Ultimate Solution to Israel-Palestine Problem


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The Final Deal is coming

Kikestan has anti-proselytizing laws

This could be a smart play, but I know I'm preaching to the choir when I say he can't just give the Israelis carte blanche for whatever madness they want.

a big fuckin nuclear bamb

This issue is the main deciding factor in wether Trump was a psyop all along, or not.

We have to watch this shit closely. I refuse to draw conclusions until actual actions are taken, but this, along with the Goldman Sachs finance minister, and that Israeli politician saying that Trump meant the end of any hope for a Palestinian state are MAJOR red flags that should be closely monitored.

Considering his ties to Israel, it will probably mean the end of Palestine. Which is of course fine considering they're a bunch of worthless pedo-worshipping shitskins who failed to develop the land during the hundreds of years they controlled it.
Giving them what they want is a carte blanch for every right wing party, government and group in the west to flow Israel's example. If Israel can remove kebab, than so can we.

Post YFW this will not resolve to the final solution.

Lol, this is Holla Forums's God? So much for sticking it to ((them))

How big is your nose?

Kill yourself kike, Palestine is Christian land.

hello jew

Syro-Palestine was the main part of Roman-Arab-Turkish richness in East Med for a reason.


and right on cue appears the mad bombing Jew. You're not welcome here Moishe and you never will be.

Reminder that North Africa, Palestine, the Levant and Anatolia were White before you tribal niggers invaded it.

Flawless logic.

Compare the percentage of Arab Christians in the Levant before the Ashkenazi subhumans showed up to the percentages today. Kill yourself, Shlomo, the white man will hate you forever. You are a parasite.

Sure we can, so long as they keep their goy-stomping to the subhuman Arabs and leave the actual humans alone.

I don't care then a tiger kills a hyena, why would I care when a Jew kills an Arab?


Because the kike will never keep its own house in order, ever. You know the minute we turn our backs they'll go full Yinon Plan. No. If the white man chooses not to exterminate you, you owe us a life debt.


Based shitskins!

Yes, that's why most sandniggers need to be purged.

The enemy of my enemy can still be my enemy.
Pull up a fucking map of the Roman Empire. All sandniggers need to leave the premises, whether they pray to Moloch or a 6th century pedophile.

Was I saying that? Israel going postal on the sand niggers will serve as an example to the west. I mean, it's not like right wing leaders in Europe and America love Israel, right?

Look we know you're a kike, but let me spell it out for you. The eternal enemy of the white man is the Jew. The ancient enemy of the white man is the Arab. If supporting the Arab harms the Jew, I'll support him. Once the Jew is gone, there's nothing to stop us removing kebab.

I'd rather support Palestinians in order to fuck over the kikes, than support the kikes to fuck over some insignificant sand-niggers.

THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We'll just do to them what they did to us. Impose a one state peace and it doesn't matter what government there is, and the shitskins will take all kike women and demographically ruin their race. Then we can annihilate them. But first we must ruin the jew culture and soul.



Israel killing the sandniggers will do two things. One, it will push the overton window so far right that the kikes in the west can no longer force us to accept mass immigration.
Second, it will turn Israel into a total pariah and make them the number one enemy instead of the west.

This guy gets it

The sooner the funding pulls out of the East, the better. Fuck them, let them play in their sandlot with what they may scavenge.

I say this in defense of Trump, not Israel, those aren't the same thing. Israel very well could have freedom of worship and ban proselytizing. I don't know if either are true though.

So Israel doing the thing they have been doing for decades will cause something that hasn't happened to happen, and will cause people who push mass immigration despite knowing Israel has the opposite policy to miraculously stop doing that?
God you're fucking dumb.
So again, Israel doing what they are currently doing and have been doing for decades will cause a thing that hasn't happened to happen.

You also get it my friend. Allowing the kikes to aggressively attack arabs is sort of a win win. The arabs will start getting thinned out and more radicalized, which will lead to more guerrilla conflict with jews being the target. Whilst on the other hand, the west can see how israel is aggressively expanding and attacking 'muh poor arabs' and can start sanctioning them.

