Wall Ideas

Hey Holla Forums,

This wall has to be done right, none of this half assed fence nonsense. A wall is needed to ensure it stands time and as a world wonder to inspire future generations of patriots and engineers. Also a wall is very effective passive denial which would help border patrol focus on the shores which nulls the boat arguments.

Now here's what I'm thinking:
- reinforced concrete obviously
- slope on the American side so guards can walk up it
- tall af
- a ==sonar grid== to search for diggers

pls let me know your ideas, we should think about forwarding the results of our brainstorming to President Trump.

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High speed rail on top of it so it can’t be taken down by a liberal presidency (“HURRRRRR I’M JUST LIKE REAGAN TEAR DOWN THIS WALL LOL”) without destroying the economy and infrastructure of the country.

You can do the tunnel thing with drones, way cheaper. Prefab concrete slabs like he explained early on in the campaign. That plus metal connectors. Pretty much Israel's wall.

can we just have the MegaWall near the metropolitan areas, thus funneling illegals into the desert where we build a huge obstacle course like in American Gladiators but way bigger and deadly like with robot killers like in that movie Runner?

That would be my pick. Mexico is paying for it anyway. Perhaps we could put up cameras, syndicate it, and charge pay-per-view?


that's great Idea.

How about a hyperloop route instead if if concept works.

Why not LA port to Miami port with a dedicated cargo transport route? With Port Automation companies wouldn't need to go through the panama canal. We could perhaps even expand the cargo route to the NYC port as well.

Who pays in that case?

There it would seem reasonable that mexico pays for the foundations and we pay for the tracks, trains etc.

Also, if we're paying for the trains, it reduces the risk of a liberal president letting mexico use the trains.

DOD budget.

If they say it's too expensive then cut the DOD budget by six times as much.

get the chinks to build it

we could relocate whole communities of nogs to the desert so they can live somewhere more like their traditional homelands and pay them with food+housing+crack to shoot anyone that comes across the border?

Redirect the entire EPA budget to building one gigantic solar panel.

Sell all the electricity to mexico = profit



glad u liek. nao, how do we Trump it?

I hope he actually adds the extra 10ft for eternal keks.

Line it with metal so it gets scalding hot during the day and no can so much as touch it

You should perhaps ask the danish to construct something. Just take a look at Kronborg Castle in Helsingör.

There's a reason to why us Swedes never claimed the rest of Denmark, nor why the Germans had a hard time doing the same during the viking age. It's because of these fucking castles.

Wasnt there a picture out there that showed some sort of concept poster in Trump Tower of the wall? It was shaped to be an upside-down triangle and the use of railways was mentioned.

This, for one. In addition, hire up shitloads of anons to paint dank Trump memes on the entire length of it.

Fund it

it's a castle it just sits in one spot lol just go around :)


Base the wall on ancient Egyptian construction. Inscribe a compendium of 21st-century human knowledge into its side.

That's the one. Thanks.

Castles are made of walls you dumb shit


If Trump offered to let you help fund construction by charging $50 to buy a brick and engrave your name on it, would Holla Forums buy any?


Does it have to be my name? Can I put a message instead?

Fuck yes.
Imagine in a couple of decades taking your family to see your name engraved on the Great Wall of Trump. Then many generations later your great-great-great grandchildren taking their grandchildren to show them your family name on the Wall.

Make it out of ice frozen from the tears of liberals



We could do it if we meme the Ice Age hard enough.

Now that's a good idea. Not only will we get money from Mexico but a large amount of people willing giving money for the wall. That way libtards can't scream how we used "their" tax money for the wall.

anything is possible with meme magic

You're gonna have to try really hard.

I have thought of this ever since he said "They may one day call it the Trump wall"


I think a long corridor would be a far better long term project. I'm going to steal a bit of FF8 design styles. I think just a wall is a nice idea, but a better one may be a long corridor where Boder Patrol agents can work and high speed transit trains and transport illegals, and process and hold them. They can use an internal corridor to monitor ground movement.

You don't even have to make it so long and continuous at first. You can build hubs first between wall sections. Make a hypothetical attack on the corridor to only disable a section instead of the entire structure.

