I want that shit to be seen from space
do you think it will become a tourist attraction like the one in china ?
I want that shit to be seen from space
do you think it will become a tourist attraction like the one in china ?
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Seriously how old are you?
Chinese wall took 800-1500 years to be completed and spanned across many dynasties which was thanks to chinese patriotism.
Are you so sure America will survive the next 25-30 years or better yet don't you think the next president after trump will not hat the building with his own executive orders.
what wall is that?
Imagine, 20 million white American patriots as a team completing the wall under schedule and under budget. And at completion Trump reveals his new policy: Skin colour darker than snow is under immediate persecution. RWDS are awaiting deployment.
It should be white and have art on our side.
Chinks can't do anything on their own, you cuckold niggerfaggot. Had there been wall-building IP to steal back then, they'd have had it built in a fraction of the time.
Its from a movie with huge space octipie that first showed up it mexica
I liked it but i cant remember the name the aliens don't show up till the last 20 mins
I want Dark Souls-like architecture.
Think of how big the wall connecting lothric to the rest of the mainland in dark souls 3 is.
that high, with spires and rooms inside, like a big fucking castle.
And on the spic side, their graffiti won’t work.
It really has to be architecturally beautiful.
My big sis says they can build it out of white marble or a similar substance if they're going for aesthetics since America loves their neo-classic stuff.
We can hire Italians then. Once the work is completed they stay even it means we black bag their families.
What about Indiana limestone, like the Washington Monument?
There might not be enough marble in the world available right now to complete such a project.
However, you can make concrete that looks similar to marble. Unless you've really worked with concrete, you wouldn't know the amazing shit you can do with it.
If I were Trump, trying to build something and make a statement, I would use concrete with dyes and recycled glass to make something unique, structurally sound and different.
He would be making it from concrete cast like the Israeli wall for cost reasons, but he could really jazz it up and make it look great, unlike Israel's wall.
There's stampwork, too, that doesn't cost a lot but would make the wall very aesthetically pleasing.
Pic related is concrete and recycled glass.
Why not rammed earth?
Looks like my shit after I eat something with corn. Seriously why yellow.
Why bother building a wall when its cheaper and more effective to use landmines?
Landmines are maintenance-free, can last over 50 years and you can jump across a minefield like you can jump over a wall
He's going to use the concrete prefab cast stuff just because it's so cheap.
I'd want it out of something expensive, but the reality of constructing this wall is going to be the cost.
Basically, they'll be pouring concrete into molds, getting it dry and that will be a panel of wall construction. Repeat until wall is complete.
Knowing how a builder thinks, I guarantee this will be how it's put up due to budget.
But like I said, there's a lot you can do with the concrete itself. Mixing in dyes and recycled material and stamping will make it look pretty much any way you'd like it to look. And it won't cost much to do. It may even save money if he uses recycled glass instead of gravel and it shows a commitment to the environment and he can pretend it's eco friendly from recyclable material.
In a dream world, I'd have it made from solid marble, but for real. It'll be cast concrete panels.
I meant you can't jump over a minefield
Anyway, I got trips
That's wrong faggot, there are actually two Chinese walls.
The only one that was built before the mongols invaded China, way back, it was essentially a series of earthern mounds and palisades.
The new one which was built by the Ming dynasty after the mongols tried to conquer China a second time, the new world was built on top of the old one, and is the actual wall you know today. It was built under a single dynasty, under a much shorter timeframe. Granted the economic preasure from such a huge project was one of the things that led to the dynasty's downfall, but we have modern tech now, and guess who that economic preasure is landing on. Say it with me. MEXICO.
Checked. That part does look shitty, but the black/glass looks nice. Don't forget, you can get concrete to dry as smooth as glass if you want. It even has a gloss on it if you dry it correctly.
get the fuck out of here, the shit was started in fucking BC. you know we have come up with ways to build things faster in the last 2000 years
3D printed walls using recycled buildings and shit.
Isn't there a Roman concrete that was recently discovered that lasts longer than any other kind of concrete in the world? Even with Salt water smashing into it 24/7?
Roman concrete that lasts thousands of years stopping salty tears.
Meme it.
I never worked with concrete, but I'm sure you can make it look similar to marble.
I never said it has to be marble, just has to inspire that old Greek aesthetic.
This is the way we should do it.
Something like in video related.
Start of video and about 1 minute in
Oh that can definitely be achieved. Quite simply, too. He could make it look like Greek marble for a very low cost. Knowing Trump, why wouldn't you?
Does anyone know who Trump's favorite architects are?
I'm thinking Trump will do something more grandiose than that, this is his chance to create a new American monument that might as well have his name on it.
The recipe was lost to history. >He's going to use the concrete prefab cast stuff just because it's so cheap.
It should be rolled,not cast. We could build a 200ft tall wall. the soil beneath it would be too compact for the cartels to dig.
It's from a movie called Monsters from like '06 or so.
Decent flick.
wallspo thread?
Rolling sounds like a less expensive process tbh fam.
I hope he gets to build it from his choice of materials and construction, but I just want spics to stay in Mexico. Whatever the wall is built from, as long as it does the job is fine with me.
What if the wall had billions of gallons of water flowing over it?
So mexicans can get free water?
Have you forgotten that tech has progressed a bit since the Chinese built their wall?
I don't think you get how this whole wall thing works, obviously the Mexicans have to pay for the water, whether they want it or not.
I guess the new walls took less.
Also, the Great Wall can't be seen from space. That's a myth: astronauts used to mistake a river with the wall (Yangthze, I believe).
There are, though, man-made structures that can be seen from space, depending from your point of view.
lmao ever heard of the american highway system?
Granite is another quality material native to the US in large quantities. An added benefit: it doesn't dissolve in acid like marble does. A cladding over a reinforced concrete interior keeps the elements out of the concrete and pretties it up
why people think its going to be JUST a wall