They are so butthurt!!!!!
Oh my god… oh my god…. I can't breath because I can't stop laughing. Oh jesus, why do they make it so easy to make fun of them? Why?
They are so butthurt!!!!!
Oh my god… oh my god…. I can't breath because I can't stop laughing. Oh jesus, why do they make it so easy to make fun of them? Why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do they want people to laugh at them so much?
how unique and cool
cucks, snowflakes, or problem hair/glasses the lot of them. Is there not a single liberal left that doesn't fall into these categories?
How many fucking liberal degenerate threads are you gonna make,check the catalog you cuckchan faggot.
Millennials sure are a pack of children in adult bodies.
Did a poodle die on this cuck's head?
Literally no solution except:
How long will it take them to realize that things can't go back to the way they were before?
Do you guys actually find this funny? I find it mildly infuriating and depressing.
It annoys me that people like this exist.
masculinity is threatening to them. its not tolerated unless youre a nigger.
Holy shit, Holla Forums, I have to be honest… I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined the level of completely deflated, depressed asshurt these shitlibs are displaying. They thought they were going to have a nigger, then a woman, then a beaner, then a fag, then a Muslim, because it's the Current Year. I am convinced that the only way we could have provoked anymore shock from them would be resurrecting Hitler himself. These people are DEFEATED.
A few fun points:
- Chink with a Toronto shirt because Canada's so much more tolerant and multicultural guize, it was never a white country :^)
- Cuck with an Indiana T-shirt because we're not all mean hateful bigots like that meanieface Mike Pence
- The dothead girl. She got the worst genes in all of India.
- The general tone that indicates liberals honestly think this is the end of the fucking world.
I don't think any of us were even half this upset about Obama breaking the White Man's streak of 43 in a row.
Why are liberals so disgusting?
That gook with the purple hair just needs a good dicking from a bwc
Just came in to refer to the puppy/kitten thing.
Was mining for burger salt the other day and I noticed that every lefty "comedian" on TV is always invoking cute animals. What's the deal with that?
This is mfw. What is yfw?
Why can't I watch webms or mp4s on firefox?
Like 80% of these people display symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome.
The left makes me sick.
explain pls
that's exaggerating a bit.
This is the craziest thing I have ever seen
Has there ever been a reaction like this to an election ever?
There have been wars fought over elections, but this…this is beyond that
made me chuckle
Ah, it's working now. Hilarious.
Note the traits of fetal alcohol syndrome are present in almost every single one of them, these aren't just bad genes these are babies that should have been dashed upon the rocks.
God, their hair. A good percentage of them have some really decadent look about them.
Remember, don't get a DNA test.
Your wife's child needs support, whether it is yours or not.
I'm convinced that it's a cheap, easy way to make the audience get a warm feeling and a quick rush of dopamine whenever they bring up cute animals. It's the same sort of manipulative triggering that they do when they add T&A scenes to movies that do nothing at all to advance the plot.
it also works as a shield. if you say anything bad about them they'll just spam kittens as an appeal for defense.
This is why they lost.
literally quoting communist scripture.
She's not a kike, autist
I'm like this since last tuesday.
there was no mention of Trump or muh racism or muh Nazis so i viewed that whole thing as empowering the white working class.
buzzfeed sounded pretty based from that perspective tbh.
Checked for
A target
Can you believe that shit like this is going to be in text books in the future and distant generations are going to be fucking baffled at how people were this fucking pathetic.
Fucking hell! And I thought old hippies where bad for complaining, imagine if these cunts make it to old age, can only hope ==RWDS== will begin before that
Yes, these fucktards need to understand kikes flood information channels with this bullshit to distract us from the mission.
I couldn't care any less about these faggots except that qt nordic gal. It's a damn shame- she could be excellent wifey material and the damn jews got to her.
Are these people actually this fucking stupid?
Checked for related.
I thought hippies were shit, I wager most did (who weren't retarded), and imagine our grandchildren looking back at these hot fucking messes.
Not one normal looking person in the bunch. They all look like the exact stereotype of a SJW
Not a looker in the bunch. The women are as ugly as a shit sandwich, and the men are either faggots or whatever Greek letter comes after gamma,
The times of Revelation are nigh.
I stopped after about 5 seconds because of how ugly everyone was.
Each youth subculture somehow manages to be worse than the last, even though hippies fucking suck, hippies are actually very decent people compared to punk rockers/anarchists/wiggers (90s), who are great compared to emo/goth faggots(2000s), who are vastly preferable to SJWs. Its a good thing Gen Z is going to the right, if that trend continued the youth of 2020 would be some abomination beyond comprehension, worse than SJWs if such a thing exists. Trump youth needs to be a thing, I am going to be damned sure to enroll my future kid in Boy Scouts or Martial Arts or something to prevent this faggotry, gotta have a constructive diversion and insulator of some sort.
You missed out on random arab slim shady.
They thought they had already won. The MSM, music, movies, Obama, all telling him that they did it. They thought they would never have to face reality, this is their first dose of the red pill and they dont know how to handle it. They'd rather feel safe and continue to get the dopamine hits of feel goods by pretending they're doing good and on the right side of history.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
There really are two very different Americas. Do these people not realize one of the reasons that they lost most of the rust belt, is because people from the rust belt have never seen a freaks like this before? Granted, the bigger reasons were probably unacceptable demographic changes and loss of manufacturing jobs, but still.
