I mean its 2 0 1 6 its time to show those bigots they will not get away with all the racism and xenophobia
pic related random imgur cuck
post more nu male cringe
I mean its 2 0 1 6 its time to show those bigots they will not get away with all the racism and xenophobia
pic related random imgur cuck
post more nu male cringe
Other urls found in this thread:
What does this safety pin meme even meme?
that they're all giant babies.
Do we need more of these liberal butthurt threads,check the catalog tripfag.
Feels good
Does this moron realize that xir has just marked xirself for extermination?
By using these images of punk rockers and weird bod mod people we could probably get a few people to stab themselves in the face with safety pins.
Just sayin'.
We should meme this. Stabbing a safety pin through your arm as an act of solidarity.
I had dubs on this proposition.
Just sayin'.
i think is the 2016 version of this
You know it lads, it's time for #Pierceforpeace or some stupid gay shit like that
In order to understand the pain of the minorities, you as a white person have to first feel the pain of a safety pin.
If you cannot feel the pain of a safety pin, you cannot successfully shoulder the burden of people of color or some stupid crap like that.
Spacejew Wars is also using the diaper pin. Maybe associating us with the Empire could be positive. I haven't seen the recent movies, but way back many people preferred the Empire over the Rebels.
Brit here.
I don't think I've seen or even heard of this a single time before now.
Star wars will fail this just wait for it.
Only about 5% of the population of the world is white.
We are the minority.
this is the queer who wrote that terrible Star Wars book, isn't it?
is he implying that non-whites aren't human?
He's against executive orders, wants to enforce his acts through congress, wants to make issues such as education and marijuana use decided by states instead of federally controlled, he doesn't like how much power the federal government has and he wants to follow the constitution as much as possible.
This is tinfoil shit on par with "the Jews did it".
He's the writer of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. He may have written a book as well, I don't know.
That's fucking retarded.
Welcome to leftism
oh this shit's still coming out? don't know anyone who actually wants to see it.
Thanks for the welcome. I knew they were lacking logic, but, I am sometimes still amazed how fucking stupid and emotional they are.
The only thing I ever look forward to with anything related to Star Wars anymore is droid porn.
I use a punisher patch on my somewhere in my cloths.
Ex-SOF will have a clue why.
Pol in general should start using patchs, but nothing that can identify you as a pol/ack.
The Jews DID do it tho.
why tho
Some corporate forced meme that retards bought into, thinking it made them rebels or something.
We should completely appropriate the punisher skull for WN purposes.
Only make the head part big enough to draw a fucking black sun on the forehead.
It'll look so sweet.
even leftists know they're lying most of the time
The stupidity of the left really pisses me off tbh. That they still act as if they are some rebellious group when they support literally everything that all the richest and most powerful people in the world support is disgusting. They need to be killed.
I only realised how badly that could be misconstrued after I posted. I don't mean with relation to things they actually did like ISIS and BLM, I mean the UFO-tier fuckers who think absolutely everything is due to Jews.
It's funny
Those are mostly either stupid kids or false flag shills trying to make anybody who questions Jews look crazy.
Holla Forums had some fine droid waifu pics of R2-D2 and C-3P0 some illiustrated and a few of cosplayers imitating that illustrated style, but I can't find them at the moment. Sorry. Try searching there though if you are interested
Are you sure thats a male? I see tit and no arm hair.
So what's the counter-symbol?
Preferably not a swastika so it can actually be shown in public.
