this guy is fucking based, you can just tell from his look that he's fucking had it with chimpouts.
I fucking love Clarke, he's like the hardass no-nonsense black cop from every 80's movie ever. I was actually hoping Trump would catapult him into Comey's position at the FBI.
Imagine the meltdown when Trump appoints Arpaio as the head of ICE.
why are they whining, Clarke is part black like Obama
Internlized raciophobiaism
Mass suicide, probably.
If we will it, the dubs of Kek will make it so.
Make up your damn minds already.
wtf i love martial law now
There's a very small % of blacks who aren't complete niggers.
8% if we go by the elections.
Not an argument.
you fell for a meme
What's the issue, leftyfriends? He's not a fucking white male, is he?
Remind me again who David Clarke is? Who do the Jews fear him?
Not all blacks are niggers.
Not all blacks are niggers.
Stop being racist you cis lord shill.
Sorry, I'm just not caught up on all the based police officers just yet.
now im
would he be qualified for that role?
I mean it must be different being incharge of the fbi and being a sheriff
Shit, too many based niggers, fam
I'm of the, gas the kikes (for real this time) send em all back and let God sort them out persuasion
Haha, my mind skipped a beat and thought the OP said David Duke for a second.
All these cabinet rumors sound incredible. When do we find out for sure? Are they all announced on the same day?
take your cuckchan tier shit fucking meme and fuck off.
Isn't this the meme nigger from THE SLIME MUST BE ERRADICATRED?
Numbers are on my side but since the image triggered you here's one more to your liking, Reddit.
Where the fuck did all these cucks come from?
CTR stopped paying them, so now they don't have anything else to do than to shitpost on anonymous image boards.
Motherfucker is more white than you are.
I dont know whats more infuriating, the "peaceful like Israel" rubbish or this stupid fucking nigger not knowing kikeland has thousands of nukes and this is public information
Kek confirms
nigger please. I just don't throw allies under the buss for no reason just because you think he is a nigger. You can take you immoral ass and fuck off now.
if it makes you feel any better, he and his father were raped by their jew masters in pedowood
If the nigger is on our side then we can use his weapon used chimpouts against our enemies.
its immoral to stab your allies in the back. unless you are a kike or something?
You have to go back
I'm not even saying he needs to be lynched just that he needs to go when ZOG is no more, you could always go with him if that is what you'd like.
The original KKK had tens of thousands of nigger members. Our racism is actually quite nuanced.
>impying I said I don't want niggers and shitskins to go back or get purged
I like how you are pushing so hard for us not to use people that are on our side to our disposal.
you couldn't be more fucking obvious
I mean a nigger sheriff in a cowboy hat being unleashed by Literally Hitler to crush BLM, what's not to love about that?
He's honest, hardworking and cares only about justice and the rule of law.
I'd say that automatically makes him more qualified than Cuckmey.
You can use him and other blacks as much as you'd like, that wasn't what i was saying. Learn2readingcomprehension, and obviously we can't just send him back now, not when our government is dogshit.
Incidentally, capitalising Every Word of a Sentence Like This is a textbook sign of autism.
wtf i love black people again
but that is what you were saying. and you didn't. you are insulting me for being a cuck because I don't want to throw Clark in with the rest of the niggers and toss him over to africa because he has been useful.
no, I was insinuating that you were a shill. You just implied you were a jew on your own.
Castrate your penis and hang yourself Holla Forums.
and you didn't imply otherwise*
Autism Is Just An Illusion Created By Kikes, user, It Does Not Really Exist. It Was Made Up By Kikes To Sell Drugs That Pacify The Population.
You've Never Met Someone With Legitimate 'Tism Before, Have You?
People who think Holla Forums is racist are very deluded or only look at particular kinds of threads. In reality Holla Forums LOVES asian women.
lol die
For fuck's sake! What part of AFTER ZOG IS REMOVED did you not fucking understand? I just reiterated it for you clear as day by telling you to use him to further the cause after you failed at basic reading comprehension.
Now you're being clear and yes you are a cuck for wishing to keep your pet negro around after the job is done. I wonder how much of an "ally" he'll be after he sees you for what you are.
Just going by your own thought pattern.
Cuckchan misses you.
no, just stop
I was asking a question. are you a kike? Why are you playing semantics with me?
but I didn't say that, I don't want to toss him in with the rest =/= he can stay after the jobs done
stop trying to put words in my mouth
Oh come on! Now you're just reaching,
How is that not YOU implying it? You could just say shill but no you added jew.
The average attractive Asian woman is really ugly.
hmm…. still didn't say he could stay after the jobs been finished. weird… its almost like you keep putting words in my mouth
its probably because you are a fucking shill.
Saul Alinsky please leave.
I knew thought of that one. Holy shit that would be so nice.
A black cop calling out niggas for chimping out.
I wish we had 1 aussie abonigga as smart/based as this cunt
My bad, should have included the full quote
The "because he has been useful" implies you would keep him around after he has been useful, not really making sense now, user.
5 cents has been deposited into your account. good work, you did it again.
Funny enough, that guy and Clarke are at odds.
I would go farther and say they hate each other.
Clarke doesn't want to hear any of that liberal shit while that guy is pretty liberal.
they won't be able to call Trump a racist anymore
I am down with Le Negro Cowboy as head of DHS.
I for one believe he would set a good example for all young African Americans.