I grew up in an urban area in the midwest when I was younger and the only, THE ONLY, place I ever saw people like this was in the god forsaken cult of cucks, known as the Unitarian Universalist church that my family dragged me along into.
This shit just isn't normal in most of the country. Somebody please tell me that these freaks are a tiny minority even on the coasts. If these people are a representative sample of human beings from places like NYC, LA, and SF… they are completely fucked.
Just for comparison, here are some far-left, hippie SJWs from the 1960s.
Notice how they're all fit, attractive, and healthy-looking, like they spend a lot of time outdoors getting sun and exercise.
It's as though the Internet has created an entirely new sub-species of human.
kek and checked
Same. I was repulsed, not only by how physically disgusting they were, but by their lack of dignity as well. Pathetic creatures.
Did you boys see this? The last one's a gem.
All those people in the first picture would easily be confused for current year zombies.
God damn, this is solipsism incarnate. Can you imagine 4 (8) years of this mania going unabated?
You know, it took me a while. I laughed and enjoyed the shadenfreude, to see them finally be in shock and pain. But now…I think… I'm starting to understand.
The non-whites. The PoCs. The crazies and the Leftists.
They can feel it.
They can feel that the Flood is coming.
Our collective Aryan hearts beating. Our collective spirit. Our willpower in electing Trump. Our unity. It's still faint, compared to what's coming..
But they got a taste of it on Nov 8 and 9. They are starting to understand just how frighteningly great the White race is when it starts to wake up and act for its own interests.
they practically lived outside, and ran from police regularly
what does this have to do with Holla Forums?
Still beats the landwhales and mystery meat in OP's vid.
Although you're right, usually when I think of hippies I picture a bunch of white people outdoors listening to good music, but that might be media manipulation. Maybe they've always been ugly degenerates.
What doesn't this have to do with /pol?
Might as well ask here:
/r/ing that Trump song with America first
Americanism not globalism repeated all the time
Pls respond
nvm found it
god bless the Honorable Donald John Trump
I've noticed it too and it pisses me off tbh fam. Filthy commies need to leave puppers alone. They don't even actually care about them which is what upsets me the most. They are just using them to manipulate their audience.
Liberals in real life are generally terrible pet owners too. They only buy pets to brag about having something "cute" for a month. Then they basically ignore them until they die.
Right-wing people are the only ones who form true bonds of partnership with their pets.
You can see the cat hair all over them.
I have never had a stronger urge to line someone in front of a ditch and pull the trigger.
Anyone else get that purge feeling?
Mr. Totes Cray
at 1:58 its like they stabbed themselves in the foot. "when people get set back thats when they comeback the strongest" this was a start but trumps wall won't be the only bulwark built
he legitimately looks like a Bethesda npc.
Love the "Subscribe for More Wonderful Things" after you hear all these dudes getting cucked.
Did you expect anything good from narcissists who are hellbent on rejecting standards?
Maybe a little.
Just when I thought I was getting bored of their stupid shit, they get even more ridiculous. My sides can't take much more of this.
Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
Some dumb chink who wishes he could have beautiful Nordic blonde hair like mine :^^^^^)
just put them to work on building the wall. when they have actual real life shit to do, all their problems will vanish.
criminally underrated
Oh fuck, I thought that thing with the bleached hair in the thumbnail was a woman. Whelp, one more for the oven.
Does anyone know where I can ind the full HD version of this? Or at least 720p? With subtitles that aren't baked in? The best quality available on YouTube is 480p with baked in subtitles and I haven't found anything better from Torrent sites.
Dangerously unchecked.
the cute chick is obviously nuts. look at her crazy grin and wide eyes.
Yeah she's toasted. Probably filled to the brim with toxoplasmosis
Both So heavily underrated.
This.. Thing is so full of possible memery.
I hate them so much. We work away, toil and burn at our jobs for our families. We try to live decent lives, to us that is just what you do. These fucking spoiled pieces of shit have lived in a bounce house since highschool. To have the nerve, to shame and threaten genocide on the whites that pay for them to sit on a couch getting wasted.
Hold me back anons, I want them all to stop existing. When I see problem glasses now, I want to rend flesh.
Holy shit. Dub Trips or Trip Dubs?
…to drop bombs but he keeps forgetting what he wrote down, the plane's engines sound so loud, everybody thinks he is joking now, the building is 100 m away times up over blaugh!
Clearly we have more work to do.
Btw do you have the sauce?
sand nigger
cognitive dissonance
they do their absolute best not to have to admit that they were morons for swallowing all the libcuck propaganda, that Trump was literally Hitler
but they realise that half the country decided to vote for Trump despite the lies told about him
but if they admitted that these were lies, they would have to acknowledge their own stupidity
and they're both arrogant enough and secretely aware enough of their own incompetence that they KNOW they must never admit their own insuficiencies, or they would never be able to lie to themselves and others convincingly about their own worth ever again
so they have to make themselves believe in yet another delusion
they are busy convincing themselves that more than half of the country is populated by monsters who deliberately decide to vote for something they also knew is "literally Hitler"
and to convince themselves of something they know is bullshit, they have to rely on their support group and in-crowd, to be lectured by others on what they told them they needed to hear
so they send to their social media the message that "they need to stay stronk, not be afraid, breathe, endure like a fighter for good in a world that is like omg totally evil"
because they need to hear that the world IS evil
if it wasn't true, every one of them would have to admit that they know they're an utter moron
These people literally have the minds of children.