The risk with this strategy is that the west decides to cuck again and start shipping in millions of arab refugees but I think peoples tolerance for migrants/refugees is at an all time low now. Everyone has seen what happens when you let them in from that sandy shithole

He seems to want Syria to remain Syria which goes against the Greater Israel plan the Zionists have been working on.

Fuck their freedom, fuck what they do, fuck what they care for. It is not America.


Hey I am with you on that, but Trump is trying to sell something right now and being explicitly "Fuck Israel" won't sell.

Trump ramming through a one state solution could be amusing, the jews have held off on it since their current laws would give rights to the palestinians they don't want their goatfucker cousins to have.

That's where the boot comes, doesn't it?

Are just hoping nobody hear knows the last few decades of Western history? That is not the result. You are either a kike or a shabbos goy, and I don't know which disgusts me more.

A one state solution would be awful for the Jews. If he pulls it off it will be glorious

United States of the Levantine
A multicultural paradise in the middle east

They haven't. They have been doing it so gradually that it allowed them to claim they're still decent members of the international community.
If the kikes go completely off the edge it will shatter their image. They will lose all moral equivalency. And any western politician suggesting we just kick out the shitskins instead of outright killing them will sound reasonable in comparison.

This is a key question for sure. In a conflict between the Syrians and the kikes, I definitely prefer the Syrians. They have a much better history of staying in their own fucking country and keeping their snakes all in a basket. Israel spills its spaghetti all across the Middle East constantly and it does US foreign policy an entire planet's worth of damage. Fuck the kikes. They get nothing. No more money from us; no more equipment from us; no more sanction from us. They are cancer in its purest form.

I hope to fucking God that Trump truly is Literally Hitler, and we can finally see an end to the jewish menace.
His immediate execution thereafter would be fully, 100% worth it.
I want to see him kill his son-in-law on live television before launching half of our arsenal of nuclear weaponry on the entire middle east.

the greatest irony

If you feel that I don't have enough information for this, how about you enlighten me instead of throwing around accusations like a nigger

They are losing their spaghetti at volume rates presently. And will be so for quite a while.

Which would be something he could do with the one state solution. He could say this is no longer an international issue, but their own national issue. Pull all funding and leave the stupid kikes to figure out the mess on their own. If they went all genocide on the Palestinians, who would now be their own people, it would definitely guarantee the demise of the Jew. Nothing would be sweeter.

I will never need animu to tell me when the time is right. It's time to look inward and see long outward.

The kikes have been "aggressively attacking arabs" for decades. Using white phosporous on civilian populations, using kids as human shields, bombing UN hospitals, in any stretch of the word you have to consider their actions as "aggressive attacking". But this does fuck all because they simply deny it. We KNOW the use white phosphorous on civilian populations, but they deny it, they have their lapdogs veto UN investigation, and have key people in key position to ensure that even when it is known, that information does nothing because they still control other countries foreign policy.

Fucking bullshit, when they used chemical weapons and used children as human shields it was seen as an atrocity, but they don't need to give a shit because they control the avenues of retribution. They NEVER fucking had moral equivalency, what they had was a monopoly on social and foreign influence. Is this your first day looking at the JQ or what?

Well, I'm a softie at heart at any rate I wouldn't want to lift a finger to help the Palestinians in such a scenario, but I think the US would at least have to join the rest of the world in sanctioning their rotten little "country" and treating them like the pariah they are.

If the fucking madman actually manages to broker peace between israel and palestine, the kikes are going to go absolutely ballistic. That "conflict" is israel's entire pretext for America showering them with shekels. It's their whole gravy train.

Without it they're fucking nothing. It takes away their ability to play victim. They desperately need to be at perpetual odds with palestine. I can't wait to see how the lugenpresse will spin peace as being another shoah, and they will.