On the first and second image is kinda how it could look structured from the outside.

The third image is how it could look inside a corridor. Habitable and hollow.

Further I do recommend the structure not be so easy to climb as in the pictures I posted. Have it curved concave instead of convex as shown in the pictures.

Fuck you, get out, and don't come back until you've looked up "great" in a dictionary, kike.

A big, beautiful wall. Built down to bedrock so Paco can't dig under, and with a high-speed rail atop it to deploy border security and to transport civilians.

Back to Reddit
Idiotic, that means if any spics get on top of the wall from the other side they can just safely slide down instead of falling to their deaths.
It should be enough to have occasional guard towers on the wall.

What makes this funny is that a concave wall facing south will gather the sunlight and focus it at a distance. Spots under that kind of glare can get up to several hundred degrees. The beaners can beg us for foreign aid to build a solar collector unit in the desert and get electricity from it. Then they can give that free energy back to us because we need it for the neon lights and whirling blades of death.

Good idea but you know, there will never again be any leftist presidents. Once the illegals are gone, the voting population will be even much more majority white.

the height is about right though.

I feel this is an appropriate thread to post my son's design for the wall. He drew this a few weeks ago, after I explained to him what Trump was talking about in his speeches. I got b& the first time I posted it to Holla Forums, because this is not my blog, but we're talking about the wall here, so: pic related.


Well there may be a solution such as not making it so full of glass on the south side. Good point though! Maybe on the south side having a visual rampart of glass that does more to reduce glare and allow Border Patrol to see out with shade covering.


I just like how it looks. Towers would be necessary for the surveillance equipment and sniper nests, and an interior to the thing sounds nice for living quarters to accommodate the guards, but I prefer keeping the thing solid.

Why does it have to be solid? Will the wets show up with battering rams and trebuchets? We could technically stop them cold with a cyclone fence and a few tiger traps, but goddamn it. . .


Seriously, think about Trump's aesthetic. We have a chance to build monumental architecture here that will define how shit looks for a generation, like a fashy Penn Station. It isn't nearly enough to put George Bush's faggot metal sticks in the ground and call it a day. Fucking Ethiopia could do that. This is an American wall. This will be - must grow into - the Apollo Project of race realism.

Build it big and tall, build it out of something that is really impractical but will still be there in a thousand years to inspire our descendants, and build it as a testament to what we can do when we, as a people, officially stop humoring niggers and spics and slaving for the Jews and just go be Aryans with some fucking trowels for once. It can be a cathedral of ethnic hate, and some faggots think it should be made out of concrete. You know, like Israel's wall.

people living inside of it would be pretty great.
you'd never be lonely there.
it would go on for 1-2 thousand miles.

Well I'm thinking that if it's solid, it'll last longer but I don't have a degree in wall building so forgive me if I forgot something.

Fuck it. Let's put the world's biggest particle accelerator in it. We can even make it straight, unlike CERN.

It will last for as long as we have the slaves to repair it, my friend. The only continuing expense for us will be whip replacement.


This. A wall is 2d thinking.

A beautiful structure is more than enough to function as a wall. Which is what I proposed in

A wall doesn't do anything other than act as a barrier. A corridor structure can house, act as train stations, detention, processing, offices, working quarters, living quarters, and trade and customs depot. Making it look fantastic and asthetic is to MAKE IT FUCKING GREAT TO LOOK AT. An oasis in the desert.

Why not build a corridor structure ON TOP of the wall? O Gods

keep that fucking thing away from America.

Stability issues.

the particle accelerator I mean.
We dont need to be creating little berensteins here.

The only thing having stability issues here is my Autism. But I don't like your corridor idea to be honest. A wall seems to be something that would last much longer.

Anything smaller than this is unacceptable.

KeK Bless Donald J Trump


Personally, I think it needs the right fascist aesthetic. Can you imagine a pitiful, small Mexican hopeful applying for a work visa in this sentry office?

Needs to be at leas twice that height.

(checked) Trips confirm, Twice as tall and fashy aesthetic.

Why not build it really tall so you can fit many high speed rail routes on it?

Why not build routes that connects the following ports?