Under-rated toast user!
Don't worry guys, you're not going to be alone.
Plenty of people in concentration camps.
These FussBleed people are literally normie shills pretending to be the regressive left. Which I feel like all of the people claiming the regressive leftist title do too. The insincerity in the way they tell their opinions is what pisses me off the most. None of them even go full-sjw with dying their hair eclectic neon, only the tips and shit.
Hitler dubs confirm that we are literally going to resurrect Hitler.
Fucking children.
I say we start a reality TV show were we take 10 Social justice warriors to ISIS and let them hang out for one day.
Then watch them beg to come back to Trumps glorious Empire.
Holy amygdala hijack! They are in full meltdown mode. Puppies! Kittens! Holy shit!
If those people were in their early 20s in 1960 then they were born in ~1940 and raised by parents born in 1900-1920. That's why they look healthy. The society they grew up in was healthier in general, physically and morally.
Then they proceeded to destroy that society, and that's how their children and nephews look and act today.
Thanks, boomers.
Dat FAS on rainbow bitch
You just have to grab 'em by the pussy.
Eastcoast fag here.
1) These people are in every major city on the Northeast except for Baltimore (and the only reason for that is because Baltimore has recently turned into a mini Republic of Congo).
2) They are not a representative sample. But a lot of college aged people do subsribe to some sort of faggotry like in the OP. This is mostly due to the fact that they are still in college and college are Marxist indoctrination camps.
Also, I'm only a few hours away from a few major cities and even here these people would stick out like a sore thumb. They are regulated to the cities because even just a tiny step out of their skyscraper hugbox and they would feel out of place.
After college people like this don't get "real jobs" instead they stick to art and media based "careers" like writing for Buzzfeed, working in social media marketing or touring with their kewl rock band. They are overrepresented in media and this is exactly why.
Welcome to Holla Forums. Enjoy your eternity.
I'm still triggered every time I think about Cash for Clunkers. The poor machines.
This video is a run down of this list isn't it.
Quick someone call me a faggot nigger and invalidate my feelings. I can't stand this feelgood nonsense. Just watching this shit makes me desperate to be around people who don't give a fuck what others think or to just be alone and isolated.
These people really need to get a thicker skin. I swear they need to tell me that they support me no matter what and they're always going to be there for me, so I can tell them to fucking die.
Poor bastards were deprived of bullys. This is a legitimate problem of the youth of today. Now there are young men who want you to call them Kimberly and dress like space aliens because no one had the common decency to make fun of them.
MAGA Puppies!!
No, it's not funny anymore, it's pathetic.
Tell us whose behind it, not just, 'OMG can you believe these faggots?'. We had 18months of it. We know. They do this shit for attention. They care more about their fucking stupid hair. These aren't some sort of experts on ANYTHING but degen bullshit.
mfw when realized Hitler was right and we were the bad guys in WW2 :(
Not your blog, faggot
Who is responsible for this and how do I send them to hell?
Geez, did people get this butthurt after Bush won in 2000? Or was the Cry Baby Movement on the Internet not in full force then?
I don't like any of these people. Why is that not ok? I mean I don't hate them and I really don't wish them any harm (well maybe the guy with DBZ hair). What does piss me off is the victimhood, that's the worse. None of these people, NONE are that important. Who gives a fuck about them?
What a bunch of faggots, both literally and figuratively.
I really think some of them can be fixed with bullying. I'm at least willing to try.
kek That's the spirit. Now I'm second guessing if I've done something stupid which is a great check against doing something stupid. Holla Forums is so much better than where-ever these people come from. Surrounding yourself with yes-men is poison.
meh, I know we love our webm's here, but I would appreciate a link to the YT vid too so that I can rate it and leave a friendly comment.
waste of a white girl
haha that's what drug abuse does for you.
they were semi-homeless vagabonds
They are already in a personal hell of their making. All thanks to Trump winning
kek, every fucking time
wonderful digits user, awful golem gif.
When that lisping faggot says "You'rre shnot powerlessh in thishss, you can make the chaange.." it really fills you up with power, strength and determination, doesn't it.
Holy shit, we won. It is really just hitting me now. I mean, we didn't just win the election. We've won the culture war for at least a generation.
Look at these people. I mean just fucking look at them. Do you think even ONE of them inspires a sense of leadership in their peers? Has even ONE of them ever managed to persuade someone without using shame or guilt? Do you imagine regular Americans look at these deformed nannies with multicolored hair and feel anything but disgust?
And now, when faced with a complete backlash against their idiocy, they imagine their counterattack will amount to anything?
These sad little fucks can't read a book or hear a joke without getting triggered. They retreat to safe spaces and fantasy every time they encounter anything even mildly upsetting. Their primary sources of information are comedy shows. They refuse to engage their opponents except through accusation and insult, and they consider anyone who isn't already one of them an enemy, meaning they often insult the very people they seek to convert. They can't conduct a debate without shrieking. They cannot formulate arguments period. These people are book burners who are afraid of matches.
Their education consists of critical theory crap that immediately disintegrates when you ask even the simplest questions. (e.g. If race shouldn't matter when hiring employees, why should race matter? Is gender a social construct, or are some people born in the wrong gender's body? If women are paid less than men, why don't companies exclusively hire women? If abortion and euthanasia are both acceptable, why is the death penalty wrong? If police cannot be trusted, why should only police be allowed to carry guns?) They possess no marketable skills of any kind. Not one of them can carry a gun, operate heavy machinery, program a computer, or invent. None of them have ever held a job that involved lifting anything heavier than a pencil. Their primary forms of recreation are smoking pot and eating.
