NEW Ron Paul interview on Trump, shadow government

NEW Ron Paul interview on Trump, shadow government


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Old man is just jealous at this point, kind of sad to watch.

He said a decent amount of positive things about Trump if you actually watched it.

Just make him his treasurer so we can drain the swamp.

Ron Paul is a faggot, but he's right here about the deep state.

Too little too late. The old bitch was signalling against Trump all along the way.

Is Ron Paul tied to the oil kikes in any way?

first time every time, what kind of tech do you guys use to always post first anyway?

You think he voted for Hillary?

Another thread soon to be slided by TIDF shills and bumplocked

Holla Forums is unreadable today. Every thread is shills arguing with shills.

He is not tied to any kikes, as he wants to audit the fed. Had he not been betrayed by Sanders, he probably could have.

Well the solution is simple Ronny P.

Walk up to Trump and ask to be on his white house team. And then let us do the rest.

I think it's irrelevant who he voted for becauae he campaigned for Hillary by opposing Trump, which has a much stronger effect. Doesn't matter if he voted Trump if he convinced thousands not to vote for him. Ron Paul is a traitor and should be hanging by a rope from an overpass.

He opposed them both but spoke more positively about Trump.

Ron Paul is tied to Rockefeller kikes like all libertarians are. Libertarianism is a controlled opposition movement that is favorable to the elite because it preserves their most important policy positions (free trade and open borders).

Then he convinced people to vote third party. Still just as bad. If he wasn't backing Trump, then he was de facto backing Hillary. He should be executed for treason.

Fuck off nigger, you know just as well as I do that Ron Paul would make a better president than Trump.

Gold kikes, if any.

What are you, a sith? I find your lack of faith disturbing. Being capable of critical thinking is not weakness nor is it allegiance with the enemies. Fanatical zeal is not the only method to have unified front.

In this video he says that Trump may have challenges due to how much can be done by the "shadow government".

Libertarians are not all Ayn Rand, some are focused on the constitution of the USA, and about being a far less intertwined with the rest of the world. Most of them sound like that, in fact. I mean, sure, the ideology is far from perfect, but it is just another form of "go back to the functional model."

you are starting to see why this doesn't work, right?

i remember when i was a libertarian

What makes you think that?

Uh no. Ron Paul is a fucking faggot and libertarianism is finally dead in the USA, as it should be. Ron Paul will soon join his Jewish ideology in the grave of history.

This backs what Ron is saying

Looks like he's very exited with Trump winning.
Sure, he's cautious but this is the closest that he's come to endorsing him.

First off, of course he supports free trade, free market and open borders. That's part of being a lolberg. But none of that matters since he'd only be acting under the capacity of anti-fed reserve person.

Thirdly, he does not support feminism. Ron Paul's pretty damned conservative, he just doesn't talk about social issues and prefers to let states handle them.

I'd just like to point out that the timestamp on the video is 2:33 right when he says 'shadow government'.

Ron Paul does not support the constitution. He supports an ahistorical Jewish reinterpretation of the constitution outside of the context of American political and ideological history.


Yes he does. He support equal rights for women, which makes him a feminist by definition. All libertarians are feminists.

Leftypol detected.


Wow, it's almost like you think Jews are closely associated with the creator god. They aren't. Moloch only eats children. He doesn't create them.

I've read that the CIA is all far-left globalists from the Director down to the janitors at Langley. If so, they're going to do whatever they can to throw a spanner in Trump's plans to cooperate with Russia.

he's only good for the "IT'S HAPPENING" memes and that's about it

Why wouldn't I think that? Only one of these two people wants to end the Jewish control of our money supply, and the other is a stereotypical Israel-centric republican. Don't get me wrong, Trump's certainly a better choice than anyone else running this election, but Ron Paul is committed to actually rooting out the source of Jewish control.

This isn't what a free market is. It implies legal restraint on interference by the state in trade, a concept which was in fact invented by Jews.

Trump is opposed to the fed, and he is a lot more intelligent than Ron Paulberg.

Right, when the fed still exists in four years and we still send Israel billions in aid money, don't say I didn't warn you.

CIA was created by bankers. It is a proxy for Jewish finance.

i think Trump understands that the current money system is bad, but i'm not sure he has a workable solution for it

i remember him talking about the debt in an interview and it seemed like he understood very well how it works, but he didn't have a real solution

Look, Rob Paul knows his shit regarding the fed, but all he wants is an audit. He'd never root out the "problem". Trump, on the other hand…

Kabbalah divinations are not an argument, Moshe.

Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally. Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy. Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.

He's said end the fed for years, even going out of the way to say an audit isn't enough.

Yet he won't get on board even with an offer to be granted a power position that would allow him to move forward on that. He fights his own ally on the matter. That says it all.

No, you're all fucking mad if you think he is even aware at all of Jewish subversion. He's a trade protectionist and beyond Israel his foreign policy is competent, that's why I supported him. I supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 to end the federal reserve, and free our government from the Jewish usurers' grasp.

He's already getting them to name themselves. You simply cannot comprehend the level he's playing on.

And yet, he wants to name a representative of Goldman Sachs as his treasury secretary.