Yes we are. And what's wrong with being racist? Seems to me that it's the racists who are the only ones that are truly willing to acknowledge the differences between races and cultures, and thus accept and work with the results of such painful realities. In contrast, libshits believe "everyone can be the same", and quixotically attempt to erase all racial and cultural differences and conflicts. They can't handle any idealogical dissent in their blind pursuit of "tolerance" and "acceptance", and in the process they end up destroying the very things that give those words meaning in the first place.
The board of peace has diverse views.
Mein sides.
Cool story. Now why don't they move to Africa and police the Blacks down there. Fucking this Nigger partner shit in Trumps Organization is a death wish. IDGAF. It's oil legions. I'm pissed.
Ben Carson supports mandatory vaccinations. I voted Trump but if he starts putting niggers in his cabinet then fuck this place up and both houses, up and down go.
If Trump appoints Clarke as head of DHS and Arpaio as administrator of ICE, I think I'd literally cry tears of joy.
you should listen to more speeches by glr. just because niggers are different (inferior) doesn't mean you have to hate them. i still want them out though, or at the very least contained to louisiana, mississippi, and alabama.
He lives a cursed life. He's still a nigger, but he's more or less embraced White values, and he's smart enough to see how his people are a fucking cancer. I don't envy him
(go away Common Shillth)
Where the fuck did all these nigger-loving cucks come from?
I mean it's fine to take advantage of uncle toms and based niggers… as long as you know the place they belong is back in Africa. nuff said.
lurk more newfag
Can't we just discuss that this is making lefties butthurt instead of making each other butthurt?
So what you're saying is that you're opposed to giving a black man the job?
Reported for hate speech, have fun in prison.
Its the reddit fgts
Case in point
Redditors use to try and bring this black man vs niggers shit to pol before they will certenly do ot again
By the time I finish with guys like Carl The Cuck and all other white leftists, there will be no bullets left.
You are right
Holla Forums only supports niggers when its good for them
I dont know why Hitler worshippers are pussing out, fucking exterminate every nigger on the planet
I'm not memeing, I want them all fucking dead
Guys like him need to be promoted, not marxist communist niggers, if not, all you will get are low life thug niggers that kill cops and chimp out.
Been there, done that. The goal shouldn't be to try to give them a leader who will somehow lead them to something better, it should be to try to make them fight among one another.
Based Booker T was probably the only redpilled negro to ever hold any power in the United States other than Malcolm X
HOW ABOUT, instead of 'leftist cucks and kikes freak out about this and that', Right wing ubermensch do this and celebrate that? Fuck these losers. 18months of that shit, now it's OUR TIME.
Until every leftist is dead, there's nothing to celebrate.
Ok, on this I'll say, a nigger is lulzy and a good choice because the left would eat it's own tongue. Powerful black man, upholding the country's laws. What could they say? A few would slip and that would be fun. Fat man Moore calling him an uncle Tom? He'd be done.
Ohhhhhh you're so hardcore. Well Mister hardass, you don't get an invite to my super duper party in January :P
It's time to tell them to not be raciss.
Oh the fucking irony.
Yeah, I've been drowning in this one. My whole life, I'm expecting to be fightin the man… then we win the election… I'M HE MAN NOW! Wooooot! We somehow fucking got it, and now the enemy is calling for racewar, and we has all the guns, and and nd Spooooooge!
Next hitler will fly back down to earth.
muh based niggers and shieeet nigga
Speak for yourself you kike. I want all races to live with there own and leave each other alone not this fucking melting pot of shit.
This guy is the hero we need & we deserve.
Good, send the message and begin the crackdown.
Only a few retards actually think "KILL ALL NON-WHITES". The majority of Holla Forums doesn't share that sentiment.
You have much to learn.
heil dubs confirm
Only niggers talk in absolutes.
A nigger but at least one that makes sense. I'd still prefer that other guy that basically described his plan for RWDS while being subtle.
If Trump deploys a few key tactical negroes within his administration, he will unmask the left as a political ideology, not the natural state of being for minorities.
Gas the kikes
schadenfreude, my friend.
Niggers who hate other niggers are okay in my book.
Sheriff Clarke has been consistent.
And honorable.
And based in the kind of common sense everyone can recognize.
He might just be the man to quell the Soros riots.
Pull my Holla Forums reps if you must, I like Sheriff negro.
Hell yeah, although I still think DHS should be disbanded it's not like things can just go back to how they were before it was formed.
The 200 years education by the whites, thats what happened. 2/10 blacks actually listened at their class and understand the values of the white race.
Now their became immun to the leftist bullshits and serve as the perfect atombombs to meltdown liberals. (Since they can't attack or critize poc)
Are you scared shlomo???
I agree, really. It's time to end the Patriot Act too.
There is no such thing as a good nigger, you cuckolded piece of shit. Go the fuck back to /r/the_donald
There is no such thing as a "good" nigger"
There is no such thing as a non-white ally
All non-whites must be exterminated for the greater good of the White race.
Who the fuck do you think you're speaking for, Redditor?
GLR was wrong in regards to respecting niggers. They don't deserve an ounce of our respect or consideration.
Then you're a disgusting antit-white cuck who deserves a bullet in his brain.
slit your wrists.