They refuse to marry. The few who do marry are non-monogamous in their marriages. The women are either perpetually on birth control or procure abortions until they're in their late thirties. When a few of them finally do procreate, their children are either all autistic, or they raise them so poorly that they develop psychosis before age 10 and these dirtbag parents entertain their kids' insanity as them "expressing themselves."
So I am now supposed to believe that these cowardly, narcissistic little carebears are going to suddenly turn into a force to be reckoned with? That they will fight tooth and nail against a virtual tidal wave of rejection? That they are about to overturn the biggest political upset in world history?
Don't forget that the people in that video are the soldiers of the left. There's no one else. That's the enemy if it comes to that.
is there some giant factory out there just churning out these aberrants by the thousand each day?
Capped for posterity
fuck off you faggot nigger
It's a graducal process. With a little bit more time, the USA could have been completely subverted.
He really feels like an 180+ IQ james bond villain but trying to redeem himself
Glad he's on our side
lmao. He's a triple agent working for god knows who. He laid low for some years and then disappeared.
step one: teach your useful idiots that family and children are terrible things you want nothing to do with
step two: use neoteny to control them because their brains still respond to things that look like babies with 'i must do anything to protect this'
Thanks for correcting the record.
Jesus all this salt
> We didn't get our way by shouting racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe, islamophobe, rapist
Faggots, degenerates, dysfunctionals - Buzzfeed declares these to to the majority, or what?!
"Top ten losers tell you why they are afraid after the election. Number 9 will make you cry (for laughter)."
whatever he is, you agree he feels like a 180+IQ jamesbond villain right?
They couldn't even pass for Muppets.
This was supposed to be our future
That driver should have accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake.
GREETINGS! Various people agross the grand spectrum of time and the multiverse my name is alexandria gordon jahans
You can clearly see their genetic damage and the putrefaction of their souls. They aren't what I'd call human at all. Pol Pot? Human. Stalin? Human. Evil yes, but those kinds of people are at least understandable as are their motivations and cruelty. These… things are just hollow shells and mockeries of the human form. They disgust me at a very basic level.
It's the norm in DC for the college students at least. 75 percent of them act this way, 20 percent are the spawn of the rich Yankees that sympathize with them, and the last 5 are spawn of rich establishment Republicans who just want to party on daddy's money.
So glad to be out of there and in E. Europe now.
The future belongs to the us.
Look at all the goddamend Marks-A-Lot hair. Aposematism exists for a reason.
So they can be killed with zero to minimal error.
Gay and reddit. Guy on the right gets asked about his strap on regularly and doesn't care
All of the "males" look so god damn weak, the doctor who said that low T makes you vote for Hillary was right.
The grand spectrum of ham and the cheese.
What I hate most about these hypocritical fucks is that they care more about words than actions. They would rather continue a war in Syria that has already claimed half a million lives and displaced half of the fucking population, than be called a racist or a sexist for voting against Clinton. It makes me so fucking livid. These hedonistic cowards are not worthy of any of the pretentious titles they bestow upon themselves. They do not fight for peace or justice, instead they demand pleasure and comfort.
Too bad it's not subtitled.
Because it validates their victim identity.
As normalcy bias catches up, they'll always stay two steps ahead, to make sure to always be ridiculous so they'll be laughed at. That way they are always the victim. There is no end to it.
They are but loud petulant children that even boomers disdain. They were nothing, will continue to be nothing and will always shake when they see a boot out of their uniform.
Is that her?
Noticed it too a couple of times - Eurofag here.
You mean parameters? Don't use words you don't understand nigger.
That second chick, what a waste of good genes…
She isn't cute nigger, she's only attractive compared to subhumans
Welcome to the cuckpen you faggots.
Welp I couldn't even watch more than a minute of it.
They're so afraid of a man who posses their ideology that they're breaking down mentally, they think they could withstand the force of 50,000,000 angry armed Americans?
What the fuck are they expecting to happen, that Trump will somehow not be president if they wish for it hard enough?
This. God I can't wait for the race war. these faggots are sooo fucking screwed.
amazing how that looks EXACTLY like her
even the choker
that's fucking hilarious to think about…
Reminder that girls with chokers are massive sluts that probably have super AIDS
Different nose I think.
Reminder that the only chokers that should be put around necks are made of rope.
So sore that they are planning a GENERAL STRIKE and a MILLION WOMEN MARCH on January 20th/21st
It's called the university
Keep fucking marching to the sea then, whores.
this is terrible slander
Holla Forums is a nice board; of good things! :(
we no bully! we best helpers!
What if treating them kindly is treating them differently.
Buzzfeed is the new gawker.
This #notall/pol/
Let me try to explain something for you user, most of these people are under the age of 30. They would have been around 8-17 back in 2004 when Bush was reelected, so they couldn't vote and they probably didn't care about politics very much.
I'll come back to this in a minute.
For basically all of their childhood they've been able to kick and scream in order to get what they want.
They want daddy to buy them an iPhone? They just have to throw a tantrum and daddy buys them that iPhone.
They want McDonald's for breakfast? Tantrum.
They want to stay up late? Tantrum.