While we're building these routes we should modernize all of the ports with technology such as robotics, and dredge them out so that the largest ships in the world can berth there.

Checked, nice ID as well

That's cool. I just think if you want it to do more than stop people, a wall will only do one purpose.

Here's some people willing to help


Won't happen. Trump will want to put Americans to work on it, not Israeli businesses. They'll throw a lobbying temper tantrum but fuck 'em.

Call it payback for all the military secrets they stole

Thanks. I've been getting dubs and trips like crazy all day.

Oooohhh, yes. Here's the back end of the wall.

What they've done for modern art, they can do for national security.

Christ, can the Jews make anything that's not uglier than a divorce? Do they truly have no souls or spirit? Why are whites the only people on Earth who seem to really want to even try to make something great for its own sake?

We gotta make a WonderWall, damn it! It's gotta have more than one purpose than just blocking them out, and it's gotta go far underground. Perhaps a dam, an underground military base, something huge and dangerous that would fuck normal people up if they're not careful, something that would make the swiss blush.

It occurred to me that having trains on top of the bridge would make it even fucking harder to cross, since it would probably have a third-rail system and not overhead wires. Not to mention 300mph trains scooting along the top.

Well I mean China did a pretty good job at making a Great Wall.

Yeah that's pretty low energy in terms of looking beautiful, although obviously it's effective.

I thought we were already planning on putting it atop the wall.

I got it. Seize millions cargo containers and stack them up end to end. Give Mexico and China the middle finger at that same time.

Wall*** not bridge, Freudian slip because I had to search "europe rail bridge" to find that picture

Beaners would just live inside them, cartel will stash their stuff there as well.

fixed that for ya.

You'd be able to cut through them with an angle grinder in 20 minutes.

Due to budgetary concerns since Mexico is poor as shit I'd make the wall more of a deeply compacted razor wire field that is ten feet high and runs about a mile deep. There'd be all kinds of cadavers within it and smell like literal death but it'd totally be worth it as a deterrent.

Fill them up with dirt and concrete.

Or sell slots on the Mexican side for above ground burial plots and make it a Catholic cemetery - that will keep the superstitious beaners from messing with it.

Why not just build the wall out of concrete? Why waste good usable shipping containers. Same volume of concrete. Plus concrete means those tunnels for trains on the inside and top.

How deep should foundation be built to prevent tunneling?


Seems reasonable

Could be nice to push ideas (and ways to finance them) in this thread and somehow send to Trump´s hq.

Aside from a wall, it should be turned into a permanent duty station for US Military.

Free containers filled with free dirt, this is a no-brainer.
Would wig-out the lefty hipsters who love cargo container architecture and re-purposing etc.

memelenials and the large amount of spics and niggers that are breeding faster than whites will guarantee that Trump is the last republican. The future democracy will be a one party system. We have to make this count, or we must do away with democracy.

Triple dubs son. 224411 inches deep.

3.5 miles son, geothermal energy plants will harness to warmth of the Earth while illegals cry themselves to sleep in the back of Army covered trucks.


Stack sideways.

Reinforced concrete with rebar is a shitty idea if you want something that'll last as long as the Great Wall or the Colosseum. What we need is pure interlocking concrete slabs

the hyperoloop is a pseudo-scientific meme.

I actually looked into this. I wanted to build a house out of shipping containers since the one in the Tron movie looked cool.

Shipping container construction doesn't work if anything except shipping containers is stacked on them, and if they aren't stacked directly on top of one another (so you cant stack em half on half off to make interior tunnels)

Also like 12 inches of dirt is enough to collapse the roof on them. They're a garbage structural support. Not to mention you'd need like a gorillion for the full length of the wall. I'm sorry but your idea was retarded. Pre-cast concrete is the cheapest, best solution. Aesthetic facades can be put on top of it.

Concrete walls on either side filled in with earth, 30 feet tall and 10 feet wide wall to wall. Underneath the ground will be a network of seismographs and other anti-tunneling instruments. The concrete pre-fabs on either side double the cost of the wall from initial estimates yet more than double its effectiveness. The earth barrier fully eliminates the possibility of breaking through with any manner of battering ram, vehicle, or explosive. On top of all that the earth itself will be free or next to free. The height can be negotiated down from 30 feet but 30 should be ideal to prevent scaling with ladders, etc.