Hold your spaghetti.

not to mention that both Wahhabi extremists and Baathist secularists hate them, the only reason they haven't been wiped out by a coalition of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and all the religious nuts in Saudi Arabia is the US and the Saudi royal family.

I like the one state solution a lot.

I was aware of all that. I'm just thinking that with all this talk about the israel solution, the average layman might be more willing to look at the situation with scrutiny, especially so considering how much shit the media is in. People will be more willing to listen to alternative sources and who has been discussing the horrendous shit israel has done to palestinians? The alternative media.

Basically, if this were any other time i'd agree with your sentiment, but I think we're in a more ideal situation for getting the majority to look at israel with scorn

They killed thousands. But not millions. Once they start slaughtering millions, it's over. No more foreign aid, no more "muh holocaust".
They will be a radiant bastion of evil amidst a sea of enemies, and too toxic for any normie to support.

This. No conflict = no gibs.

This WOULD be true, were it not that I believe the kikes had this planned out.

All of a sudden out of the blue a few years back, the leftists started supporting Palestine. Now it didn't really make sense, they'd always supported Israel before, but now they wanted independent Palestine and such, and you saw all these dyed hair faggots preaching for a two state solution. What this did was associated pro-Israeli stances with the emerging nationalist right-wing. If you go on r/TheDonald, the people there believe themselves to be redpilled but are so utterly cucked that the mere mention of not supporting Israel is met with scorn and derision. They hate Soros, but claim him to be a Nazi, not a Jew. They hate multi-culturalism, but love multi-racialism. The kikes had gotten in early and prematurely neutered the emerging right to suit their whims, and only through hard pushing on our end will we see them touted as the enemies of the west they truly are.


Well I think they're in for a surprise with President Trump. He has got to know about the whole Israel-Qatar pipeline pipedream and how it's been putting us into a confrontation with Russia.

Considering he's been talking about getting fuel sources a little closer to home and wanting friendship with Russia… I think that alone puts a massive damper on ZOG's plans.

Don't forget they are sweatily watching presently.Start posting nudes along with strategy talk. Holy hell, get it together.

I bet Trump would make this happen

Trump is a good goy.


Pan-American highway (From Alaska to tip of Panama) doesn't extend through Cambodia. It stops at a little village called Yaviza in the Darian Gap. That little green line in the lower left is incorrect.

Not happening. Your magic is weak, pisser kisser.

Just what I need, more Chinamen invading my country from the west. I guess the jews will get their dream of flooding us with Asians, right Dugin?

Trump should genocide them both and institute a white Orthodox Christian empire in the Levant.

This is why 'alt-right' faggots should be slaughtered to the last. They are the textbook definition of controlled opposition.

Is this your pic? Israel has no freedom of speech neither freedom of worship.

Kikes have lost control of the leftists like they used to have. This happens to them all the time. They create a golem then lose the ability to control it.

That's going to end in gassed kikes.


As much as i want to exterminate them, the ends are all that matters, not the means. One state solution it is, but we need to work to foster division and trick them into killing each other.

Get out Kike. Go peddle your garbage on Breitbart and GLP.

It's simple, we nuke Israel and Palestine.

The "Ultimate Deal" is going to be the new Final Solution

Who cares if they are Christian, they are still an unintelligent shitskin race?
North Africa and the Middle East was entirely white before the shitskin invasions in the bronze age.
Arabs are scum and not our allies. They are just as much our enemies as the Jews.


He's blowing smoke. Israel doesn't want peace, they'll negotiate for a little more then just keep pushing. We need to cut Israel loose. Won't be Trump to do it but that should be the next push while he's in office. Get serious discussion going about re-evaluating US relations with Israel and bring exposure to AIPAC's influence in US foreign policy while their control of the narratives is still weak.

As soon as I saw that quote, all I could think of was the old "anti-racist Hitler" cartoon.
Watch Trump bring multiculturalism to Israel. After all, they've been so kind as to try and force it on all of the western world…

#jewexit … meme it

This is the Holla Forums politician of choice. Tell me again this place hasn't been completely subverted.