Where the fuck do you think you are, cuckchanner? You think your nigger-loving civic cuckoldry has any foothold around here? Putting niggers in a position of power works directly into the hands of kikes who want to destroy the white race.
Nice work outing yourself as disgusting cuckchan transplant, though.
I wonder what state the Patriot Act is in though? How much of it is still directly relevant and not covered elsewhere?
My main notice of it is whenever I want to buy some fucking decongestant that actually works (pseudoephedrine).
When it comes to DHS I've heard that some agencies that were pulled under it have turned from "I'll never want to leave this job, it rocks" to "get me the fuck out of here". Namely the Secret Service.
It should be brought into pieces under different agencies as much as possible. Although, things will never be what they used to be
Is this a meme?
HERP DERP, I didn't do research when I bought a Reverse Osmosis filter so now I don't get minerals.
Fucking Peons
Problem solved
For the Record… That nigger proves that Will Smith is a fucking moron
And TSA needs to die. I know one person that was (hopefully is not still) in the TSA, and he raped his sister while both were minors but he was barely a minor. After I served for four years in the Air Force (pogue), I worked at a grocery store that I worked at before I enlisted, for awhile. He walked into the dairy department where I worked, and tried to shame me or something for working there, strutting around and talking about how he worked for the TSA.
Guy's name is Walter Love and he went to Monroe High School in Monroe Michigan and everybody knew he raped his sister. That's the people that TSA hires
you're not fooling anyone, kike.
Jesus fucking Christ, get the hell out of here, Redditor.
Salt fields.
wew. I hope your handlers fire you for shitty shilling.
Naw, just on my way to /cuteboys/
What's this from? I need to know the name so I can avoid the degenerate filth.
Don't actually know, just fond it on a thread earlier.
Oh, so you're just a tryhard shitposter.
get out
1/20 more like
To be honest, US is only a 60% white nation.
It's only natural that some of your politicians and people in charge are not white.
You can start complaining when you're atleast 90% white.
OMG YES I did not think i could get THIS erect in the morning, let it happen please.
see Holla Forums. there are based blacks
There are.
But they're beginning to leave their pack because they know they can't break the conditioning.
Some are based.
I don't care WHO gets put in positions of high authority as long as they are lockstep in line with Trump. Who/What they are is meaningless. He could put literal straw men as head of ICE as long as the directives come down from Trump himself.
All of you arguing about Nigger this, Cuckchan that are being DC'd. Now that we finally have our shit together, let's not fight amongst ourselves just yet. We have a good long 8 years to do that.
Just like with the FEMA camps.
We don't have to explain ourselves. We're in power now.
tbh this is the only acceptable Trump cabinet
Gee, I wonder who this could be.
Boss nigga to save the day
Shill, Holla Forums has always supported based people, whether they are women, niggers, faggots or whatever.
Yeah. If we support based negros who are intelligent, support us politically, and share cultural ties while fihting against the nigger shit we hate, we might not have tpo deal with nigger shit anymore. I've had a number of these people in my circles before…. Always seem to be the ones most likely to get us in trouble though, because they like to shout KKK style stuff in a group here thy're the only darkie…
not just that
he's already willing to jeopardize his private life in order to serve his country
whereas comey is a whiny bitch who balks under threat and thus supports the crooked rotten kikes whenever his chain is pulled
Even fucking Boss Nigger supports Trump so I wouldn't be surprised.
This isn't halfchan Holla Forums, though. This is a mostly natsoc board.
Even the Nazis formed alliances with non-whites. There were non-whites in the SS. It's retarded not forming a mutually beneficial relationship with somebody even if they're a nigger or whatever. It's called being smart and pragmatic.
They did form alliances, but, none of them were integrated into their society like blacks are in America. I'd say he's a sane black man, but honestly, before this cult of sjw did you not want a homogeneous country? Putting them in positions of power will only make it harder to achieve that goal in the end.
Niggers never were and never will be our allies, you cuckchan faggot. D&C literally does not apply in any way. Go slit your fucking wrists, you nigger-lover.
Not a disgusting cucked "moderate" like you who likely considers himself part of the "alt-right"
No, cuckchanner. Lurk the fuck more. We aren't into your breitbart-tier faggotry. 8/pol/ has always been staunchly opposed to parading niggers, trannies, faggots, etc. around just because they do something "based". We learned not to do that when gamergoys tried to "prove" how "moderate" they were by supporting feminists or parading porn stars around when they mildly agreed.
Out of sheer desperation. The Nazis weren't right about everything either.
Try fighting a war in North Africa without using North Africans in your army or as support. This doesn't mean the Nazis weren't racist, because they absolutely were (and there's nothing wrong with that)
There is no mutually beneficial relationship between niggers and whites. We will always have a relationship of master and slave due to our inherent superiority. They do not belong anywhere inside our society under any circumstances.
It's called relinquishing your long-term goals for short-term political posturing, which never goes anywhere good.
This thread reeks of Holla Forums D&C derailment.
I predicted this shit would happen when you cuckchan/Reddit refugees came pouring in here during Trump's campaign.
Sorry, Redditscum, but we don't suck off nigger cock here. There is no such thing as a "based" or "good" nigger (or any non-white for that matter), so if you want to pedal such trash, then fuck off.
Coal-Berner detected.
Around Blacks
Never Relax
Not a bad idea. Arripaio just lost his election, though. where does he go, ICE?
wtf I love black people now :D
Regression to racial mean.