They want to see a movie? Tantrum.
They want to eat snacks before lunchtime in school? Tantrum.
But this behavior doesn't get culled, they're still doing by the time they're teenagers.
They don't like how much homework they're getting? Tantrum.
They don't like a certain subject being thought in class? Tantrum.
They don't like how "sexist" or "racist" the teacher is being? Tantrum.
They don't like how they aren't being validated with trophies constantly? Tantrum.
And that shit still doesn't get stopped by the time they hit collage. Now they're full-grown adults and they're pulling it.
They want to paint with shit and be told you have talent? Tantrum.
They want a show to be pulled from air? Tantrum.
They want to be told that men and women not only aren't the same, but don't exist because gender is a social construct? Tantrum.
They want to be told that race doesn't exist? Tantrum.
They want to be told that being overweight isn't unhealthy? Tantrum.
They want to be in a safe-space constantly with nothing that will trigger them? Tantrum.
Now, going back to politics. They didn't get their way with Bush, but that was okay as they were minors, they mostly cared about school and their personal life back then.
However, now they're adults. They want the world to bend to their whim, and they think it will happen because it does. Everything in their life has bent to their demands so far. It's gotten to the point where they just get it now.
They want men to be able to use women's bathrooms? Okay.
They want it to be illegal to speak out against things they agree with? Okay.
They want gun rights restricted? Okay.
They want fetuses to be destroyed? Okay.
They want gay marriage legalized? Okay.
They want a horrible president? Okay
They want that president again? Okay.
They want a female president? No.
They want a different president? No, and they are so used to getting what they want that they're breaking down, but they remember what they did when they were younger. They throw a tantrum, except that isn't working.
Now they don't know what to do, they think if they make their tantrum bigger and bigger something will happen, they think that this isn't the end; that if they scream and stomp loud enough they'll get their way.
They do not understand how to accept failure, just look at the media they make and consume, with the best example being video games.
They make and play art games with no way to die, and when you criticize them they'll tell you that you just don't understand the subtext or some other excuse. They criticize actual games for "hypermasculinity" or "sexualizling women" when in reality they are uncomfortable with losing and are too lazy get skilled at a hobby.
It's the same reason they hate sports and want it removed from schools; they just can't accept losing therefor they must avoid the chance to lose at anything from their life.
This is really the first time they've not got something they've wanted in their life. They don't understand that Trump won the election from votes, they don't understand the other side would be far angrier at democracy being thrown out the window, they don't understand that if they actually got their way at this point the consequences would be extreme, they just want Clinton in the White House by any means necessary.
I grew up poor and in ghettos.
These people were beaten or dismissed as crackheads.
im in the south so these people are basically a plague
This is great
i didnt think it was possible to have all males to look like that
now i need videos/webms which depict beating up spineless pussy bitchboys that look like the ones in the video
Also race war.
But mostly cute animals.
So it's the parents fault for enabling their kids?
season 2 when
Not to mention they are constantly pushed forward as being more empathic, more sympathetic, more dedicated, better and every word in the dictionary that's positive compared to males (masculine males). So when they as virtue born on earth blesses the stupid men and their fighting games with their divine being, but unable to see why they enjoy these toys they do what they do best.
Shame, or as they call it, educate. They shame, harass, berate of how they can possibly enjoy something themselves is unable to see the enjoyment in. So due to their sheer nature of virtue, anything they do is virtuous. And as a virtuous being, what they do not do is by default vicious (from vice - not mean), else they'd be doing them.
And anyone who criticize or disagree is by default vicious else they would be in agreement. The idea, abstraction or concept of themselves being wrong is simply not there. It can only go forward and nowhere along the way can they go "wait a second, let's take a step back" because that does not exist in their mind.
There's a joke, about how the solution to bureaucracy is more bureaucracy. I guess we can say the same for feminism and progress (in the identity politics way). How the solution for feminism is more feminism. And the solution to progression is more progression.
The solution to this contradiction is more sophism. More clever tricks of manipulating words. Nowhere is it wrong, since they came up with it. So by default it's correct, good and whatever virtue you want to throw in there. It's just not virtuous enough - yet.
5-star posts. The parasites are on the losing side, and the loss is eating them alive. I have no sympathy for them.
Holy crap! I had a dog that looked EXACTLY like that dog in the picture with Hitler.
I think the liberal news ramped up it's liberal propaganda after Bush was elected because they felt guilty that Al Gore didn't win.
How someone can be this ignorant of the world around him I do not know
The internet back then was still mostly a place for White men. There wasn't social media. There wasn't twitter. There wasn't youtube. Most websites were run by the people who coded them. White men. Girls didn't play vidya, or visit humor sites which are what I remember going to. At 2000 things were already starting to change, though.
The lefties freaked out over bush jr and ramped up their rhetoric sure, but cnn was known as the clinton news network while he was president.
most of them dont work any way and if they skip out on school, they paid for it. my only problem with this is that now there will be road closures making my job even more difficult then it already is, trust me i would love to just run them down but police always close the roads blocks away from the cucks.
These people are so incredibly pathetic. How do they survive day-to-day life?
lol at the Ausfag chick shaking her head when she said "good still exists". They don't believe their own garbage.
They can't help but admit their true agenda while they do it.
They know they were tricked by a death cult.
They use strings.
I thought the same thing at first, but it's just strings to their finger (see the tape on 3 fingers per hand).
