Farage First UK Politician To Meet Trump
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Didn't the UK at one time wanted to ban Trump,I think he should remind their media that.
Look how happy they are together, like two old friends
This is the greatest photo of all time.
Trump is slim as shit
I had a hearty kek at this
Nigel has fucking giant hands tho
I love farrage but i dont know if ill be able to forgive him for not seizing the opportunity after brexit. Ukip would be in a brilliant position if he hadnt stepped down. I understand why he did it but that chance will never come again.
Prime minister Farrage and President Trump would be incredible. Half way there already.
He does seem to have lost weight since the start of the primaries. Good for him. He realizes now that he has to stay healthy until 78.
Wasn't he wearing a bulletproof vest on the campaign trail?
Time travel is hard work, you have to run faster than light.
Epic. The man our media reviled and called "irrelevant" is now best buddies with the most powerful man in the world.
Farage and Trump to rule the world.
He's not wearing a bulletproof vest
Yeah, he was noticeably bulkier a couple months into the campaign, started doing every speech with his coat unbuttoned.
Leaders of the Free World right there, lads.
You must not have seen that picture of him golfing where he looks like he weighs about 300 lbs. Dont know how old it is, doesnt look that old though.
Those are some shiny doors.
I'm loving it
Good stuff
As you wish
He's doing so much stuff already
Thx fam
In before “HURR ABE HURR MODI HURR ORBAN”. I fucking know. There AREN’T any others of us in power or near it.
Posting Gondola is fine too
Danish one is totally wrong! Leader of the Danes Party should be there instead of the cuck financed by a banker and other rich men.
Some of the episodes of the Apprentice showcases his place
My greatest achievement on an imageboard has been attempting to meme Nige to the top.
Reality is built by the memes.
And it will be 10 inches bigger.
I get that they have to play looks and that he's a symbol of England, but I am so fucking salty right now over that comment holy shit.
fucked up m8
At least it's not a bust of some feminist cunt or whatever is in there now.
Leafanon, here. The traditional first meeting is usually with the Canadian PM, but I'd like to state for the record that I'm in no way bothered by the fact that the Donald preferred the company of a real man and not some reefer-addled pozpig. In fact, I'd prefer Trump not meet with Dildeau until the secret service can ensure that Donald won't contract AIDS from shaking his hand.
It's everything I thought it be. Beautiful. The Emperor even changed his hairstyle a little.
"…but I like where this is going."
Wasn't Churchill a Jew puppet?
Will we be seeing a return of the /DynamicDuo/?
I hope he chucks out that commie nigger bust of MLK in the trash while he's at it.
He really does live like a king.
These 3 are going to be a mega team lads.
At the end of 'are Nige's speech at the Trump rally Trump said to him "Thank you, you're my friend for life". Such a bromance.
Yeah, I'm with you on that.
Will the Trump Presidency be a patron to classical art instead of the pomo shit infesting the field today?
Fucking yes
Wew I forgot Farage grew out that fashstache. Looks like a parallel universe Farage.
Good news, I'm glad these cuckstablishment people are getting cucked like this.
I fucking love this reality lads. Two heroes become best friends.
also Trump's house looks like something that would literally belong to a God Emperor
Hopefully Trump doesn't do that.
Meme this please.
it'll be replacing the mlk bust
Top Kek I guess that's a good improvement.
No one to represent spain.. we are dead, we don't even have a real politician working for the country
I hope he meets with Putin then Duterte next.
This is some premium triggering material.
I'm so happy for their smugness.
What a year.
Shocking, the idea that talking shit about the potential next president of your neighboring country would have negative effects on your if that man is elected
The more I look at the picture the smugger it gets. Apex smug!
Looks like a "choose your character" screen.
It's habeebing
All we need now is Nigel
Skip to 7:00
This has serious meme potential
the next best thing you got is being annexed under trump
right in the feels
what the fuck, get india out of there
morning nige!
When did everything go so right?
Please replace Australia with Pauline Hanson.
I doubt the substitute drama teacher cares…but he fucking WILL, one of these days. Also, I long for the day that Putin shows up for an informal state visit and finally feeds him his perfect little teeth for talking big before our election.
Justin Trudeau says he would tell off Vladimir Putin 'to his face' if he becomes PM
That statement was designed to harvest salt. There is no way that shit is unintentional.
You can tell he wants to be bullied. He probably fantasizes about his wife pushing back on Putin's dong.
nobody pissed off as many leftie cunts as tone did though
That beautiful fucking bastard!
Did you really think that we could meme a man as the God Emperor if he wasn't obsessed with the color gold?
That's nice and all but who sits on those chairs? My dad has a huge house filled with dust and cold air. It's why I became a minimalist.
That golden backdrop made me want to do an edit with golden armor. It came out pretty high energy, IMO.