Fuck off.
Your typing pattern reddit spacing style and green text is so obvious.
Go back to your stormfront hugbox, you are embarrassing yourself here. You are no better than TRS with your little raids.
What's his name Holla Forums?
>yes goy, we at POL love diversity™ and are the real anti-racists™
You're not very good at fitting in, kike.
Did I strike a nerve, nigger-lover?
line breaks between greentext aren't Reddit-spacing, but nice try.
Wew. Nothing like a textbook altistic-righter calling someone else TRS. What's the matter, kike-enabler? Am I "2 extreme" for you? Should I begin by respecting our embattled minorities™ and POCs™ ?
No one likes you here. I doubt anyone gets past your first response post
If you really believe anything you are typing, work on your delivery and persuasion techniques, you're fucking pathetic.
Put it this way, of the race war happened we would lock you in the bathroom so we wouldn't have to hear your annoying voice while we stomped niggers.
Shoo shoo white wold warrior too extreme for memes king nazi jew nigger killer aryan master.
Even Hitler allowed some minorities to serve the reich.
if this actually happens my boner will pierce the heavens
You know Holla Forums, I still can't get used to the feeling of being happy and thinking that in the coming 4 years the world will see a brighter future. Holla Forums life has been doom and gloom for so long this feels completely surreal, like a pleasant dream you want to stay in for as long as possible.
I'm not going to wake up am I?
No, faggot, it's people of your ilk that aren't liked around here. You infest a board with your moderate cancer and slowly rot away at its foundation until you claim majority-status and push out the previous posters. You are nothin but a shitskin refugee invading Europe
Being opposed to niggers in power is not something I should have to convince Holla Forumsacks of. If you feel I need to "convince" you why that's bad, then you're clearly new here and are in no fucking place to speak for Holla Forums as a whole.
Nah. You'd be the one defending all your favourite "based niggers" like you're doing right now.
Fuck off, cuckchanner. Take your nigger-lovin civic "nationalism" and never come back.
the only thing I can think of is that they hate him for the color of his skin
He looks like he wants to knock Don Lemon the fuck out. You can see him suppressing his inner desire to chimpout and knock that faggot out.
Depends on what kind of non-whites.
Nope. All of them must ultimately be exterminated in the long run. Some sooner than others.
And what becomes of their cultures?
Reminds me of a girl I used to hang out with in high school. Was the only black person in my group and had all kinds of confederate flag clothing/jewelry. Would randomly yell out white power sometimes when drunk(yes I was pretty fucking degenerate in high school but at least I wasn't self-hating).
A nig does the dirty work making nigs look bad, chipping away sjw sympathies for dindus. Every cloud has a silver lining. The overton window is indeed still moving in our direction but the shift will occur in gradual steps however as to not elicit reaction. The left has always done it this way and so we must be do that way as well.
Ideally it will work for us from now on.
TLDR: The slippery slope is ours now! Don't you forget that!
What does that matter to us? Perhaps they could be preserved in museums as curiosities, but they are ultimately a threat to our total supremacy and must thus be done away with eventually.
Alright I see your angle. You wish to weaponize Whitey so you can destroy all non-Abrahamic cultures as punishment for not bending the knee to the Jew. Go fuck yourself, Kike.
No. You don't understand. Putting any king of nigger in a position of power is ultimately counter-productive. All that does is legitimise the presence of niggers in America and plants the idea that the essence of America is multiracial in nature, when in fact the opposite is true. Our goal should now be alienating non-whites as much as possible, not embracing them into some new pozzed definition of "America". This is the civic nationalist trap, and you're falling for it hook line and sinker
I'm not a christcuck, you projecting little nigger. Go slit your damn wrists.
top kek.
meant to say kind*
Then stop pretending the Abrahamic mental poison that taints Europe's culture is superior to Shinto and the like.
European culture is superior to shinto, you fucking weeb.
It was at one time, but not after it got Christcuck'd. Besides, I remember you - you're not European, you're Canadian.
Next are you going to tell me that Afrikaaners are niggers because they live in Africa?
Are you fucking retarded? Europe reached it's highest point in the late Renaissance long after Christianity had been established. This isn't to say that Christianity is responsible for European greatness, but your statement is clearly bullshit kikery.
No, I'm saying your culture a shit and you have no grounds to call for genocide against the Japs based on the superiority of cultures.
Get fucked, Leaf goon.
Renaissance culture =/= modern Europe culture.
Use the nigger for our own purposes, but when we regain full control of the country, they all need to go back. America needs to be white, and the only way to do that is to either demographically assassinate black birthrates with targeted abortions or deport them all to a plot of land in assfrica and fund them for a couple decades so they don't waste any white lives on their way out.
Canada is a European country based on British and French culture, two of the greatest and most influential nations in all of Europe throughout history.
I have every grounds to do just that.
What's the matter? Did I strike a never by not feeding into your weebfaggotry?
No one here's defending modern European culture, you low-iq moron. Are you trying to tell me that modern Japanese culture is in any way comparable to the one of the past too? My sides can only take so much laughing.
You're about as retarded as the newfags using abbreviated text lingo such as "lol" and "omg".
"If you don't want to see every Jap child get murdered, you're a Weeb!"
m8, might want to check what website you're on.
We need a new board without newfags. Where to now?