They spelled womyn wrong! Somebody needs to womynsplain that to them. -)
Somebody stick a yellow spongebob in his ear!
What is their worth again?
I noticed feminists are trying to hijack doggos.
Need to respond with pussies (cause they are pussy)
subtle barbosa lad
It's like they want RWDS..
.. wait a fucking second.
Are these bitches baiting us to do this shit now?
Shit yeah.
I've never felt this much wrath.
It's getting horrendous now.
Though reread the bible.. jesus seemed to understand memes and "as above, same below" - see Peter's keys. I was blown away by that. They saw chaos.
Stop shitting up the catalog, faggot, you lost.
No hippies are just as ugly
These tards probably haven't listened to a single actual Trump speech. Trump has on multiple occasions defended the LGBT community and women. That's one of the big reasons why he's putting a temporary immigration ban on muslims from certain parts of the world, because they oppress women and kill gays. Honestly people. Fucking media.
A+ post man
They saw Kek. Kek has gone by many names in the past, none of them truly accurate. Kek has been known as the Father (in Christianity), the Tao, Atman (in Hinduism), the Logos, Buddha never named it directly (can't really be named directly but still), he talked about the things that surround it. Chaos magic is real, and it derives from the principle order/chaos. There is no fundamental difference between order and chaos, actually. The "religion" of Kek is the truest religion we've had in centuries. Christianity is true at its origin, but it's been corrupted by time and tradition and restrictive interpretation, tbh fam. Gnosticism was closer to the truth than Orthodox, which is what we have now. The gnostics saw Jesus as one who had achieved gnosis, which was essentially the ability to see the chaos/tao/kek/tiamat/atman/kingdom of heaven/Father. The tao manifests everything and is everything. It should come as no surprise that it has so many names and forms, Kek being one of them.
except the leftists are divided into these separate and conflicting groups:
you ever divide and conquer so much you dived and conquered your own movement?
If these people are welcoming to everyone, how come none of them looks like an average American, or has a healthy body type?
I know the answers to these already, just reiterating something everyone already knows.
every one of them should be shot to death
Holla Forums manages to push the envelope further
sage, stop shitting up the catalog.
Try going in there as a well adjusted straight white male and see how accepted you are.
This is new red menace we have to fear. The face of death and rape. The face of true and honest communism. Watch out people, watch out.
former seattlefag here. a lot of these faces definitely look very familiar. it was fairly common to see people who look like those from that "nazis watch out" meme
Here's a few cute puppies to scare away those bad feels the nasty racists gave you.
Funny how they try to look tough and militaristic but end up looking like pussies instead.
Which Vietnamese film is this?
forget the fact that they don't own guns, have you seen what happens when you post gore on tumblr?
these people would curl up in a fetal position at the first sound of a gunshot, there's no way they'd do shit in an extended combat situation
we're living in fucking saints row or something
the barenstain universe is just bizarre. i can't even connect the dots and figure out how we got to this point
…are they not aware of just how many people in the US are dying for honest work, any work? Even work they don't necessarily like, work that doesn't utilize their best talents?
Outside of a handful of cuck companies on the coasts, expect massive numbers of firings on January 20.
you lost
you're already being dumped
your squeals are delicious
If you listen to the way they used to talk about civil war, it was always rednecks getting blown up by drones. None of them thought they would be the ones to fight.
yeah gamergate has revealed several examples of liberal activists caught mistreating, neglecting, despising their pets, and using them for hugbux.
My biggest regret is not having enough memes in my folders to laugh at these cucks
POST THE FUCKING YOUTUBE LINK AND BREAK IT IF YOU HAVE TO YOU AUTISTIC FUCKING FAGGOT. Shitting up the comments and votes, if they are even allowed, is fun.
I really hate and do not understand why "WHERES MUH WEBM/MP4" is more important than this.
and the most giggleworthy aspect to their meltdown is that the trump electorate is almost entirely silent while they are having their crying fit.
if we attacked them, acted like stereotypes of angry racists they'd have a field day and feel vindicated and justified
but no
we're mature workers (or virtue-oriented neets), we dont have time for that shit
we out Soros' involvement in their protest and besides that we are getting shit done to prepare the remaking of america and the world
How can people that stupid exist ? Thanks OP for reminding me that idiots like that exist, would laugh at the idiots again.
Their unity ain't worth shit anyway
Fucks haven't got a clue and hypocrisy is the last of their mental deficiency.
And I'm not even a Holla Forums poster but thanks Kek and all that for the salt, maybe a part of them will understand now.
I like where this is going.
If there's one thing the left loves, it's fucking listing things.
i think there was a nigger music song in saints row 4 about trump
it was called donald trump walk or something
I love this year
But isn't "that time" all of the time, user?
so glad I dont live in America right now. Its your water I swear
Uh, no. Jews sort of conquered the world after they established the Fed. The western nations are all under pedophile kike occupation, and have been for a century.
You mean relegated.
It's like they don't want viewers.
first one looks like a burn victim.
Kek bless. I wonder what their next move is going to be when they can't trigger their way into whatever they want. Part of me hopes they'll physically implode, but I think they'll retort to more sneaky tactics, including backstabbing, in-fights and more local outrages. I'd say this is the perfect opportunity to seize control back into our power; they're deflating at speeds that shouldn't even be possible.
r8 my OC
This is debatable, tho.
Sacco e Vanzetti, anyone?
