary cities.
No, Hasidim Ghetto Jews voted for Trump. I would be willing to bet that the Manhattan Jewish millionaire and billionaire clique voted for Hillary 98%. I'd also be willing to bet that every other Jewish community besides the embarrassing Hassidic and Orthodox community, voted for Hilary in the high 90's. Lets not fool ourselves into thinking that that your every day "Joe Jew" in the tri-state area voted for Trump. "Joe Jew" definitely didn't vote for Trump. Trump Nationally got 18% of the Jewish vote…They don't like him.
What part of Trump's message did Hasidic Jews like? His pro-life stance or some other social issue? They don't work, so they don't care about jobs and factories, right?
Maybe because he wants Muslims to fuck off?
Maybe they just like being edgy contrarians?
-Keeping the dangerous illegal immigrants out of their neighborhoods. It triggers the fuck out of the hassidc weirdos when Jew-women talk to darkies…more than us tbh…
-Keeping law and order so they can keep their "commerce"/scams going.
hello, rato
fuck you
Remember when Ted Cruz said just that and (((they))) were offended?
They literally name themselves for us!
fuck you rato I'm already prematurely balding
I can't believe these guys are LITERAL cucks, like they enjoy cucking their race of people out of everything, as long as its brown its ok.
For some time I thought they just enjoyed ruling over poor brown people because they were easy to control, but a bunch of these faggots actually drink their own coo-laid.
Who would be better as AG? Rudy or Gowdy?
New York City "values", indeed
Depends really. I think Gowdy is more ruthless and righteous in general but Rudy has experience taking down large criminal enterprises and has a fetish for Rico cases.
Both are good I guess, both want to fuck Clinton with no lube.
NYC is the most diverse area in the entire world, hell, I think half of all people living in NYC were born outside the USA. It sure did seem that way growing up there (and that statistic isn't made up).
hello rato
let's play a game
go to google and search "slam", and then go into the news section, and record how many news articles you can find made in the past 24 hours that use the word "slam" or "slams"
hello rato
Hello rato
Literally turning it into Escape From New York
hello rato
This is all theatre.
Im not saying trump is fake. Im saying they are gonna deny him the presidency. He wont be sworn in. They will try and put hillary in. and who knows wtf is gonna happen. Why the fuck this has to go down in the winter.. did they do it on purpose to starve us?
Just stop giving any federal money to these cucks at all. Let them cry and moan. Take away one dollar and they'll tear up and throw 6000000 studies at you from their unis about how every new yorker is going to die of aids without that one dollar. Let them fucking die. Let them fucking cry about it.
Or they can get their shit together.
Fucking Democrats have been using threats of removing federal funding to get everyone they hate to do self-destructive shit, but everyone always bends over because without that money you lose your reelection. Serve the dems their own medicine time x100000000 until it is so repugnant to them they never pull that shit again.
hello rato
Hello rato
Praise kek
good god his wife looks like the predator
Good luck cuck.
Yeah guys, cool it with the anti semetic stuff…will ya?
hello rato
Jesus Christ. If you're going to racemix with a nigger, you really couldn't pick a better looking one?
His kids won the world's shittiest genetic lottery, looking more like average mulattos than that ayy lmao.
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
Next, the mayor is brought up on charges for a stunt like this…. good
Didn't Baneposting start Meme magic? Is this going to be the actual future?
hello rato
Literally treason
hello rato
values like letting crime run amok while passing laws to fine people $100,000 for not calling you "imperial majesty" should you desire it.
I fucking hate this cuck. He's well on his way to making this garbage city even shittier.
As soon as NYC stops getting funding due to being a sanctuary city, this pathetic waste of space will be licking the bottom of President Trump's shoes for forgiveness.
hello rato
His wife is a stronk black lesbian who don't need no man, too. Both of the children are mentally ill, and the daughter has well documented substance abuse problems.
WHITE hispanic
hello rato
Millhouse became a meme after all.