The Renaissance happened when Christianity weakened due to the Black Death killing so many people and littering the streets with the dead (the Renaissance happened shortly after, as in within 10s of years).
What does it mean? Will leftists cucks be raped by police if they dare to break the law?
Hey, no worries my dude. I'll make sure your message of "Kill every Jap" spreads on Holla Forums, I'll even have the best arguments for it.
If you want anything less than total white supremacy and dominance over this Earth then you are a race-traitor and a cuck. Simple as that.
Nice try, faggot.
Sure thing, mate! I appreciate the support! :^)
Which video is that from?
Hey my Canuck friend. I sure learned my lesson. Jap culture has no place on this planet, and to say otherwise is pure cuckery. I'll make sure to advocate the genocide of the Japs before we kill the Jews since they obviously pose the greater threat.
It also didn't work out that well for him.
I seem to recall the fact that it were White Allied nations that did Hitler in, not his African Wehrmacht volunteers.
Gee, with all those replies and anal destruction, you sure post like you're getting paid pretty well.
Reminder Holla Forums is not a hivemind. Some of us hate niggers no matter what.
I say there are exceptions to every rule, based sherrif negro is one, that doesn't mean we should praise him for being a true human bean. He will have his place in the 4th reich, but whites must come first.
Just because I hate niggers doesn't mean I can't think one of them is a credit to his race.
When we send them all back I'll be rooting for those few good ones in managing the rest of their retarded brethren.
Shouldn't this be titled trs cucks? // ?
Yes, as a real KANG of Nairobi or something.
That ending made me laugh harder then it should have holy fuck.
All non-whites will hang, but some of them hang last. Pretty easy to understand, fam.
There were no Africans (perhaps an extremely neligible number) in the Wehrmacht. You're likely thinking of the Waffen-SS.
It's interesting to me just how bluepilled Holla Forums tends to be on this issue. As far back as the Boer Wars, Paul Kruger had refused to arm and and field coloured troops despite facing overwhelming odds of defeat, because the man knew how dangerous it was to "equalise" the non-European and put him on a socially level playing field, how such an act would have consequences far beyond the fate of his small nation at that point in time.
In fact, even his enemies were aware of this:
You wish yellow bitch. GTFO
Nice strawman, faggot. Kikes go first.
You do realise that you can respect a person without agreeing with them entirely, right?
Hitler and GLR were wrong on a lot of things.
No non-white has any place near a white nation. All niggers need to expunged.
This year gets better and better goys.
Just wait until year of the firecock, that's when you will start to get tired of winning so much.
Hang yourself, nigger-lover.
Nobody hates niggers more than the rare honest black person, and in fact black officers that police the hood have tremendously higher rates of police brutality against their fellow nogs than their white counterparts.
We're never going to get "literally hitler" to openly and effectively call for the extermination of any other race. What we can do is get the fuck away from liberal shitholes for hwhite country, leaving the cucks and SJWs to die. We can rebuild our white communities and redpill our children. Meanwhile, we can hope that Trump's economic reforms will give honest nogs a chance to make something of themselves and put down real roots. After things turn around, we can start phasing out the welfare that is further fucking up the black demographics with literally useless apes. Again, nobody hates niggers more than honest blacks, so if Trump really does turn the hood around and makes a new generation of blacks permanently red wew, you can bet that they'll be first in line to throw the welfare queens and gang bangers under the bus.
Give it a generation or two and we'll have a substantially smaller and more tolerable black demographic, and best of all, you won't have to deal with any of them at any point because you'll be hundreds of miles away making white babies on land you own. It's not about "muh based niggers muh honorary aryans" it's about defusing a ticking time bomb before Soros can chuck it at us.
If there's a will there's a way.
America won't be saved until every last nigger has left.
Oh fuck right off, /r/the_donald misses you.
Didn't realise he was married to a white woman.
This makes me want him to hang even more.
Planning anything special, Herr Hitler?
Just boot them both to Liberia. Problem solved.
I remember when Holla Forums viewed Trump as a means to an end, now too many people have been wrapped up in this cult of personality. Remember, Trump is a stepping stone to literally Hitlussolinosley
Get him on board, i don't give a fuck as long as commie heads are crushed.
This. Trump is only a means by which we achieve the 14 words and white revival. He is not the messiah. He will not save us. He will help, yes, but that's not enough.
You're an anti-white and deserve your head crushed just as much as any commie. Civic "nationalists" deserve rope.
You don't respect Hitler you lying Kike. You called him a cuck for allying with Japan, and called Nazi Germany disgusting for choosing Japs over Communist Russians.
Like I said, he was wrong on a lot of things. That doesn't mean I don't respect a lot of what he did.
Being 'wrong' according to your Kike standards, is what I see as being right. Calling Hitler and the Nazis "cucks" and "disgusting" earned you a place in the labor camps.
Abloo bloo, come and get me tough guy.
they were disgusting for having a racial policy that labeled fellow white slavs as subhumans while allying with the Japs, yes. They were cucked for sucking off jap cock instead of trying to forge unity between whites in Europe and
So at least you admit to being an anti-white kike-enabler.
As long as we are away the gibs and shun racemixing, natural selection will run its course. All I care about is having the best people in America, working for America, and fuck the rest of the world.
That's false. Plenty of the White Russian Army, those being loyal to the Tsar, fought for hitler's army. They would not be able to do so if they were considered subhuman.