Plus ,killing off a psycho would be doing him a favor, let him rot in a cell for the rest of his life instead, make him wish to be dead.
On the other hand, why should a terminally ill innocent suffer because someone else claims he doesn't have the freedom to end his own suffering? Who are you to decide?
Why should a rape victim be forced to carry an unwanted nigger child?
Why should we risk losing both mother and child when one can be saved?
Cash for clunkers. Damn, you had to remind me. I wish I could have gotten an older car (just got an '01 this week), as it would have been nice to have something that hasn't gone extinct…like bumpers, dammit. I used to have one of the pic related. Back when Ford built tanks.
Oh god where did muh sides go?
All human progress is predicated on scientific and technological breakthroughs.
We do not exist on a linear time-line of social and cultural milestones that are reached through sporadic revolutions and movements. This is a distinctly modern ideal and misconception.
What was truly revolutionary was the industrial revolution. The political fancies of the twentieth century have been informed by what we have seen happen around us and to us. We are more and more, a passenger inside of our own creation.
Communism, Fascism – what are they but scraps over the context of our humanity's diminished role . . .
Please kill yourself
Big, jewish cities. Jew york city, San Cucksisco, Los Diablos, that kind of place. I have never seen them in person because I stay out of those shitholes, but I have seen one known tranny. Disgusting people.
Shame the game was fucking terrible, 90% shitty minigames, and was a $15 DLC that got turned into a $60 full game.
Reminder that that disgraceful "program" was exactly the same as the unnecessary transition of antenna-only signals to digital: to force people to buy new things.
sleep tight pupper
and they'd support a war with russia in a heartbeat
I just realized the core problem of these people really is that they simply hate who they are. And who are they? The results of race mixing, defeatist dieting, and mental illnesses.
Because they do not like themselves, they drag the rest of society down in degeneracy out of pure jealousy.
Not bumping because it doesn't deserve it's own thread, though.
maybe i'm just autistic but i thought that running and flying around at high speeds blowing shit up was, you know, fun?
Liberal pet owners will debark their dogs and demeow&declaw their cats so they can hide them in their dorms, yes, they get the vocal cords cut by a liberal vet. Then they shut them away in their dorms all day and never walk them or even play with them or do anything with them except pose them for vines or instagram photos.
Then the fuckface whores dump their abused creatures on people like the SPCA once the cat/dog is too old for posing in cute photos, and another vet drowns himself in alcohol like my cousin. That poor woman, it just about broke her. She got in because she loved animals, now she's becoming a lush due to us living in a university town.
No wonder so many vetrinarians commit suicide.
Not so much when you've already done the same thing in the previous game, nor when doing anything fun at all, even just running into a person on foot, gets the faux-police and then the aliens to appear and ruin all the fun.
Sage for offtopic.
That's news to me, I wonder how you know about it
wolf brigade
Isn't that betamax a tranny now? I saw a photo of him wearing a fucking dress here.
These people are everywhere:
If you look kinda like a pineapple already, don't wear a Hawaiian shirt.
Absolutely true regarding analog-to-digital. But at least I get the last laugh about that, since I turned off the talmudvision years ago anyway.
The only media I see is on my computer, and it has nothing to do with MSM. I have Holla Forums instead.
Truly the best the opposition has to offer.
They grow up so fast. ;_;
I love how the Inquisitor leans towards the degeneracy
wow top kek at each realization at the alteration i laughed harder
Thinking about changing the race to Altmer. What else should be changed?
Change race to Imga, or Bosmer Both are sub-Dunmer ape scum
just fuck his shit up fam
Just hit random like every other liberal. Gotta show how unique you are to the world.
uh okay how's this
I love how liberal all look the same, think the same, dress the same, but they still think to be unique and special, talk about being delusional.
Nice. Here's a meme for your trouble.
No, user, every day they stray from God. We've just elected a president who doesn't fuck babies for Moloch.
I laughed way more than I should have.
Thanks user
You've never seen an old hippie before.
I'm feeling high velocity napalm. You?
Final addition.
also a piece of oc I made in between edits and want to share
sage for off topic
It's the period a little over four centuries before the League of Nations came along and ruined everything with "decolonization" (thanks, Wilson)
Peaceful handicrafts appreciators who wish only to practise our quaint traditions unmolested.
at least the admit they have no testosterone.
an obstinate slave is still a slave. look up reverse social oscillation.
user did you think they were smart? that they know anything about the world?
mama cass/10
I always thought they were well meaning, but uneducated or misguided. The past few months though, I've seen them for who they really are. Many are well meaning but brainwashed. Many more have already given themselves to Satan. It's a shame. I hate to write any indiviual off as a lost soul, but we cannot afford to pity the damned. Only a lunatic or demon would riot FOR a war with Russia.
bitch you don't even know me. this is some safe space spoiling shit
fucking checked
quads of truth
Because odds are it was not rape to begin with, barring execution for race mixing she should be forced to bear the consequences of her whorish actions
Aside from shitskin population control this is the only time it should be allowed.
They rape, but women lie about rape just as much. Most rape accusations are false. They love to claim rape to save face, especially if they are caught with a niglet in their belly.
It's a rather impressively well done edit, though.