I believe this is the cheapest, most effective, and realistic idea that has been proposed as of yet.

How bout making YAGE pics on the saide

The attached image is a hesko barrier commonly used in the military. It is not meant to convey what the wall would look like but a general concept of what is trying to be achieved.

Just wondering, (I'm cancuckian) can Pres. Trump use the military to close the border? If not could he release say a few divisions to reinforce the Border Patrol?
Seems like a first day kind of thing to do.






This is interesting. According to Giuliani Trump could begin construction on at least some portion of the wall on day 1 since its already approved. He'd just have to find the money.


God bless military technology for improving civilian life.

Every time I look at Hoover Dam, I just think one stick of dynamite at the base and it'd be all over. I'm sure its engineered to be ridiculously strong, but that dam (all dams) always just looked so … fragile to me

Impossible to build it thick enough without the cost skyrocketing to unimaginable levels. Stop being stupid.

The concrete can be reinforced with steel rebar. Steel is expensive. Dirt isn't.

I think it's pretty good for the miles and miles of empty space that Trump said he wasn't going to bother covering.

Populated places like Tijuana, Calixico, and Juarez need a HUGE wall, but the middle of the desert can be low energy.

Hmm fucked up the video here this should work.

As I was saying
I think it's a great idea

That's why it'd be pre-cast panels with a hollow interior full of trains, Mr. Brando

Fug off. No low energy fences even in the middle of nowhere.

Imagine if we covered the wall in shitposts like the Romans did.

Shipping containers would probably be 15-20x as expensive as concrete or stone by volume.

You're right about Tijuana though, if the average height for the wall is 40 feet they need a 75-100 foot wall 10 miles to either side of it.

Then read this post again, dumbass

Concrete walls filled with dirt as packing. Your autistic hollow wall would cost hundreds of billions. What you're asking for is the longest tunnel ever built with artificial walls thick enough to stop a cartel semi full of explosives. Factor in the height, train costs, and other expenses and your little architectural karyotype easily passes into the trillions.

Ok air-head, you'd rather have nothing in those spots.

I want a continuous wall from the Pacific Ocean to Gulf of Mexico with no gaps.

I have a future prediction. After the year 2020 or so, the graffiti covered Wall will be an iconic movie landmark in famous films that haven't come out yet.

A military hesco-barrier does not a wall make. And as the Navy knows, higher volume means lower price to make per part. Standardized panels along the entire length will greatly reduce cost. Plus the militarization can come out of our retarded military budget.

In future films where we, as grizzled old men, recount how we memed trump into the white house with black and white footage of shitposting

Same here m80, just, you know we can use the mountains already there as part of the barrier right? When you said 'low energy' I thought you meant cuckfences and such.

Fuck that.

Reference this post

I never said that. What you would do is standardize concrete panel the length of the border, do it again but 10 feet over and fill in the space between with dirt. This effectively acts as a hesco-barrier. We won't need to militarize the wall and our already ridiculous border patrol budget will be used for maintenance and border patrol in hot spots.

White Man graffiti =/= Nigger graffiti.

Even though the wall will be maintained by Feds it'll still border shitty spic and nig filled bordertowns. There'll be graffiti son. That'd be a good jobs program though, scrubbing wall graffiti.

Actually, we could dedicate portions of the wall to graffiti artists. I've seen that done in some cities and it turns out cool results sometimes.

It can't be allowed near the neoclassic portions though.

Cement. Concrete. Slabs.
Prevents rabbit tunnelling. Also needs to have anti-aircraft/aniti-projectile missiles along the wall. Pendulums won't hurt either.

I've had this idea of a layout for the wall.

Insanely expensive, into the trash.

But user, Mexico will pay for it.

Live wires need to be buried deep and long , across its great expanse.

They won't pay for that. Stop LARPing.

why not have multiple layers of moats filled with razor wire. Cheap and effective. USe Ground sonar to detect tunnels. Use cheap drones from obs points.