Him having enough admixture to possess impulse control isn't a bad thing.
I am whatever you want me to be, schizo.
I love you user. Meme it into reality, and give the man a cattle prod.
"One basic principle must be the absolute rule for the S.S. men. We must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and nobody else. What happens to a Russian and a Czech does not interest me in the least. What the nations can offer in the way of good blood of our type we will take, if necessary by kidnapping their children and raising them here with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our culture: otherwise it is of no interest to me. Whether ten thousand Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an anti-tank ditch interests me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished. We shall never be tough and heartless where it is not necessary, that is clear. We, Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals. But it is a crime against our blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thus causing our sons and grandsons to have a more difficult time with them. When somebody comes up to me and says: 'I cannot dig the anti-tank ditch with women and children, it is inhuman, for it would kill them,' then I have to say: 'You are the murderer of your own blood, because if the anti-tank ditch is not dug German soldiers will die, and they are the sons of German mothers. They are our own blood….' Our concern, our duty, is our people and our blood. We can be indifferent to everything else. I wish the S.S. to adopt this attitude towards the problem of all foreign, non-Germanic peoples, especially Russians…."
~Heinrich Himmler
He was the most likely of all the fellows of the reich to be kike owned. And there were fucking kike generals in office.
This reminds me of the so called quotes that they gassed jews.
It's no secret that the Nazis hated slavs, especially Russians. The holocaust definitely didn't happen, though.
Reminder that history will remember the left.
Their tears are fucking unreal, it'll perfectly preserve their bodies for the future, while we'll have turned to dust to join Kek in the afterlife.
Some of us support black nationalist.
We have more in common with them then "liberals"
Internalized Leftism, in particular the unexamined assumption of moral and spiritual equivalency between Left and Right, one only being the inverse of the other in your mind. The Left is decay. It decomposes civilization slowly and by stages as subhuman, degenerate, and malcontent maggots feast on the putrefaction. The Right is vigor and explosive growth which sweeps away these inferiors and creates magnificent hierarchical systems.
Duke's got the right idea.
fuck off back to 4cuck, all fucking niggers must fucking hang.
That's a faggot from reddit being made fun of on an episode of Murdoch Murdoch. Don't remember which episode. It's a cheaply animated natsoc sitcom.
Link to his channel:
if you support nigger nationalism, then you're a fool. Black nationalists have nothing in common with you. in fact, they are dangerous to our interests because they think exclusively from an in-group preference and will thus realise that hurting our power is in their interests.
Hello juden.
haha lol :P xD
Why are you using Jewish arguing strategies and misrepresenting what I said, kike?
Why the fuck is Holla Forums happy about a race mixing nigger being put into a position of power?
If this guy gets called up for a cabinet position, the butthurt will be amazing.
I think the above sums up your argument pretty fairly actually.
Is that his wife??
If so, that nig is cucking us already.
So again, why are you using Jewish arguing tactics, you fucking nigger-lover? Go back to cuckchan and suck off your "based black men XDXD" elsewhere.
he's a nigger who married a white women. Gas yourself
You gas yourself, faggot. If you're upset at anyone apart from yourself for being such a fucking failure you're kvetching about not being able to get women on an Online Antique Bolivian Doorhandle Collector's Forum, it should be the white woman for being a coalburner. She's not a fucking rape victim, she chose the nigger. And if you were the other choice, she probably didn't even choose wrong.
You probably haven't noticed yet, but we have id's here schlomo.
You have to go back
Is this picture of Clarke smug enough for our memetic purposes?
We don't have a white nationalist state yet you fucking retard. We're not even 1/10th of the way there yet. There are going to be token niggers and women in his administration, so they better be ones who do a good job. I didn't see you shills pretending this was a problem when Ben Carson was on the team for months Did you expect Trump was only going to appoint white men to every single position? Or are you intentionally holding him to an impossible standard so as to have something to shill against him with later? I think we both know the answer you slimy kike.
Look, you degenerate liberal, it's both. First, the latter. D&C the niggers and use the rational Black people against the niggers. So first, you try to enlist as many based niggers as you can to police and take out the regular niggers, and do away with them later, when you no longer need them.
Newfag detected. Did you never notice how they're somehow not so hyper-protective about poos/sikhs/Asians despite them being minorities in the states as well? What's the difference between them and niggers? That's right, the latter are mostly criminals. Newsflash: They were never protecting minowwities, they don't give two shits about law-abiding niggers and spics, they're only protecting criminals. Dems, SJWs and generally kikes love crime and want more of it wherever possible, because it serves their needs. And this nigger has a hateboner for criminals, because of all the nigging that fellow niggers have been doing lately, along with demonizing him for trying to do something about the nigging.
I'd prefer a nigger being put there over a kike sneaking their way in that position any day.
P: :D XD T-T o.0 XO
Is that nigga like FUCKING 6'6" OR SOME SHIT?!
Good to see all the replies are telling him he's a fucking faggot.
go slit your fucking wrists, you nigger-loving anti-white. This has nothing to do with being able to pick up women and everything to do with some nigger blatantly disrespecting my race by marrying and muh diking a white woman. Go the fuck back to cuckchan with your bullshit
And you think that makes any fucking difference? Both this nigger and this racemixing bitch deserve the rope, and based on how you're justifying it, so do you.