One step forward, 10 steps back. It's commendable to have a "don't ever give up, get up and fight you pussy" mentality, the problem is that they see Trump and the people who support people and ideologies like his as enemies or the obstacle to defeat. They were so close to thinking "it's not the end of the world, we can do better", but they fall yet again in their vicious cycle of a cuck's mentality and OMG LE KEWT PUPPEHS XDDDDD
I love dogs and puppies to bits, but to them it's like a false security blanket against any shortcoming, it's ridiculous.
Also, I find it really curious and worrying how you can distinguish these people by their speech pattern. The way they talk like valley girls and emphasize the last while making it sound like a quesTION?
here have a bump
would fug the vietnamese chick in the toronto shirt tbh fam
Holy shit, I just googled that shit. Guess you learn something new every day
That's what we're doing right now.
you do realize they painted those statues fucking garish colors and put clothes on them and shit, right?
Fetal alcohol syndrome.
forward thinking, im saving it in the backup ammo, like the carboard boxed stacks, i might need it, but hope to sweet kek i dont
One of these things is not like the others.
Damn fucking shame.
forgot pic
Haven't these faggots ever watched an ISIS recruitment video?
These really are the bottom of the genetic barrel. Look at them. These are all the kids that should have died at age 3 from the flu.
Literally everyone in this video expect for the white blonde is:
A massive faggot
Short haired dike
Beta Cuck (massive faggot)
Daddy issues with dyed hair
Sadly, I don't think I'll ever see these people purged in my lifetime.
a traitor is always a traitor
If they still have this much energy and resources to meme their shit why did their pet candidate still lose anyway? I could hear all the oy veys behind their shitty faggot voices.
This is Trump's legacy - exposing the new Left to the shame and ridicule they deserve. After four years of constant winning, the Left will be framed literally as "losers". Being far-Left will no longer be fashionable.
Now combine that with the MSM hemorrhaging credibility (and subscribers), the Universities being too expensive to afford due to unforgivable student loans, and the internet providing the alternative narrative FOR FREE to anyone who wants to find it.
What we have here is an opportunity to truly change course.
Basically this is what happens politically when you give an entire generation "participation trophies" and "9th place ribbons".
checked and fucking kek
Top kek
Glad to see I'm not the only one who immediately thought of a pineapple. What is this cuck thinking??
Baltimore fag here, we have them too. The city has been Zimbabwe since Kurt Schmoke became mayor, but now gentrification is happening. Baltimore has loads of current year SJW's who think it's progressive to "tolerate" niggers and junkies while pricing them out of their neighborhoods and not hiring them at their dipshit yuppie boutiques.
I've been having a lot of fun walking around neighborhoods like Hampden and seeing the butthurt over Trump's victory.
not just purge, we will reconquer America and make it ours again.
she sounds retarded though.
The one qt3.14 you can totally tell just wants a hot dicking from a fashy goy who will make her into a waifu.
The boomers fucked the world up on every front.
It probably isn't their fault, the accidental creation of hippies by MKULTRA experiementation bracketed by decades of ever more efficient mass brainwashing through traditional media and into the age of social media. Now they're scared to die and they're selling out our countries as quickly as possible to pad out the retirement plan.
They call me Go-Go Nuts. They call me Pineapple-Man.
they look like subtle clowns
I wish my mother and father waited to have sex just 7 years.
It's a trick. They do it in movies as well.
Its a trick to make people thing they are empathetic and take care of things appearing like good humanbeans. Its manipulation plain and simple
We need the population control.
Why are the gays of all people scared of TRUMP?
Do they not remember that hillary wanted to bring in Millions of Muslims who would kill them on sight?
The Don literally dindu nuffin to fags but they're all fucking terrified of him, what the hell is up with that?
I live for the day when (not IF, WHEN) those kids murder their parents in the night.
I would assume that they are more afraid of Pence.
Is this a preview for Predator 3?
10/10 capped for posterity
What the fuck does this even mean?
Is Pence known for throwing them in Bogs or something?
It's something along the lines of "The Balls are Inert"
Juss fack my shet up, gweilo.
Noticed how the bitch's top is covered in hair?
He will cancel HIV programs and bring back the electro-shocks.
They're telling us that they voted Trump.
How did this happen to the left… good lord
I guess they really aren't "smarter" than the right
Honestly the one thing I think everyone is learning from this election is that the so called blue urbanites are no more intelligent than the average hillbilly. They have their own stupidity. It looks and feels different, but it's exactly the same underneath.
These people are kind of the new form of "hick." Urban hicks. Oo. I like that.
Modern liberals are urban hicks.
Well said, perhaps they need to be crushed.
Fucking this. I've seen it all over youtube. Misleading dramatic thumbnail with possible sexual innuendo with a title in all caps worded like a statement but with a question mark at the end.
holy fuck this shit is hilarious.
good thing i found the original
skip to 1:00
This is normal among cook/nip families.
The liberals hate for nature is so fervent. They really are the opposite of it.
It wouldn't be the first
where the webm?
It's pasta
Fool-proof evidence of an effeminate culture.
Yeah, and as an older person I had to get used to girls just fucking ghosting me if I called out their bullshit. It's not daddy issues, it's societal.
Guys we found bigfoot
I have a question. Where in the fuck did you find all this stuff is this some kind of new meme ?
Please tell me this is a meme
I tried as hard as I could to find someone in OP's video without clear evidence of fetal alcohol syndrome.
no luck.
He's leaning forward to draw his bolt pistol.
And that's a commissar by the way.
You are the wrongest faggot in the history of wrong.
Fuck that caught me off guard.