Will Hilary actually get indicted?

There are really good odds to bet on Hilary getting indicted? Do you guys reckon it will actually happen or is it too "divisive" for the leftist cucks??

Indicted: -105
Not indicted: -115

if they indict her, which they should, then we'll have more riots in the streets and they'll call trump hitler 15 times… maybe on national televison.

99% when Trump is sworn in.

I'm sure Trump will at least try something. If he doesn't it'll look fucking terrible on him considering it was more or less part of his platform.

Will anything come of it? I doubt it.

Well Trump himself did promise that he would appoint a special prosecutor against her, and since he fulfills every single promise he makes, there will at least be an attempt. What remains to be seen is whether the evidence can be found and the corruption isn't deep enough to protect her.

I'm hearing that people don't want to set a 'precedent'

Will probably not appoint a special prosecutor but a new attorney general will let Congress get her anyway, so it looks "fair".

not sure about her, but the clinton foundation should be sued into oblivion for pay to play, foreign influencing of the election, misuse of "not for profit" funds and much more

Whatever happens, Hillary is done for anyways.
She lost all of her power, influence and probably all her money in a single night.
No more 500,000$ speeches at Wall Street, no more pay to play donations from Saudis or other shitholes.

She is now nothing more than a failed woman, destined to fade into obscurity.


That poor baby looks rightly afraid

It's not his first priority.

She'll get a pardon from Obama just like Ford gave to Nixon.

In the end, he decided to give Nixon a full pardon for all offenses against the United States in order to put the tragic and disruptive scandal behind all concerned. Ford justified this decision by claiming that a long, drawn-out trial would only have further polarized the public.

Nixon literally did nothing wrong though. He hated the kikes.

Unless Obama pardons her before Trump gets in she's fucked. And even then Obama's already backed down on pushing the TPP through during the lame duck period, so he might not go ahead with this either to save the hassle.

Doesn't matter if Nixon did anything or not. Ford pardoned him so there was no trial. Obama will do the same for Clinton.

Not if they wait until February to indict.

As she should be. Her mother stumbled across Hillary after she got done burying another body. If she thinks they saw where she put it they both died.

They've closed the investigations and there hasn't been a charge to pardoned.

In Nixon's case he deserved the pardon for doing nothing wrong. In Cunton's case she hasn't officially committed a crime yet, so Kang Nigger can't pardon her. Doing so is admitting she actually did commit a crime.

Dumb faggots you don't get it at all. Obongo CANNOT pardon this cunt for one simple reason:
OBONGO HIMSELF IS IMPLICATED IN THE CORRUPTION, if he pardons Cunton, then Trump will focus the entire fucking case with the special prosecutor on his nigger ass and sink him forever.
Trump already made a deal with Bongo to have him not pardon her in any case, in exchange of saving his coon ass from high treason charges, this is why he has so pale and shaken after (((the talk)))

Nope, Trump will cuck out HARD on this. Bush v5.0 incoming boys.

i'd take the bet at 20:1, anything worse is robbery.

They will never learn will they.


If i'd have to choose. i'd prefer to see Obongo in jail between the two, and ruin his "muh legacy" forever.
I hope the Emperor doesn't cuck out.

This was probably a main topic during Trump and Obama's meeting.

You don't remember Bill, do you? He fucking signed NAFTA, he made NATO go to war in Europe. He set up a fucking narco state run by muslims in the middle of Europe (Kosovo). Hell, him and his wife fucking rape, murder, and consume infant children, for fuck's sake.

Obama is just a nigger, he belongs in the zoo.

Fuck off.

The woman and her child were never seen again.

What prosecutor would ever take on this case really?

If I was asked to I would fucking quit, going up against Hillary, Obama, and Soros, and all the other elites.

You and your family would be targets forever and your children would most likely end up dead.

Actually the two go way back. That photo was a psyop, for some reason.


Rowdy Gowdy Would Eat Her Soul

Just for the KEK.

Convicting Hillary would bring down a number of democrats that would be trouble for Trump at a future date so it would be good idea to come down hard on Hillary.

Well to be honest they ALL deserve (and i want them) to be hanged, i just don't want the nigger to get away with it after all the damage he has done, even being smug about it, that nigger piece of shit.
It's more to let the indoctrinated assholes who worship him know what a piece of shit he really was, and let him being remembered in history as the traitorous fuck he really was.

Oh please Kek let it be

it may come down to a choice.
Obama or Hillary.
The question you guys may have to ask yourselves is; which one would you rather see go under the bus?
A corrupt she-hag, or a part of the muslim brotherhood.