I didn't see anything except dishonest misrepresentation
line breaks aren't automatically reddit spacing, you mental reject.
I think Hitler was a cuck for employing a racial policy that viewed slavs as subhuman while sucking off the japs, yes. How am I wrong?
Wew. Nothing like a cuckchan refugee who supports CIVIC cancer telling me to go back
There is no such thing as a based nigger
Yeah, we're so autistic for wanting America to be for WHITES as it should be and not put niggers in positions of power, thus making it harder for us to achieve this goal.
So you're trading one pile of shit for another pile of shit and calling it an improvement. You're a fucking idiot.
I'm sorry, I thought cucks like you went away once election ended. Not only a cuck, but also has audacity to call other anons newfags. Go away, reddit transplant.
This kind of childish impatience is why I call you autists.
You type like the biggest faggot on the planet.
No, you don't fucking understand. Putting niggers in positions of power does NOTHING to help our cause. All it does is legitimise their presence in our nation and change people's perception of what truly defines America. We need to alienate niggers, not embrace them. I don't care if the nigger police chief hates liberals - he's not white and thus an enemy to my race. Especially considering he muh dik'd a white woman.
This is the People of Love forum. You seem confused.
Jesus you faggots need to wake up. MOST WHITE PEOPLE ARE POZZED AS FUCK. We aren't going to get anywhere by screaming "race war now reee" because it will scare people. We are in the process of breaking the conditioning, but it's gonna take a while
promoting niggers into positions of power does nothing to help our cause, faggot.
I think it will be the perfect opportunity to show how animalistic niggers are when they inevitably chimp out even if they have a nigger in charge of DHS
That's completely retarded. There's no reason to deliberately put a potentially incompetent nigger in charge.
Even a rabbi getting a lox bagel for lunch at a deli on the Sabbath isn't this Jewish.
I agree with race realism, but the reality is that every single kike needs to be exterminated. The rest of the races I don't really care about.
Clarke is competent though.
wew laddy. >>>/cuckchan/ might be more your style. Go back to your home and cease shitting down 8/pol/'s throat with your nigger-loving.
He's a nigger, though.
Do you know who the hardest people on niggers are? Other niggers why do you think the Africans are always ethnically cleansing each other put a nigger in charge and you'll see Africa tier retaliation for riots.
I don't give a fucking shit. No non-white has any place near a white nation, letalone a position of power within it. Civic "nationalists" such who support this kind of kikery deserve the rope.
WEW lads! This is "Hello fellow nazis!" the post.
wew lad yourself, you're not even trying anymore.
Too bad because Trump is a civic nationalist and the US has been civic nationalism from the start on. Its a failed colonynow make the best out of it or balkanize
They were comparing him to Alex water filter jones; can't wait for him to get a cabinet position.
Listen here, you stupid nigger-lover, because you seem to have a hard time understand
There. Is that clear enough for your ape brain to understand?
You don't even know what that is. Quit throwing it around like a buzzword in an attempt to posture yourself as "le ebin oldfag XDXD"
Now you're defending Hitler's stance that slavs are subhumans? And you have the gall to call anyone else a kike? Top kek.
I'm arguing that whites are better than non-whites.
I didn't imply it at all. I outright said it, because it's true.
What's the matter, cuckchanner? Am I 2extreme4u? I hope I haven't hurt your "moderate", diversity-loving, CIVIC sensibilities too much.
It is too bad, but we have to start somewhere.
Complete bullshit. Pic related.
>the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years.
Correction: I game during the first exodus, not before
Yep civic nationalism. In europe nazionalism developed from the desire of blood related people to rule themselfs instead of being ruled by some king that also had other subjects. A russian born person would never ever become a german, because he doesnt belong zo the german nation/volk/blood family. Now lets say this russian woman is pregnant and immigrates to the Unite States. Her child is born to a russian father and a russian mother, is of the russian ethnicity and blood but magically transforms into an american because of a paper that magically naturalizes him. That is civic nationalism, it might be conditional (only whites) civic nationalism but it is civic nationalism. Naturalization is the keyword
racial nationalism is not civic nationalism
the google definition of civic nationalism:
Civic nationalism, also known as liberal nationalism, is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights.
Yes it is. You just replace “any human“ with “any white“. It's still civic nationalism even if its racial civic nationalism. How else could you transform a dutch person who lives in the US for two years into an american? Aside from that it was never about race, irish people were not considered white while jewish people were. The same goes for mixed latino 'whites'.
Here's the problem: you're promoting d&c between all of us here in Holla Forums and you did it when we're still at an all time smug high from winning an election. This is one step away from responding to posts with the >white maymay.
okay you got me; my bad. In my defense your green texts from farther up looked straight up plebbit tier.
The race mixed slavs you seem to champion over nips think differently.
nigga what.
I'll believe you then; it explains a lot of the cultural differences after all, pic related. Allow me to explain: 4cuck Holla Forums even in its heyday was never a monolithic white nationalist consensus. If anything, we were hard weeaboo about "east aryans."
I feel for you though since, because we came in such numbers during the fry chef bullshit, we undoubtedly changed the culture here.
Look, I'm not niggerdeath tier, but what bothers me about your responses is we just threw off the shackles (heh) of 8 years of king nigger and now you're mad that Trump isn't WN enough? Come on man, let's exult in our victory and just resign ourselves to using effective pieces like Clarke however we can. Even if somehow the United States ends up going apartheid, we have a long haul to go to shipping them all to Liberia. Can we at least agree that a black democrat working for Trump is effective propaganda against the common enemy?
