how does this work?
just filters?
neural network?
how do i make my own?
how does this work?
just filters?
neural network?
how do i make my own?
Other urls found in this thread:
where exactly is the controversy?
the controversy is hag mods keep removing threads about this.
Mods worked hard to get their makeup ready, the least you could do is be considerate.
russian spyware
This is a good thread because op actually asks technology related questions.
salty roastie detected
knew it
It says on the Play Store that it uses a neural network.
face recognition algorithms are most probably incorporated. that + filters. but I actually have no idea how it works
as for the controversy (the one outside this site) is baffling to me. why is everyone flipping their shit over this? it's basically just a image manipulator
I would never date a woman who wears makeup. Your face isn't a painter's canvas, and your personality is more important and you can't put makeup on that.
hows it going fedoralord?
Link? How do I use it?
I want to try iterating it on an image.
virgin detected
It's just a shitty filter, there are already images that people put through over and over and all it does is adjust the contrast and some color settings, even anime images look a bit different. I think it's so believable because it makes people automatically look uglier (like being under fluorescent lights). Apparently its triggering women because just about everything does.
Since it can work on videos, I doubt they're doing neural networks in live time on an iPhone (although the new phones do have some hardware for ANNs).
Most likely it's just a filter that was trained using neural networks, and I would imagine they apply a composition of separate filters for skin, eyes and lips. Most of these phones already have prebuilt routines for finding facial features, so that part can execute very quickly.
The real risk is that you marry one who will stop.
with filters and a neural network
Pretty much all women wear makeup dumbass. I don't like too much makeup, but if they use it right it's fine.
Found the white knights.
tbh I liked how my ex looked without makeup. she was beautiful to me at least without it, but I fucked that relationship up.
Makeup only looks good from a distance. Nothing beats clean moist skin.
Because it reveals the average women as a hag whore that she really is. They wear makeup to trick Chads into having sex with them. Without their makeup they would have to date an icky guy.
It might be an edge detect algorithm that works its way inwards until it has several polygons with which to work.
Failed Chad Angry at Own Virginity, by user.
Not that whores arent scum, but 95% of you people are exactly as bad in more or less the same kind of way.
Its a GAN (Generative adversarial network). It basically works like this
And so on, here is a paper that goes into more detail
Or they could be running images through a CNN trained to recognize makeup. Then they modify the image to decrease neuron activation for the make up detecting neurons, then you would end up with no makeup as well
I think the trick is to make it look like you haven't put makeup on. Otherwise you look like a clown.
Some people feel insecure about their appearance, so they wear makeup. If you remove their makeup, even digitally rather than in a tangible manner, they feel insecure again.
It's probably related to all the people with anxiety disorders and such.
Women wear makeup to make their whoring easier.
The app works pretty good.
Most pics of this I've seen were very bad, the technology still needs to improve, or the app needs more training data or something.
I didn't come here to feel.
Who would think that all thots are superficial clown makeup wearing 3DPD that need to hide their uggo faces? Hmmm makes you think
>??? include some spyware and metadata forwarder