I don't give a fuck. Kikes are responsible for every single bad thing in this entire world. The udshits hate us because we're always going over to their countries and killing their family members and fucking their shit up and having our people die on behalf of the kikes so that their precious little chosen children can stay safe at night and their fearless soldiers can sit up in walls shooting sand niggers armed with assault rocks. Fuck the kikes, fuck Israel, and fuck every single person that supports either them or people in power that support them. Things will never be fixed as long as Israel exists. Period. You're all fucking suckers and you're all worshipping an obvious zionist. Kill yourselves, you are part of the problem now.


( archive.is/GHYmb )

My triple double proves I'm right. Your faggot ass magical frog says so.


Admitting you're not one of us. GTFO

I scroll calmly past gore now, but for some reason this cartoon made me flinch.

wew lad

Looks like the Grand Frog sent Satan after you.

Good luck.

Fuck off kike. Praise Kek

Exterminate Ashkenazi Khazaric rats. Make Israel Hebrew again. Ban Islam. Suddenly there is no conflict as there are practically no differences between them and Palis as they are more or less the same people. Suddenly Middle East is a much more safe and prosperous place.

Of course, all of this depends on step 1.

I have a counterargument.


I'm not one of you. I'd never support a zionist and I would never support Israel. I quit being one of you once the Trump train took over, primarily because I'm not a fucking retard. I just come here to call you all faggots now.

Outstanding. You're truly intelligent, free thinkers. Glad you guys came here from /r/the_donald and decided to drive everyone else out that didn't share your views, got the mods to ban everyone that hurt your feelings and violated your safe space, and completely destroyed this place. You guys are the best.


Eat shit you cock sucking faggot, we won and you lost. We destroyed both the Clinton and Bush dynasties at the same time, and are about to wipe out Obama's legacy to boot.

Fuck off and die.

Interesting facts about Ivanka's Jew husband Cushner - his father is a criminal and a top democratic party donor - was put in prison by Chris Christie.




Something else interesting, (if wikipedia is to be believed), the Jews in Israel apparently don't recognize Ivanka's conversion as truly Jewish because her rabbi isn't orthodox enough:




The Levant belongs to Christendom and needs to be reclaimed, not destroyed.


Something has got to be done about the jews before Kushner's descendants get old enough to run for office because I could see us getting everything we want out of a Trump and even Don Jr. presidency just to have it undone by a Kusher-descendant Trump decades later.



ikr. Wasn't Soros a literally nazi, also?

You know right the religion of Judism as we know it came after Christianity
The Jews referenced in the bible are the people of the nation of Judea while the people who call themselves Jews today are Steppe people who made up a text on how to overthrow European society around 800 AD

If it's Abrahamic, it's Jewish. No exceptions.
Uncuck yourself and PRAISE KEK if you feel a need for "god".

I will take your words under consideration when he actually does something to justify your commentary.

People say a lot of things to get into positions of power.
What they do once in those positions is what matters in their judgement as leaders.

If Trump cucks for Israel in office, I will agree with you - but until then, I am cautiously optimistic, and you should be too.

Can you tip that hat any further? Maybe CTR will give you some extra shekels.

Jewish as in Judean yes but not the Jewish religion which came AFTER christianity

Nice try, kike.

Judea is an ancient nation
The Jewish people we know them today come from the Anatolian Steepes

sounds… globalist

Let them have that worthless land. Along with the mudslimes.
Wait two generations and ISrael is 60% muslim.
Let them get a taste of their own shit slurpie

Brah, you're obviously not used to winning.
IT was some time since we had a space elevator thread.


Hang on. Did Space Elevator move here with the exodus?

Assyming its the same guy, yep. Though he hasnt made a thread for months.

Also I know the music in your webm but I cant place it? Sounds dank.



there was one a couple weeks ago, it was during one of the bigger shill/cuckchan refugee shitshows and when a lot of interesting podesta stuff was coming out though.