I love it when someone touts how "diverse" NYC is, as someone who lives there. Sure our population is a mixed bag, but none of them live with or like one other. You can literally draw lines around where certain ethnicities live- Borough Park and south Williamsburg is Jewish territory, Bensonhurst is a formerly Italian neighborhood currently being swarmed by the Chinese (who also converge around 8th ave), Sunset Park is for the Puerto Ricans, Gerritsen Beach is where all the Irish live, Greenpoint is for the Polish, I could go on. There's no vibrant multicultural utopia to be found in NYC, just a cluster of mini-ethnostates that barely tolerate each other's existence.
are we gonna build walls around jew york and los angeles and meme the escape from ny/la universe into reality?
hello rato
There isn't even anyone at the protesting in NYC anymore. Just virtue signaling to faggots who want to virtue signal more than their zombified friends in their hugbox after blocking everyone who's even slightly critical of their views. leftypol
hello rato
hello rato
Hello rato
Lets see
and since this faggot doesn't seem to know when to keep his mouth shut
Trump is going to btfo this commie
Fucking jews
Now that Trump is president the NYPD should run him out of town and put Barron Trump in charge
even in mein kampf, uncle adi talks about how he despises marxists and how they've taken over the newspapers. /lefty/cuck pls
I live in New York and am trying to decide how to combat this degeneracy. I have relatively a lot of time. What do I do to help destroy these protests? I mean I can't be the only one in New York who feels this way.
Easy. Produce documentation you're a citizen when asked or leave.
No. He is evil. Pure evil.
hello rato
immunity cat says your a cunt
His boy looks the same as DeNiro's boy.
Also, I think deBlasio's wife is a literal dyke and that makes him a probable cuck.
two of those kids are autistic aren't they? also anyone remember the video of that crazy kike lady on a public bus rambling on brains turning to blood? that's what the kid in the middle looks like.
hello rato
This is an NYC sorta thing, so posting it here felt appropriate. I have more than a bit of trouble believing these are real people and not sitcom characters.
Hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
Great job trying to derail, fucking faggot.
honestly lets just put a big dome over it
Found the dumb ass nigger that thinks national socialism is a variation of Marxist socialism. Read Mein Kampf before posting again you retarded piece of shit.
So really, deblasio wants to protect NY values from NY values.
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato but I am already balding…
The NYPD HATES De Blasio. He basically said he thinks they will kill his son for being half black, despite every cop in the city knowing whose kid he is. They cant wait for him to leave so they can go back to busting heads and doing stop and frisk.
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
Jesus Christ. Once is bad enough, but twice?
Top fucking lel I would give my left but to see that
hello rato
Lol his pants ripped
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
NYC has a lot of tools alright. None of whom are going to prevent the deportation of illegal aliens.
hello rato
fuck you hello rat
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
i didn't believe in these things, now i am broke, have bad bones, my dog died, and Ebola-chan didn't kill everyone, not even the Africans.
Hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
ched the sea.
From this tangle of material and spiritual putrescence the blasphemies of an hundred dialects assail the sky. Hordes of prowlers reel shouting and singing along the lanes and thoroughfares, occasional furtive hands suddenly extinguish lights and pull down curtains, and swarthy, sin-pitted faces disappear from windows when visitors pick their way through. Policemen despair of order or reform, and seek rather to erect barriers protecting the outside world from the contagion. The clang of the patrol is answered by a kind of spectral silence, and such prisoners as are taken are never communicative. Visible offences are as varied as the local dialects, and run the gamut from the smuggling of rum and prohibited aliens through diverse stages of lawlessness and obscure vice to murder and mutilation in their most abhorrent guises. That these visible affairs are not more frequent is not to the neighbourhood’s credit, unless the power of concealment be an art demanding credit. More people enter Red Hook than leave it—or at least, than leave it by the landward side—and those who are not loquacious are the likeliest to leave.
HP Lovecraft The Horror at Red Hook
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
This whole meme is a lie.
What could he possibly have against those? Even if they shit in the streets, horses are cleaner and more efficient than idling in a taxi.
hello rato
I'm ready to see Federal agents arrest the mayors of LA, Chicago and NYC respectively. And any other city functionaries who choose to defy the wholly constitutional Federal enforcement of immigration laws. It may only take the threat of arrest for them to back down but who knows.
hello rato
hello rato
Oh well, guess we'll just have to deport them all.
I suspect he despises their use because it reminds him (and he fears others) of real New York, as it was.
I know I saved this for a purpose.
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
That woman's cranial shape tho
Rato is a wombat confirmed.
Hello rato
hello rato
hello rato
whose wife was a lesbian until she met him and became politically motivated. THis family is Clinton's 2.0
What's he trying to tell us!?
Double Checked!
Also, You know what he is telling us.
"Blasen" is fellating a dong in German.
He's probably a fag. Nomen est omen, and all that.
Yeah this faggot fired the guy that exposed how NY ships around buses with voters to different polling stations to vote multiple times. Corrupt FUCK. These corrupt cities need to be reigned in with everything at the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S DISPOSAL.
Sanctuary cities put our nation's national security at risk. It's time we start arresting those that promote treasonous acts like this.
hello rato