And take a guess which country was the first liberal republic based on univeral (applying to everyone equaly) constituion? Yep, not the french but the United States.
I disagree with this approach, though. The left will just see it as persecution and be reaffirmed in their self-righteous beliefs.
The smart way to attack them would be to go after the NGOs and the academics.
First, have Soros and his crew arrested as terrorists and executed. This cuts a lot of the leftists cash stream.
Second, cut federal financial aid for leftist college degrees. No more pell grants or subsidized loans for sociology, gender studies, etc.
Samurai Flamenco, wait till episode 8 before dropping it.
Oh man, can you imagine special forces raiding his mansion and offing him followed by a smug Trump press conference with the "we got him!" catchphrase? I wonder if Trump could get away with it or if that's still a bridge too far?
Never fight a war on 2 front Reddit user. The first thing that needs to happen is securing the nation and making it so people refuse to riot even if paid. Soros should be the next part should be driven to hiding in mountains like Osama Bin Laden. Finally hitting the academic institutions that create these stupid ideologies. I am sure the order can be rearranged but my point is each one needs 100% of the focus when it is carried out.
No it is simple label BLM and other groups he supports as terrorist organizations normies have been sick of their shit for a while. Openly state that Soros paid off the media and these organizations this take the media out of the equation. Now Soros is funding and aiding domestic terrorism. Rothchilds will cut him off however and let him die.
Free helicopter ride!
From the same article
"Civic-national ideals influenced the development of representative democracy in countries such as the United States and France (see the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789)."
"Civic nationalism lies within the traditions of rationalism and liberalism, but as a form of nationalism it is contrasted with ethnic nationalism. Membership of the civic nation is considered voluntary[…]"
Now all we need is Joe Arpaio to become head of the deportation force.
Why would they complain, Wikileaks showed that Obama and Hillary sold the position to some random lawyer. At least this guy's got some street cred.
Yeah this is what needs to be done, cut off the funding, go after the rich fucker, and teach his ilk that they're not safe. This shit would dry up overnight.
The Eternal Double Standard
Jesus Christ, you need to get some self-awareness.
'll believe you then; it explains a lot of the cultural differences after all, pic related. Allow me to explain: 4cuck Holla Forums even in its heyday was never a monolithic white nationalist consensus. If anything, we were hard weeaboo about "east aryans."
So you admit that you're a 4cucker who has contributed to corrupting 8/pol/ culture, and yet try to imply i'm the newfag? Back before the second exodus 8/pol/ was at its height. It got worse after the second exodus but continued to be alright right up until Trump's campaign started, at which point it got flooded by filthy Redditors and cuckchanners who thought niggers and other non-whites were okay in any quantity.
No, I'm not mad that Trump isn't WN enough, I'm mad at people ITT supporting the possibility of a nigger being put into a position of power in America. Trump is a step in the right direction and I understand he's not going to GTKRWN, but people posting here have absolutely no excuse to support such trash.
Not really, because it does nothing to promote white interests or white identity. All it does is give you a cheap ability to say
>"LOL! See? We really aren't racists!! HAHA leftists, you're the real racists!!"
Our goal should now be making white racialism acceptable in the mainstream, not run away from it by hiding behind black politicians. This is counter-productive.
The US's founding was leftist and I don't advocate liberalism in any form. I am a racial nationalist and a fascist.
But racial nationalism is distinct civic nationalism and holds more in common with ethnic nationalism, as it is defined not by a set of values, but by racial blood.
and not all niggers are black
Found this; it's hilarious how the naggers were flipping their shit about this guy even in may. How will they react when he Black Lives Matters officially gets named a terrorist organization?
I try and give an olive branch and this is what I get.
Hell, even Hungarians are; wake up. Mongoloid is all over those genepools—pic related.
As I said before, I'm from the first exodus…
…which apparently is when you came over as well. This is suspect now though since you apparently have no idea what 4cuck Holla Forums was like at the time of GG and seem to think it was some White Nationalist echo chamber.
Our consensus was always about jews; hood of good predated the first exodus by years. All of the hitler threads talking about nigs fighting in the wehrmacht and praising them for it were highly visible—hell we even had a period where we soft-praised malcolm fucking x for inviting Rockwell to speak at one of his rallies.
Even if you were here, you clearly weren't around.
Using the proper tools for the proper purposes is a hallmark of a good strategist; again, we've had 8 years of king nigger and before that nig secretary of states. Throwing up a black guy to some post which causes liberals and conservacucks alike to get triggered doesn't do jack shit to get people used to nignogs being in positions of power.
I'm not with you on niggerdeath, but I'm all for white racialism becoming mainstream. More to the point, Trump isn't with you on this. Trump is all about the hood of good. Well, at least you're not screaming "resist Trump, wait for hitler!" yet.
How can american whites oppose all blacks if they share the states with each other for 200+ years already and have nearly unlimited space so they are not forced to stand on each others toes?
Also their numbers seem stagnant, its no demographic threat either.
Also the american identity is open to both groups.
Learning how to get along without having to cuck yourself out while cracking down on that shitty ghetto culture should be possible.
How does his stupid fucking head not explode?