Fukkin' saved.
feels weird
They're watching a xeno drown in it's own blood.
Best post-election OC that I've seen yet.
It was just a bunch of asshurt Tumblrinas. Any petition that gets over a certain amount of signatures has to be discussed in Parliament, so they debated it briefly. They were never actually going to do it.
what about being reabsorbed by the UK?
Yep. Some of the politicians seemed interested in doing it though, especially that SNP shower, won't be forgotten.
Is this a tranny on the mic?
Wow I never noticed that, and I've seen this live and twice afterwards.
Pretty fucking awesome.
wew wrong thread
T: えーマジグローバリスト!?
F: キモーイ
T: グローバリストが許されるのは小学生までだよねー
F: キャハハハハハハ
Obama removed it so it's more of a fuck you to Obama than revering Churchill.
feminist cat ladies btfo
Yeah it was considered a major fuck you move by Obama towards Britain to take out the bust. It'd be a show of respect towards Britain to bring it back.
Ausfag chiming in, that really should be Pauline Hanson.
Sturgeon is a fucking retard, I swear
That's some luxurious OC, user. Saved.
where's Frauke Petry? and Jimmie Akesson from Sweden Dems? what about Iceland and the Swiss? also, shouldn't Hofer be there instead?
primarchs, fool
This photo just oozes winning.
Very nice (and all that Gold!)
I'm Australian. Abbott does not belong in the company of nationalists - this cunt is the epitome of cuckservative. What on earth were you thinking, user?
I had Abbot up because he shattered the shitters of pro-invader faggots.
I swapped Petry for Höcke because… females in politics.
It's a great image, but it's missing a glass of beer.
No, he has been wearing a bulletproof vest for 1 and half years dummy
Muh 15000 gorillion injuns
Really dude? There weren't even a couple million Amerindians in North America at any point in time, they were nomadic tribes that lived in huts. They did not have the production required to sustain population count of millions.
What a stupid picture, and how stupid of its maker to trust the (((official numbers))).
Abbott is standard neocon fare, with a slightly better than average position on illegal immigration. His legacy is one of talking a big game to appeal to the party's right wing base, but cucking out on practically every decision. Completely undeserving of the God Emperor's company.
those are some luxurious dubs
nice to see where you really stand, britcuck.
thanks for showing that we can't trust you.
Trump is the Emperor and Farage is a custodes, one of the emperor's bodyguards. You can tell by Trump's armor and Farage's bolt-lance.
I love this
Fuck that's nice, well done
Fox news I know was in the break room earlier today said your Farage was going to be in the US this weekend meeting with Trump. Then they said the campaign was close to releasing who the pick for chief of staff would be I think chief of staff. He's also scheduled on Justice with Judge Jeanine on Sunday night and it's a special edition.
Are we stealing your Farage?
I hope so, Farage is the hero us Brits need but one we don't deserve.
Good lad. Let Farrage be the only Brit to be able to get through toTrump.(That scheming English nationalist fuck Farrage set this whole thing up) which is totally fine. Good on him. Let's work together to remove the menace.
Notice Farage is wearing a union jack/us flag pin.
This, even Roger Stone said he hated wearing it on the campaign trail because it's hot and makes him look fat
Good fucking catch, user.
Holy fuck dude, I gotta admit it took a few months for me to really understand the greatness of our next President, but if I had seen a picture of that ceiling it would've been instantaneous.
Great OC, user.
This is all Gold
Make America Bretty Gud Again?
also consider those dubs checked
my god they're standing in front of the Eternity Gate
how can this meme magic keep going.
So who would make a great Malcador?
the next eight years are going to be marvelous
As a bong i honestly wouldnt mind, Farage is almostly completely neutralised over here due to how fucked up our government, media and his own party are, he simply doesnt have the resources to combat it effectively.
He has the popular support mind, but attempting to utilise that would simply accelerate a civil war, and we dont enjoy americas luxury of that being in the peoples favor due to lack of guns and proximity to the rest of europe.
If what it takes to make Britain Great again is are nige gathering reinforcements, then so be it, the rest of us will hold fast until he returns with the light of the emperor at his back.
With Trump as president we'll just airdrop the guns in, and then remove Londonistan.
soon to be anglo/ivan alliance
hopefully the germanics can uncuck themselves as well
Yeah I think a lot of "leaders" are going to learn that passive aggressiveness, the language of the cuck, is not going to work well against Trump.
That's fucking beautiful, lad. Top fucking percentage.
Saved, great job.
Content thee, gentle coz. Let him alone.
He bears him like a portly gentleman,
And, to say truth, Verona brags of him
To be a virtuous and well-governed youth.
I would not for the wealth of all the town
Here in my house do him disparagement.
Therefore be patient. Take no note of him.
It is my will, the which if thou respect,
Show a fair presence and put off these frowns,
An ill-beseeming semblance for a feast.