i talked to someone about this today and the person told me its to make these fuckers tell the world that they are against trump and is a "safe" person. It shows that you are politcally correct and a cuck
(((Chris Weitz))): If George Clooney's Mom Fucked Ben Shapiro Instead
> en.wikipedia.org
1998: Antz – co-wrote screenplay with his brother Paul Weitz and Todd Alcott
1999: American Pie – producer, co-director (uncredited) with his brother, Paul Weitz, actor as Male Voice in Porn Film (uncredited)
2000: Nutty Professor II: The Klumps – screenplay with Barry W. Blaustein, David Sheffield, and Paul Weitz
2001: American Pie 2 – producer
2001: Down to Earth – co-director with his brother, Paul Weitz
2002: About a Boy – screenplay with Peter Hedges and Paul Weitz; co-director with his brother, Paul Weitz
2003: American Wedding – executive producer
2004: See This Movie – executive producer, actor as Panel Discussion Moderator
2004: In Good Company – producer
2006: Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas – producer, actor as Sheldon Schmeckler (voice only)
2006: American Dreamz – executive producer
2007: The Golden Compass – director, screenplay
2008: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist – producer
2009: A Single Man – producer
2009: The Twilight Saga: New Moon – director
2011: A Better Life – producer, director
2012: American Reunion – executive producer
2015: Cinderella – screenplay
2016: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – screenplay
2016: Good Kids – producer
2000: The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy – as Director (character)
2000: Chuck & Buck – as Charlie "Chuck" Sitter
2005: Mr. & Mrs. Smith – as Martin Coleman
1998–1999: Fantasy Island – co-executive producer, 13 episodes; story, 2 episodes; teleplay, 1 episode
2000–2001: Off Centre – executive producer, 28 episodes; creator, 19 episodes
> en.wikipedia.org
2004–2006: Cracking Up – executive producer, 9 episodes; consultant, 11 episodes; writer, 1 episode (pilot)
2010: Lone Star – consulting producer, 2 episodes
2014–2015: About a Boy – based on the screenplay by, 27 episodes
> en.wikipedia.org
Hahahahahahhahahahahhahahah holy shit
Thanks, Hitler, but that post did not deserve dubs.
I think I saw that a little while ago. I tried searching the board for "R2-D2" and "droid" but found nothing, so the thread they were in is probably ded.
A thumbtack
Holy shit, that's pathetic.
I don't think the posts had "droid" in their posts, there was some Asians, I think Japanese cosplaying them, but I didn't save it since it was such a slow board. Fuck me.
I heard an ubercuck manchild talking about how much he thinks that shit look really good.
Next time I see him, I'm going to take the opportunity to laugh at him, and inform him that this guy would be shit just based on his treatment of the Golden Compass alone, not to mention being a slimey Jew that directed a Twilight film.
Anyone who has seen The Force Awakens and still has even a passing interest in Star Wars is a massive cuck.
Watching blacked.com is less cucky than enjoying The Force Awakens.
You mean it wasn't enough for them that we bought and listened to their music? Watched their movies? Gave blacks eternal welfare and extra help getting jobs and getting into school? They didn't notice when we let 1/3 of Mexico just fucking waltz in without papers? That we allowed Muslims to immigrate to Dearborn, MI instead of genociding them after 9/11?
Just exactly how much god damn handholding do these shitskins need to feel good about themselves?
The CG in that move has not aged well.
Stop playing dumb, you know exactly what they want: Your women and your life. They wont be satisfied until every white woman has a mulatto in her belly and every white man is sterilized.
Meme it.
they won't be satisfied even then I'm afraid.
Of course not, if they got what they wanted then eventually the reality would set in that they were still inferior to Asians, Jews, and even Hispanics. I know a lot of black people, and boy do they hate Asian women. It's interesting really.
What thread was it in?
They hate Asian women because they're not complete sluts like white women and they generally like white men.
It's actually kind of ironic, whites treat blacks better than any other race, yet blacks hate whites more than any other race. Strange dynamic.
And there's still much more to come…
Why do Africans always look so fucking depressed in every photo I see of them?
Because they live in Africa. Also that's just their default face, those kids are bored, not depressed.
It's a Woody Alan flick, the whole thing is Kosher.
Which they won't, because they are animals without the compulsion to debase themselves for out-groups. wifeontheverge of having her misguided kindness exploited by mudslimes etc.
They're going to pile so much shitty Star Wars on the market that nobody is going to give a fuck after awhile. It will all just blend together as the grey, uninspired, craptacular SJW money grab that it is.
People are already tired of this new Star Wars shit. Going even more looney left with it isn't going to help people from tuning out. Same thing is happening with lefty late night "comedy".
Reading this was probably the worst 20 seconds of my weekend.
same. they made this shit up the disgusting kikes.
It's amazing how Disney has managed to destroy such a valuable franchise. They've totally missed the core audience of Star Wars, boys, specifically white boys.
Star Wars was a thing for white boys who wanted to fly spaceships and blow shit up and get in sword fights, now it's anti-white feminist propaganda. Hilarious really.
I for one welcome this faggotry; makes it much easier to identify people when DOTR comes around.