Have a weapons free zone. And recruit citizens to participate in the rounding up of these bastards. A citizen soldier program. Perhaps make it something that kids in school take part in.

Given the correct PR it will work nicely. It will bring a feeling of nationalistic pride back to the nation on all levels and races.

You'd only need minefields on the bordertowns like Tijuana. We don't need to mine the whole desert. Also that's retardedly expensive like said.

lel, and what the fuck do they have in terms of leverage to say no? Their tacos?

Both you diluted fool

Don't forget to add a TODESSTREIFEN.

Also, isn't it queer how they all intend to run to Canada and not Mexico? Food for thought, I suppose. Perhaps an appetizer more so.

Their newfound excuse is

They do nothing but profit off us both in trade and the free shit we give them because of "muh drug war." If they refuse we can just bar their trade until they decide to bend the knee. Even if they decide to start a war they don't stand a chance. So it's either give us money for the wall, or have a giant American dick up their ass.

Really? That is truly deplorable. I bet most of them don't even parle français.

For shame, user.

Stop LARPing right the fuck now.

Are you Mexican, user?

No, I'm tired of idiots like you. You actually lower the quality of discussion by proposing obviously impossible solutions to a very simple problem.

Nothing is impossible with enough men on the job.

Can't possibly argue with that logic.

Then propose an idea you giant faggot instead of getting triggered over larping and "muh expensives even though Mexico will pay for it."

Here's a simplified version for your poorfag ass.

don't forget the aftermath, some people will get through, and they need to be sent to Nauru for final sol.. processing, otherwise they'll keep coming back

And thinking about it, it's almost plausible with today's technology. Photovoltaics on the US side, MASER emitters on the other. Anyone tries to jump that and they'll end up burned like a sphincter after taco bell.

Oh shit I can't spell.

Here, dumbass. Welcome to the productive thread before you came along.

Nice no arguments faggot. I was proposing a layout you spic.

CNN has hilariously already provided us with how to build the wall itself anyways.

How is it impossible?

If Mexico refuses to aid in building the wall and controlling the illegal immigration problem, you can

1. Impose tariffs on all products to pay for it that way
2. Immediately expatriate all illegals back without giving them a chance to properly prepare their infrastructure
3. Cut all funding or humanitarian aid given to them
4. official remove the Monroe Doctrine as it applies to them.

And many more things.

The person I was replying to proposed a wall featuring everything but sharks with lasers. That had nothing to do with realistic proposals of a physical barrier.

10/10 post

Maybe instead of building a 2k mile long wall, we let the Texas militia loose on Mexico, and after the beans get refried, we build a much less expensive wall on the South America side of the Panama Canal.


Funny, but why does Trump's face have a question mark on it?

It's hardly impossible to propose a proper wall instead of just concrete slabs.

Fucks sake, we need to make it look nice too, it's got to be something that even libtards wont want to tear down. Like I said, something neoclassic.

This is bait, but
I know its too hard for your tiny, mongoloid brain to comprehend, so that's why we colonize your lands

I think they may just be overwhelmed. They need to calm and look to the past of megastructures. I have the good grace to feel it in my bones.

A wall, is just a long bunker. May as well start adding some filairee.


That's a great idea. If the Wall is an important strategic or economic point, they can't tear it down for no reason.

Excellent. Sums up the entire left succintly.





this is my proposal

Anyway, I think the best solution would be to scale up highway dividers. Trench first and let it plunge the sky. Enough rebar will fix any job.

Illegals dying of thirst while we shoot them with nerf guns from helicopters?

to prevent this sort of thing

Covering the mexican side in a sealant/stucco type material would go a long way. Formulate something that would radiate heat back on anyone climbing and perhaps react to sweat becoming slippery?


a nerf-or-nothing immigration policy would be pretty based all things considered

Maybe something like this? Using natural ressources would be both very cost effective and stable.

A buddy of mine had a spare charge and took this photo courtesy of his TrumpIndustrialProducts® time machine.

Bro, the Esther wall was invisible. Explain to me how that shit is going to appear visually.

Its so good to see people still using my wallpapers! Also, checked.

she is quite the qt3.14