That's fucking pathetic. So we are playing the identity politics game too? By that logic you have to swap out Le Pen for Sarkozy "because womyn." Also, you forgot Geert Wilders.
Hofer's chances look good in December, so Austria will be in.
We're gonna make all of Western civilization great again.
This past year has probably seen the greatest amount of OC since the mid-00s
Excuse me casual, if the God Emperor is still up and walking around they weren't mere Custodes. At that time they were the Emperor's companions, not mere bodyguards but a personal army.
oh my fucking god it's beautiful
This. 100%
He gets treated like utter shit here by liberals and the press.
I always look at the replies to news tweets about him and its always filled with "Who cares what that old racist says?!" tweets.
Our MPs mock him every chance they get too, its infuriating.
He is a fucking national hero and his antics should be taught to kids in future history lessons.
I'm surprised the room hasn't exploded from the sheer amount of smugness in one room. Here's to a bright future and a brighter relationship.
t. britbong.
Need a pepe version
Stunning. Is the future behind those doors is that their new gilded cage?
It's not meant to be serious, calm your 'tism.
Obama removed the Churchill bust because he was angry that Churchill killed niggers in Africa, and according to a dubious claim, the UK under his direction had tortured Obama's marxist grandfather (there's every reason to believe Obama's grandfather made the story up to burnish his marxist cred.)
It was a message that he hated the UK and its colonial history.
In order of preference.
Will he ever abandon chaos and return to the light of the God Emperor?
unlikely but I like him and Dubya the most, they should be forgiven their crimes
Forgiven? No. let them serve this land in a penal legion until they can earn forgiveness with service unto ==death== .
fine with me
dubya did nothing wrong, it was cheney in charge
jeb is slime that wishes he was part of the corrupt inner circle
Now I was against the TPP and the TTIP, but I'm all for a good strong trade partnership between the newly un-cucked America and the newly un-cucked Britain. Together we will show the globalists that the world does not need them.
But I don't want to hurt an autistic child althogh I live under the assumption that all of HW's kids are autismos
Yeah nah.
Daniel Carlsen and the Danes Party is the shit. Its litterally a rebrand of the Naziparty.
They're both autists.
Dubya is the kind of autist that generally just wants to be a NEET, but will come out to do something to not disappoint his parents from time to time.
Jeb vehemently denies he's autistic and tries to hang out with the cool crowd completely unaware when they mock him to his face.
wouldn't it be neat to have a template of all european flags so people can add their national heroes on top of them. see which country gets to coolest delegation.
brit/pol/ was worth skimming that day
I think the younger they get the retarded they become
Farage has left an indellible mark on American right wing politics. He's going to be fondly remembered and regarded for a very, very long time.
Why fucking live?
Murica and Britain are reking it and leading the way for the white revolution against the (((NWO)))
Can you imagine the smug on his face right now
Was it a skype group chat?
Farage's shit eating laughter is so infectious.
We have to do something about Canada
2016 in a nutshell
Go back to leftypol.
Geert is a kike shill, by the way, you fucking faggot. Thanks for outing yourself as a leftist.
Become that politician user.
Start your own group
Add Austria and Nobert Hofer. He's got a serious chance to take power as a "far right" nationalist party on the dec 4 election unless it's rigged and stolen from him (again)
Also is Modi not a nationalist? Isn't the BJP party he represents Hindu nationalist?
No, just a Jew.
he is, but some people think we shouldnt be bothering with non whites. personally i think its good to show ppl that the current back swing extends outside of our own sphere, on the other hand with that logic bibi should b on there 2
Putin was the happiest when Bush was in the white house.
I'd kill to have a beer with this guy, and I don't even drink.
Well Abe is there too, and the post WW2 far right has always kept an eye on Japan's right wing for its closeness in character. Duterte needs to be added too, at least replace the turkroach with him
Goys weren't Gondolas some sort of ancient spirit or something? Racial memory must be real.
Not all men are gods, user. That doesn't mean we can't be good men.
US, UK and Russian alliance?
Can the world even stand up to such might?
Pan-Anglosphere-Russian Alliance is best Alliance tbh.
Where my boy Duterte at?
The Northern Globe Alliance
Looks like Nigel might actually getting that position. Godspeed britbongs, couldn't have done it without you guys. Yet again the Anglo nations shape the future of the Western World.
Why not replace it with a bust of Enoch Powell or Mosley?
It's Powell or Mosley for fuck sake, no one cares about your chubby british jew pawn.
Same here but we have to remember that the true history of Churchill is not so well known. He's still revered by Britain as a heroic symbol keeping a stiff upper lip during wartime.
fuck off, cunt
I thought Eric was the Holla Forumsack
I'm getting flashbacks, guys…
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump's new chief strategist Steve Bannon 'will call Nigel Farage before Theresa May'
Indeed, it is beautiful.