This looks like a sorry attempt at divide and conquer. Back in 2008 and 2012, he was exactly what our country needed. Things have gotten progressively worse since then, and now we need Trump's nationalism to turn the tide. Paul will continue to hold his philosophy, and Trump will continue to hold his own. That the two are somewhat opposed does not change the fact that Holla Forums repects the both of them.

goy dynamic
again, you simply cannot comprehend the level he is playing on.

You're not serious are you? He supports open borders, so he is anti-white and unfit to be president. Simple as that.


The F5 button and a lot of dedication, methinks

And Norquist is probably right about the only way to solve it. Starve the fucking Beast (and perhaps legalize drugs to cut off black budgets)

If you mean a stepping stone for something better then sure. Certainly not an end, same goes for Trump.

Trump isn't a nationalist, neither was Paul for that matter.

Nice sage by the way

You're full of shit, but I'll check those digits anyways.

remove self

Great argument.

In addition he stood explicitly against Cultural Marxism. He is pretty based.

Wow that's a stellar not-an-argument you've got yourself there.

This is why you can't be taken seriously, and if this is the "old Holla Forums" us "trumpfags" have somehow subverted, then I am glad. FUUUUUUCK YOU.

Unless you have a legitimate source no one here is inclined to believe that. The last thread about this used an article citing "unknown sources" as "proof", i.e. pure bullshit.

The Palestine issue. Its understandable though I don't think Ron has any beautiful Jewish grandchildren
The source is Anthony Scaramucci, one of Trump's donors and one of his campaign finance managers.

Lets see now, going by your own logic this would undoubtedly make guys like McCain and Romney nationalists. Unless of course your twisted definition of a nationalist includes sending aid and fighting wars for other countries when it doesn't benefit us to.

Great job dipshit, you BTFO yourself.

But .. he said the truth..

He's a nationalist because of his trade protectionism, not because of his foreign policy.

Now how'd i know you do that?

Well shit. Now I just hope one of the other rumours turn out true instead. Tres-Sec is too important of a job to be used as an nth-dimensional chess pawn.

What the fuck are you trying to say? Trump is a nationalist because of his trade protectionist policies. The standard run-of-the-mill republicans are not nationalists because they are not trade protectionists. Do you understand that or not?

You're an idiot


In other words you do have a twisted understanding of what a nationalist is.

Then that would mean he really isn't a nationalist, you fucking idiot. Stop trying to save face after you were to look like a fool through your own words.

The other idiot's words: "the other is a stereotypical Israel-centric republican"

His own "logic" is retarded as is yours. In what world would America First include what the idiot above has accused him of.

I'm sure the guy who gave a speech on ZOG would envision his idea of America First to mean Israel First. No user, you're the idiot along with the other fool who needs to pick up a fucking book.

No, you're a fucking retard.

His policies all result in a whiter America than we have today. Deportation of spics and economic relief of working class whites means more white babies and less brown ones. He is closely working with Jeff Sessions, who is basically a covert white nationalist. It is the best we can get apart from directly genociding the non-whites, which isn't going to happen under any president (especially not anti-white lolbertardians like Ron Paul).

I still remember the faggots that shit up the original Trump threads shilling for this loser's son, wanting anons to waste their time and memes on that POS manlet. Great times were had blowing you faggots the fuck out. Now, you want anons to waste their time listening to this loser again. Fuck you.

Because nationalism is completely divorced from foreign policy you fucking dolt, it's a matter of national pride and economic policy alone.

How is he neocon, shit for brains?

He isn't even "Israel-centric" anyway. All of Trump's foreign policy positions would harm Israel and disrupt their regional strategy. Just because he gives them a few token reassurances and compliments doesn't mean anything.

I see, so if Bush had thrown some protectionism into the mix and his foreign policy remained the same as it did then you would call him a nationalist, correct?

Why are you asking me when he is the one who is basically saying it (at least in regards to foreign policy)?

His words: the other is a stereotypical Israel-centric republican

Feminism is about destroying patriarchy (and therefore civilization). Equality does this just well as putting women above men. Both are harmful, equality just takes longer for the harm to manifest.

Now feminism is not Trump's strong point, but hopefully his pro-family policies will result in larger Christian families who will encourage natural roles for men and women. It will take a long time to roll back feminism and repeal women's suffrage, so we will need to get working on it now.

Yes. He'd be an interventionist nationalist instead of an isolationist nationalist but a nationalist nonetheless.

Oh look a jew got the first post, what a surprise

Sorry, misread your post.

Underrated post

Good lord you are fucking dumb! Yes a nationalist CAN technically intervene in other countries (say Iraq for instance) but here's the catch, stupid. A nationalist does it for HIS country's benefit NOT another.(Israel). I'm done trying to explain nuance to you. Lurk more or kill yourself.

And we've absolutely benefited from every war we've fought since the war of 1812. We absolutely benefited from kicking the shit out of Iraq, you have no idea how much wealth those wars created for us.



Ron Paul was our Bernie down to the preplanned loss and taking our money

The loss was preplanned, but that doesn't mean RP knew about it. A close examination of RP throughout the years that he has spent in congress, comparing his words with his actions, shows a clear picture of the closest thing this world will ever see to an honest politician. Unless there is some kind of wikileaks release of emails from RNC camp circa 2012, the more likely scenario is that he did not read the Art of the Deal, and while his message did resonate with a huge spectrum of support, he did not have the capability to effectively undermine the media and establishment attacks against him.