Replying to this post twice, but shit, the left are really acting like this is the end, aren't they?
It's amazing how Disney has managed to destroy such a valuable franchise. They've totally missed the core audience of Star Wars, boys, specifically white boys.
Star Wars was a thing for white boys who wanted to fly spaceships and blow shit up and get in sword fights, now it's anti-white feminist propaganda. Hilarious really.
the battle with the termites was cool tbh
I liked it too, but imagine an animated Woody Allen flick about ants being the peak of your creative career. Sad.
Really, the best he could do was a Bugs Life Ripoff?
they get coached to look sad so beta nu-male faggot leftists might feel something close to "Pity" and harangue the government to let them all in with no regards to how their knee-jerk reaction might fuck up their environment.
It took you 20 seconds to read all of that?
Goddamn, these people will get tattoos of anything.
It really highlights their lack of critical thinking skills
Oops, meant for this to be the second pic
They're also horribly unartistic tattoos. I can respect Yakuza shit, or equally complex tattooing, but this shit is just lame.
or even exirmination
Just sayin'.
I would prefer convincing them to get retarded facial tattoos. Facial pins can be removed.
(triple check'd)
Actual art and creativity require testosterone. That is why the best chefs are male, and even the best women's fashion designers are fags and trannies instead of actual women.
Yes get ready for the NWO of the black male.
extreme cuck fag warning
How is this a bad thing?
must suck to be black
that they would ever look up let alone idolize a nappy headed Kermit the Frog sounding kike really speaks volumes of their character judgement.
I've seen a few of these gay political tattoos and i gotta wonder what they will be like when they are in their 60/70s (provided they live that long.) are they gonna feel embarrassed? are they going to feel anything? in ten years time who is going to know who Bernie Sanders was?
kids will point to them and ask "who's that?" and the only people who will know who he was will be these old faggots with shitty tattoos and wearing faded BLM shirts (another group destined for the dust bin of history.)
they probably already forgot about it.
I just want to convince them to do it with real safety pins.
niggers are either midgets or giants I swear. no in between.
The pain and suffering of the average white male?
At least do it right.
Why? there literally wearing there yellow stars willingly… this is a good thing.
A bobby pin.
A tool common for keeping diapers on.
How appropriate.
Holy shit, that's pathetic. Someone should pretend to be a nig so they can kill this faggot.
What if we are actually looking at some sort of joke gone out of hand?
Why do you Americans even allow Craigslist to exist?
They still think being unironic commies is a representation of their bullshit struggle against the establishment and their daddy issues while completely forgetting two factors:
- their side has already been the establishment for decades, so their "fight" is an illusion
- their daddies were completely right in disowning them for being such massive fags who contribute nothing to society
why do it yourself? pretend you're one of them and post it on tumblr to seed others into doing it?
like somebody already got to them before we did?
nobody ever does that though.
we're the only ones who troll them into doing dumb shit.
who's moving on our turf?
I don't think it's a group like ours, i think it's a bunch of guys who thought to exploit the situation and try to make a few people look stupid… and exploded in a fireball of hilarity.
it works as a free honeypot at the very least.
gods damn it libtards ruin another thing, i carry a safty pin with me for cleaning out clogs in a sprayer i use for work, now i have to take it off.
I dunno, could they have picked a better symbol than something that's stereotypically used to fasten a diaper?
Especially when these people aren't old enough to realize that used to be a thing?
war has changed
didn't some austrian bitch take in a refugee and got raped?
they spit on the singers from bataclan when they said something bad about muslims
Just remember, they will have to look at the back of their hand every fucking day for the rest of their lives.
This guy's best work is still superseded by Pixar. Hahahahaha, what a fag.
And just the other day a German has his computer, his roommate's computer, his cameras, and wallet stolen by his refugee friend
The police refused to help him unless he was actively being attacked so he went to a Syrian bar (in Germany) to find the guy. Managed to beat up two Syrians before the rest dogpiled him
In his own words, he is incapable of doing his job any longer and is in deep shit
Kek willed it. Who are we to question it?
Every person with disabilities are equally same so what the heck will they do with a megaphone anyway? I have a disability and megaphone is useless because it will come out gabble anyway.
I agree. What the disabled need are tendies, not megaphones.
