Rich celebrity Conan o'Brien is mocking working-class Americans in a new sketch. Talking about gassing. These people want you death. When will people start to riot against the corrupt entertainment industry?
Conan wants to gas the white working-class
learn to webm, faggot
Drone strike Conan.
hit the comments, bitch
it's jewtube
We need to riot agains these "comedians".
Good. Best news I've heard all day.
OP is a faggot. BILLY GAS EM , TOO.
He's pretty irrelevant tbh, nobody has watched his show in years
I used to watched him back when he was on after the tonight show ( with Jay Leno) however long ago that was.
Why is this irrelevant faggot worth any attention?
paranoid thought…shilling for ratings?
Commiefornia here, he's the last non-PC comedian around here and wasn't trying like to bet everything on Clintons like Colbert & Mr. Current Year.
check out this vid I don't know why Holla Forums hasn't monetized it yet since it involves gassing a Hillary supporter aka jew.
Conan is the typical uneducated fag who thinks it means something that he Harvard. What Taleb calls "Intellectual Yet Idiot."
You have a jewgle account?
I prefer "taught to be stupid" myself.
But isn't he whi- wait no, I forgot he was Irish :^)
He's a kike.
Lots of thumb downs and hate comments. This is only going to red-pill a lot of people and turn people against Hollywood.
kek confirms
fuck off shill
Videos like this how you create Trump supporters.
Readheads should be exterminated
haha it's a joke because he's a jew gassing people
it's like all these other jewish skits about inversion of normal things, like Sarah Silbermann looking and acting like a disgusting man even though she's a woman
Is he really jewish?
I'm joking mate, I was born in Cork.
(((conan))) is a jew by the way
Nothing new.
I actually felt compelled to leave a comment, which I never do because there are too many normies on YouTube. The entire media apparatus is aligned against us, and there isn't even the slightest hint of attempting to be impartial or subtle. Television, movies, newspapers, cable, all the way down to comic books and fucking literature. All liberal, all Jewish, all anti-White, all anti-American.
Do these Jews and their lackeys, like this complete embarrassment to the Irish race O'Brien, not understand that it pisses people off when they do this? Are they trying to bully the entire white population of the country into voting Democrat? Or are they really just that trapped in their bubbles in LA and New York?
sup jidf
Conan has to go back.
We don't want him back, he's a Plastic Paddy who's only ever been two Ireland like four times.
Fuck I've had too much uisce beatha, I meant "to"