Wow you are serious unlike cowardice who tattoo them instead of using the real safety pin. Can you post the picture on the twitter to troll them into doing it themselves?
lel, that is funny.
This was chan trolling, right?
I think so.
I know that #Freebleeding was a chan thing but turned into a real equality thing when a runner either forgot or refused to put her tampon in when running a marathon and had her legs and pants covered in blood
yes I think it was 4chan.
I am offended. I have had to get to where I am in life by waiting and working and studying. These people really need to learn more about these three things. Just because you are hijab-wearing, strange-freaks, non-european, non-local, a jew who survived the holocaust, a weakling, a macho person, non-straight, non-dicked, needy, doesn't mean you can't do these 3 weird things that sjws don't want you to know about.
Sounds great, dig up some appropriate pics.
Probably specifying (human) to virtue signal about not excluding fictional groups.
Expert bait. My sides.
She'll wipe your ass!
Just tell her, 'No you won't.' You've never done any of those things. You're just an old, unattractive, nobody looking for attention.
Minorities are trying to segregate themselves from white people. Traitors are tattooing marks onto their forearms for us.
If we wait long enough will they build camps to move into?
The mark of the beast turned out to be quite stupid looking.
Safe Space? More like Safe Ghetto!
Tolerance is what brings a country or race down.
Well I feel gay, I've had a saftypin in my hat for the last 3 years, because I consider it a makeshit tool (Resetting digital watches, poking holes, make shift rip closer, lockpick, etc) Am I going to be associated with these faggots? I wonder if thats why people have been asking if it symbolising somthing recently… FUUUUUUUUU…
Underrated comment.
Put a safety pin in your MAGA hat.
Huffpo has fallen into schism over the safety pin shit
also a piece on black voices written by a white girl lel
I need this in my life.
That's actually a good idea. Lets appropriate all their little symbols & stunts they do.
lol so non-whites aren't human?
That's what I got from it.
I was sick of starwars 5 years ago, now they are going for the 20th wave of starwars bullshit.
Good Goy!
Lets not make too many assumptions there dude. He's an internet blogger. His human status is already in question.
Doubtful. The part of liberalism that preaches leaving the city to become self-sufficient on the land doesn't garner a whole lot of imitators. Probably because it's not compatible with the fetish for cosmopolitanism that characterizes so many urban liberals. At most, we might be able to further convince liberals that the only acceptable cities for "enlightened" individuals like themselves are L.A. and San Francisco.
Yea I know right.
if SJWs start wearing safety pins in their faces, they'll piss off old school punks who did it for no reason at all and didnt want a meaning associated with it.
What do they look like now?
So only black people are qualified to tell you whether you're a racist or not? White people are such racist dirt, how DARE they pretend they aren't unless they've been officially designated as such by the NAACP? Is that it?
probably like normalfag 40 year olds but I'm sure they remember and if they see these whiny kids doing this shit for reasons they'll laugh at them, and start bantzing them.
Trumps sons?
Okay they are young enough to beat them up.
They're just making it easier by branding themselves for RWDS to ID them like yellow stars on DOTR.
So it is a sign that they may be in need of physical removal
Shave your beard.
But user Jews are behind every major public event; big or small. Whether they are responsible for them? That is up to the observer to find out. Either way you can find Jews around almost anything. I mean what do you think they do… Breed like rats and just stay at home for fun? Jews don't have fun unless they can make money or exploit others.
Something tells me you're one of those fags who tries to appeal to people here by claiming a position of normality. Even though life has proven itself to be above and below such a definition.
Tell me more about how the Saudi Arabians are behind 9/11 and not neocon's WITH our greatest ally the Merchant, or is that too 'conspiracy-tier' for you? ;^)
The cops generally don't like it when you show up and interfere with their duties. If you become too much of a nuisance you can be taken to jail where you'll get to stand around with many people of color.
Speed reading is for Jews
made this for you
Needs a half-completed, then erased, Jill Stein logo
but what about the clones and the nigger in the latest pile of shit? i always though the empire didn't care what race you were provided you weren't a filth xeno and there's even exceptions to that.
Isn't that the Rutles?
doubtful. they can't build anything more complicated than a picket sign, nor can they organize anything larger than a child's birthday party
Do the one of Trump sucking a cock.
god i hope you are right.
Nu-males just can't win
That's pretty gross.
They really do think all races are whites with a different skin color.